--- Log opened Thu Sep 02 00:41:09 2010 00:41 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:26 -!- [R] [~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:38 -!- [R] [~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:18 -!- michael__ [5d6836cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:19 < michael__> hi just tried to install iloader along your guide. ipod hangs now on a dark screen with a slight apple visible. pls help 17:19 < michael__> it is a nano 2g 8gb 17:20 < TheSeven> this happened when rebooting after running ipodpatcher? 17:20 < michael__> yes. after disconnecting it stayed in this stage. I can enter apple diag menu. 17:20 < michael__> but nothing else 17:21 < TheSeven> you should be able to enter disk mode, too 17:21 < michael__> what is combination for disk mode? 17:21 < TheSeven> select+play 17:22 < michael__> yes works 17:22 < TheSeven> hmm weird 17:22 < michael__> maybe I used the very long *.ipodx file. 17:23 < TheSeven> if it locks up with the apple logo on the screen and backlight off, this probably means it decrypted the firmware successfully (and checked its signature), but for some reason the boot stub doesn't get far enough to even initialize the display 17:24 < michael__> how do I delete it in disk mode to try it again? 17:24 < TheSeven> retrying probably won't help 17:24 < TheSeven> this is most likely a bug on my side somewhere 17:25 < michael__> ok. sad. how do I delete the loader from the ipod? 17:25 < michael__> do you need more information for your development? Before I undo it ;) 17:25 < TheSeven> either remove it using ipodpatcher, or restore using itunes (while being in disk mode) 17:26 < michael__> what would be the command for ipodpatcher? 17:26 < TheSeven> hmm i hope it's sufficient information that it fails when booting though the apple bootloader 17:26 < TheSeven> i must admit i haven't tested that exact binary using the apple bootloader, only using embios execfirmware... 17:26 * TheSeven doesn't want to restore his ipod either :) 17:27 < TheSeven> see ipodpatcher --help for command line options 17:27 < TheSeven> it might just be ipodpatcher -d 17:28 < TheSeven> but i'm not sure if that works 17:28 < michael__> yes -d worked. apple says hallo ::) 17:29 < michael__> hmm. I try it again. now I know how to undo it. 17:31 < TheSeven> hm, it boots fine though execfirmware 17:31 < michael__> ok tried it again. right after safe disconnect in winxp it jumps to the dark apple and stays like this. 17:33 < TheSeven> apparently there's something wrong with the encryption 17:35 < michael__> ok. deleted it again. apple is up and running again. 17:35 < TheSeven> let me examine some things 17:35 < michael__> ok 17:36 < TheSeven> if we're lucky, i might get this sorted out in a few minutes 17:36 < michael__> what is the difference between the bin and the ipodx file? 17:36 < michael__> maybe try it with the bin? 17:37 < TheSeven> the bin is the unencrypted one 17:37 < TheSeven> the apple bootloader won't accept it 17:46 < TheSeven> michael__: could you try re-downloading http://the-seven.tk/download/ipod/iloader/ipodnano2g-installer0.2.0-iloader0.2.0-uninstaller0.2.0-embios0.1.0-embiosldr0.1.0-20100829.ipodx and checking if it works now? 17:46 < michael__> ok. wait 17:46 < TheSeven> this apparently was a really silly bug in the encryption code 17:49 < michael__> does not work. but different behaviour. the screen goes off and on with the dark apple. app. every 5 sec 17:49 < michael__> oh. I see a logo!!! 17:49 < TheSeven> huh? 17:49 < michael__> installing! 17:50 < michael__> iloader installation approaching 17:50 < TheSeven> what did you mean with "the screen goes off and on with the dark apple. app. every 5 sec"? how often did it do that? 17:50 < TheSeven> s/often/many times/ 17:51 < michael__> hard to say. 10-20 times. dark apple, then short blank, then again dark apple. 17:51 < michael__> then suddenly iloader appeared 17:51 < TheSeven> so apparently the installer crashed like 20 times but the 21st time it worked? now that's weird... 17:51 < michael__> (nice apple sign in loader btw :) ) 17:52 * TheSeven calls that a crapple :) 17:52 < michael__> so everything works. can start apple fw from iloader. 17:52 < TheSeven> did it go straight through the installation or ask you some things? 17:53 < michael__> yes after I said "see logo" it started the installation with one question if I wanted to keep apple. 17:53 < TheSeven> did you keep the firmware partition? 17:53 < michael__> yes. 17:54 < michael__> works. all files still there (started random play) 17:54 < TheSeven> hm, ok, so you could try uninstalling and reinstalling it again, to see if those weird reboots happen again 17:55 < michael__> you need the info? ok wait... 17:55 < TheSeven> just remove the iloader folder and unplug it 17:55 < TheSeven> it will probably immediately launch the installer again after the uninstall completes 17:56 < michael__> ok deleted the folder. apple still up. 17:56 < TheSeven> then just forcibly reset it 17:57 < michael__> I did. now it shows "could not load..." with some options 17:57 < TheSeven> ok 17:57 < TheSeven> choose "uninstall iloader" 17:57 < michael__> ok 17:57 < michael__> flashing 17:58 < michael__> uninstall successfully rebooting 17:58 < TheSeven> it'll probably drop right into the installer when it's done 17:58 < TheSeven> (with 5 seconds of apple logo in between) 17:58 < michael__> ah the dark apple flashes are there again 17:58 < michael__> and there is the iloader install screen 17:58 < TheSeven> now that's funny. 17:59 < michael__> flashes again 17:59 < TheSeven> btw, removing the firmware partition doesn't mean removing the apple firmware 17:59 < michael__> hm. ok. but it will delete all files? 18:00 < TheSeven> it usually shouldn't 18:00 < michael__> bootloader installed. successfully booted apple. 18:00 < TheSeven> only if there would be something wrong with your file system or a bug somewhere 18:00 < michael__> random play works too. 18:00 < TheSeven> it just means that you'll have to delete all files if you want to uninstall it again :) 18:01 < TheSeven> (because that will require restoring using itunes once the firmware partition was removed) 18:01 < michael__> ok. well. i have iloader and apple working. will install rockbox now. I am happy! 18:01 * TheSeven is still puzzled by those crashes 18:02 < michael__> :) 18:02 < michael__> looks like "trying" something several times before it works 18:02 < TheSeven> yep, but why? 18:02 < TheSeven> if you want to, you could try updating iloader (to the same version) 18:02 < michael__> well this is out of my universe 18:03 < michael__> with the bin right? 18:03 < TheSeven> just download the installer.bin and update.cfg file to the iloader folder and choose update from the advanced options in the iloader boot menu 18:03 < TheSeven> i'd guess that this *will* work the first time, for whatever reason 18:04 < michael__> ok wait 18:04 < TheSeven> it should just boot the installer again (from the .bin file) 18:05 < TheSeven> it should *not* flash a white screen and go back to the iloader menu directly 18:07 < michael__> I rebooted. show a screen of iloader but without lights. 18:07 < michael__> flashing and updating seems to work without lights. 18:08 < TheSeven> the backlight was on during the intial installation, but not when updating? 18:08 < michael__> yes 18:08 < TheSeven> but it *did* enter the installer and show the "flashing" bar? 18:08 < TheSeven> (it will be rather quick when updating) 18:09 < michael__> hmm somethin is wrong. the backlight is off always in iloader now. it goes on during apple start 18:09 < TheSeven> what the hell 18:09 < michael__> yes it installed (quickly) 18:10 < michael__> can I delete installer.bin and update.cfg 18:10 < michael__> ? 18:11 < TheSeven> yes 18:11 < TheSeven> those backlight issues are weird 18:11 < TheSeven> my backlight is working perfectly during the update 18:11 < TheSeven> it's just dimming briefly while the installer boots up 18:12 < michael__> hmm. the backlight is off now allways in iloader. was on before updating. 18:12 < TheSeven> even after rebooting from the apple firmware? 18:12 < michael__> yes. it is dark now. 18:13 < michael__> it goes on during the screen "booting apple" 18:13 < TheSeven> hmm. smells like i2c trouble. 18:13 < TheSeven> does the backlight work properly in rockbox? 18:14 < michael__> wait. need to install rockbox first 18:14 < TheSeven> if it's also failing there, your ipod probably doesn't like the slightly out-of-spec i2c clocking (~450kHz) that we use 18:16 < michael__> first rockbox boot. hmm. takes a while 18:16 < michael__> for what is the right key in iloader? what to load with it? 18:16 < michael__> rockbox seems to hang. 18:17 < TheSeven> it will just drop into the embios console, where you can see error messages that turned up during boot etc. 18:17 < TheSeven> (mainly intended for developers) 18:17 < TheSeven> if you have anything else to boot with it, feel free to change the theme (iloader.cfg) to do that 18:18 < TheSeven> this will require some basic programming knowledge though :) 18:18 < michael__> I hit it accidently and said "device terminated by user" or similar. 18:18 < TheSeven> yep 18:18 < michael__> ok 18:18 < TheSeven> it's waiting for you to tell it what to do (via USB) 18:18 < TheSeven> just reset it :) 18:19 < michael__> so. rockbox does not start ;( hangs on the boot screen. 18:19 < michael__> or it really take some time for first start. 18:21 < michael__> another thing. after puting update files into the iloader folder it directly started into advanced menu. this was the first time when backlight was off. so even before updating. 18:22 < TheSeven> hm, that shouldn't happen 18:22 < TheSeven> the advanced menu can only be reached by pressing the menu button in the "clickwheel" menu 18:23 < TheSeven> rockbox should usually boot within 1-3 seconds 18:23 < michael__> ok maybe i hit it accidently. but the light whre off the first time there. 18:23 < TheSeven> so apparently there's something funky going on with your ipod 18:23 < michael__> rockbox hangs on boot menu. tried it 3 times 18:23 < TheSeven> from what I can tell, it has trouble talking to the power management chip 18:24 < michael__> maybe. I thought all devices are the same? 18:24 * TheSeven wonders how it manages to power up the flash chip though 18:30 < michael__> hmm. just tried to do again an update. did not work 18:30 < michael__> hangs after pressing update 18:33 < TheSeven> with the backlight dimmed? 18:33 < michael__> ok. did it again. update ok. still no backlight. 18:34 < michael__> damn. rockbox does not start. this is why I did all this. 18:34 < TheSeven> let me try some things 18:37 -!- michael___ [5d6836cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:37 < michael__> its me. need to change pc 18:38 < michael__> talk to the new michael now 18:38 -!- michael__ [5d6836cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #freemyipod-support 18:39 < TheSeven> can you try updating to http://files.freemyipod.org/installer-nano2g.bin? 18:40 < TheSeven> hmm, wait 18:40 < TheSeven> apparently not everything was rebuilt correctly 18:40 < michael___> do I need also need a new cfg file? 18:40 < TheSeven> no 18:40 < TheSeven> but i'll have to change the bin again 18:40 < TheSeven> this one is bad 18:42 < michael___> ok. tell me then. 18:42 < TheSeven> http://files.freemyipod.org/installer.bin 18:44 < TheSeven> if that one works better, it's an i2c issue for sure 18:46 < michael___> flashing done. backlight still off 18:47 < TheSeven> try resetting it forcibly 18:47 < michael___> rockbox hangs 18:47 < TheSeven> still no backlight? 18:48 < TheSeven> but it works in the apple firmware? 18:48 < michael___> apple starts BUT no backlight in apple now!! 18:48 < TheSeven> seems like your PMU is going nuts 18:49 < michael___> what is PMU? 18:49 < TheSeven> power management unit 18:49 < michael___> battery? 18:50 < michael___> oh. backlight is on now!! just forced boot in apple! 18:50 < TheSeven> the chip containing the voltage regulators, backlight drivers, real time clock and (unused) charger circuitry 18:50 < TheSeven> and battery gauge of course 18:51 < michael___> iloader looks better now. rb still hangs 18:51 < TheSeven> enter disk mode (center button) through iloader 18:52 < TheSeven> is the backlight being dimmed when doing that? 18:52 < michael___> funny after entering appel and rebooting everything is black again. 18:54 < TheSeven> do you feel like installing some tools to track this down? 18:54 < michael___> hmm. ipod behaves strange. 18:54 < TheSeven> those tools being python, pyusb, libusb and a winusb driver 18:55 < TheSeven> this would allow you to send embios commands from the pc to manually access the backlight 18:56 < michael___> in general yes. but i need to do some work now. lets do this next week. 18:56 < michael___> or how long do we need for that? and does it work with win7? 18:58 < michael___> strange. after booting apple and entering standyby, ipod does not wake up. 18:58 < michael___> but after this happens and forcing reboot, iloader has lights! 18:59 < TheSeven> you should probably uninstall iloader now and check if any weirdnesses remain 18:59 < TheSeven> enter disk mode, run ipodpatcher -d and remove the iloader folder, than choose uninstall iloader 19:00 < michael___> to answer your question before, light is on in disk mode. although nothing else is apearing (white screen with backlight) 19:00 < TheSeven> urgh 19:00 < TheSeven> your ipod is really weird. 19:01 < michael___> so needed to reforce boot from disk mode (hang). after reboot lights still on but disk mode does not work. 19:03 < TheSeven> does the apple firmware still work? 19:03 < TheSeven> if yes, use that to run ipodpatcher -d and remove the iloader folder 19:05 < michael___> it does not recognize the ipod anymore. 19:08 < TheSeven> so you can see files on it but ipodpatcher doesn't get it? 19:08 < TheSeven> then just delete the iloader folder, uninstall iloader, and once it starts flashing hold center+play until you end up in disk mode 19:08 < michael___> no. apple was on, hangning and pc did not recognize the ipod. 19:08 < TheSeven> then run ipodpatcher -d and unplug it 19:09 < TheSeven> oh damn 19:09 < TheSeven> seems like the backlight is on, but the flash off now 19:09 < michael___> now i reboot but it hangs now on the iloader start screen (embios loader...) with lights but nothing else. 19:09 < TheSeven> which embios loader revision is that? 19:09 < TheSeven> r182:186M? 19:09 < michael___> 0.1.0 19:10 < michael___> 182m 19:10 < TheSeven> ok, so the one with the i2c patch applied 19:10 < TheSeven> try resetting it again 19:11 < michael___> ok i am in loader again. disk mode does not work.blank screen and pc does not recognize. 19:15 < TheSeven> why does iloader manage to access the flash, while disk mode doesn't? 19:15 * TheSeven doubts the root cause of this problem is in disk mode 19:17 < michael___> ok have file access. deleted iloader folder and did -d. disconnect now? 19:17 < TheSeven> yep 19:18 < michael___> apple is on. force reboot 19:18 < TheSeven> hm, it should reboot automatically 19:18 < michael___> hangs on em 19:18 < TheSeven> reset it again 19:18 < michael___> another reset, hang 19:18 < TheSeven> there seems to be some randomness in the behavior 19:19 < TheSeven> try resetting and immediately switching the hold switch on afterwards 19:20 < michael___> what should happen? 19:20 < TheSeven> it should say "entered recovery mode" or something similar 19:20 < TheSeven> the switch needs to be on *before* the embios loader screen comes up to do that 19:20 < michael___> did nothing. hang. but after releasing hold I see the could not load.... 19:21 < TheSeven> ok 19:21 < TheSeven> now choose uninstall 19:21 < michael___> yes flashing 19:21 < michael___> success 19:21 < TheSeven> phew, hopefully all the trouble should be gone now 19:21 < michael___> looks good. apple is there again. 19:21 < michael___> puh 19:22 < michael___> what is ctcp? 19:23 < michael___> was interesting. when iloader had light it was off in apple and vice versa. 19:23 * TheSeven has no idea how that should be related 19:43 < TheSeven> michael___: iloader created a file called norflash.bak during installation. do you still have that? 20:13 < michael___> where was ist savedß 20:19 < michael___> sorry. too late. deleted everything 20:36 -!- michael___ [5d6836cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:03 -!- michael___ [5d6836cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:03 < michael___> hey TheSeven: didi another try. iloader installed fin - in colour. but hangs on rockbox. 21:04 < michael___> deleted everything. used rockbox utility. now rockbox works without issues. 21:05 < michael___> give me a mail address and i will send you the norflash file from last installation 21:09 < michael___> bye 21:13 -!- michael___ [5d6836cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] --- Log closed Fri Sep 03 02:20:31 2010