--- Log opened Tue Sep 14 00:01:34 2010 00:01 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:25 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:30 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:19 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:28 -!- ToDestiny [c0cbde3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:28 < ToDestiny> Hey all! 14:28 < ToDestiny> Having trouble with my iPod 2G 14:29 < ToDestiny> I can't get a theme on iLoader...I've installed iLoader but it never recognizes my config file...It goes straight to the B&W screen. 14:29 < ToDestiny> Any thoughts? 14:30 < ToDestiny> I'm using iLoader .2.0 not the prelease 14:32 < Farthen> phew 14:32 < Farthen> what did you do exactly? 14:33 < ToDestiny> From the beginning.. I download the ipodpatcher .exe file and the iLoader .ipodx file 14:34 < Farthen> did you let iloader repartition your ipod? 14:34 < ToDestiny> the installation went fine ,and after it was done I restarted the ipod with no problem, Now I'm getting nothing but trouble :D 14:34 < ToDestiny> the ipodpatcher.exe file can't detect my ipod when I have it in disk mode, so I can't uninstall the firmware 14:35 < Farthen> it does not work like that 14:35 < Farthen> and you only need to install a theme when you have screwed something up because it ships with one as a default 14:36 < ToDestiny> ok update...the ipodpatcher.exe file detect my ipod and I can uninstall, or install loaders now 14:36 < Farthen> i would suggest you to delete the iloader folder and extract the theme again 14:37 < Farthen> you chose the dafault theme not the fastboot one, right? 14:37 < Farthen> *default 14:38 < ToDestiny> I right 14:39 < ToDestiny> I just reinstalled iLoader and it boots right to the error "no config file file" and I can power off diskmode etc 14:39 < ToDestiny> let me clarify 14:39 < Farthen> go to diskmode 14:39 < Farthen> then download http://www.the-seven.tk/download/ipod/iloader/themes/iloader-theme-default-0.2.2.zip and extract it to the root of your ipod 14:40 < ToDestiny> finished, now I can unplug the iPod 14:40 < ToDestiny> should I do a hard reset? 14:40 < Farthen> please safe remove it first 14:40 < Farthen> and then do a hard reset 14:41 < Farthen> it should reboot into the graphical iloader menu 14:41 < ToDestiny> not quite :) it still says no config file found 14:41 < ToDestiny> which is a problem for me 14:42 < Farthen> go back to disk mode 14:42 < Farthen> and now check that there is an iloader folder in the root of you ipod 14:42 < Farthen> please tell me which files are in there 14:44 < ToDestiny> I have the iloader.cfg, iloader.conf, installer.bin, update.cfg and my theme folder 14:44 < ToDestiny> some of those are files that I put in there, not files that are from the theme zip 14:44 < Farthen> so you have a structure like f:\iLoader\iloader.cfg ? 14:44 < ToDestiny> yes 14:45 < ToDestiny> my path file is I:/iLoader/iLoader.cfg 14:45 < Farthen> did you let iloader repartition your ipod and save the 100mb or not? 14:45 < Farthen> it asked that during installation 14:45 < ToDestiny> no...haven't seen of that yet 14:46 < Farthen> it should have asked you 14:46 < Farthen> well, nevermind 14:46 < Farthen> do you have itunes? 14:46 < ToDestiny> yes 14:47 < ToDestiny> should I try resetting the iPod? 14:47 < Farthen> please put your ipod in disk mode and restore using itunes 14:47 < ToDestiny> It is restoring...I have tried this in the past and it has still gone back to the iLoader B&W config error 14:47 < ToDestiny> but I'll see what it does now 14:48 < Farthen> it will do so again 14:48 < Farthen> then go to disk mode and start the iloader installer again 14:48 < ToDestiny> It's finished restoring the ipod and the ipod has the "iloader" main menu: Press menu for advanced options or press play for...etc 14:48 < Farthen> (using ipodpatcher) 14:49 < Farthen> your mean the config error? 14:49 < ToDestiny> using this command? 14:49 < ToDestiny> ./ipodpatcher -a installer*.ipodx 14:49 < Farthen> please specify the exact name of the file 14:49 < ToDestiny> i downloaded the file and renamed it to installer.ipodx 14:49 < ToDestiny> but the original filename is 14:50 < ToDestiny> ipodnano2g-installer0.2.1-iloader0.2.2-uninstaller0.2.0-embios0.1.2-embiosldr0.1.1-20100907-r206.ipodx 14:50 < Farthen> it know, it is very long ;) 14:50 < Farthen> so do ./ipodpatcher -a installer.ipodx 14:50 < ToDestiny> bootloader written to device it says 14:51 < Farthen> ok, safely remove your ipod and reset it 14:52 < ToDestiny> ok I'm at the iloader menu now 14:52 < Farthen> the one with the theme? 14:52 < ToDestiny> press menu for more options...press play and extract and iloader theme to your nano 14:52 < ToDestiny> that is were it is at now 14:52 < Farthen> *again*? 14:53 < Farthen> please go to disk mode 14:53 < Farthen> do you see an iloader folder there? 14:54 < ToDestiny> no; it is completely empty 14:54 < Farthen> then extract the theme again 14:55 < ToDestiny> ok my ipod now has one folder in it called "iLoader" , in which is the config file and the theme folder 14:56 < Farthen> ok, safely eject and reset it again 14:57 < ToDestiny> alas, the dreaded screen: iLoader-No config file! 14:57 < ToDestiny> power off diskmode, diagmode etc. 15:05 < ToDestiny> *sigh* I guess I'm stuck 15:10 < Farthen> try to uninstall iloader 15:11 < Farthen> theseven (the developer of iloader) should arrive here within one or two hours. he should be able to help more 15:11 < ToDestiny> is that done in ipodpatcher.exe? 15:11 < Farthen> no, just choose the "uninstall" option 15:12 < ToDestiny> on my ipod, I have 8 options 15:13 < Farthen> then you don't use the 0.2 version! 15:13 < Farthen> do you have some old versions of the installer floating around in your filesystem? 15:13 < ToDestiny> Power Off, Disk Mode, Diag Mode, NandFsck, iBugger, IldrCfg, Bwwelcom and bmnothem 15:13 < ToDestiny> let me look 15:13 < ToDestiny> hmm 15:14 < ToDestiny> I do have 0.1.3 on here 15:14 < Farthen> ooooooops 15:14 < ToDestiny> on my home folder that is 15:14 < Farthen> how did that happen? 15:14 < Farthen> did you already install iloader before? 15:15 < ToDestiny> yes, and then I tried doing an update to 0.2.0 I suppose 15:15 < ToDestiny> wait 15:15 < ToDestiny> one moment 15:15 < Farthen> please follow http://www.the-seven.tk/ipod/iloader/updating.php for updating 15:15 < Farthen> use the update-0.1.cfg 15:19 < ToDestiny> ok both files are now in my iLoader directory 15:20 < ToDestiny> same sorry story 15:20 < Farthen> you renamed update-0.1.cfg to update.cfg? 15:20 < ToDestiny> yes 15:21 < Farthen> it should have updated 15:21 < Farthen> what did it do? 15:21 < ToDestiny> nothing...no sign of updating 15:21 < Farthen> do you have some time to wait for theseven? 15:22 < Farthen> i *hope* he arrives soon but i don't know of course 15:24 < Farthen> because i can't help here anymore, i'm sorry 15:26 < ToDestiny> Yes, I will stay on for another hour and a half 15:28 < ToDestiny> Farthen? 15:28 < ToDestiny> I succesfully installed the 0.1.2 theme 15:31 < ToDestiny> how can I update from 0.1.2 to 0.2? 15:31 -!- cicio [4d2b19d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:32 -!- cicio [4d2b19d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 15:33 < ToDestiny> when I press menu and then update my ipod freezes 15:34 < ToDestiny> I believe I've got it fixed now 15:41 < ToDestiny> Ok, update, Rockbox works fine, version .0.2 works fine 15:42 < ToDestiny> I'd like to be able to revert to original apple firmware, but at least I've got a useable version of ipodloader :) many thanks to Farthen 15:43 < Farthen> what did you do? 15:43 < ToDestiny> lol, I installed the 0.1.2 theme, and then updated from there, and then installed the 0.2 theme, and then installed rockbox 15:44 < Farthen> a bit weird that updating only worked when there was a theme before... 15:44 < Farthen> well, you got it working 15:44 < ToDestiny> yep, I'm actually flashing back the the apple firmware 15:44 < ToDestiny> but at least now I know how to use it 15:44 < ToDestiny> Many, many thanks to you Farthen 15:45 < Farthen> you should be able to boot the apple firmware too after reinstalling iloader ;) 15:45 < ToDestiny> yep, It's booting right now :) 15:46 < ToDestiny> and it's back to the apple firmware 15:46 < ToDestiny> I appreciate it 15:46 < ToDestiny> had it not been for you I would still be faced with what I considered to be a broken iPod :) 15:46 < Farthen> np 15:47 < ToDestiny> I will bid adieu, but my thanks flies on to you guys for your hard work 15:48 -!- ToDestiny [c0cbde3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:30 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:10 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dreamxtre@] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:14 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:27 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:50 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:10 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:38 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:45 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 23:11 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Wed Sep 15 01:15:08 2010