--- Log opened Thu Sep 30 00:19:29 2010 00:19 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:19 -!- tumppi [563252f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:11 -!- pizzaboy192 [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:11 < pizzaboy192> HELP! 03:11 < pizzaboy192> My 2nd gen nano won't do anything but load iLoader anymore =( 03:11 < pizzaboy192> my Mac ate the drive, and won't restore my iNano either =( 03:12 < pizzaboy192> and to make matters worse, ipodpatcher won't see it =( 03:41 < pizzaboy192> I will try restoring my iPod using my netbook and iTunes... i'll see how it goes... 03:57 < pizzaboy192> I am guessing i need the iLoader folder from the Nano... If someone could zip it up, that'd be great 03:57 < pizzaboy192> My email is pizzaboy192@gmail.com 03:57 < pizzaboy192> please please please do help me 03:57 < pizzaboy192> i need this fixed ASAP 03:58 < pizzaboy192> time for a nap 04:51 < pizzaboy192> back... anyone one? 06:29 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:02 -!- pizzaboy192 [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:16 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 07:26 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:07 -!- pizzaboy192 [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:07 < pizzaboy192> Hello again 16:08 < pizzaboy192> I have classes and stuff today, but if someone could help me, that'd be great 16:08 < pizzaboy192> my iNano 2nd gen won't load past the iLoader screen. If someone has the folder to send me or if i can get a copy of the .cfg file to force it to upgrade, that would be awesome. 16:08 < pizzaboy192> Itunes won't restore it either. 16:18 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:18 < pizzaboy192> HELP! 16:18 < pizzaboy192> Please! 16:18 < pizzaboy192> my iNano 2nd gen won't load past the iLoader screen. If someone has the folder to send me or if i can get a copy of the .cfg file to force it to upgrade, that would be awesome. 16:18 < pizzaboy192> Itunes won't restore it either. 16:27 < benedikt93> pizzaboy192, hi. I myself can't really help you, but you should wait for TheSeven (~main dev) to come in, or maybe user890104 or Farthen might know, or you could check the logs at logs.freemyipod.org , there were already other people with such problem who got it solved, possibly you can find a solution there 16:28 < user890104> pizzaboy192: can you get to disk mode? 19:17 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:23 -!- inoth [594e529a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:23 < inoth> hello 19:26 < inoth> i tried to install iLoader on my ipod nano 2g, installer said that everything is ok, but now rockbox on my ipod cant load, and the only thing i can do is to restart ipod. I want to reset settings on ipod to default but my pc dont see it now. How could i do it? 19:46 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:05 < pizzaboy192> @inoth sounds like you're in the same boat I am in 20:05 < pizzaboy192> my iNano won't load anything but iLoader 20:08 < inoth> i just want to return to default settings 20:18 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 20:49 < user890104> can you select anything from the iloader menu? 20:49 < user890104> for example disk mode 20:56 < inoth> nope 21:07 < user890104> what does it show when you turn it on 21:08 < user890104> an iloader logo? 21:08 < pizzaboy192> user890104: still there? 21:08 < user890104> yes 21:08 < pizzaboy192> lol... didn't see the time 21:09 < pizzaboy192> my nano shows the logo and lets me go into disk mode, but when I try to restore it via iTunes, it doesn't work. 21:09 < user890104> what does itunes say 21:09 < pizzaboy192> it says I need to restore it 21:09 < pizzaboy192> every time 21:09 < user890104> and can you browse the files when you select disk mode 21:09 < pizzaboy192> even after a restore 21:09 < pizzaboy192> yes 21:09 < user890104> and is there an iloader folder 21:09 < pizzaboy192> no 21:10 < user890104> so you need to make one 21:10 < user890104> and put some files into it 21:10 < pizzaboy192> then what? 21:10 < pizzaboy192> what files do I need? 21:10 < user890104> just a second 21:11 < user890104> http://the-seven.tk/download/ipod/iloader/themes/iloader-theme-default-0.2.2.zip 21:11 < user890104> delete the iloader folder 21:11 < user890104> and extract the whole archive 21:11 < user890104> into the root folder of your player 21:12 < user890104> inoth: what about your problem, what happens when you turn on the ipod? 21:13 < inoth> i'm restoring defaoult setting on ipod right now 21:13 < user890104> with itunes? 21:13 < inoth> yep 21:13 < inoth> will it work? 21:14 < pizzaboy192> k... white screen now. 21:14 < user890104> inoth: yes, follow these instructions to uninstall: 21:14 < user890104> http://the-seven.tk/ipod/iloader/uninstallation.php 21:14 < user890104> pizzaboy192: any text on the white screen? 21:15 < pizzaboy192> nope 21:15 < pizzaboy192> reset and try again? 21:15 < user890104> yep, try a reset 21:15 < user890104> menu+center button 21:15 < user890104> it should at least load the iloader 21:15 < pizzaboy192> still white screen 21:16 < user890104> strange.. 21:16 < user890104> which iloader version are you using 21:16 < user890104> do you see an apple logo right after reset? 21:16 < user890104> before the iloader menu 21:16 < pizzaboy192> i was trying to upgrade from 0.1.4 21:16 < pizzaboy192> i se nothing 21:16 < user890104> and the upgrade failed? 21:17 < pizzaboy192> that's why i installed iLoader (To fix the White screen of death) 21:17 < pizzaboy192> i copied the files over, and the upgrade didn't load (because the iBook saw the device and initilized it) 21:17 < inoth> user, could you instruct me how to install linux on my ipod? 21:17 < inoth> i cant do that: Run the following command: * ./ipodpatcher -a installer*.ipodx 21:17 < user890104> inoth: on nano 2g it's not currently possible 21:17 < inoth> in my win 21:18 < inoth> ah ok 21:18 < pizzaboy192> remove the ./ 21:18 < user890104> only on older models 21:18 < pizzaboy192> for the command 21:18 < pizzaboy192> and it'll be fine 21:18 < user890104> pizzaboy192: now what happens after you reset the ipod? 21:18 < user890104> inoth: did you successfully uninstalled iloder? 21:19 < pizzaboy192> still white 21:19 < pizzaboy192> white all the time 21:20 < user890104> can you open system profiler -> usb and see if it is detected somehow 21:20 < inoth> @user yes 21:20 < pizzaboy192> i'm on my windows box and it sees nothing... 21:20 < pizzaboy192> tried to intsall a driver and then failed 21:20 < user890104> the driver install is a bit tricky 21:21 < user890104> the ipod has different IDs depending on which mode it is currently in 21:21 < pizzaboy192> what menu choice is the upgrade option? 21:22 < user890104> what do you mean 21:22 < user890104> in the iloader menu? 21:22 < pizzaboy192> yes 21:22 < user890104> i don't have a nano 2g 21:22 < user890104> but if it's showing white screen 21:22 < user890104> i don't think i can help you 21:23 < user890104> unless you manage to open iloader or disk mode 21:23 < pizzaboy192> i'll try another restore in itunes 21:23 < user890104> or maybe the fallback menu (recovery mode) 21:23 < user890104> ok, try it 21:25 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:27 < pizzaboy192> restoring... 21:28 < pizzaboy192> k... got the iLoader screen... 21:28 < pizzaboy192> but no theme, and it went right back to disk mode when I hit the play button 21:28 < user890104> so .. did you see an apple logo before iloader 21:28 < pizzaboy192> didn't lok 21:28 < pizzaboy192> *look 21:28 < pizzaboy192> i'll reset and check again 21:28 < user890104> ok 21:28 < pizzaboy192> if i do, what does that mean? 21:29 < user890104> it means that you're still at iloader 0.1.x 21:29 < user890104> so you'll need an older theme files 21:29 < pizzaboy192> no... it's a blue screen 21:29 < pizzaboy192> says something about pressing "hold" 21:30 < user890104> so you're at the iloader screen now? 21:30 < user890104> and it's asking for a theme 21:31 < pizzaboy192> yup, then when I hit menu, it says no config file... 21:32 < user890104> ok, go to disk mode, delete the iloader folder and try this one: http://theseven.lima-city.de/download/ipod/iloader/themes/iloader-theme-default-0.1.2.zip 21:32 < user890104> extract it the same way as the previous 21:32 < user890104> and it should work 21:32 * TheSeven wonders what is happening here 21:33 < user890104> TheSeven: i'm sharing my iloader knowledge from idleing here with the others 21:33 < TheSeven> user890104: I'm wondering more about what that ipod is doing :) 21:34 < pizzaboy192> It only boots to a white screen, and if i can guess what buttons to push, i can restore it in iTunes and get an iLoader screen... but then after a restore\rebooot, white screen again 21:34 < TheSeven> which lcd type? 21:34 < pizzaboy192> OOH! 21:34 < pizzaboy192> it's a 2nd gen nano 21:34 < pizzaboy192> got a creen 21:34 < pizzaboy192> *screen 21:34 < TheSeven> (the LCD_DETECT values from diagmode) 21:35 < pizzaboy192> where do I find that? 21:35 < pizzaboy192> i'm in diagmode 21:36 < user890104> TheSeven: what does this mean: *PANIC* ATA Error 1 ? 21:37 < pizzaboy192> LCD gives me the options of baclight control and color patern 21:39 < TheSeven> no, it's somewhere in the "others" => "status" menu or something 21:39 < TheSeven> on the second page 21:40 < TheSeven> "ata error 1" basically means "anything went wrong while trying to access the flash" 21:40 < pizzaboy192> UPDATING! 21:40 < pizzaboy192> woot 21:41 < pizzaboy192> it says "powered by emBIOS" at the bottom 21:41 < pizzaboy192> white screen =( 21:41 < pizzaboy192> grr... 21:41 < pizzaboy192> ah! 21:41 < pizzaboy192> need new theme files 21:41 < pizzaboy192> it seems to work fine without theme files though =\ 21:42 < pizzaboy192> i'll wait a few more minutes and then reset it 21:42 < TheSeven> when you're saying "white screen", you mean a completely white screen without anything on it? or some kind of error message/wsod? 21:43 < pizzaboy192> completely white 21:43 < pizzaboy192> WSOD white 21:44 < pizzaboy192> prolly should re-install rockbox 21:45 -!- inoth [594e529a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:48 < pizzaboy192> now i'm in EMI bios recovery mode... 21:48 < pizzaboy192> now what? 21:49 < pizzaboy192> what do i push to enter disk mode after i install it? 21:49 < pizzaboy192> so that I can update files? 21:50 < pizzaboy192> since I can't see what is on teh screen? 21:54 < pizzaboy192> meh... i give up for a whille 21:54 < pizzaboy192> it's stuck at a dim white screen now... 21:55 < pizzaboy192> helloooo??? 21:55 < pizzaboy192> anyone alive? 21:57 -!- pizzaboy192_ [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:57 < pizzaboy192_> wifi crashed 21:57 < pizzaboy192_> anyone still here? 21:59 < pizzaboy192_> urg... 21:59 < user890104> i'm here but don't know what you should do with this white screen 22:00 -!- pizzaboy192 [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:00 < user890104> maybe TheSeven has a better idea 22:00 < pizzaboy192_> as soon as I install a theme, iLoader shows white screens... as soon as the theme is gone, it's fine (but can't load squat) 22:01 < user890104> which iloader version are you using 22:01 < user890104> do you see a "embios something" right after reboot 22:02 < user890104> before the iloder menu 22:02 < user890104> in the upper left corner as black text on white background 22:02 < pizzaboy192_> i see nothing after reboot 22:02 < pizzaboy192_> screen goes white immediately 22:02 < user890104> but if you have the embios recovery mode you should be using the 0.2.x 22:02 < user890104> i mean if there isn't a theme 22:03 < pizzaboy192_> i've gotten into embios recovery by holding the holdswitch 22:03 < pizzaboy192_> if there isn't a theme, iLoader says that it is embios whatever at the bottom 22:04 * TheSeven is a bit confused 22:04 < TheSeven> so if there *is* a theme, you see a white screen, not even the embios messages? 22:05 < user890104> so if it's the embios-powered version, you should be fine with this theme: http://the-seven.tk/download/ipod/iloader/themes/iloader-theme-default-0.2.2.zip 22:05 < TheSeven> even if you enter recovery mode by switching on the hold switch? 22:05 < pizzaboy192_> as soon as a theme is installed, iLoader will only load with a white screen, no text or anything, but as soon as i remove the iLoader folder, everything loads and I can see stuff again... 22:05 < pizzaboy192_> yes 22:05 < TheSeven> and if there is *no* theme, everything is fine and it asks you whether you want to uninstall iloader or whatever? 22:06 < TheSeven> this is really weird as those embios messages are shown at a point during boot where it can't even know if there is a theme or not 22:07 -!- pizzaboy192 [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:07 < pizzaboy192> sorry... dropped again 22:07 < pizzaboy192> back up now 22:08 < pizzaboy192> when i'm in the embios, screen is still white 22:08 < pizzaboy192> is there a buton combo to get me into disk mode? 22:09 -!- pizzaboy192_ [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:09 < pizzaboy192> ideas? 22:10 < TheSeven> [00:05] and if there is *no* theme, everything is fine and it asks you whether you want to uninstall iloader or whatever? 22:10 < TheSeven> [00:06] this is really weird as those embios messages are shown at a point during boot where it can't even know if there is a theme or not 22:10 < pizzaboy192> so something must be going on behind the scenes 22:10 < TheSeven> if a theme is installed, the button combos should be the same as with the apple bootloader 22:10 < pizzaboy192> screen is currently white 22:10 < TheSeven> and in the boot menu, just pressing the center button will enter disk mode 22:10 < pizzaboy192> so if I push the button combo for disk mode, it should enter it? 22:11 < pizzaboy192> nothing 22:11 < TheSeven> if you use the default theme, it will be easiest to reset it, wait like 5 seconds, and then press the center button 22:12 < pizzaboy192> screen goes black 22:13 -!- pizzaboy192_ [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:13 < TheSeven> did you ever manage to enter disk mode with the theme installed? if yes, did the screen stay white while you were in disk mode? 22:13 < pizzaboy192_> sorry 22:13 < pizzaboy192_> shoddy wireless 22:14 < pizzaboy192_> the screen did stay white until i exited disk mode and it did a clean reboot 22:14 < pizzaboy192_> a ditry reboot will make the screen stay white 22:14 < TheSeven> hm, seems like we're digging up more and more problems where also the apple firmware is affected in some way 22:15 < TheSeven> and this kind of crap is only happening since you updated to an embios-based iloader? 22:15 < pizzaboy192_> before I installed iLoader, the fix was to reboot into the diag partition and do a clean reboot (reset test) and everything worked again 22:15 < pizzaboy192_> but iLoader doesn't fix that (or allow a key combo for the diag) 22:16 < TheSeven> oh, so this kind of fun was already happening with the apple bootloader before? 22:16 < pizzaboy192_> it's the White Screen Of Death 22:16 < pizzaboy192_> (ILoader claimed to fix that) 22:16 -!- pizzaboy192 [c0a04031@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:16 < TheSeven> we usually refer to something completely different as "white screen of death" 22:16 < pizzaboy192_> What do you refer to? 22:17 < TheSeven> which is a white screen saying "use itunes to restore" after unclean shutdowns and with the apple bootloader installed 22:17 < TheSeven> so more like a windows bsod :) 22:17 < pizzaboy192_> ah 22:17 < TheSeven> the kind of white screens you are seeing rather point towards some hardware problem with your LCD 22:17 < pizzaboy192_> there's a second white screen of death where the bootloader doesn't re-initilize the LCD upon reboot\wakeup and you have to do a clean reset to fix it 22:18 < TheSeven> clean reset being what? a menu+select reset or a diagmode reset test? 22:18 < TheSeven> did a deep sleep test and wakeup also fix it? 22:18 < pizzaboy192_> diagmode reset 22:18 < pizzaboy192_> menu+select is a "dirty" reset 22:19 < pizzaboy192_> sleep test\wakeup sometimes would, but it would take 2 or three tries 22:19 < TheSeven> hm, a menu+select reset will always run through the lcd init code 22:20 < TheSeven> but it does shut off power to the LCD briefly, while a diagmode reset test doesn't 22:20 < TheSeven> so the LCD isn't really reset in that case, just reinitialized 22:20 < pizzaboy192_> it should, but a diagmode reset runs another piece of code too that reset the LCD (or something, i forgot what it all does different) 22:20 < TheSeven> yes, of course it is being sent a reset command from the software side of things 22:21 < TheSeven> but unlike a diagmode reset test, a menu+select reset forcibly resets everything by just shutting off power for like a second 22:21 < pizzaboy192_> instead of a hardware reset 22:21 < TheSeven> this suggests that your lcd might need some more delay after powering up before getting initialized 22:21 < pizzaboy192_> I would assume so 22:21 < pizzaboy192_> any way to fix that? 22:22 < TheSeven> or the powerdown might be too short, making it get stuck in some half-resetted state 22:22 < pizzaboy192_> that would make sense 22:22 < TheSeven> but a reset test probably wouldn't fix that 22:22 < pizzaboy192_> i can't even tell what i'm clicking on anymore either... 22:22 < TheSeven> (as it basically just repeats the initialisation) 22:23 < TheSeven> did that wsod problem get worse after installing iloader? 22:23 < pizzaboy192_> not in the sense that it happened more often... just became much more difficult to work around. 22:24 < TheSeven> in terms of what? 22:24 < TheSeven> in theory you can enter diagmode the same way as with the apple bootloader 22:24 < TheSeven> (menu+select reset, then immediately left+select) 22:25 < pizzaboy192_> before I installed iLoader, I was able to reset, and boot into diagmode, then select a reset (even if the screen was white, just press the next-song button a ton and then select, wait a few seconds and repeat, it would reset. 22:25 < TheSeven> and this doesn't work any more? 22:26 < TheSeven> what i still don't get is the relation to whether a theme is installed or not... 22:26 < pizzaboy192_> nope.... when starting the ipod up now, if i am pressing any button as it restarts, the screen goes from one brightness setting to a slightly dimmer one 22:26 < pizzaboy192_> i don't understand it either 22:26 < pizzaboy192_> but that is what caused it. when I got it into disk mode and deleted the iloader folder everything would show up fine. 22:26 < TheSeven> reproducibly, even after menu+select resets? 22:27 < pizzaboy192_> yup 22:27 < TheSeven> now *that*'s weird 22:28 < pizzaboy192_> and after it does that, pressing the select button puts it to sleep 22:29 < pizzaboy192_> gotta go eat 22:29 < pizzaboy192_> ttyl 22:30 < TheSeven> you should probably try entering recovery mode again... press menu+select, and as soon as the backlight shuts off, turn on the hold switch (you need to be quick). the backlight should stay off. now turn the hold switch off and on again, with about half a second in between. 22:30 < TheSeven> if the backlight turns on slightly *after* you turned the hold switch on again, you should be in recovery mode, no matter whether the lcd shows something or not. --- Log closed Fri Oct 01 02:23:54 2010