--- Log opened Sun Oct 17 00:23:39 2010 00:23 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:23 -!- kaao [4c4b67c7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:31 < kaao> im trying to remove iloader from myipod 00:31 < kaao> but the instructions on the website 00:32 < kaao> dont seem to be correct i dont see anysort of selection to remove it 00:32 < TheSeven> are you using an old iloader version? (0.1.x) 00:32 < kaao> how can i check im not sure 00:32 < TheSeven> if yes, see the mirror of the old site at http://theseven.lima-city.de/ipod/iloader for instructions 00:32 < kaao> i only installed it this year 00:33 < TheSeven> everything prior to 2010-08-29 is v0.1.x 00:33 < kaao> yeah i think it would be 00:34 < kaao> going to try this 00:35 < kaao> it worked thanks alot 00:35 < kaao> gonna give this one to a friend soo 00:35 < kaao> lol 00:35 < kaao> i dont think theyd appretiate linux on it 00:36 < kaao> love the project though thanks alot 00:36 < kaao> cheers for now 00:36 -!- kaao [4c4b67c7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:51 -!- hanks [~laimun@bb220-255-19-122.singnet.com.sg] has joined #freemyipod-support 01:52 < hanks> hi niid some help here thx 02:03 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:03 -!- The_Seven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:03 < The_Seven> hanks: what's up? 02:03 -!- The_Seven is now known as TheSeven 02:04 < hanks> yea 02:04 < hanks> stuck in the loading embios screen 02:04 < hanks> cant get the computter to even recognize it through usb 02:05 < hanks> any help thx 02:06 < TheSeven> so it says "emBIOS Loader v0.1.1 r220" "Switch HOLD on for recovery" "Loading emBIOS..." and gets stuck at that point? 02:07 < TheSeven> you used the most recent installer? 02:07 < TheSeven> did the installation appear to be successful? 02:08 < hanks> yep 02:08 < hanks> sort of 02:08 < hanks> I tried the command line 02:08 < hanks> but it failed halfway 02:08 < hanks> and I got into this situation 02:08 < TheSeven> what did you do on the command line? 02:08 < hanks> where it perpectually shows this screen 02:09 < TheSeven> just the usual ipodpatcher -a command? 02:09 < hanks> yea 02:09 < TheSeven> and what did fail? 02:09 < hanks> it chruned up some error halfway 02:09 < TheSeven> ipodpatcher? or the installer on the ipod itself? 02:09 < hanks> I think I reported this a few weeks ago 02:09 < hanks> the command line 02:10 < hanks> is there any dfu mode? 02:10 < hanks> similar to the iphone? 02:10 < TheSeven> first of all I'll need to figure out in which state the installation currently is 02:11 < hanks> ok 02:11 < TheSeven> did the installer on the ipod boot up? 02:11 < hanks> no 02:11 < TheSeven> (the "welcome" screen, then maybe some questions from the wizard, and finally the installation process?) 02:11 < hanks> nope 02:11 < hanks> it just shows the whte screen 02:12 < hanks> evertime I open the ipod 02:12 < hanks> its a 2g nano 02:12 < hanks> but 02:12 < hanks> ocasinally 02:12 < hanks> I can get to the boot screen 02:12 < TheSeven> hm, interesting, the installer bootstub doesn't print anything to the lcd 02:12 < hanks> with the click wheel image 02:12 < hanks> but when I click the usb in the middle 02:13 < hanks> it gets back to the white screen 02:13 < hanks> just to let you know 02:13 < TheSeven> so the installer *did* run? 02:13 < hanks> it worked before on my nano 02:13 < hanks> dont think so 02:14 < TheSeven> how did embios, iloader, etc. get installed then? 02:14 < hanks> hmm 02:14 < hanks> I think 02:15 < hanks> I dont recall seeing any installing screen 02:15 < hanks> I went by your steps 02:15 < hanks> this http://the-seven.tk/ipod/iloader/installation.php 02:16 < hanks> the error occured at the command line 02:16 < hanks> the rest didnt occur as described 02:16 < hanks> no on screen insturction 02:16 < TheSeven> hm 02:17 < hanks> it used to work when I used one that didnt require the command line 02:17 < hanks> just drag and drop 02:17 < TheSeven> was there an older version of iloader installed on that ipod previously? 02:17 < hanks> yes but i restored it shortly after 02:17 < hanks> so iloader was wiped out 02:17 < hanks> I cleared it 02:18 < TheSeven> restoring using itunes doesn't neccessarily wipe iloader 02:18 < hanks> I used the invisble files to check 02:18 < hanks> I remembered you put a dot in front right? 02:18 < TheSeven> what kind of iloader was it that was previously installed? 02:18 < hanks> ooh 02:19 < TheSeven> was that also from the-seven.tk? 02:19 < hanks> it used ibugger at that time I think 02:19 < hanks> last year 02:19 < hanks> I think soi 02:19 < hanks> I used it when it first came out 02:19 < TheSeven> so this was before march 2010 for sure? 02:19 < hanks> yea 02:19 < hanks> 2009 02:19 < TheSeven> ok, so it was a stoneage iloader :) 02:19 < hanks> when the project was in beta 02:19 < hanks> yea 02:20 < hanks> following your team at that time 02:20 < TheSeven> well, those can be removed using itunes 02:20 < hanks> yea 02:20 < TheSeven> anything post-march can't be uninstalled that way any more 02:20 < hanks> yep 02:21 < TheSeven> so you're apparently stuck with a working embios loader, but embios is broken somehow 02:21 < hanks> yea 02:21 < hanks> I just want to let my mac recognize the ipod 02:21 < hanks> and restore it 02:21 < hanks> simple as that 02:21 < TheSeven> and you said that it works sometimes but disk mode locks up? 02:21 < hanks> yea 02:22 < hanks> i tried the hold on for recovery 02:22 < TheSeven> this sounds like hardware trouble... with the data flash chip to be specific 02:22 < hanks> I think so 02:22 < hanks> is the hold on for recovery supposed to work this way? 02:22 < hanks> press middle and menu 02:22 < hanks> and faster switch the hold button? 02:23 < hanks> I could get recovery mode on 02:23 < hanks> and connect via usb 02:23 < hanks> but mac doesnt recognize it 02:23 < TheSeven> itunes doesn't know anything about embios :) 02:24 < TheSeven> so it can't restore through an embios loader recovery mode 02:24 < hanks> aww 02:24 < hanks> is it even jailbreaking? 02:24 < hanks> I think the ipod touch can always get back to dfu mode to restore 02:24 < TheSeven> on this old device, itunes couldn't even restore through DFU 02:24 < hanks> ooh 02:24 < TheSeven> so you have to rely on our tools 02:25 < hanks> 0 02:25 < hanks> how? 02:25 < TheSeven> that recovery mode is some kind of DFU mode made by us, to compensate for the lack of it from apple's side 02:25 < hanks> yea 02:25 < TheSeven> that won't be easy... 02:25 < hanks> I will try and command line 02:25 < hanks> and hacks 02:25 < TheSeven> i don't even know if it works on mac os at all 02:25 < hanks> any* 02:26 < hanks> windows only? 02:26 < TheSeven> i've tested it on windows and linux 02:26 < hanks> mac is *nix 02:26 < hanks> might work? 02:26 < TheSeven> it might also work on mac os, but i've never used it, and i don't know if libusb works properly on mac os 02:27 < hanks> libusb? 02:27 < TheSeven> but even if we manage to flash the original apple bootloader, i'm not sure if this will help 02:27 < hanks> oh 02:27 < TheSeven> the fact that disk mode locks up tells me that it's very likely for the apple bootloader to behave the same way (they seem to use the same code for accessing the flash) 02:28 < hanks> is my bootroom corrupted? 02:28 < TheSeven> and once we've flashed that, we'll lose our embios loader recovery mode 02:28 < TheSeven> so restoring this one to factory state might potentially brick it permanently 02:28 < hanks> ooh 02:28 < TheSeven> i have only seen this kind of flash trouble / disk mode lockups on one other device so far, which we sadly haven't managed to recover (we're still searching for the reason why that flash chips suddenly thinks it would be write protected) 02:29 < hanks> ook 02:29 < hanks> one way? 02:29 < hanks> you guys have not bricked one before? 02:30 < TheSeven> we can still access that one and run code on it, but not much more 02:30 < TheSeven> and honestly i have no idea why 02:30 < hanks> hmm 02:30 < TheSeven> something keeps telling the flash chip to write-protect itself, and i can't figure out where this signal is coming from 02:31 < hanks> ooh 02:31 < TheSeven> however the observed behavior isn't matching yours exactly 02:31 < hanks> I see 02:31 < TheSeven> on that one, embios booted up successfully, but failed to access the flash 02:32 < hanks> ok 02:32 < hanks> so 02:32 < hanks> no way for mac to recognize my ipod 02:32 < hanks> unless I try the libusb 02:32 < hanks> rite? 02:33 < TheSeven> yes, you'll need libusb, libembiosldr (from our svn), embiosldr.py (from our svn), and maybe some other things 02:33 < TheSeven> however, i don't have the time to guide you through the process right now 02:33 < TheSeven> it's 4:30 am over here 02:33 < hanks> ook 02:34 < hanks> i guees i will just keepo looking around 02:34 < hanks> not sure about this 02:34 < hanks> but I did get to the black and white ipod charging mode 02:35 < hanks> but the mac wont recognize it 02:35 < hanks> once or twice 02:35 < hanks> which is not much use 02:36 < hanks> anyway thx very much 02:56 < TheSeven> ipod charging mode? 03:02 < hanks> yea 03:02 < hanks> the black and white charge mode 03:02 < hanks> charging still works 03:03 < hanks> though not much use 03:03 < hanks> since mac cant detect the ipod 03:04 < hanks> though I cant seem to get it at will 03:04 < hanks> it just occurs at random rarely 03:08 < TheSeven> you mean a screen with a black and white "empty battery" logo? 03:08 < TheSeven> that has nothing to do with a charging mode at all 03:08 < TheSeven> it's a bootloader error message 03:09 < TheSeven> which you shouldn't ever see if embios is installed 03:15 < hanks> yea 03:15 < hanks> ooh 03:15 < hanks> I see 03:15 < hanks> back to square 1 03:58 * S_a_i_n_t is not a fan of the current "two Nanos down" score 03:58 < S_a_i_n_t> But I bet TheSeven is even less of a fan of this. 05:02 < hanks> ok 05:06 -!- hanks [~laimun@bb220-255-19-122.singnet.com.sg] has left #freemyipod-support 08:24 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Quit: I'm only going to Heaven if it tastes like caramel...] 08:29 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:49 < TheSeven> S_a_i_n_t: well, at least the trouble doesn't appear to be 100% the same 12:50 < S_a_i_n_t> I'd be happier if it *was* the same, no? then at least you'd know if you were dealing with one potentially bricking problem, or two. 12:50 < S_a_i_n_t> ruling out "user-fuckup" is basically impossible though :/ 12:51 < TheSeven> actually I hope that this one is "just" a software problem 12:51 < TheSeven> i would be very disappointed if it turns out that mulenmar's problem wasn't a device-specific one, as I don't even have a glimpse of an explanation for it 12:52 < S_a_i_n_t> that's the guy with the "suddenly read-only" Nano2G yeah? 12:54 < TheSeven> yep 12:55 < S_a_i_n_t> Well, that's understandable...even so, do you have DL stats to 'guesstimate' embiosed/iLoadered Nanos? 13:02 < TheSeven> nope 13:02 < TheSeven> i only moved that to freemyipod.org recently, and only Farthen has access to the stats 13:03 < TheSeven> for everything pre-october there are no stats at all 13:03 < S_a_i_n_t> ah...if you had to guess? 13:04 < S_a_i_n_t> I mean, even 2 bricks out of 100 is pretty good going considering the rather experimental ground you're walking on. 13:04 < TheSeven> nope 13:04 < TheSeven> bricks usually happen because of different reasons 13:05 < TheSeven> usually they're devices with damaged very-low-level code that can't be reflashed if it isn't working any more 13:05 < TheSeven> i did a lot of measures to prevent that, and it hasn't happened on a single device so far 13:06 < TheSeven> this kind of hardware fuckup that even affects the apple bootloader/disk mode/OF should never ever happen 13:07 < TheSeven> the only other potential ways of bricking i know of would be messing with the power manager and blowing something by setting a too high voltage, or setting an input GPIO to output. 13:08 < TheSeven> none of these can be the reason for mulenmar's problem 13:31 < S_a_i_n_t> I know he had overclocked his processor "pretty bloody high" 13:32 < S_a_i_n_t> (exact numbers unknown), but "messing with stuff" definitely isn't out of the question. 13:34 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:06 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:16 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:06 < TheSeven> ahhha 16:06 < TheSeven> i don't think overclocking would hurt too much though, at least if vcore isn't raised 16:49 -!- benedikt93_ [~benedikt9@pD9E24131.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:50 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:51 -!- benedikt93_ is now known as benedikt93 16:51 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@pD9E24131.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Changing host] 16:51 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:52 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Client Quit] 16:53 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:08 -!- benedikt93 is now known as benedikt93|AFK 18:56 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:58 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:55 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:47 -!- benedikt93|AFK [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 22:26 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:37 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Disconnected by services] 22:37 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Mon Oct 18 00:04:17 2010