--- Log opened Fri Oct 22 02:23:08 2010 02:23 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:59 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:02 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:59 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 07:06 -!- [Saint] [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 07:06 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Disconnected by services] 08:17 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:06 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:14 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:44 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:08 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:03 -!- Petrakis [5f790fab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:03 < Petrakis> Hi 18:03 < Farthen> hi 18:04 < Petrakis> i get data flash I/O error 18:04 < Petrakis> why? 18:04 < Farthen> what are you doing? 18:05 < Petrakis> installing iloader 18:05 < Farthen> and is it a rockbox error or an iloader one? 18:05 < Farthen> ok 18:05 < Petrakis> iloader rockbox was fine when was using it 18:05 < Farthen> so the error message is while installing iloader? at which step? 18:05 < Petrakis> at repartitioning 18:06 < Farthen> ok, pretty interesting 18:06 < Petrakis> deleting the 100 mb 18:06 < Petrakis> of firm 18:06 < Farthen> ok 18:06 < Farthen> this should actually not happen i think.... 18:06 < Petrakis> IDK 18:07 < Farthen> hmm, was it using the default partitioning before? so the one after restoring with itunes? 18:08 < Petrakis> what do you mean? 18:08 < Farthen> did you change something to the partitioning before? 18:09 < Petrakis> oh, yes when i get screen of death 18:09 < Petrakis> lol 18:09 < Farthen> white screen of death when starting disk mode? 18:09 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:09 < Farthen> TheSeven: thanks for coming :-P 18:09 < Petrakis> no with rockbox 18:10 < Farthen> so disk mode works just fine? 18:10 < Farthen> what does the rockbox error say? 18:11 < Petrakis> yes, now is death screen but disk works fine (BUT with corrupted data) 18:12 < Farthen> i would suggest you to restore the ipod with itunes ans try again afterwards 18:12 < Farthen> *and 18:12 < Petrakis> i hate itunes 18:12 < Farthen> many of us do 18:12 < Petrakis> haha 18:12 < Farthen> but i see no real way around... ;) 18:13 < Petrakis> lets try again 18:13 < Farthen> you filesystem is possibly corrupted 18:14 < Petrakis> yes 18:14 < Petrakis> it is 18:15 < Petrakis> like û╒╖$√|ôà.÷k 18:15 < Farthen> yeah, restoring with itunes is the simplest way to resolve this IMHO 18:18 < TheSeven> what's the state of this ipod? 18:18 < TheSeven> iloader or apple bootloader? 18:19 < Petrakis> I/O error 18:19 < Petrakis> when repartitioning 18:19 < Petrakis> with ilader 18:19 < Petrakis> iloader* 18:19 < TheSeven> that might be a consequence of file system corruption 18:20 < TheSeven> if it, for example, tries to access a block number that's out of bounds because it found a link to it somewhere 18:21 < TheSeven> if this happened during the repartitioning process, your file system is probably completely borked now 18:21 < Petrakis> Yes 18:21 < Petrakis> it is 18:21 < Petrakis> im waiting for itunes XD 18:22 < Petrakis> the download is going slowly 18:22 < TheSeven> if you don't mind losing the data (which could probably still be prevented, but only with quite some effort) you could just wipe everything away 18:22 < TheSeven> the installer will then just reformat the data partition 18:22 < Petrakis> i dont mind losing it 18:22 < TheSeven> as long as it manages to boot the installer, you don't really need itunes, except for restoring it to the factory state, which apparently isn't what your final goal is 18:24 < TheSeven> just deleting the data partition should do the trick, at least if your MBR can't be interpreted as a superfloppy :) 18:25 < Petrakis> damn 18:25 < Petrakis> cant format 18:27 < Farthen> which os are you using? 18:29 < Petrakis> i think its because im in a minimal xp (that i use for games) and it cant format i have to boot debian 18:30 < Farthen> on linux you should be able to just dd over the first few bytes with zeros 18:30 < Farthen> should pretty much erase your partition table :-P 18:30 < Petrakis> yes but im on xp 18:30 < Petrakis> xD 18:30 < Petrakis> right now 18:31 < Farthen> i'm not sure if diskmgmt.msc can do it 18:31 < Farthen> the vista/win7 one can do this stuff but i don't know about the xp one 18:31 < Farthen> or maybe your minimal xp does not include it or something like that 18:32 < Petrakis> its only 100 mb 18:32 < Farthen> the ipod partition or your xp? 18:32 < Petrakis> dont expect too much of it 18:32 < Petrakis> the XP 18:33 < Farthen> ok, well, i would suggest to reboot then 18:34 < Farthen> i know it hurts xD 18:34 < Petrakis> hahaha 18:38 < Petrakis> now its formated 18:39 < Petrakis> [INFO] Scanning disk devices... [ERR] No ipods found, aborting [ERR] Please connect your ipod and ensure it is in disk mode 18:39 -!- dd8ne [54395e03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:40 < dd8ne> Hello, I probaly have 'killed' my 2G nano. 18:41 < Petrakis> hi 18:41 < dd8ne> recovering with iTunes stopped at ~20% and now, it boots always into emBIOS v0.1.3 r220 18:42 < dd8ne> following message: 18:43 < dd8ne> The FTL seems to be damaged. Forcing check.. Scanning flash ... Invalid block type FF while reading vPage 991488 18:43 < dd8ne> any hints? 18:44 < dd8ne> No chance to get into diskmode... It restarts after ~5 sec with the same screen 18:44 < Farthen> hmm 18:45 < TheSeven> Petrakis: erasing the partition table isn't a good idea, as this will kill the installer 18:45 < TheSeven> you should only erase the data partition 18:45 < TheSeven> so, for example, dd if=/dev/zero bs=2048 count=1 of=/dev/sdX2 18:46 < TheSeven> if you want to be sure your MBR isn't misinterpreted as a superfloppy partition start, also do a dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=446 of=/dev/sdX 18:46 < dd8ne> ok. will try 18:46 < TheSeven> dd8ne: I wasn't talking to you 18:47 < dd8ne> ok .. sorry 18:47 < TheSeven> Petrakis: that ipodpatcher error was probably caused by you killing the partition table 18:47 < Petrakis> ok lets see 18:47 < Petrakis> it was the iloader 18:47 < TheSeven> you can now either go the itunes way, or wait for me to prepare a full dd image with the installer 18:48 < TheSeven> dd8ne: now let's deal with your problem 18:48 < dd8ne> Thank you 18:48 < TheSeven> and this one doesn't look good at all 18:48 < TheSeven> any idea how you managed to trigger this? 18:48 < dd8ne> that's what i thought 18:50 < TheSeven> was there any particular reason why you needed to do an itunes restore? 18:50 < dd8ne> I started to download some large mp3 files (80M). All finished fine. After a the inactivity on Rockbox, I started the beast new. And it began to do a disk check. 18:51 < dd8ne> Finally, even Rockbox didn't start anymore. so I decided to reinstall all. 18:51 < TheSeven> so you copied the files, let it sit for a while, with usb still plugged? 18:51 < dd8ne> yes 18:51 < TheSeven> what did you do then? unplug usb, shut down rockbox, and power it on again? 18:52 < TheSeven> or did you do a hard reset using menu+select for some reason? (was rockbox not responding?) 18:53 < dd8ne> so I started my Windows PC and put the iPod into diskmode. iTunes started to repair.. and stopped at 20%. No more activity for 3 min. so I decided to power off the beast. 18:53 < dd8ne> and that's. 18:54 < dd8ne> No after the download all went fine, until Rockbox shut down for inactivity. 18:54 < TheSeven> rockbox shouldn't power down as long as it's connected through USB 18:54 < dd8ne> I even listen for 30 min music 18:55 < TheSeven> so you disconnected usb and (after possibly listening to music or doing other things) let it sit there being idle for long enough to power down? 18:55 < dd8ne> Yes. 18:55 < TheSeven> so this appears to have been a clean shutdown 18:55 < dd8ne> yes. 18:56 < TheSeven> and when you booted it again, an FTL check was triggered? 18:56 < dd8ne> yes 18:56 < dd8ne> and rockbox didn't start anymore. 18:56 < TheSeven> so it went through some phases, first scanned the flash, then probably committed a bunch of scattered pages, finally succeeded, and booted to the iloader menu? 18:56 < TheSeven> but you couldn't boot rockbox from there any more? 18:57 < dd8ne> so i put it into diskmode (ok+play) 18:57 < dd8ne> yes. iloader menu.. but no rockbox anymore. the same for the apple 18:58 < TheSeven> ok. so the general structure of the FTL was apparently still intact, but the rockbox executable got screwed. 18:58 < TheSeven> did you write to the .rockbox folder during the usb connection before everything happened? 18:58 < dd8ne> so now i allways get a iLoader Menu with Uninstall iLoader, Endet diskmode, quit iLoader and power off 18:59 < dd8ne> no 18:59 < TheSeven> hm, so apparently it either broke the block map or wrote some pages to the wrong place 19:00 < TheSeven> after you booted disk mode and connected it to your pc, could you still see files on it? (if you did check that) 19:00 < dd8ne> no, i've not checked it. 19:01 < dd8ne> I started directly into recovering 19:03 < TheSeven> hm, apparently the ftl still wasn't broken too badly at that point 19:03 < TheSeven> and if you now boot disk mode it just sits there for a few seconds with a white screen and then reboots? 19:03 < dd8ne> yes 19:03 < TheSeven> does it sometimes show an "empty battery" screen? 19:04 < TheSeven> ah, wait, that was the bootloader, not disk mode... 19:05 < dd8ne> there is a new screen just before the emBios screen.. but only for 2 heartbeats ;-) 19:05 < dd8ne> just able to see loading ....... 19:06 < Petrakis> Now all was fine, iloader and flashing 19:06 < TheSeven> that should always have been like this 19:06 * TheSeven wonders what to do now 19:07 < Petrakis> WTF? 19:07 < dd8ne> could it be, that the memory chips are 'dead'? 19:07 < Petrakis> how i was able to boot the apple firm? 19:08 < TheSeven> Petrakis: how do you mean that? 19:08 < TheSeven> dd8ne: i seriously hope that this isn't the case 19:09 < TheSeven> i'm just wondering if i should trust my FTL resetting tool or not 19:09 < Petrakis> I thought that with the flashing i couldnt use the apple firm 19:10 < TheSeven> you can even use itunes to sync your music if you don't remove the firmware partition :) 19:10 < Petrakis> but 19:10 < TheSeven> the nice thing about iloader is that it can hide away well enough for itunes to not detect it 19:11 < dd8ne> i'll try to write the very old iLoader with the iloaderimage-2G 19:11 < dd8ne> maybe this helps 19:12 < dd8ne> still the same 19:14 < TheSeven> huh? 19:14 < TheSeven> how could you write something if you can't even enter disk mode? 19:14 < Petrakis> try linux 19:15 < dd8ne> ye 19:16 < dd8ne> Sorry, indeed, linux did not even mapped the usb 19:18 < dd8ne> I got a "String descriptor 0 malformed (err=2) defaulting to 0x0409" 19:18 < Petrakis> o.O 19:19 < Petrakis> TheSeven, NOW THIS IS A FAST BOOT!!! keep up the good work 19:20 < TheSeven> dd8ne: you need some custom tools to access it 19:21 < dd8ne> btw. At each restart, the ftl check is working 19:23 < TheSeven> yes, and it's always failing with the same "unknown block type" message, right? 19:23 < dd8ne> yes 19:26 < TheSeven> dd8ne: svn co http://svn.freemyipod.org/ fmisvn 19:32 < dd8ne> ok got it 19:33 < TheSeven> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/files/PyUSB 1.0/1.0.0-alpha-0/pyusb-1.0.0-a0.tar.gz/download 19:34 < TheSeven> install that using "setup.py install --prefix=/usr/share/python2.6/site-packages" or whereever your site-packages directory is 19:34 < TheSeven> echo $PYTHONPATH might reveal something :) 19:38 < TheSeven> to test if everything works, execute the following command in fmisvn/embios/trunk/tools: 19:38 < Petrakis> Bye thanks for your time 19:38 < TheSeven> python embios.py writedevconsole 1 "Hello, world!" 19:42 -!- Petrakis [5f790fab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:44 < dd8ne> got an error class Commandline ind file embios.py line 173 19:45 < TheSeven> can you pastebin the full output? 19:47 < dd8ne> root@IBMLaptop:/home/dd8ne/iPOD/backup/recovery/fmisvn/embios/trunk/tools# python2.5 embios.py writedevconsole 1 "Hello, world" File "embios.py", line 173 class Commandline(object): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 19:47 < TheSeven> hm 19:47 < TheSeven> which python version is that? 19:47 < TheSeven> i'm usually using 2.6 19:48 < dd8ne> 2.5 19:49 < dd8ne> there is a 2.6 on too, but without site-package dir 19:49 < TheSeven> Farthen: do you know of any incompatibilities with 2.5? 19:49 < TheSeven> dd8ne: try just creating one or installing into dist-packages instead 19:50 < Farthen> well, this problem should be fixed with 2.6 19:50 < TheSeven> btw, it should be --prefix=/usr, not the full path 19:50 < Farthen> it is a newstyle class and they *may* be unsupported in 2.5 19:50 < Farthen> removing (object) may help 19:53 < dd8ne> hmm. doing a setup without the whole path installs akk into the right dir (2.6) 19:53 < dd8ne> but python is not founding the usb.core 19:54 < TheSeven> try moving everything from site-packages to dist-packages or adding site-packages to PYTHONPATH 19:54 < dd8ne> root@IBMLaptop:/home/dd8ne/iPOD/backup/recovery/fmisvn/embios/trunk/tools# python2.5 embios.py writedevconsole 1 "Hello, world" File "embios.py", line 173 class Commandline(object): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 19:54 < dd8ne> sorry wrong paste 19:56 < dd8ne> ok works. 19:56 < dd8ne> I got Hello World on the Screen 20:02 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:05 < dd8ne> sorry, I've to leave. Will try to contact you tomorrow. Thank you so far for your help 20:07 -!- dd8ne [54395e03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #freemyipod-support 21:13 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] --- Log closed Sat Oct 23 00:01:58 2010