--- Log opened Sat Oct 23 00:01:58 2010 00:01 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:05 -!- jerl92 [jerl92@ip-66-254-34-230.mqdsl.megaquebec.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:05 < jerl92> i do not have no more support question 00:06 < jerl92> rockbox is botting nice 00:13 -!- [Saint] is now known as S_a_i_n_t 00:16 < jerl92> why not developement discution will be on freemyipod-dev or freemyipod-developement to prevend spaming 00:17 < jerl92> because noob guys don't know 00:18 < TheSeven> the iloader homepage explicitly links here 00:18 * Farthen does not know how many people know about this cool irc feature called topic 00:18 < TheSeven> the topics also clearly states what the channels are to be used for and what not 00:19 < TheSeven> and where to go for support questions 00:19 < jerl92> do i waste your time ?? :( 00:21 < jerl92> stupide question 00:23 < jerl92> but for me no i was not wasting my time with you because i way trannig my english and my pc skills 00:23 < S_a_i_n_t> Go find an "English - PC Skills" channel then... 00:24 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Quit: I'm only going to Heaven if it tastes like caramel...] 00:24 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:25 < jerl92> hahahahahahaha 00:26 < jerl92> and I sincerely want to thank you for the time you take to help me 00:28 < jerl92> but what is going on with linux on nano2g i know this is not the same hardware and i know the ipodlinux project is inactive ... 00:29 < S_a_i_n_t> seriously...go to #freemyipod-chatter if you just want to tal about aimless things. 00:29 < S_a_i_n_t> Or try Google 02:57 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:01 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:22 -!- jerl92 [jerl92@ip-66-254-34-230.mqdsl.megaquebec.net] has quit [] 09:40 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 09:55 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:00 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:09 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:50 -!- user890104_ [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:50 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:04 -!- user890104_ [~Venci@] has quit [] 14:58 -!- dd8ne [54395e03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:58 < dd8ne> Hello, Back again with my demaged nano2G 14:59 < dd8ne> last successful step: python embios.py writedevconsole 1 "Hello, world" 15:02 < TheSeven> ok 15:02 < TheSeven> so you have the basic tools working :) 15:05 < dd8ne> yes. 15:05 < dd8ne> Good evening.. first 15:21 < dd8ne> so what will be next? 15:22 < TheSeven> grab http://files.freemyipod.org/resetftl.bin 15:22 < TheSeven> and run the following: 15:23 < TheSeven> python embios.py uploadfile 08000000 resetftl.bin && python embios.py execfirmware 08000000 15:23 < TheSeven> what does the ipod do? 15:25 < TheSeven> it should show "wiping flash..." and a status bar 15:25 < TheSeven> below that, it should count block numbers 15:25 < TheSeven> is there a line starting with "Failed" below this? 15:29 < dd8ne> wiping flash... Erasing block 0 15:30 < dd8ne> no error, but the status bar is empty 15:36 < dd8ne> redoing the same gives me some python errors 15:38 < TheSeven> so it's stuck at 0? 15:39 < dd8ne> yes 15:39 < TheSeven> hm, i can't see how that could happen 15:40 < dd8ne> should I reboot ? 15:41 < TheSeven> yes 15:41 < TheSeven> can't hurt 15:41 < TheSeven> and you don't really have another option :) 15:42 < dd8ne> so same error.. Ftl stops at 991488 15:43 < dd8ne> and the resetftl stops at block 0 15:43 < dd8ne> Connected to emBIOS Debugger v0.1.3 r220 running on iPod nano 2g Writing file 'resetftl.bin' to memory at 0x8000000...done Connected to emBIOS Debugger v0.1.3 r220 running on iPod nano 2g Running firmware at 0x8000000. Bye. 15:48 < TheSeven> do you know C? 15:49 < dd8ne> a little 15:49 < dd8ne> it's a long time, I've programmed in C 15:50 < TheSeven> http://files.freemyipod.org/resetftl.c 15:51 < TheSeven> do you see any way how what you're seeing could happen, assuming that none of the functions called from the main loop are locking up? 15:54 < dd8ne> yes. so it looks like a serious hardware problem 15:55 < TheSeven> hm, i just re-tested it on mine, and this time it also got stuck at block 0 15:55 < TheSeven> that at least eases debugging 15:55 < dd8ne> good luck ?;-) 16:01 < TheSeven> and there is definitely no "failed" line? 16:02 < dd8ne> no.. unfortunally no 16:09 < TheSeven> dd8ne: i added some debugging info: http://files.freemyipod.org/resetftl.bin 16:09 < TheSeven> this one should print another line containing some letters in the range "a" to "m". which of those are printed? 16:12 < dd8ne> nothing at all. It's the same 16:12 < dd8ne> sorry 16:13 < TheSeven> but it prints "erasing block 0"? 16:13 < dd8ne> so it stops at k 16:13 < TheSeven> all other letters are present? 16:14 < dd8ne> missing e i and j 16:14 < TheSeven> ok 16:14 < TheSeven> so it's "abcd fgh k"? 16:14 < dd8ne> yes 16:16 < TheSeven> that just can't be possible... 16:17 < TheSeven> http://pastie.org/1243207 16:17 < dd8ne> so, you like a foto? 16:17 < TheSeven> neither i nor j, so it must have hit the "else break;" line 16:18 < TheSeven> so how can it hit k? 16:18 < TheSeven> hm, possibly in another iteration... 16:18 < TheSeven> assuming your ipod has less than 4 banks 16:19 < TheSeven> oh, i see the problem... 16:20 < TheSeven> dd8ne: i updated the file again, please retry... 16:20 < TheSeven> this time it should work on ipods with less than 4 flash banks, too 16:21 < dd8ne> ok it counts 16:21 < TheSeven> no "failed"? 16:21 < dd8ne> 250 so far 16:21 < TheSeven> that's very very good news 16:21 < dd8ne> 500 16:21 < dd8ne> 700 16:22 < TheSeven> how much of the status bar is filled? 16:22 < dd8ne> about 25% 16:22 < TheSeven> ok, so you probably have 2 banks with 4096 blocks each 16:22 < TheSeven> is it a 2GB model? 16:23 < dd8ne> 50% with 1950 16:23 < dd8ne> yes 2GB 16:23 < TheSeven> ok, you're lucky. :) 16:23 < TheSeven> the more flash it has, the longer it takes to wipe it 16:24 < dd8ne> yes.. and it's not fast 16:24 < TheSeven> actually it appears to be a bit *too* fast to me 16:24 < TheSeven> considering that it's erasing and reading back a whole 2GB of flash memory 16:25 < TheSeven> once it's finished, it should automatically reboot 16:25 < TheSeven> choose "quit iloader" and check what nandfsck says 16:25 < dd8ne> ready no errors 16:25 < TheSeven> it shouldn't even be complaining about some block any more, but instead say "no signature" or "no lowlevel bbt" or something 16:26 < dd8ne> as usuasal ... invalid block type ff at 991488 16:26 < TheSeven> dammit 16:27 < dd8ne> sorry. I've to leave. My wife is waiting. Thank you for your support. Will try tomorrow to 'call' you again 16:27 < TheSeven> ok 16:28 < dd8ne> bye 16:28 < S_a_i_n_t> the speed at which that went through...do you think it *actually* deleted anything? 16:28 < TheSeven> deleting is fast 16:28 < TheSeven> i've managed to wipe 8GB flashes in like 10 seconds 16:28 < TheSeven> what takes the long time is reading back and verifying that it's erased 16:28 < TheSeven> which apparently succeeded 16:28 < dd8ne> I restarted this wiping.. but it's as fast as before. Bye 16:29 < TheSeven> bye 16:31 < S_a_i_n_t> I haven't been around to see much of dd8ne's specific case, what's happened there? 16:31 < S_a_i_n_t> I guess it's still in a debugging phase.. 16:31 < TheSeven> apparently some ftl damage we're failing to get rid off 16:31 < TheSeven> of* 16:33 < S_a_i_n_t> hmmmm, I was under the impression nandfsck was pretty much solid. 16:33 < S_a_i_n_t> You worked on it for long enough 16:33 < S_a_i_n_t> bugger. :/ 16:34 < TheSeven> this isn't the original nandfsck 16:34 < TheSeven> it's the embios-integrated one 16:34 < TheSeven> but it has been working for me just fine 16:35 < TheSeven> and we still don't have a clue what the trigger was 16:35 < TheSeven> the trouble started after a clean shutdown of rockbox 16:35 < TheSeven> nandfsck "cleaned" some things and after that, the volume was still mountable, but the rockbox binary was corrupted 16:35 < TheSeven> the iloader theme was still readable though 16:36 < TheSeven> after that, he restored using itunes in disk mode, which locked up at ~20% 16:36 < TheSeven> since then, nandfsck complains about a non-fixable problem, and disk mode just reboots 16:36 < TheSeven> wiping failed to remove the signature for some reason 16:37 < TheSeven> the funny part is that resetftl read the signature blocks as erased 16:38 < TheSeven> but nandfsck still finds a valid signature and successfully mounts the vfl, on a completely erased flash! 16:38 < S_a_i_n_t> quite odd, I wonder what triggered the (apparent) false positive ftl issue that nandfsck "cleaned". 16:40 -!- dd8ne [54395e03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:56 < TheSeven> if dd8ne turns up, you can tell him that i've updated the file again, to do even more thorough checking 16:57 < S_a_i_n_t> can do, if I see him before you of course. 17:40 -!- cholo [bebc1f3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:40 < cholo> hi, dead nano 2g in here... tried resety but nothing 17:41 < cholo> no display, no connet, no nothing in the pc 17:43 -!- cholo [bebc1f3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:07 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:08 -!- cholo [c87f61d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:08 < cholo> hi everybody, my ipod nano 2g is dead 18:09 < cholo> it wont turn, connect or anything. I've tried reset, charge, but nothing happened 18:10 < cholo> i'm using iloader to load rockbox, I think I need some advanced recovery instructions 18:12 < TheSeven> what did you do? 18:15 < cholo> i was listening to music and it starter freezing, when it happened i reset it (menu+select) and started working again 18:15 < cholo> i think there was very little battery 18:16 < cholo> and the day after that it just got dead 18:16 < TheSeven> what was the last sign of life before it died completely? 18:16 < TheSeven> did you shut it down and on the next day it wouldn't wake up any more? 18:17 < TheSeven> or did it just suddenly power off and not come on again? 18:17 < cholo> i really can't remember (i was using it in a party) exactly, but it could be one of two or three things 18:18 < cholo> 1. I reset it, run de NAN recovery, started rockbox and played until battery died 18:18 < cholo> 2. it got frozen and it remained that until battery died 18:18 < cholo> 3. Someone shut it down 18:19 < cholo> most probably 1 or 2 18:19 < TheSeven> hm 18:19 < TheSeven> was your battery behaving normally before? 18:20 < cholo> i'd say yes, it was a bit low, so i charged it (while i was using ipod), then disconnected and keep using it 18:20 < cholo> but it was abnormal that it froze some times (unusually) before it died 18:20 < TheSeven> ok, but battery runtime (if it was fully charged before) was ok? (let's say >10 hours) 18:21 < cholo> a bit less 18:21 < cholo> say 6 hours 18:22 < cholo> with rockbox installed never last that long 18:22 < TheSeven> ok, so you probably had a bad rockbox build then 18:22 < TheSeven> i recently found the cause for that excessive power consumption btw 18:22 < TheSeven> could it be possible that there ever was moisture or even water inside the case? 18:23 < cholo> yes, it could got wet 18:23 < TheSeven> shortly before it died, or, let's say, weeks to years ago? 18:23 < cholo> no, that day 18:24 < cholo> it was placed in a wet table 18:24 < TheSeven> but the freezes also occurred before that? 18:24 < cholo> but i dried it instantly 18:24 < cholo> i think yes 18:24 < TheSeven> hm 18:24 < TheSeven> and it isn't showing any reaction at all when connected to a pc? 18:24 < TheSeven> not even an unknown device being detected? 18:25 < cholo> exactly 18:25 < cholo> nothing at all 18:25 < TheSeven> do you have basic electronics equipment? 18:25 < TheSeven> i.e. a multimeter, a 5 volts power supply, and possibly a spare usb connector? 18:25 < cholo> some screwdrivers, some cable, soldering (too big i think) 18:26 < cholo> yes, i can get all that 18:26 < TheSeven> a first thing to check would be if there is any current being drawn if the usb port is powered 18:26 < cholo> ok 18:26 < cholo> i'm taking note to do that later 18:27 < TheSeven> how long was it connected to USB after it died? 18:27 < cholo> (thanks! btw) 18:27 < TheSeven> i.e. did it have enough time to try charging the battery? 18:27 < cholo> while using it about an hour 18:27 < cholo> i also tried charging it later, two or three times (when it was dead) 18:28 < TheSeven> how long were those two or three times approximately? 18:28 < TheSeven> more than a few minutes? 18:28 < cholo> the first one i used an external charger, it stops automatically 18:28 < TheSeven> huh? 18:29 < cholo> then two tiemes of about 20-30 minutes with two different pcs 18:29 < TheSeven> what do you mean with "stops automatically"? 18:29 < cholo> like AA battery chargers 18:29 < TheSeven> one of those things that have a usb port and a red/green led that's green if the device is fully charged? 18:29 < cholo> exactly 18:30 < TheSeven> ok, these are basically just measuring how much power the device draws, but not actually shutting it off when it's full 18:30 < cholo> hmmm 18:30 < TheSeven> (the device is responsible for doing that by itself) 18:31 < TheSeven> how does this charger thing behave if you connect the ipod now? 18:31 < TheSeven> is the led red or green? 18:31 < cholo> wait a second please 18:32 < cholo> no green light 18:32 < cholo> just red 18:32 < cholo> it doesn't charge i guess 18:33 < TheSeven> what does that combination of lights usually mean? 18:33 < TheSeven> "nothing connected", "device is charging" or "device is fully charged"? 18:33 < cholo> nothing connected and device is fully charged 18:34 < TheSeven> ok 18:34 < cholo> it only charges when green light is on 18:34 < TheSeven> that's not really good news 18:34 < cholo> uhhh 18:34 < cholo> did i fried the battery? 18:34 < TheSeven> no, probably the main board :( 18:34 < cholo> becouse the ipod was frozen? 18:35 < cholo> sniff snif.. 18:35 < TheSeven> freezing doesn't hurt those batteries too much 18:35 < cholo> anything i can try/do? 18:35 < TheSeven> they perform badly while they're cold, and shouldn't be charged at <5°C or something, but they shouldn't suffer permanently from that 18:36 < TheSeven> actually, freezing them (and of course protecting them from condensation!) is the best way to store them, according to some tests 18:36 < TheSeven> or at least keeping them at low temperatures 18:36 < TheSeven> the only thing you can do is opening it up and having a look what's going on 18:36 < TheSeven> you should probably follow the ifixit.com guides 18:37 < cholo> ok 18:37 < TheSeven> but I fear there will be quite some corrosion on the board around the power manager chip 18:37 < cholo> should i look for something in particular? 18:37 < cholo> like burns or something 18:38 < TheSeven> you could measure the battery voltage, and have a look at the area around the power manager 18:38 < cholo> ok 18:38 < TheSeven> http://www.freemyipod.org/w/images/6/63/Nano_2g_bck_a.jpg 18:38 < TheSeven> below those two contacts for the piezo speaker 18:40 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:40 < TheSeven> but sadly it's very likely that it's a paperweight now 18:40 < cholo> if so what should i do? 18:41 < TheSeven> you could try cleaning it with isopropanole to get rid of some possible short circuits between the pins of the IC, or maybe some PCB pads 18:41 < TheSeven> but I wouldn't expect too much from that 18:41 < cholo> ok 18:41 < cholo> thank you very much 18:41 < cholo> i'll try that 18:42 < TheSeven> general hint if something like that happens again: 18:42 < cholo> can i find you in here? 18:42 < TheSeven> yes 18:42 < TheSeven> - remove all power supplies and if possible the battery 18:42 < cholo> ok, but that was unlikely that night 18:42 < TheSeven> especially if the battery can't be disconnected, immediatly put the device into an isopropanole bath 18:43 < cholo> no screwdriver nor isopropanole around 18:43 < TheSeven> yep, that's the problem 18:43 < cholo> i'll take it appart and come back later 18:43 < TheSeven> but if, for example, your cellphone falls into a pool, you should remove the battery immediately, even if it still appears to work 18:44 < cholo> again, thank you 18:44 < cholo> i'm raúl from argentina 18:44 < cholo> yes i know 18:44 < TheSeven> do some further cleaning if neccessary, and try to get rid of all the water inside (by washing it away with isopropanole) 18:44 < TheSeven> then let it dry 18:44 < cholo> i've done it with my phone and gps, both worked again :) 18:44 < TheSeven> that way you greatly reduce the risk of permanent damage 18:44 < cholo> i have to go 18:45 < cholo> latelly i tell you how i did 18:45 < cholo> later (i mean) 18:45 < TheSeven> see you later :)= 18:45 < cholo> goodbye, and thank you very much 18:51 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:06 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 23:40 < cholo> started tearing it 23:41 < cholo> but one screw "me la cagó.." 23:42 -!- cholo [c87f61d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] --- Log closed Sun Oct 24 00:18:11 2010