--- Log opened Wed Oct 27 00:07:40 2010 00:07 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:53 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:57 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:13 -!- [Saint] is now known as S_a_i_n_t 12:36 -!- UbuntuBhoy [~UbuntuBho@5adbe526.bb.sky.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:39 < UbuntuBhoy> Hi, I have just performed a jailbreak on 2 ipod touch 3g with ios4.1 12:39 < UbuntuBhoy> 1 is fine the other has problems 12:40 < UbuntuBhoy> there are no lock screen controls 12:40 < S_a_i_n_t> Not sure this is the channel you want. 12:40 < UbuntuBhoy> the screen shows, but there is no slider 12:40 < UbuntuBhoy> oh, sorry mate 12:40 < UbuntuBhoy> just with the name 12:40 < UbuntuBhoy> thought that it was to do with that 12:41 < S_a_i_n_t> Your best bet is to contact the authors of whichever site you got the information/utilities off I would say 12:42 < UbuntuBhoy> cheers anyway buddy 12:42 -!- UbuntuBhoy [~UbuntuBho@5adbe526.bb.sky.com] has left #freemyipod-support 13:02 < TheSeven> *facepalm* 13:04 < S_a_i_n_t> heh...yeah. 13:06 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:59 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:25 -!- dd8ne [54395e03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:25 < dd8ne> Good evening 17:26 < dd8ne> Anything new, about the troubles of the nano "G 17:28 < TheSeven> yes 17:28 < dd8ne> you got the solution? 17:29 < TheSeven> I've incorporated nand dumping and wiping support into the embios core :) 17:29 < TheSeven> can you upload and boot this? http://files.freemyipod.org/embios-beta-r229.bin 17:29 < TheSeven> then get the newest embios.py and libembios.py from our svn 17:30 < TheSeven> and run python embios.py ipodnano2g_dumpnand 17:30 < TheSeven> are you using windows or linux? 17:30 < dd8ne> linux 17:36 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has left #freemyipod-support 17:37 < TheSeven> that's good 17:38 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:38 < TheSeven> there seem to be some USB stability problems when transferring such huge amounts of data via embios on windows 17:53 -!- martin_ [4d464557@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:55 < martin_> Hello Seven 17:56 < martin_> It's me again, with the bricked nano 2g 17:57 < martin_> have you got any new ideas how it can be unbricked 17:58 < dd8ne> just compressing the dump 18:01 * TheSeven is starting to get confused with all those ipods doing funky things 18:02 < TheSeven> martin_: yours was also one with nandfsck reporting bad 0xff pages and disk mode failing, but we haven't tried to erase yours yet, have we? 18:03 < martin_> not yet 18:03 < TheSeven> dd8ne: so dumping it all went smooth so far, and you have four files now, the biggest one being 2.0GiB? 18:03 < martin_> I just installed python and pyusb 18:04 < dd8ne> yes 18:05 < TheSeven> dd8ne: OK, while it is compressing, can you have a quick glance at the data and spare files to check if they are all-0xff or something different? 18:05 < TheSeven> martin_: which OS are you running? 18:05 < TheSeven> windows 7, IIRC, right? 18:06 < martin_> xp 18:09 < dd8ne> data: 18:09 < dd8ne> 0000000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff * 6480000 ff4f 0c19 fefe 07c6 042f 0211 06ac 001e 18:09 < dd8ne> spare: 18:09 < dd8ne> 0000000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff * 0324000 0400 0000 9baa 0012 40ff ffff a69d 180f 18:10 < TheSeven> aha. so resetftl at least did part of its job. 18:10 < TheSeven> martin_: even better. now grab http://files.freemyipod.org/Windows%20Driver.zip 18:11 < TheSeven> dd8ne: now you can have another go at killing it: python embios.py ipodnano2g_wipenand 18:16 < dd8ne> how to do? 18:16 < dd8ne> python embios.py uploadfile 08000000 "embios-beta-r229.bin" && python embios.py execfirmware 08000000 18:16 < dd8ne> python embios.py ipodnano2g_wipenand wipeand.log 18:16 < dd8ne> Connected to emBIOS Debugger v0.1.3 r229 running on iPod nano 2g Wiping the whole NAND chip! If this was not what you intended press Ctrl-C NOW.......... Wiping NAND contents....Traceback (most recent call last): File "embios.py", line 798, in interface._parsecommand(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]) File "embios.py", line 196, in _parsecommand self.cmddict[func](*args) File "embios.py", line 153, in decorator 18:17 < TheSeven> that apparently got clipped off, can you paste it to a pastebin? 18:17 < TheSeven> you usually shouldn't need to re-upload embios unless you have rebooted in between, but it can't hurt 18:19 < dd8ne> http://pastebin.com/jNeh11cM 18:20 < TheSeven> hm 18:21 < TheSeven> apparently my command was wrong 18:21 < TheSeven> but why did dumping work in that case? 18:21 < TheSeven> you only specified the destination path in the dumping command, or did you add further arguments? 18:22 < dd8ne> now I changed the logfile path 18:22 < TheSeven> forget about it, /me is talking nonsense 18:23 < dd8ne> http://pastebin.com/vJ0t4n2R 18:24 < TheSeven> dd8ne: svn up should fix it 18:26 < dd8ne> ..done 18:30 < dd8ne> should I reboot? 18:31 < TheSeven> do another dump first 18:31 < TheSeven> to a different file name 18:31 < TheSeven> just to see if it's all-0xff now 18:32 < TheSeven> the data and spare files should be all-0xff, the status file should be 0x11 0x02 0x00 0x00 repeating over and over 18:32 < TheSeven> (assuming that you have no bad blocks, if you have some, some few pages might be different) 18:32 < TheSeven> the erasing logfile should hopefully be all-0x00, is it? 18:33 < dd8ne> yes .. all 00 18:33 < TheSeven> that's good 18:33 < TheSeven> how big is the compressed version of the dump you did first? 18:34 < dd8ne> 2G 18:34 < TheSeven> that's not good at all 18:35 < TheSeven> if it would have been erased by resetftl, it would be very very small 18:35 < dd8ne> do you need the compressed file 18:37 < TheSeven> it might help me understand what went on, but right now we should first see if we can just recover it 18:38 < TheSeven> what's the post-erasing dump doing? all 0xff so far? 18:44 < dd8ne> data: 18:44 < dd8ne> 0000000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff * 4a4c5e0 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff fffd ffff ffff 18:46 < TheSeven> seems to be better 18:46 < TheSeven> now run disk mode :) 18:47 < dd8ne> 4a4c5f0 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff * 1fa01800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 * 1fa02000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff * 1fa03800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 18:47 < TheSeven> what exactly does this mean? 18:48 < dd8ne> so we got FFFF until 1fa01800 than 0000 0000 18:48 < TheSeven> you have 4 banks? 18:48 < TheSeven> and this is alternating in 2/6KB chunks? 18:48 < TheSeven> this might be an ordinary bad block 18:49 < dd8ne> ok. now reboot 18:49 < dd8ne> got it 18:49 < TheSeven> hopefully nandfsck will not even try to repair something but already fail at the VFL level 18:50 < dd8ne> disk mode it up 18:50 < TheSeven> did it boot successfully? 18:50 < dd8ne> yes 18:50 < TheSeven> wow 18:50 < TheSeven> ok, reboot it again 18:50 < TheSeven> once it's in embios, upload and execute http://files.freemyipod.org/installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin 18:50 < dd8ne> done 18:51 < TheSeven> it should ask if you want to reformat the flash, choose yes 18:52 < dd8ne> ok done. 18:52 < dd8ne> I got the theme up 18:52 < TheSeven> :) 18:53 < TheSeven> now enter disk mode and extract rockbox 18:53 < TheSeven> everything should be working again :) 18:53 < martin_> wow, great job! 18:53 < TheSeven> S_a_i_n_t: in case you manage to get hold of mulenmar, you might ask him to also try this. i doubt it will help, but it might be worth a try 18:54 < TheSeven> martin_: that's also good news for you :) 18:54 < TheSeven> (as you apparently have the same problem) 18:54 < martin_> great 18:54 < TheSeven> did windows accept the driver? 18:55 < martin_> didn't complain when i installed it 18:55 < TheSeven> ok 18:56 < dd8ne> Rockbox is running 18:56 < dd8ne> Thank you for the help 19:00 < dd8ne> bad news.... after using rockbox for uploading the appleos.bin and a reboot... ftl check 19:01 < dd8ne> but all works so far 19:03 < TheSeven> reboot = clean shutdown by holding the play button? 19:04 < TheSeven> martin_: download the following files: 19:04 < TheSeven> http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/embios.py 19:04 < TheSeven> http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/libembios.py 19:04 < TheSeven> http://files.freemyipod.org/installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin 19:04 < TheSeven> http://files.freemyipod.org/embios-beta-r229.bin 19:05 < TheSeven> put them all into the same folder, open a cmd window and change to that directory 19:05 < dd8ne> no menu + ok 19:05 < martin_> done 19:05 < TheSeven> dd8ne: you shouldn't do this unless absolutely neccessary, especially after writing big amounts of data 19:06 < TheSeven> it *must* do an FTL check in that case 19:06 < dd8ne> ok 19:06 < TheSeven> (but this should in theory be able to fix it under all circumstances now) 19:07 < TheSeven> martin_: now enter the following command: 19:07 < TheSeven> python embios.py ipodnano2g_dumpnand c:\nanddump (or whatever) 19:07 < dd8ne> so thank you very much for your assistance 19:08 < dd8ne> good evening... and bye 19:08 < TheSeven> dd8ne: thank you for your patience 19:08 < TheSeven> you're the first one that stayed around long enough for me to figure out how to fix it :) 19:08 < dd8ne> thank you.. you're welcome 19:09 -!- dd8ne [54395e03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:10 < martin_> File "embios.py", line 33, in 19:10 < martin_> import libembios 19:11 < martin_> probably something with my python setup? 19:12 < TheSeven> does it complain about libembios not being found? 19:12 < TheSeven> is libembios.py in the same folder? 19:12 < martin_> it's in the same folder 19:13 < martin_> and... 19:14 < martin_> File "C:\Python26\iLoader\libembios.py", line 27, in 19:14 < martin_> import libembiosdata 19:14 < martin_> but this one is not 19:15 < martin_> got it from svn 19:16 < TheSeven> oh yes 19:16 < TheSeven> forgot about that one 19:17 < martin_> File "C:\Python26\iLoader\libembios.py", line 532, in connect 19:17 < martin_> self.dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=self.idVendor, idProduct=self.idProduct) 19:17 < martin_> File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\usb\core.py", line 819, in find 19:17 < martin_> raise ValueError('No backend available') 19:17 < martin_> ValueError: No backend available 19:17 < TheSeven> that means that the driver isn't installed correctly 19:19 < martin_> hm, I don't get errors when I install it 19:19 < TheSeven> do you have c:\windows\system32\libusb0.dll? 19:19 < martin_> do i have to reboot windows? 19:19 < TheSeven> no 19:19 < TheSeven> it should have been copied there during the driver installation. if not, copy it manually 19:20 < martin_> ok 19:21 < martin_> ERROR: No emBIOS device found! 19:21 < TheSeven> ok, it found libusb now, but no device 19:21 < TheSeven> is the ipod powered on and connected? 19:21 < TheSeven> can you see it in the device manager? 19:21 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 19:22 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:22 < martin_> I see it in device manager as "USB Device" 19:22 < TheSeven> that's not good 19:23 < TheSeven> is it in the "usb controllers" category? 19:23 < martin_> in "Other devices" 19:23 < TheSeven> hm 19:23 < TheSeven> so the driver wasn't installed at all 19:23 < TheSeven> choose "update driver" and explicitly point it at the folder where the libusb files are 19:25 < martin_> emBIOD Monitor 19:25 < martin_> emBIOS 19:25 < TheSeven> sounds good 19:26 < martin_> Connected to emBIOS Debugger v0.1.3 r220 running on iPod nano 2g 19:26 < martin_> ERROR: 'The device does not support this command.' 19:26 < TheSeven> with which command? 19:26 < TheSeven> ipodnano2g_dumpnand? 19:26 < TheSeven> you'll first have to upload the newer one 19:26 < martin_> yes 19:27 < TheSeven> embios.py uploadfile 08000000 embios-beta-r229.bin && embios.py execfirmware 08000000 19:27 < martin_> done 19:28 < martin_> now dumping... 19:40 < martin_> done 19:40 < TheSeven> did it succeed? 19:41 < martin_> i see 4 files 19:41 < TheSeven> it's apparently either win7, libusb1.0 or just my machine that's causing the problems on my side then 19:41 < TheSeven> is the data.bin file the same size as you flash? 19:41 < martin_> _data.bin is 2GB 19:41 < TheSeven> that sounds good 19:41 < martin_> same as my flash 19:42 < TheSeven> keep those files around for now, they might possibly contains some traces what the root cause of all this trouble might have been 19:42 < martin_> ok 19:42 < TheSeven> now run embios.py ipodnano2g_wipenand 19:43 < martin_> ok, done 19:49 < TheSeven> now run embios.py reset and then disk mode 19:49 < TheSeven> once disk mode has booted up, unplug usb to make it reboot again 19:50 < TheSeven> connect usb again and run the following command: 19:50 < TheSeven> embios.py uploadfile 08000000 installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin && embios.py execfirmware 08000000 19:50 < TheSeven> when it asks if it should reformat the flash, choose yes 19:51 < TheSeven> after it is done, you'll hopefully have a working iloader theme again. boot disk mode again and extract rockbox to your ipod 19:51 < TheSeven> everything should be working again :) 19:51 < martin_> yes, it booted up 19:56 < martin_> wow, that's what i call support! 19:56 < martin_> many thanks for the help 19:57 < martin_> everything seems to be working again 19:58 < martin_> thanks again 19:58 < martin_> good night 19:59 -!- martin_ [4d464557@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:18 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 21:23 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:23 -!- user890104_ [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Thu Oct 28 00:25:10 2010