--- Log opened Sun Oct 31 00:56:23 2010 00:56 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:18 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 07:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:36 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:14 < user890104_> is there a way to uninstall iloader without restoring with itunes first? 08:14 -!- user890104_ is now known as user890104 08:15 < TheSeven> that depends 08:15 < TheSeven> if you didn't remove the firmware partition, you can use ipodpatcher to remove the remnants of the installer and then uninstall iloader 08:15 < TheSeven> if you did remove it, you can of course also retore manually by downloading and extracting the ipsw and writing the firmware partition manually 08:16 < user890104> i didn't remove the f/w partition and keep the norbackup 08:16 < user890104> so i need to remove osos and rename osbk to osos? 08:23 < TheSeven> yep 08:24 < TheSeven> the nor backup isn't needed for anything, the uninstaller will grab everything it needs from the firmware partition 08:25 < user890104> i thought it was important to keep it 08:25 < S_a_i_n_t> it used to be. 08:25 < TheSeven> yes, back in the pre-iloader0.1 days 08:26 < user890104> so, i restored the osbk, how do i launch the uninstaller? 08:26 < TheSeven> remove the iloader folder and reboot 08:27 < user890104> will it work too if i use "uninst" from the fallback menu without removing that folder 08:31 < user890104> i guess not, i forgot that the uninstaller is actually an embios app, not a firmware image 08:34 < TheSeven> that should actually work 08:34 < TheSeven> hm, not from the fallback menu, but if a theme would launch it, it should work 08:38 < user890104> the whole idea was to test the rockbox loader, thanks for help 08:39 < user890104> i could make an iloader theme if i have some time 08:39 < TheSeven> if you just want to test that, you can directly boot it from ram via embios 08:40 < user890104> boot the ipodx image with execfirmware? 08:41 < TheSeven> no, the bin one 08:45 < user890104> where do i find it 08:45 < user890104> i found only ipodx here: http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ 08:49 < TheSeven> you'll need to compile that 10:28 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #freemyipod-support to: www.freemyipod.org project support channel. | Please just ask your question directly and don't 'ask to ask' | This channel is logged on logs.freemyipod.org | We do NOT support any iOS device and don't help you jailbreak them 11:17 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Disconnected by services] 11:17 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:11 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:27 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:19 -!- gabriele [5d91ee77@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:21 < gabriele> My Embios 1.2 r206 says: the ftl seems to be damanged.. then scannig starts and when finished *panic* division by zero appears.. what can I do? 14:41 < Farthen> ah, that error again 14:41 < gabriele> ideas? 14:42 < Farthen> you need to install some tools and drivers to fix that 14:42 < Farthen> which operating system are you using? 14:43 < gabriele> xp pro 14:43 < Farthen> you need to install python 2.6, pyusb and a libusb driver for embios 14:45 < Farthen> python 2.7 will do it too. so please download http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7/python-2.7.msi 14:45 < Farthen> and install it 14:45 < gabriele> ok, I'm doing.. 14:46 < Farthen> then download http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/Windows%20Driver.zip 14:47 < Farthen> plug your ipod in and it will search for a driver. point it to the extracted windows driver directory from the zip file 14:51 < gabriele> ok, python 2.7 installed and usb driver too.. 14:51 < Farthen> ok, download pyusb and install it: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/files/PyUSB%200.x/0.4.3/pyusb-0.4.3.win32-py2.6.exe/download 14:54 < gabriele> it asks me python 2.6.. but i've 2.7 installed.. 14:54 < Farthen> does it really... oh i'm sorry 14:55 < Farthen> ok, can you uninstall python 2.7 and install this one? http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/python-2.6.6.msi 14:55 < gabriele> sure.. 14:55 < TheSeven> wait a second 14:55 < TheSeven> that division by zero was fixed some time ago 14:56 < TheSeven> see the changelog 14:56 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:56 < TheSeven> and iirc python 2.7 should work 14:57 < TheSeven> and why on earth are you recommending pyusb 0.4.3? 14:57 < TheSeven> libembios isn't compatible with that 14:58 < Farthen> because i thought it was... sorry 15:05 < gabriele> I've seen the changelog.. and I'd like to install embios 0.1.3 .. but How can I do?? 15:12 < TheSeven> - python 2.6 or newer 15:12 < TheSeven> - pyusb 1.0.0alpha 15:13 < Farthen> well, had to go for a short time, sorry 15:13 < TheSeven> - http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin 15:13 < TheSeven> - http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/Windows%20Driver.zip 15:13 < Farthen> gabriele: so yeah, you installed the driver and python, right? 15:14 < gabriele> yes 15:14 < Farthen> can you please download an extract http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/files/PyUSB%201.0/1.0.0-alpha-0/pyusb-1.0.0-a0.zip/download ? 15:14 < Farthen> *and 15:15 < gabriele> done 15:15 < Farthen> then open a cmd window and go to that directory 15:15 < gabriele> ok 15:15 < Farthen> and type python setup.py install 15:17 < gabriele> ok 15:17 < Farthen> good. now please download http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/embios.py and http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/libembios.py 15:18 < Farthen> and http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin 15:18 < Farthen> all in the same directory 15:18 < TheSeven> Farthen: libembiosdata? 15:18 < Farthen> yeah right. you also need http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/libembiosdata.py 15:19 < gabriele> done 15:19 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:19 < Farthen> ok, please open a command line window in that location and type "python embios.py uploadfile 08000000 installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin" 15:20 < Farthen> you need to have your ipod plugged in for that of course 15:21 < gabriele> ok, "writing file...... 0x80000000..done" 15:21 < Farthen> great 15:21 < Farthen> now type "python embios.py execfirmware 08000000" 15:22 < Farthen> you ipod should fix the ftl, then install the new iloader version 15:22 < Farthen> *your 15:24 < gabriele> Do I need to reboot?? because another *panic* error .. "FTL: scheduling bank 3 blocks 391 for remap!" appears.. 15:25 < Farthen> TheSeven: any idea? 15:25 < TheSeven> hardware trouble 15:25 < TheSeven> might actually be a bad block 15:26 < TheSeven> possibly the reason for the unclean unmount in the first place? 15:26 < TheSeven> gabriele: how did all the trouble start? 15:29 < gabriele> After the first update to embios 1.2.. your prerelease before and then final 1.2 release (one month ago).. Closing and restarting rockbox ftl scanning appared.. 15:29 < Farthen> how did you shutdown rockbox? 15:29 < Farthen> did you press play for a long time or did you use menu+reset? 15:29 < Farthen> *menu+select of course 15:31 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:31 < gabriele> I'm not he only one that use this one.. so could be.. 15:33 < Farthen> please never shutdown rockbox with menu+select. it often causes troubles. it is like shutting your computer down by cutting the power off 15:34 < gabriele> ok. 15:34 < TheSeven> and there was no rockbox panic or something similar before the ftl problems started? 15:35 < gabriele> One time.. than i've changed rockbox version and for few days all woked fine. 15:36 < Farthen> you don't remember the panic message, do you? 15:37 < gabriele> No, I'm sorry.. but my first ideas was something about filesystem corruption.. as TheSevend said.. 15:42 < TheSeven> gabriele: *panic* FTL: ? 15:42 < TheSeven> could be something like "I/O error" or "remapping block ..." 15:43 < gabriele> "scheduling bank 3 block 391 for remap!" 15:44 < TheSeven> did rockbox or embios say that? 15:44 < gabriele> embios.. rockbox is not already started.. 16:00 < TheSeven> i meant the last time it was booted 16:05 < gabriele> The only messaget that I remeber was from embios.. probably "remapping block ..." 16:05 < TheSeven> ok 16:06 < TheSeven> then it's not what i thought 16:06 < TheSeven> your best bet is probably to boot disk mode and hope that it's able to fix the problem 16:09 < gabriele> select + menu and then select + play? 16:26 < gabriele> I've asked because when I reset with "select + menu" embios starts immediatly and the sencond combinations doen't work.. there is another wait to go to boot disk mode? 16:26 < gabriele> "no wait" by "way" 16:41 < Farthen> you boot the disk mode with iloader. so where is the problem? 16:42 < TheSeven> nandfsck panics, that's the problem 16:44 < gabriele> Farthen: how? 16:45 < Farthen> ask TheSeven. he programmed this stuff :-P 16:46 < TheSeven> hm, upload diskflsh.bin :) 16:51 < TheSeven> this is getting tricky 16:52 -!- gabriele_ [5d91ee79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:53 < gabriele_> sorry my connection was down.. the problem was nandfsck?? 16:53 -!- gabriele [5d91ee77@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:53 < Farthen> gabriele_: the problem is that nandfsck blocks you running disk mode 16:54 < Farthen> because it bails out before 16:54 < Farthen> you could try uploading norboot (the apple bootloader) and it may fix your ftl 16:54 < Farthen> wait a sec, let me see if i can find a norboot image 17:00 < gabriele_> I fear that nandfsck blocks the usb connection with embios.py too.. 17:01 < Farthen> you already ran some usb commands 17:01 < Farthen> so it should still work 17:02 < Farthen> the last chance would still be activating the hold switch directly after reset to boot the failsafe-ibugger 17:02 < TheSeven> damn 17:02 < TheSeven> norboot through embios won't work either 17:02 < TheSeven> we can't overwrite the sram 17:02 < Farthen> what about ibugger loader? 17:03 < Farthen> the failsafe-thing in the bootloader? 17:03 < TheSeven> ibugger loader from sdram could work 17:03 < TheSeven> embios loader won't 17:03 < TheSeven> but dfu should work, with the norboot-orig.dfu file 17:03 < TheSeven> we could try softdfu 17:04 < gabriele_> softdfu? 17:05 < Farthen> we need a way to enter the failsafe option in the bootrom - dfu mode 17:07 < Farthen> can you reset your ipod and activate the hold switch immediately afterwards? 17:07 < Farthen> you have like < 1 second 17:08 < Farthen> just try it until you see that ibugger boots up 17:08 < gabriele_> done.. embios don't start nhe display seems off .. 17:09 < Farthen> ok 17:09 < TheSeven> wtf? 17:09 < TheSeven> that was too early 17:10 < TheSeven> Farthen: what the hell are you planning to do? 17:10 < TheSeven> just run embios writebootflash whatever 17:11 < Farthen> if that works... fine 17:12 < Farthen> you can reset your ipod again then 17:13 < gabriele_> embios loader 0.1.1 started 17:13 < gabriele_> entered recovery mode 17:13 < gabriele_> connected via usb 17:14 < gabriele_> xp asks me a driver 17:14 < Farthen> just reset it again 17:14 < Farthen> to let it run into nandfsck again 17:15 < gabriele_> done .. 17:16 < Farthen> go to your console and type: "embios uploadint 08000000 FF" 17:17 < gabriele_> "python embios.py uploadint 08000000 FF" intend? 17:17 < Farthen> yeah 17:18 < Farthen> sorry, that was what i meant 17:18 < gabriele_> No emBios device found.. I've the driver installation on the screen.. 17:19 < Farthen> select the driver again you downloaded before 17:20 < gabriele_> the driver in now installed.. but the command does't work.. "No embios device found" 17:20 < Farthen> what does your screen say? 17:21 < Farthen> i mean the ipod screen 17:22 < gabriele_> emBioS 0.1.2 r206 - and the error panic FTL: etc. 17:22 < Farthen> hmm, about one hour ago it seemed to work 17:22 < Farthen> or did your screen show something else then? 17:23 < gabriele_> is the same error after the panic per division by ZERO.. 17:24 < gabriele_> the problem is on the usb connection now.. 17:24 < Farthen> do you use the same port as before? 17:24 < gabriele_> yes 17:24 < Farthen> try to plug it into a different port or something like that. sometimes windows is weird 17:28 < gabriele_> i've tried with another port.. reset.. hold on in less than 1sec.. recovery mode.. load the driver.. reset again.. start the embios command.. but nothing 17:28 < Farthen> hmm 17:29 < gabriele_> No EmBios found 17:29 < Farthen> do you have any idea why it used to work and now it does not? 17:30 < TheSeven> how did you manage to upload and run the embios file earler? 17:30 < gabriele_> The previous error (division by zero) appared after the scan.. and now appears less 2 sec after the reset.. 17:31 < Farthen> ok, we need to use the recovery mode then 17:32 < gabriele_> do you prefer I try to restart win before? 17:33 < Farthen> that does not help 17:33 < TheSeven> so both versions fail before usb is up and running? 17:34 < Farthen> TheSeven: he did not use the recovery mode with the right script. doesn't he have to use embiosldr.py? 17:34 * TheSeven is totally confused 17:35 < TheSeven> now what works and what doesn't? 17:35 < TheSeven> is there a way to get embios running with usb access? 17:35 < Farthen> nope. only the loader 17:36 < Farthen> so we have to use your norboot corrupter program 17:36 < Farthen> gabriele_: can you go into recovery mode again? 17:37 < gabriele_> done. I'm in. 17:37 < TheSeven> how did he manage to start the newer embios version earlier? 17:37 < Farthen> then download http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/embiosldr.py and http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/libembiosldr.py 17:37 < Farthen> TheSeven: because the division by zero error behaved different than this one 17:38 < TheSeven> than which one? 17:38 < Farthen> *panic* error .. "FTL: scheduling bank 3 blocks 391 for remap!" 17:40 < TheSeven> this is turning up with the flashed embios version now? 17:41 < gabriele_> Now I'm in: emBIOS Loader v0.1.1 r206 17:41 < Farthen> TheSeven: yes 17:41 < gabriele_> entered recovery mode 17:41 < gabriele_> connected via usb 17:41 < TheSeven> r206 complains about the bad block? during the scan? 17:41 < Farthen> TheSeven: yes! 17:43 * TheSeven wonders if we should just try to wipe... 17:45 < Farthen> TheSeven: if we had a running embios... 17:45 < TheSeven> Farthen: can you make one? 17:45 < TheSeven> just make ftl_restore() or how it's called return without doing anything 17:45 < Farthen> one without nandfsck? 17:46 < Farthen> gabriele_: wait a second please 17:46 < TheSeven> this will make the post-repair mount fail, and should go to the iloader "no theme found" menu 17:47 < TheSeven> we should have a working usb monitor then, which can be booted through recovery mode 17:47 < Farthen> ok, i will compile a custom embios 17:48 < TheSeven> we can then try running disk mode, and if things still fail just wipe 18:11 < Farthen> gabriele_: are you still there? 18:11 < gabriele_> sure 18:11 < Farthen> ok, i prepared an embios image that might work 18:12 < Farthen> please download http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/embios-failsafe-iloader.bin 18:12 < gabriele_> ok 18:12 < Farthen> you did already download the two python scripts embiosldr.py and libembiosldr.py? 18:12 < gabriele_> yes 18:13 < Farthen> ok, then do "python embiosldr.py upload 08000000 embios-failsafe-iloader.bin" 18:14 < gabriele_> sorry.. I'm always in recovery mode 18:14 < Farthen> that's right 18:14 < Farthen> you should do this from recovery mode 18:14 < gabriele_> done 18:15 < Farthen> fine. now do "python embiosldr.py execute 0x08000000 0x0a000000" 18:15 < gabriele_> done 18:15 < Farthen> it *should* boot iloader into recovery mode now 18:15 < Farthen> what do you see on the screen? 18:16 < gabriele_> embios v0.1.3 r238M 18:16 < gabriele_> and always the same error 18:16 < Farthen> hmm, i'm wondering what i did wrong 18:17 < Farthen> so it said "The FTL seems to be damaged. Forcing check." 18:17 < Farthen> ? 18:18 < gabriele_> No, *panic* FTL: scheduling.. etc 18:26 < Farthen> gabriele_: try http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/embios-failsafe-iloader.bin 18:27 < Farthen> i updated it 18:27 < Farthen> just doing "python embiosldr.py run embios-failsafe-iloader.bin" should do the trick 18:30 < gabriele_> nothing .. alwasy the same error.. is always r238M the release?.. 18:30 < Farthen> yep 18:57 < Farthen> gabriele_: can you try it again? i updated the file 18:57 < gabriele_> ok 18:57 < gabriele_> ok!! 18:57 < gabriele_> and now? 18:58 < Farthen> you are in the iloader menu now? 18:58 < gabriele_> yes 18:58 < Farthen> run disk mode 18:59 < gabriele_> ok.. i'n in 19:00 < Farthen> ok, now reset your ipod 19:00 < Farthen> it should be fixed now 19:00 < Farthen> at least i hope so 19:00 < gabriele_> xp ask me to format the disk.. is normal?? 19:01 < TheSeven> hm, apparently disk mode wiped it 19:01 < TheSeven> i hope you didn't have anything important on it 19:01 < TheSeven> now run the installer 19:01 < TheSeven> if it asks you if you want to reformat it, choose yes 19:01 < TheSeven> it's better to let the installer do that 19:02 < gabriele_> ipodpatcher etc? 19:03 < Farthen> nope. run the installer as we said above 19:03 < Farthen> python embios.py uploadfile 08000000 installer-nano2g-beta-r229.bin 19:03 < gabriele_> with embios.py ? 19:03 < Farthen> python embios.py execfirmware 08000000 19:05 < gabriele_> ok.. now I try to reinstall rockbox 19:06 < Farthen> sorry that it took so long. this was actually the first time this happened 19:06 < gabriele_> No problem.. You're great guys. Thank you so much.. 19:32 -!- gabriele_ [5d91ee79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:40 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:10 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 22:22 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support