--- Log opened Fri Jan 14 00:00:38 2011 00:28 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:49 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:39 -!- nosaj [~nosaj@adsl-235-26-193.clt.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:40 -!- nosaj [~nosaj@adsl-235-26-193.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:10 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:28 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 10:28 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:40 -!- Jackal_ [4cfed454@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:10 < Jackal_> hello all. I seem to have had a problem during iloader install and i think i might have bricked my ipod but im not sure. 11:10 < Jackal_> is there someone that might be able to offer some advice awake? 11:10 < [7]> what exactly did you do? and how exactly did it react? 11:12 < Jackal_> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/IPod_Classic_iLoader_Installation i was following this tutorial, i have a classic 2g 120gb. everything was going fine until the installer got to the point where it was flashing, and now my ipod's screen is blank white and does not respond to menu+select 11:12 < [7]> oops 11:13 < [7]> the "screen going white" bug is a known bug that is a bit hard to reproduce, but the hold switch should work nevertheless 11:13 < [7]> and also the click wheel reset combo 11:13 < [7]> if the click wheel is locked up for some reason, try locking the hold switch, waiting a few seconds, unlocking it again, and then holding menu+select for 5 to 10 seconds 11:14 < [7]> if this still doesn't work, just disconnect it from usb and let the battery run down. i would expect it to boot up normally after that. 11:16 < Jackal_> well, i had it disconnected after the loader's install screen loaded up like the guide said, and then went through the on-screen install prompt. i had tried the hold switch but still no response when i do reset combo. how long does a device typically take to run dead? 11:16 < [7]> is the hard drive still spinning? 11:17 < Jackal_> i do believe so. pressing the back against my ear i hear a high pitched tone 11:17 < [7]> i'd expect it to last for about 3 to 5 hours in that case if it was fully charged before 11:18 < Jackal_> alright. ill let it run dead and try to power it up 11:18 * [7] has never seen that kind of reset problem before on an ipod classic 11:19 < [7]> it sometimes didn't reset "easily", but the lock hold - wait - unlock hold - reset sequence has always worked for me so far 11:19 < Jackal_> well i guess it had to happen to somebody 11:19 < Jackal_> lol 11:20 < [7]> it's known that one can prevent resetting on the 4th generation ipod nano - but that's the only platform i've seen that on so far 11:24 < Jackal_> hm. im just hoping i didnt brick it. you said it was rare that this happens? 11:24 < [7]> you can certainly do hardware damage to an ipod classic, but to my knowledge you can't brick them by flashing bad code 11:25 < [7]> you should always be able to enter DFU and fix the rest from there 11:26 < Jackal_> cool 11:26 < Jackal_> how would i restore the apple firmware in dfu? 11:27 < Jackal_> through itunes like normal? 11:27 < [7]> no, that will probably fail 11:27 < [7]> you'll need to do a regular iloader uninstallation, and then an itunes restore 11:27 < Jackal_> okay 11:28 < [7]> but even if the regular uninstall doesn't work any more, i'm sure one can build a trivial tool that does the neccessary operations directly through dfu 11:28 < Jackal_> alright 11:28 < Jackal_> would there be any reason that it wouldnt be able to enter dfu or try to boot up? im just trying to have all my bases covered before i go to bed and let it drain 11:29 < [7]> i'm not from apple or samsung, so a can't give you a definitive answer on that - but at least oi don't know of any reason why it should refuse to enter DFU after a cold reboot 11:30 < Jackal_> alright 11:31 < Jackal_> thanks a lot dude. you really helped a lot 11:31 < Jackal_> im gonna go to bed and let this drain. thanks for the help :) 12:00 -!- Rustyp1981 [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:02 < Rustyp1981> hello, Is the 7 around// 12:02 < Rustyp1981> ?? 12:03 < Rustyp1981> i was working through some isssues with my 2g last night 12:03 < Rustyp1981> but have lost the log 12:03 < Rustyp1981> ;( 12:08 < Rustyp1981> ah ha 12:08 < Rustyp1981> http://pastie.org/1459681 12:08 < Rustyp1981> that's where we got to last night 12:09 < Rustyp1981> this morning i plug the ipod into the laptop and low and behold it booted into a white screen with emBIOS v0.1.4 r392M 12:10 < Rustyp1981> I dare not touch it now until someone on here advises me what to do next :) 12:17 < user890104> Rustyp1981: hello, can you boot recovery mode, then upload an embios binary with embiosldr.py? 12:20 < Rustyp1981> i'm not sure if i dear reboot, last time i did the ipod froze and wouldn't turn back on 12:20 < Rustyp1981> ATM i can see the ipod in device manager 12:21 < Rustyp1981> but when i type import usb.core in python it says no device found 12:21 < Rustyp1981> sorry 12:21 < Rustyp1981> it says no module named usb core 12:22 < user890104> then you don't have a working libusb/pyusb setup 12:22 < user890104> you need to setup that first 12:23 < Rustyp1981> ok i'll do that now 12:23 < user890104> Farthen has more knowledge on this topic than me 12:23 < user890104> because he wrote the python tools 12:24 < user890104> i think there were some instructions somewhere on the wiki 12:25 < user890104> what does "python -V" say? (type it in a console without the quotes) 12:25 < Rustyp1981> setup.py install ? 12:27 < Rustyp1981> ok 12:27 < Rustyp1981> i've set it up 12:27 < Rustyp1981> and when i type usb.core.find(find_all=True) 12:27 < user890104> if you didn't install the pyusb package, the command you posted should install it 12:27 < Rustyp1981> it finds the device 12:27 < Rustyp1981> [] 12:28 < user890104> ok, so you should be able to communicate with the ipod 12:28 < Rustyp1981> ok, so what should i try first 12:28 < user890104> can you upload the most recent (r415 IIRC) embios binary? 12:28 < Rustyp1981> how do i do that? 12:29 < user890104> (let me test the commands on my nano 2g before giving them to you) 12:29 < Rustyp1981> ok :) 12:30 < user890104> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting 12:31 < user890104> basicly, the instructions under Getting to recovery mode and the section after that are what you should fix any iloader/embios issues 12:32 < user890104> by reinstalling iloader 12:33 < Rustyp1981> The only problem with that is that last time i rebooted the ipod it locked and wouldn't switch back on 12:33 < user890104> by rebooting you mean menu+select, or choosing Power off from iloader, and then pressing any button? 12:34 < user890104> what does it show in the screen right now? 12:34 < Rustyp1981> White screen with emBIOS v0.14 r392M 12:35 < user890104> only this, nothing else? 12:35 < Rustyp1981> only that 12:36 < user890104> and this happens just after powering on, no menu or any graphics, right? 12:36 < Rustyp1981> allthat came on the scrren before this was the apple logo 12:37 < user890104> so, you power on the ipod, an apple logo appears, then emBIOS vXXX rXXX ? 12:38 < Rustyp1981> yes 12:38 < user890104> if the apple logo appears, that means apple's bootloader is still on the ipod 12:39 * user890104 is wondering how does apple's bootloader launch emBIOS 12:39 < [7]> user890104: i'm on the run currently, but AFAICT he currently has an apple bootloader in the NOR and the installer in the firmware partition 12:39 < [7]> and apparently something locked out the reset combo yesterday, no idea what 12:39 < [7]> after letting the battery run down it booted again 12:40 < [7]> also this is a fairly new beta installer 12:40 < user890104> [7]: so we are trying to get disk mode somehow, and fix the installer in FW paerition? 12:40 < [7]> one i build after fixing the issues you were experiencing 12:40 < [7]> the installer should be alright, it's working on mine 12:40 < [7]> i have no idea what's going on with his ipod 12:41 < user890104> if apple's bootloader is there, the disk mode combo should work, right? 12:41 < user890104> before ever trying to read from the firmware partition 12:41 < [7]> if he wants to stay on the safe side, i'd suggest trying to enter disk mode (if neccessary by letting the battery run down once again and holding select+play while plugging it in), and remove the installer altogether for now (or just restore using itunes, should have the same effect) 12:42 * [7] has to leave now 12:43 < user890104> so Rustyp1981, is the ipod is plugged to the computer right now? 12:46 < user890104> if it isn't, plug it in, then hold menu+select to reset it, and as soon as the display turns off, *immediately* move your fingers to select+play and hold that until you see a "do not disconnect" message 12:46 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:47 < user890104> after you do this, your ipod should show up as a flash drive, and itunes restore should solve your problem 12:47 < Rustyp1981> brb 12:47 < user890104> if something goes wrong, you can let the battery discharge completely, then follow [7]'s advices 12:48 * user890104 has to go away too, for about an hour 13:05 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:06 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:08 < Rustyp1981> :-D 13:08 < Rustyp1981> All fixed 13:08 < user890104> Rustyp1981: how did you fixed it 13:08 < Rustyp1981> well, i have the Apple OS reinstalled and the Ipod is now booting properly. 13:09 < Rustyp1981> Whent into disk mode via select and menu then select + play and restored through the Ipod Through i tunes 13:09 < Rustyp1981> ;) 13:09 < Rustyp1981> :) 13:09 < user890104> are you going to try iLoader again, or you will continue using only apple's OS? 13:10 < Rustyp1981> Idealy i wouldlike to dual boot with rockbox using iLoader 13:10 < user890104> you can also install rockbox + rockbox's bootloader, if you're having troubles with iLoader 13:11 < user890104> rockbox utility is the best way to do this 13:11 < Rustyp1981> Hmmmm...But i like the fact that iLoader has the extra tools like being able to go into USB mode by pressing select at the menu 13:12 < Rustyp1981> rather than just being able to boot into either OS using the hold switch 13:12 < user890104> you can launch disk mode by holding select+play dirung the apple logo just like you did in order to restore it 13:12 < user890104> during* 13:13 < Rustyp1981> I guess, iloader just makes it easier/better. 13:13 < Rustyp1981> but maybe i should quit while i'm ahead lol 13:14 < user890104> i suggest trying rockbox's loader/installer 13:14 < user890104> http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RockboxUtility#Download 13:14 < user890104> then install rockbox and the bootloader 13:14 < Rustyp1981> yep,i already had my ipod dual booted using rockboxs b/lwhen i came across iLoader 13:15 < user890104> if you would like, i can give you the most recent iloader build, that i have installed on my ipod 13:16 < user890104> i beliee that the problems you've had are fixed in it 13:16 < Rustyp1981> ok,i guess if it all goes tits again, i can just restore again 13:16 < user890104> believe* 13:16 < user890104> yes, and if it goes even worse for a reason, you can use DFU mode to recover 13:16 < Rustyp1981> should i install rock box before or after iLoader 13:17 < user890104> you should have it installed before iloader 13:17 < user890104> so iloader can boot into it after it's installed 13:17 < Rustyp1981> ok, i'll instllrock box now 13:18 < Rustyp1981> iguess i just use the installer but choose not to install the boot loader? 13:21 < user890104> yes, exactly 13:21 < user890104> then i'll prepare an installer for you 13:22 < user890104> which uses the most recent source code of iloader 13:22 < user890104> (and test it on my device before sending, of course) 13:22 < user890104> rev. 421 is the most recent as of now 13:23 < user890104> and i have a pre-built installer, just want to test in once again, and i'll give you a link to download it 13:27 < Rustyp1981> ok 13:27 < Rustyp1981> i have rockbox installed minusthe bootloader 13:27 < Rustyp1981> :) 13:29 < user890104> ok, just installed iloader on my device so the installer looks good 13:29 < user890104> do you have ipodpatcher? 13:31 < Rustyp1981> yep 13:32 < user890104> so, get this file: 13:33 < user890104> and run it like that: ipodpatcher -a installer-nano2g.ipodx 13:33 < user890104> while your ipod is connected 13:33 < user890104> after safely disconnecting, the installer should start 13:34 < user890104> i usually skip the repartitioning part, because this minimizes the risk of corrupting the data (music, etc) 13:35 < Rustyp1981> :( 13:35 < user890104> i've changed the color a bit, so console's background is black and the text is white, so don't be surprised 13:35 < Rustyp1981> got the apple logo 13:36 < Rustyp1981> now the black screen with the white writing 13:36 < user890104> right after the apple logo, the installer should start 13:36 < Rustyp1981> it's hanging on the black screen with white writing 13:36 < user890104> like the previous time? emBIOS v0.1.4 r421M ? 13:36 < Rustyp1981> yep 13:37 < user890104> damn it.. 13:37 < user890104> enter disk mode like you did before, but instead of restoring, enter the following command: 13:38 < user890104> ipodpatcher -d 13:38 < user890104> this should get you apple OS back and remove the installer 13:38 < user890104> then eject and let it reboot 13:39 < Rustyp1981> nope back to the black screen 13:39 < Rustyp1981> :9 13:39 < user890104> does it reset with menu+select? 13:39 < Rustyp1981> yes 13:40 < Rustyp1981> and i can still get into disk mode 13:40 < user890104> and you run ipodpatcher -d, what did it say? 13:40 < user890104> can you paste the whole output to pastebin.org 13:40 < Rustyp1981> no output 13:41 < Rustyp1981> just opened another cmd window and closed it stright away 13:41 < user890104> what operating system are you running on the computer? 13:42 < Rustyp1981> windoze 7 :( 13:42 < Rustyp1981> i have xp dual booted 13:42 < user890104> open the start menu, type cmd then press ctrl+shift+enter 13:42 < user890104> to start an Administratie mode console 13:42 < user890104> and try from it 13:42 < user890104> administrative* 13:43 < user890104> you should see something like that: http://pastie.org/pastes/1459957/text 13:43 < user890104> (except for the first line, because it was done from a linux box) 13:44 < user890104> running just the ipodpatcher exe as administrator, should give you the uninstall option 13:45 < user890104> i mean by right-clicking on it, and selecting Run as administrator 13:45 < user890104> the you press "i" to install rockbox's bootloader, or "u" to restore the apple's one 13:45 < Rustyp1981> it's saying it cant find the ipod :-s 13:45 < Rustyp1981> http://pastie.org/1459968 13:46 < user890104> if it's in disk mode and the sign above the "do not disconnect" message is flashing, the computer should detect it 13:47 < Rustyp1981> yep 13:47 < user890104> do you see the ipod in Explorer? 13:47 < Rustyp1981> i can see the ipod in my computer 13:47 < user890104> ok, so you should try the second method, without running cmd first 13:47 < user890104> [15:45:19] i mean by right-clicking on it, and selecting Run as administrator 13:47 < user890104> [15:45:39] the you press "i" to install rockbox's bootloader, or "u" to restore the apple's one 13:48 < user890104> this one 13:48 < Rustyp1981> same message 13:48 < Rustyp1981> cant find ipod 13:49 < user890104> then restore it with iTunes once again, and wait for TheSeven to show up 13:49 < user890104> i'm out of ideas 13:50 < Rustyp1981> shall i try restoring using i tunes,then try installin iloader as administrator/ 13:50 < Rustyp1981> ? 13:51 < user890104> you should leave the iloader installation for a while, until we find out what's preventing it from running 13:51 < user890104> rockbox+rockbox bootloader should be fine 13:51 < user890104> install them using the rockbox utility 13:51 < Rustyp1981> hmmm...when i start itunes 13:51 < user890104> and check after some hours if TheSeven is around 13:52 < Rustyp1981> the ipod reboots into the black screenagain 13:52 < Rustyp1981> :9 13:52 < Rustyp1981> :( 13:52 < user890104> so you get it into disk mode, but it restarts from there? 13:52 < Rustyp1981> yes 13:53 < user890104> can you put it in disk mode again, then format the partition using explorer 13:53 < Rustyp1981> when i launch itunes 13:53 < Rustyp1981> i no loger get the apple logo when it reboots though 13:53 < user890104> eject it, then it will probably reboot, press the disk mode keys again, and then try itunes 13:53 < user890104> if you don't have the apple logo, the installer should have completed 13:54 < Rustyp1981> iget a whitescreen with some text for a split second 13:54 < user890104> emBIOS Loader vX.X.X rXXX 13:54 < user890104> Switch HOLD on for recovery 13:54 < user890104> this text 13:54 < Rustyp1981> then the black screen wit embios loader 13:55 < user890104> the white screen is the loader itself, the black screen is embios 13:55 < user890104> the latter fails to continue for some reason 13:55 < user890104> so we can use the loader's recovery mode 13:55 < user890104> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Getting_to_Recovery_mode 13:56 < user890104> you should start with this one 13:56 < user890104> then proceed to http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Uploading_an_emBIOS_binary 13:56 < Rustyp1981> yeah i've just got into the recovery menu using the hold button 13:56 < user890104> then leave it connected with the embios message on the screen, and someone will assist you how to continue 13:57 < user890104> i think that the flash memory is corrupted, so you can erase it 13:57 < user890104> but TheSeven might have a better idea 13:57 < Rustyp1981> is there anyway i can just get it back to apple os, so i can use it for the ride to work? 13:59 < user890104> yes, if you upload an embios binary, i can send you an uninstaller 13:59 < Rustyp1981> ok 13:59 < user890104> 14:00 < user890104> you can download the latest embios build from builds.freemyipod.org 14:00 < user890104> and use it for the uploading step 14:02 < Rustyp1981> i confused about how i do this 14:03 < Rustyp1981> *i'm 14:03 < user890104> if you follow the instructions in that order, it should work 14:03 < user890104> http://builds.freemyipod.org/embios/target/ipodnano2g/embios-ipodnano2g-r421.bin 14:03 < user890104> this is the binary you need 14:04 < user890104> it's not actually clear which file to download, i'm sorry 14:05 < user890104> i've fixed the instructions 14:07 < Rustyp1981> just to confirm, sorry 14:07 < Rustyp1981> i need to do this 14:07 < Rustyp1981> http://pastie.org/1460037 14:08 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:14 < user890104> yes, exactly 14:14 < Rustyp1981> ok 14:14 < user890104> after you succeed with this one, you need to enter: embios.py run uninstaller-nano2g.embiosapp 14:15 < Rustyp1981> ok 14:15 < user890104> it will remove everything related to iLoader (except the iLoader folder on the ipod, which doesn't cause any trouble if left) 14:15 < user890104> so you can sync music with itunes and use apple's OS 14:16 < TheSeven> hm, what are you doing? 14:16 < TheSeven> was it already flashed? 14:16 < user890104> TheSeven: it did flash it and hang just before showing the menu 14:16 < TheSeven> hm, weird 14:16 < user890104> he's uninstalling now to use the player as usual 14:16 < user890104> and maybe later we could look what's wrong 14:17 < user890104> it seems that no installer/iloader graphics are displayed 14:17 < user890104> but the installer did flash it 14:17 < TheSeven> but why were there apple logos showing up? 14:18 < user890104> because the old installer didn't flash anything 14:18 < user890104> we replaced it with a more recent one, which did run somehow 14:19 < user890104> but then iloader locked up just like the previous installer in the FW partition 14:19 * TheSeven thinks that this is a strange ipod... 14:22 < Rustyp1981> :-s 14:22 < Rustyp1981> http://pastie.org/1460099 14:22 < user890104> is the file there? (embios.py) 14:22 < Rustyp1981> ahhh..i guess i need o put embios.pyin the same folder 14:22 < Rustyp1981> doh 14:24 < Rustyp1981> can i pleasehave a link to embios.py 14:25 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 14:25 < Rustyp1981> it's ok i found it on the site 14:27 < user890104> yep, it must be inside the folder together with embiosdata, libembios and maybe one more file 14:28 < Rustyp1981> hmm it won't let me download the file 14:28 < Rustyp1981> from here 14:28 < Rustyp1981> http://websvn.freemyipod.org/listing.php?repname=freemyipod&path=/embios/trunk/tools/ 14:36 < user890104> http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/embios.py 14:36 < user890104> http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/libembios.py 14:36 < Rustyp1981> it's ok i found them here http://svn.freemyipod.org/embios/trunk/tools/ 14:36 < user890104> ok, if something is missing, download it too 14:38 < Rustyp1981> ok, down loaded all required files 14:38 < Rustyp1981> and run the script 14:38 < Rustyp1981> now i have this 14:38 < Rustyp1981> http://pastie.org/1460156 14:40 < user890104> did it uninstall successfully? 14:42 < Rustyp1981> nope 14:42 < Rustyp1981> when i reboot goes back to the black screen with embIOS 14:43 < user890104> TheSeven: any ideas? even the uninstaller does not run properly 14:43 < Rustyp1981> i can still getinto diskmode 14:44 < TheSeven> i have no idea what the current state is and what you have tried 14:44 < user890104> he uploaded the most recent installer with ipodpatcher 14:44 < TheSeven> most recent == SVN HEAD? 14:45 < user890104> it seems to have flashed it, but iloader locks up 14:45 < user890104> yes, r421 14:45 < TheSeven> Rustyp1981: how can you enter disk mode? 14:45 < Rustyp1981> yes 14:45 < user890104> i've tested it on my ipod 14:45 < TheSeven> what does it show on the lcd? 14:46 < Rustyp1981> no entry sign with donot disconect. The ipod is showing in my computer 14:46 < TheSeven> i mean when you reboot it 14:46 < TheSeven> and *HOW* you can enter disk mode 14:46 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:49 < Rustyp1981> i get a whitescreen for a split second and thena black screen with emBIOS v.0.1.4 r421m. After about 30 seconds the ipod turns it's self off. At this point if i press the select button the ipod powers up again and i get the white screen for a split second the the black one with emBIOS then thrity sendonds or so switchs off again. 14:50 < Rustyp1981> to enter disk mode i hold select and menu when at the black emBIOS screen and when it reboots i press and hold select + play 14:50 < user890104> so iloader itself is working, but you see no graphical output on the screen 14:50 < TheSeven> yep 14:50 < TheSeven> lcd trouble... 14:51 < user890104> i suggest uninstalling then, but the uninstaller also seems to fail 14:53 * user890104 has to go 14:53 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:53 < Rustyp1981> i did manage to get r250to work fully yesterday but when i started messing with it was when all my problems started 14:56 * TheSeven has to go as well 14:56 < TheSeven> you don't happen to have a nor flash backup of your ipod? 14:56 < Rustyp1981> no :( 14:57 < Rustyp1981> I just want to try and get apple os back for now a i have a 1.5 hour cycle rided to work this evening 15:00 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:04 -!- Rustyp1981 [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:11 -!- Rustyp1981 [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:13 < Rustyp1981> :( 15:16 -!- TheSeven|Mobile [~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:16 < Rustyp1981> hmmm.just tried installing rockbox through the installer and it says "error reading partition table - possibly not an ipod" 15:17 < Rustyp1981> this was while the ipod was in disk mode 15:18 < TheSeven|Mobile> if i were you i would feel lucky that my ipod is not completely bricked yet and would not do anything other than what we instruct you to do now... 15:19 < Rustyp1981> ok 15:19 < Rustyp1981> i'll leave it as is 15:19 < Rustyp1981> untill advised by your selfs 15:20 < TheSeven|Mobile> if disk mode still works, i'd take the opportunity to restore using itunes once again 15:20 < TheSeven|Mobile> that way we should get the data flash into a known state again 15:20 < Rustyp1981> when i start ituens the ipod reboot 15:20 < Rustyp1981> into the balck emBIOS screen 15:21 < TheSeven|Mobile> and itunes doesn't ask you if you want to restore it? 15:21 < Rustyp1981> no 15:21 < Rustyp1981> once it reboots it no longer detects the ipod 15:22 < TheSeven|Mobile> and if you hold the disk mode combo while it reboots it? 15:22 < Rustyp1981> i'll try that now 15:26 -!- TheSeven|Mobile [~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:27 -!- TheSeven|Mobile [~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:28 < Rustyp1981> need to reboot. brb 15:32 -!- Rustyp81 [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:32 < Rustyp81> it just keeps rebooting 15:32 -!- Rustyp1981 [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:33 < Rustyp81> it trys tosync 15:33 < Rustyp81> 8it trys to sync, then reboots 15:35 < TheSeven|Mobile> and you currently have no valid firmware partition on it? 15:35 < Rustyp81> how do i check 15:36 < Rustyp81> i can brows the ipod in explorer 15:36 < TheSeven|Mobile> both ipodpatcher and the uninstaller failed because of a missing/damaged firmware partition, right? 15:36 < Rustyp81> I have no idea why the failed 15:37 < Rustyp81> i just followed the instructions user890104 game me 15:37 < Rustyp81> *gave 15:42 < TheSeven|Mobile> and what did it do? 15:42 < Rustyp81> from the start.... 15:42 < Rustyp81> we manged to restore it using itunes 15:43 < Rustyp81> then user890104 send me a new installer 15:43 < Rustyp81> i loaded that and that gave us the problems we are experiancing now 15:43 < TheSeven|Mobile> i mean *how* the uninstaller failed 15:44 < Rustyp81> hang on i will go through the log and pastie the relivent details 15:45 < TheSeven|Mobile> what did the uninstaller complain about? a missing/damaged firmware partition/aupd? 15:46 < Rustyp81> itdidn't 15:46 < TheSeven|Mobile> what else did it do then? 15:46 < TheSeven|Mobile> it must have done *anything*! 15:46 < Rustyp81> thisis the output i got 15:46 < Rustyp81> http://pastie.org/1460156 15:48 < TheSeven|Mobile> great. and what did the ipod do? 15:49 < Rustyp81> stayed at the emBIOS screen 15:49 < TheSeven|Mobile> did you give it some time to complete uninstalling? 15:50 < Rustyp81> i waited till the command prompt came back in the cmd shell 15:50 < TheSeven|Mobile> which should be almost instant 15:50 < Rustyp81> yes, it was 15:50 < TheSeven|Mobile> did the ipod reboot after like half a minute? 15:50 < Rustyp81> no 15:51 < Rustyp81> i rebooted it 15:55 < TheSeven|Mobile> if you reboot it, wait a few seconds, and then press the center button, does anything happen? 15:56 < Rustyp81> yes 15:57 < TheSeven|Mobile> and what? 15:57 < Rustyp81> the back light dims. The screen on the ipod stays at the emBIOS black screen and windows detects the ipod 16:01 < Rustyp81> windows detects the ipod as an ipod not as emBIOS device 16:02 < TheSeven|Mobile> so as a mass storage device? 16:03 < TheSeven|Mobile> can you boot diagmode? 16:03 < Rustyp81> yes, i can see the ipod in my computer 16:04 < Rustyp81> how do i boot into diagmode? 16:04 < TheSeven|Mobile> like disk mode, lust select+left 16:04 < TheSeven|Mobile> in diagmode, go to others => status and press the center button 16:04 < TheSeven|Mobile> what are the lcd_detect values? 16:07 < Rustyp81> LCD Detect0:0 16:07 < Rustyp81> LCD Detect1:1 16:07 < TheSeven|Mobile> hm, ilitek... 16:09 < Rustyp81> ilitek? 16:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:14 -!- TheSeven|Mobile [~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Quit: TheSeven|Mobile] 16:35 < TheSeven> Rustyp81: are you getting an "emBIOS v.whatever" screen, or "emBIOS Loader v.whatever"? 16:35 < Rustyp81> when the ipod boots? 16:35 < TheSeven> yes 16:36 < Rustyp81> it hangs on emBIOS v0.1.4 r421Mscreen 16:37 < Rustyp81> a white screen with text flashes just before though 16:37 < TheSeven> ok 16:37 < TheSeven> hm, so the first DMA transfer makes its way through, but then it breaks 16:37 < TheSeven> user890104: anything special with that build? 16:39 < Rustyp81> i'm not sure if it is relivant but i managed to get the R250 build to load ok yesterday 16:40 < Rustyp81> this one 16:40 < Rustyp81> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/iloader/ipodnano2g-installer0.2.1-iloader0.2.2-uninstaller0.2.0-embios0.1.4-embiosldr0.1.1-umsboot0.1.0-20101103-r250.ipodx 16:40 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:41 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:42 < Rustyp81> i need to leave for work but i will leave this shell open and check it when i get back. 16:43 < Rustyp81> Many thanks for all your help so far. :) 17:14 < TheSeven> in that case i'd just downgrade to that version 17:43 -!- DX3 [~Dre@] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:44 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:48 -!- DX3 [~Dre@] has quit [Quit: Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.] 17:52 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:59 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:04 -!- asmmonkey [~asmmonkey@210.Red-88-20-211.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:17 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:26 -!- user890104_ [~Venci@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:28e4:2366:2b16:10ec] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:27 -!- user890104 [~Venci@2001:0:4137:9e76:c7f:3a54:2b16:10ec] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:11 -!- Jackal_ [4cfed454@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:14 < Rustyp81> Hello. How do i go about downgrading? 21:15 < TheSeven> embios.py runfirmware 08000000 whatever.bin 21:15 < TheSeven> the r250 installer bin file 21:16 < TheSeven> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/iloader/ipodnano2g-installer0.2.1-iloader0.2.2-uninstaller0.2.0-embios0.1.4-embiosldr0.1.1-umsboot0.1.0-20101103-r250.bin 21:17 < Rustyp81> from recovery mode? 21:19 < TheSeven> no, from the "stuck at boot on embios screen" state 21:20 < TheSeven> afterwards, wait for the downgrade to complete 21:20 < TheSeven> (until it reboots) 21:20 < Rustyp81> HAHA!!!! 21:20 < Rustyp81> Sorted 21:20 < Rustyp81> :-) 21:21 < TheSeven> not quite. 21:21 < Rustyp81> well i have the iloader guinow 21:21 < TheSeven> the itunes problem probably still remains, and i have absolutely no idea what's going on 21:21 < Rustyp81> oh right 21:22 < Rustyp81> i am able to boot into rock box 21:22 < Rustyp81> from the iloader menu 21:26 < Rustyp81> and i have just coppied a song to the ipod using CopyTrans manager 21:26 < Rustyp81> dare i try itunes?? 21:27 < Rustyp81> *copied a song whilst ipod was running rock box 21:29 < TheSeven> well you can try restoring it once again 21:30 < TheSeven> it can't hurt that much 21:30 < TheSeven> either it works, or it just reboots again 21:37 -!- Rustyp81 [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:39 -!- Rustyp1981_ [5e0b8a7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:40 < Rustyp1981_> Itunes just rebooted the ipod. Whenthe ipod, rebooted it said something about ftl no being clean then a progress bar and then booted to the iloader gui 21:44 < TheSeven> weird 21:47 -!- Jackal_ [4cfed454@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:47 < Jackal_> hey guys i have a question 21:47 -!- user890104 [~Venci@2001:0:4137:9e76:3044:23eb:2b16:10ec] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:47 < Jackal_> i installed rockbox on my 2g 120gb classic and i was wondering if there was a way to still boot the apple firmware 21:48 < TheSeven> not without uninstalling rockbox 21:48 < Jackal_> thanks 21:48 < TheSeven> i'll look into this at some point, but we haven't got that far yet 21:49 -!- user890104_ [~Venci@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:28e4:2366:2b16:10ec] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:51 < Rustyp1981_> It is indeed strange. I've just transfered 2GB of my music using copytrans man and shuffled through a load of songs and rockbox seas stable enough, so on the plus side iam able to listen to music. 21:51 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 21:53 -!- nosaj [~nosaj@adsl-235-26-193.clt.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:54 < Rustyp1981_> i plan to get a 1g nano so i can play around with the psgroove payloads, so i shall donatethis one to the cause. :) 21:54 < TheSeven> Rustyp1981_: what on earth do you want to do with psgroove?` 21:55 < Rustyp1981_> Try and teach myself how the hex files work 21:56 < Rustyp1981_> although there are probably cheaper ways to do this 21:57 < TheSeven> there is some hack from geohot nowadays that doesn't need any special hardware any more 21:57 < TheSeven> (based on the work from fail0verflow) 22:01 < Rustyp1981_> yeah but he won't release the npdrm keys and with out them every one who installs his cwf is at his mercy 22:02 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 22:02 < Rustyp1981_> i have no real intention of runing "backups" or much hoebrew i just like to try and find out howthings work 22:02 < Rustyp1981_> mainly breaking them in the process 22:14 -!- asmmonkey [~asmmonkey@210.Red-88-20-211.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has quit [Quit: bx lr] 22:16 -!- user890104 [~Venci@2001:0:4137:9e76:3044:23eb:2b16:10ec] has quit [] 22:16 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:18 -!- [Saint] [S_a_i_n_t@] has quit [Disconnected by services] 22:18 -!- S_a_i_n_t [S_a_i_n_t@] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:19 < user890104> TheSeven: (for the logs) here is a diff that shows the differences between my working copy (that i built the installer from) and r421 (SVN HEAD at the moment) 22:20 < user890104> i've made only cosmetic changes to the look of iloader/embios 22:41 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:41 -!- nosaj [~nosaj@adsl-235-84-190.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:17 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 23:18 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:25 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 23:29 < Rustyp1981_> Hmm....rock box has just frozen. It reboots ok but fails to find any songs.:( 23:38 < Rustyp1981_> alsowhen i go into the more options menu from the iLoader gui and then into fall back menu it says iLoader - no config file 23:40 * TheSeven falls off his chair 23:40 < Rustyp1981_> have you been drinking? 23:40 < Rustyp1981_> or am i just being retarded again 23:41 < TheSeven> this is a *feature* 23:41 < Farthen> have *you* been drinking? xD 23:41 < TheSeven> that way you can enter the *fallback* menu, which is normally used if there is a problem with the theme 23:42 < Rustyp1981_> in which case i think my second second statement applies xd 23:42 < Rustyp1981_> xD 23:42 < TheSeven> regarding rockbox not finding any songs: where did you put them? 23:44 < TheSeven> and when it locked up, what were you doing? 23:44 < TheSeven> was that during a file transfer, or just while playing around in the menus? 23:51 < Rustyp1981_> erm i'm not sure 23:51 < Rustyp1981_> i used copy trans manger to move them over 23:51 < TheSeven> what is that? 23:52 < Rustyp1981_> an itunes replacement 23:52 < TheSeven> so that probably threw everything into ipod_control/itunes/music? 23:52 < Rustyp1981_> http://www.copytrans.net/copytransmanager.php 23:52 < Rustyp1981_> i would guess so 23:54 < TheSeven> why are you using that kind of crap with rockbox? 23:55 < Rustyp1981_> haha, i've only had an ipod for 2 day 23:55 < Rustyp1981_> s 23:55 < Rustyp1981_> i know no better 23:55 < Rustyp1981_> what should i be using/ 23:55 < TheSeven> er, just copy the files, like on every other sane mp3 player device? 23:55 < Rustyp1981_> haha 23:55 < Rustyp1981_> genius 23:55 < TheSeven> no need for that itunes crap if you aren't using the apple firmware any more 23:56 < Rustyp1981_> do i have to copy them anywhere specific? 23:56 < TheSeven> you should probably *not* copy them into /.rockbox or /iLoader, but everywhere else should be fine 23:56 < TheSeven> you can structure them in whatever way you want and just browse to them using the file browser 23:56 < Rustyp1981_> ok,thanks. 23:57 < TheSeven> or use the database, which will scan all tracks in the file system and build an itunes-like metadata database 23:57 < Rustyp1981_> i alsoget the ftl apears to be unclean every time the ipod reboots 23:57 < Rustyp1981_> Really, That's excellent!! 23:58 < TheSeven> you will get the ftl repair cycle after every unclean shutdown 23:58 < TheSeven> so if the ipod locks up and you need to hard-reset it using menu+select, this is to be expected 23:58 < TheSeven> however it shouldn't happen after a regular shutdown 23:58 < Rustyp1981_> hang on, i'll try a propper shut down 23:59 < Rustyp1981_> :) --- Log closed Sat Jan 15 00:00:40 2011