--- Log opened Sun May 01 00:00:06 2011 00:00 < thefreeman> ah, where's the newer instructions? 00:00 < thefreeman> I can update the wiki if you want 00:00 < [7]> in the installation instructions 00:01 < [7]> i'll just copy&paste that to the uninstallation page 00:01 < [7]> " Press and hold the menu and select buttons for between 10 and 15 seconds (The iPod starts to reboot after about 5 seconds, keep holding the buttons until it seems to turn off completely) 00:01 < [7]> The display of your iPod should now stay black, and a new USB device called "USB DFU Device" should connect to your PC. " 00:01 < [7]> that should be more clear 00:01 < thefreeman> ok, that makes sense 00:01 < thefreeman> :) 00:31 -!- thefreeman [5c1e1113@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:06 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:07 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:14 -!- grimm_ [~grimm@i121-118-162-117.s10.a047.ap.plala.or.jp] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:15 < grimm_> So uh, I'm trying to install on an iPod Classic through Linux but the UMSboot isn't coming up even after 30 minutes. 05:20 < grimm_> http://pastebin.com/Ynqt8k8q 08:07 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:09 -!- grimm_ [~grimm@i121-118-162-117.s10.a047.ap.plala.or.jp] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:23 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:48 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has quit [] 13:47 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] 13:50 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:57 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:31 -!- TangoRomeo [4bae73c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:32 < TangoRomeo> Anyone available to help me with a small problem? I keep getting "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu'" 17:33 < TangoRomeo> But I made sure I was in the same directory in terminal as boostrap-ipodclassic.dfu 17:42 < TangoRomeo> NVM! I got it! I had the current release number still as part of the file name. Sorry to waste anyone's time! 17:42 -!- TangoRomeo [4bae73c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:28 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: HIP-HOP sounds best when you listen to METAL instead.] 20:34 -!- gigi197172 [9739c3ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:35 -!- gigi197172 [9739c3ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 21:00 < TheSeven> tab-completion rulez? 22:34 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] --- Log closed Mon May 02 00:10:15 2011