--- Log opened Wed May 25 01:04:09 2011 01:05 -!- j_14 [~jaime@ec2-50-17-108-63.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 01:21 < j_14> Hello. I was trying to restore a Nano 2g back to Apple firmware. After copying the stock firmware back to the ipod I still get an iLoader welcome screen. It gives me the option to go to a menu or to try to extract a theme; there is no unistall option in the menu and trying to extract the theme just reboots the Nano. This is iLoader 0.1.1. What can I do to get rid of it? 01:25 < j_14> Perhaps I should mention that I was trying to restore manually (w/o iTunes). I got the correct firmware but was unable to find the correct MBR for my device (Nano 2g 4GB). 02:06 -!- iamed2 [ae055184@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:16 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:17 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:22 < iamed2> I can't seem to get Windows to recognize my iPod when it is "powered off", even after I have run the UMSboot. 02:22 < iamed2> Can somebody help? 02:36 -!- iamed2 [ae055184@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 05:10 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 05:12 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:27 < Farthen> j_14: as iLoader 0.1.1 is pretty old you would need to upgrade to iLoader 0.2 first 05:28 < Farthen> after that you get the uninstall screen after restoring 05:28 < Farthen> *uninstall option 06:52 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:52 -!- j_14 [~jaime@ec2-50-17-108-63.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 09:09 -!- bio1 [51a7d602@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:09 -!- bio1 [51a7d602@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:21 -!- j_14 [~jaime@ec2-50-17-108-63.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:24 < j_14> Farthen: Thank you, I'll try that. 13:32 < TheSeven> j_14: or just use the old uninstaller files, in case they're still lying around somewhere 13:32 < TheSeven> let me check 13:32 < TheSeven> j_14: http://theseven.lima-city.de/ipod/iloader/uninstallation.php 13:32 < TheSeven> that's the original 0.1.x uninstallation method 13:34 < j_14> TheSeven: Thank you, but the files are 404. 13:35 * TheSeven digs 13:35 < j_14> Installing 0.2 didn't seem to change anything. 13:36 < TheSeven> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/iloader/uninstall/uninst.bin 13:36 < TheSeven> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/iloader/uninstall/iloader.cfg 13:36 < TheSeven> there they are 13:37 < TheSeven> so 0.2 didn't change anything in terms of didn't install or didn't change uninstallation behavior 13:39 < j_14> I got the message "Bootloader ipodnano2g* written to device." But the ipod was exactly the same as before. 13:39 < TheSeven> oh, you can't update through an ipodx file 13:40 < TheSeven> but yeah, updating is similarly complicated as just using the old installer 13:40 < TheSeven> er, uninstaller 13:51 < j_14> I think it did it. But it seems that iLoader 0.2 kicked in afterward. This time the menu has an "uninst" option, but it does nothing. I'm thinking I'll try the reinstall iLoader 0.2 ?? 13:54 < TheSeven> er, no 13:54 < TheSeven> that's a remnant from your try to update it 13:54 < Farthen> restore with itunes and select "uninstall" afterwards 13:54 < TheSeven> it "uninstalled" to iloader 0.2, not the apple firmware, as you had installed the iloader 0.2 installer to the firmware partition 13:54 < TheSeven> so you'll need to restore it again, and then attempt the uninstallation again 13:57 < j_14> I see. I'll try to restore it. 14:04 < j_14> OK. I now get the "Uninstall iLoader" option. The thing is that I don't have iTunes available right now, so I was trying to restore the firmware manually. Seems not to have worked since I keep getting the same menu over again (after doing the manual restore). 14:05 < TheSeven> did you restore manually *again* after trying to upgrade to 0.2? 14:05 < TheSeven> that attempted upgrade will have overwritten the firmware partition 14:06 < j_14> Yes. Twice. Another thing is that I don't have the correct partition table for my model (Nano 2g 4GB). I'm using the MBR for a Nano 1g 4GB. 14:08 < j_14> wait 14:09 < j_14> I selected the unistall option again and it did it. I see the Apple firmware now. 14:10 * [Saint] imagines that using the incorrect MBR could have resulted in some fun... 14:10 < [Saint]> I'm *really* surprised it didn't to be honest. 14:10 < TheSeven> if the firmware partition size is the same, it won't matter 14:10 < TheSeven> and i'm not sure if the bootloader even obeys the partition size in the partition table 14:12 < j_14> I now have an ipod nano with a capacity of 3276 GB but only 79.5 GB available :( 14:13 < [Saint]> 79.5GB!?! 14:13 < [Saint]> Um... 14:13 < [Saint]> that's either not a Nano...or, you've messed your units up. 14:13 < TheSeven> i'm fairly certain that he means MB :) 14:14 < j_14> No its GB! Thats what says in the about screen :) 14:14 * TheSeven wonders how j_14 did format the data partition 14:16 < TheSeven> or, wait, the n1g has 512byte sectors? 14:16 < TheSeven> that explains why the n2g firmware partition works with a n1g partition table, but the data partition is fucked up 14:19 < j_14> this is the fdisk output http://pastebin.ca/2068961 14:20 * TheSeven suggests to wipe everything, create a new partition of exactly the size of the firmware partition image, starting at sector 63, setting its type to 0, creating a fat32 partition in the rest of the space, and then writing the firmware partition image to it again 14:31 < Boopop> seems the battery still drains quickly user890104 =/ 14:35 < [Saint]> TheSeven: Nano1G has 512b sectors indeed. 14:35 < [Saint]> hence my surprise at the MBR "just working"...(to the extent it did) 14:36 < [Saint]> but I figured you knew more than I when you said it'd work. 14:36 < [Saint]> ...it did *kinda* work, after all ;) 14:37 < TheSeven> Boopop: this is supposed to be a difference of about 5-20%, nothing geat 14:37 < TheSeven> great* 14:38 < Boopop> well he gave me a different build with decreased cpu voltage last night 14:38 < Boopop> or she =) 14:38 < TheSeven> yeah, that's what I meant 14:38 < Boopop> ok 14:38 < Boopop> just checking :P 14:38 < Boopop> went to the shops for about 20 mins and it had already gone down to 89% when I got back ='* 14:39 < Boopop> ='( * 14:39 < Boopop> It'll be fixed, eventually, right? xD 14:39 < TheSeven> it will be fixed when we figure out what's going on 14:39 < TheSeven> but currently I'm completely clueless as to where all that power is going 14:39 < Boopop> it is rather odd 14:40 < TheSeven> don't trust the battery meter in the near-100% range 14:40 < [Saint]> is runtime still *that* much lower than the OF? 14:40 < [Saint]> I thought it was reasonably close at present. 14:40 < TheSeven> about a factor of two 14:40 < Boopop> seems like it to me [Saint] on my classic 3g 14:40 < [Saint]> Oh, shit. 14:40 < TheSeven> so "just" 10 hours or something 14:40 < Boopop> seems even less than that on mine 14:40 < Boopop> mind 14:40 < Boopop> I haven't done a proper benchmark or anything 14:40 < [Saint]> your battery may be fudged. 14:41 < Boopop> well the thing's brand new 14:41 < Boopop> so I'd hope not! xD 14:41 < [Saint]> "brand new" can include a battery that's been sitting on the shelf for over a year...though. 14:41 < [Saint]> people forget this all the time. 14:41 < Boopop> true 14:41 < Boopop> seems unlikely that that's it though 14:41 < Boopop> chances are pretty slim I'd have thought 14:41 < TheSeven> those should still be working reasonably fine though, if they're of good quality 14:42 < [Saint]> yeah...but these are Apple products :P 14:42 < Boopop> well my iPod 5G holds its charge fine 14:42 < Boopop> as does my 4 year old macbook 14:42 < Boopop> so I'll trust that this new iPod classic does too xD 14:52 < j_14> TheSeven: I did as you suggested (except that I started the first partition at sector 512) and the about screen now shows the correct values (3.7 GB). Thank you. 14:53 < TheSeven> btw, this method of generating the correct MBR (and it doesn't care about the start sector of the firmware partition, you could even use 1 if you want to save space) should work for all models/generations/capacities of ipods 14:54 < TheSeven> apple isn't exactly picky about the partition table, it just needs to be somewhat sane 14:54 < TheSeven> with the firmware partition being the first entry, and having a type of 0 15:00 < j_14> Interesting. Do you think that iTunes will ask to restore this ipod when it sees it? 15:01 < TheSeven> hm, i'm not sure how closely it will check it 15:01 < TheSeven> it might dislike the start sector numbers of the partitions bein non-standard 15:04 < j_14> I see, I'll ask the person to whom I'm giving it to do a restore just in case. 15:29 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:31 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:55 < Boopop> OK 15:56 < Boopop> iPod is mocking me now 15:56 < Boopop> doing a benchmark 15:56 < Boopop> it's been playing for a good hour at least I think 15:56 < Boopop> 93% 15:56 < Boopop> lol 15:56 < Boopop> it's like schrodinger's cat or something 15:56 < Boopop> battery life is crap until you pay attention then magically it's good xD 16:49 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@p5B0C30A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:49 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@p5B0C30A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Changing host] 16:49 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:18 < user890104> Boopop: i suggest chraging it fully, then running rockbox's battery benchmark plugin 17:18 < user890104> and in a couple of hours (when it fully discharges), you'll have a result 17:19 < user890104> the battery level meter itself is still not so accurate, so you might want to measure the total running time 17:40 < Boopop> user890104: That's what I'm doing =) 19:42 -!- stnr [589537df@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:43 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted"] 19:43 < stnr> anybody on 19:43 < stnr> ? 19:46 < stnr> HELL0000? 19:49 -!- stnr [589537df@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:01 -!- Boopop [~chatzilla@cpc3-sket3-2-0-cust155.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:56 < Farthen> -.- 21:00 -!- Boopop [~chatzilla@cpc3-sket3-2-0-cust155.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:01 < Boopop> the battery seems to be doing a lot better now user890104 :) 21:01 < Boopop> I think it is anyway 21:01 < Boopop> it's been on for about...7 hours or so I think 21:01 < Boopop> maybe 5 or 6 21:01 < Boopop> anyway it's at 70% now 21:01 < Boopop> that's with playing music at a medium volume on some sennheiser headphones 21:02 < user890104> as i said before, don't trust the battery meter 21:03 < Boopop> well unless it's randomly started measuring the battery better 21:03 < Boopop> well, differently* 21:46 -!- dd8ne [54394780@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:47 < dd8ne> Hello, I's me again.. And agin, it's my iPOD Nano2G which is in trouble 21:47 < dd8ne> after an idle poweroff it stoped with an errro iloder config 21:50 < dd8ne> so far I've doen a "python embios.py ipodnano2g_wipenand /tmp/ipod.wipe" and a UMSboot with the 250 ubi file 21:51 < dd8ne> but now it stops in the UMSboot saying Booting... that's all 21:53 < TheSeven> er, wait... 21:53 < TheSeven> did you already wipe the flash successfully? 21:55 < TheSeven> wiping the nand flash is kind of a last-resort option. usually you'd just try to recover through disk mode if nandfsck failed 21:58 < dd8ne> so wipe flash using flushcaches? 21:59 < dd8ne> so now I'm in disk mode 22:01 < dd8ne> unknown partition table 22:07 < dd8ne> should I do a mkfs.msdos /dev/sdb ? 22:10 < TheSeven> well, assuming you have wiped the nand and reinitialized the FTL, it's probably your best bet to boot into umsboot and reinstall from there 22:13 < dd8ne> ok.. file ipodnano2g-installer0.2.1-iloader0.2.2-uninstaller0.2.0-embios0.1.4-embiosldr0.1.1-umsboot0.1.0-20101103-r250.ubi copied into /media/UMSboot 22:14 < dd8ne> umount /media/UMSboot 22:14 < dd8ne> disconnect .. 22:15 < dd8ne> "loading UBI file..." "Rearranging files ..." "Booting 22:15 < dd8ne> ..." 22:15 < dd8ne> and than it stops 22:18 < TheSeven> hm, that's not normal 22:19 < TheSeven> this is the same version that's currently installed? 22:19 < dd8ne> yes 22:20 < TheSeven> and other ubi files don't boot as well? 22:20 < dd8ne> I've never tried any other 22:20 < TheSeven> try this one (rename it to .ubi): http://builds.freemyipod.org/emcore/target/ipodnano2g/emcore-ipodnano2g-r717.bin 22:21 < TheSeven> if this doesn't work either, i'd suggest that your umsboot is broken somehow 22:21 < TheSeven> or your host OS is doing something funky with the file system that umsboot doesn't like 22:23 < dd8ne> ok. now.. emCORE r717 22:23 < dd8ne> No usable boot options, waiting for USB commands 22:25 < TheSeven> hm, so this seems to have worked. funny 22:25 < TheSeven> are you sure that the installer hasn't become corrupted somehow? 22:26 < TheSeven> you could try running it using the runfirmware command 22:26 < dd8ne> hmm... 22:27 < dd8ne> just runfirmware without any parameters? 22:28 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] 22:29 < TheSeven> python emcore.py runfirmware 0x08000000 whatever.ubi 22:29 < dd8ne> "python embios.py runfirmware" does not work.. 22:31 < dd8ne> so I need to do checkout the SVN 22:32 < TheSeven> wait, what are you currently running? emcore or embios? 22:32 < TheSeven> you need to use the matching python script 22:33 < TheSeven> so you might just reboot to embios again and use embios.py 22:33 < dd8ne> so far embios 22:36 < dd8ne> so.. now I got the installation screen 22:42 -!- dd8ne [54394780@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:42 -!- dd8ne_ [54394780@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:42 < dd8ne_> ok works again.. thank you 22:43 < dd8ne_> btw. when will be the emCORE version avail for nano2G? 22:43 < TheSeven> you just booted one? 22:44 < dd8ne_> no.. if you talk from emCORE 22:44 < dd8ne_> yes if we talk about the actual problem I've even installed rockbox 22:45 < dd8ne_> and 'all' works fine 22:51 < dd8ne_> ok. I've to leave. Good night..... 22:52 -!- dd8ne_ [54394780@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:54 -!- Boopop [~chatzilla@cpc3-sket3-2-0-cust155.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:33 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:34 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Thu May 26 00:35:18 2011