--- Log opened Sat Jun 18 01:17:13 2011 02:18 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:18 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:30 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:06 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:22 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:23 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:26 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:02 -!- MonolithNZ [794a7ab4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:02 < MonolithNZ> Hey thee 14:03 < MonolithNZ> Is someone able tp help me out? 14:03 < [Saint]> Only if you tell us your problem ;) 14:03 < MonolithNZ> Ok then :) 14:04 < MonolithNZ> I'm trying to install EmCORE onto my Ipod 160GB 6th Gen, following the guide on the website 14:04 < [Saint]> And, what part(s) are you getting stuck on? 14:05 < MonolithNZ> Press and hold the menu and select buttons for between 10 and 15 seconds (The iPod will show an apple logo after about 5 seconds, keep holding the buttons until it seems to turn off completely) The display of your iPod should now stay black, and a new USB device called "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" should connect to your PC. 14:05 < MonolithNZ> When I press and hold these buttons, the screen turns black as it should 14:05 < MonolithNZ> But windows doesn't prompt any driver installation 14:05 < MonolithNZ> I'm using Windows 7 14:06 < [Saint]> Is iTunes installed? 14:06 < MonolithNZ> Yes 14:06 < [Saint]> wow...side note...NZ, as in New Zealand? 14:07 < MonolithNZ> I made sure than no Apple proccesses were running on the computer at all 14:07 < MonolithNZ> Yip, I'm a New Zealander 14:07 < [Saint]> Wow, same ;) 14:07 < [Saint]> ...Aaaaanyway ;) 14:07 < MonolithNZ> Haha no kidding 14:08 < [Saint]> Christchurch, home of earthquakes. 14:08 < MonolithNZ> I'm in Blenheim at the moment. Born and raised in Chch 14:09 < [Saint]> So, when you plug the device, the process "AppleMobileDeviceService.exe" definitely isn't running? 14:09 < MonolithNZ> I'll recheck now 14:10 < MonolithNZ> I just plugged the device in, and the proccess is running 14:10 < MonolithNZ> So kill it now, yeah? 14:10 < [Saint]> right, kill it. 14:10 < MonolithNZ> Done 14:10 < MonolithNZ> SO now hold the to buttons until the driver installs? 14:10 < MonolithNZ> two* 14:11 < [Saint]> Now, enter DFU mode, no driver will "install" iiuc...that's just the name of the device that will be detected 14:11 < [Saint]> then run bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe that you should have downloaded earlier. 14:12 < MonolithNZ> So hold the two buttons down until the screen is blck to enter DFU? 14:12 < [Saint]> Yes, the Apple logo will come up briefly, then dissappear. 14:12 < MonolithNZ> Sweet 14:12 < [Saint]> then the screen will stay solid black. 14:13 < MonolithNZ> ok done 14:13 < MonolithNZ> I've accessed UMSboot 14:13 < [Saint]> Awesome, you should already have the installer I take it? place that in the UMSboot volume, safely disconnect (important), and unplug the device. 14:14 < MonolithNZ> Cool 14:15 < MonolithNZ> Installing now :) 14:15 < MonolithNZ> I'm so happy that I found out about this 14:15 < MonolithNZ> I never would have thought that I could play FLAC on my classic 14:15 < MonolithNZ> *drool* 14:17 < MonolithNZ> Hey, one more question if you don't mind 14:17 < [Saint]> Go for it. 14:19 < MonolithNZ> I was playing around in rockbox, and the screen just turned white, displaying the message "Divide by zero 08045448" 14:19 < MonolithNZ> I was playing around in Rockbox when it happened 14:21 < [Saint]> Hmm...stuff like that is [7] 's domain I'm afraid. But you're in luck, he's floating around and he just so happens to be the man that put most of this project together ;) 14:21 < [Saint]> If you've got time to hang around, he'll of seen I just mentioned his nick and pop in. 14:22 < MonolithNZ> Ah, brilliant. 14:22 < MonolithNZ> Thanks a lot for the help 14:22 < [Saint]> Any time. 14:22 < MonolithNZ> Do you think I should just reboot? 14:24 < [7]> yeah 14:25 < [7]> reboot, and try to reproduce that crash 14:25 < [7]> what were you doing when it happened? 14:25 < MonolithNZ> Just taking a look through the Rockbox menu 14:25 < [7]> hm, weirdo 14:25 < MonolithNZ> Haha 14:26 < MonolithNZ> I rebooted fine, and it seems to be ok 14:26 < MonolithNZ> Rockbox fails to boot the first time, and must create a directory 14:26 < MonolithNZ> But it seems fine after that 14:26 < [7]> yeah, that directory is being created during the next step, where you extract the rockbox zip file 14:27 < MonolithNZ> Not a problem 14:27 < [7]> everything before that is just a failsafe image that allows to write a full rockbox installation to the hdd 14:28 < MonolithNZ> Ah ok, that's quite cool 14:28 < MonolithNZ> Thanks a ton for putting this togethor mate 14:28 < MonolithNZ> Some brilliant computing skills right there. 14:30 < [Saint]> [7] probably doesn't like to admit it, but, he's a very skilled man ;) 14:31 < [7]> [Saint]: depends on the area :) 14:31 < [Saint]> Modesty, how quaint. :P 14:32 < MonolithNZ> I can only imagine the time it must have taken to code all of this 14:32 < MonolithNZ> I know hardly anything about programming, but I've done enough to know it's hard work 14:34 < [Saint]> The hardest thing is working with undoccumented hardware. If [7] had all the datasheets for the varying components of these devices things would be a lot easier. 14:34 < [Saint]> A lot of it is reverse engineering, painstaking testing, or plain guesswork ;) 14:35 < MonolithNZ> You're both post grads I take it? 14:37 < [7]> nope 14:37 < [7]> i'm studying computer science 14:37 < [Saint]> I'm nowhere near the same league as [7], I look at him with the same Godlike praises that others might do... ;) My coding skills are quite limited, and mainly in perl, which wouldn't help me one bit with this project. 14:38 < [7]> but to be honest i didn't learn much of the stuff that i needed here at the university 14:38 * [7] strongly dislikes perl for some reason 14:38 * [Saint] too ;) 14:39 < [7]> same league as tcl 14:39 < MonolithNZ> Sounds like your on track to a bright future anyway 14:39 < [Saint]> He might be ;) I'm an "old man" for the IT/Computer Sciences game ;) 14:40 < MonolithNZ> I've got a history with computers, but I'm studying aeronautical engineering here in Blenheim 14:40 < [Saint]> 29 is almost dead. 14:40 < MonolithNZ> Hahah, almost 14:40 < [7]> [Saint]: that's not true, look at the folks over at haxx.se :) 14:41 < MonolithNZ> Music files are dopped into the Ipod's root, yeah? 14:42 < [Saint]> Yep, any way you want to place them in there is fine. 14:42 < MonolithNZ> Brilliant. 14:42 < [Saint]> Most people seem to prefer the "sane" approach of "Music/Artist/Album/file.ext" 14:43 * [7] suggests to not place them in .rockbox or .boot though :) 14:43 < [Saint]> but, if you want a few thousane tracks in one folder, or just sitting in the root...it'll do that too. 14:43 < [Saint]> *thousand 14:44 < MonolithNZ> Don't worry, I don't have a limewire collection. 14:44 < MonolithNZ> It's all nicely organised :) 14:44 < [Saint]> well, .boot would still *work*...the Database wouldn't find them in .rockbox, though because of the database.ignore file. 14:51 < MonolithNZ> When it browsing throught the plugins database, is it same to assume that the plugins compatible with the Ipod video will also work on my 160GB? 14:51 < MonolithNZ> It's just that the 160GB isn't listed on the page 14:52 < [Saint]> Yes, you're correct. The manual for the iPod Video is pretty much the manual for the Classic, just that the Classic doesn't have all features that the Video does, yet. 14:54 < MonolithNZ> Thanks 14:54 < MonolithNZ> Another issue here 14:55 < MonolithNZ> When I load music it doesn't play 14:55 < MonolithNZ> It just sits at 0.00 14:55 < MonolithNZ> FlAC FLAC and MP3 14:56 < MonolithNZ> Ugh, damn keyboard. Sorry >.> 14:56 < [7]> did you actually extract the rockbox-ipodclassic.zip file? 14:56 < MonolithNZ> Yip 14:56 < [7]> i.e. is there a .rockbox/codecs directory? 14:57 < MonolithNZ> Will double check 14:57 < [Saint]> AH, that's right...the fallback image doesn't have the codecs does it? to keep the size down. 14:57 < [7]> it will pick them up from the HDD 14:58 < MonolithNZ> Yip, it's all there on the hdd 14:58 < [7]> assuming it's the same version that's installed on the HDD, but that should be true if he installed the rockbox build hosted on freemyipod.org 14:58 < MonolithNZ> Properly extrated 14:59 < [7]> did you safely eject the ipod after copying both the .rockbox folder and the music to it? 14:59 < MonolithNZ> Yip 14:59 < MonolithNZ> I always do. 15:00 < [Saint]> Did you "hard reset" at any stage after extracting the binary/adding the music? 15:00 < [Saint]> (hard reset==menu+select) 15:01 < MonolithNZ> You might be interested to know that when I select a song the album art doesn't always appear 15:02 < MonolithNZ> and no, I never hard reset the device 15:02 < [7]> so it fails for all tracks? 15:02 < [7]> (audio playback) 15:02 < [7]> [Saint]: hard resets would only hurt while USB is connected on that device, it doesn't have an FTL like the nanos:) 15:03 < MonolithNZ> Yeah it's the same for all tracks 15:04 < MonolithNZ> Pressing >> should load the next track yeah? 15:04 < [7]> yeah 15:04 < MonolithNZ> It doesn't appear to do anything 15:04 < [7]> hm, playback lockup? 15:05 < [7]> have you tried shutting down and powering the device up again? 15:05 < [Saint]> As for the Album art issue...that's going to be an issue with your files. 15:05 < MonolithNZ> Also, the scroll wheel has locked up ~3 times for around 10 seconds each time 15:05 < MonolithNZ> Will repower it now 15:06 < [7]> that scrollwheel issue sounds like massive CPU load 15:06 < MonolithNZ> All of my files are properly tagged with the album art 15:06 < [7]> MonolithNZ: rockbox can only read JPEG album art, not PNG 15:06 < [7]> (which might be added at some point, but IIRC this wasn't done yet) 15:06 < MonolithNZ> IT also neglects to show the "next track" 15:06 < MonolithNZ> If that helps 15:07 < [Saint]> If the album art is embedded in the metadata, and not displaying, then there's a very good chance they are too large, or the wrong format.. that will choke things up. 15:07 < [Saint]> basically, there's no need to have album art that's any larger than the height of the devices screen. 15:07 < MonolithNZ> repowering worked! 15:07 < MonolithNZ> All seems fine now! 15:07 < MonolithNZ> Including album art! 15:07 < [7]> have you tried the same file? 15:08 < MonolithNZ> Yes 15:08 < MonolithNZ> The album art is now displaying, and song is playing just fine 15:08 < [7]> this all sounds a bit like the codec cocked up on the first file that you tried to open, and never recovered, spinning in an endless loop, and locking parts of the playback/buffering engine and causing high CPU load, making the UI be sluggish 15:08 < [Saint]> Hmmm... "Weird Things (TM)" :-S 15:09 < [7]> two weird things during the first two boots. that's a bit too weird 15:09 < MonolithNZ> odd, It runs the same track perfectly now 15:10 < MonolithNZ> Such great software! 15:10 < MonolithNZ> Thanks again! I'm goving to have heaps of fun playing with my classic now 15:11 < [7]> MonolithNZ: don't forget to have a look at the themes archive (ipod video and cowon d2 themes should work) 15:12 < MonolithNZ> Looking as we speak :( 15:12 < MonolithNZ> :) * lol 15:16 < MonolithNZ> I quite like the Flying Spaghetti Monster theme 15:17 < MonolithNZ> A Richard Dawkins themed Ipod. Who would have thought. *drool* 15:23 < MonolithNZ> I've noticed that a lot of plugins don't respond to the menu or back button 15:24 < MonolithNZ> (to return to the previous screen) 15:24 < MonolithNZ> That's normal yeah? 15:25 < [7]> most of those can be quit by briefly pressing menu+select 15:26 < [Saint]> That's correct. There's no "fixed" layout for exiting any one particular plugin. 15:26 < MonolithNZ> Thanks guys 15:26 < [7]> see the ipod video manual for their keymaps, but yeah, some of them are a bit strange 15:26 < [Saint]> The iPods don;t have a lot of physical keys to play with, so the keymaps become quite crowded. 15:28 < [Saint]> I can't say it doesn't please me a little to know there's another New Zealander that's awake at 3:30am pissing around with portable music players ;) 15:28 < [Saint]> ...makes me feel slightly more sane ;) 15:28 < [7]> yeah, but couldn't one even decide on one key combination (maybe menu+select) that works globally for all plugins, even if other buttons are mapped to exiting the plugin as well? 15:30 < [7]> I mean, even the developers get trapped in some plugin they can't seem to find a way out of occasionally 15:57 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 15:57 -!- S_a_i_n_t [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:03 -!- S_a_i_n_t [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 16:03 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:06 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 16:06 -!- S_a_i_n_t [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:07 -!- S_a_i_n_t [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 16:07 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:23 -!- parrotbsd [60089630@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:25 < parrotbsd> Just a quick question. I am attempting to reinstall emCore/rockbox and it seems to be taking half of forever to format (all night) is this normal? 17:25 < [7]> no, that points towards an issue with the hdd :/ 17:26 < parrotbsd> ouch 17:27 < parrotbsd> Well that's dissapointing, the ipod is only a year old :( Thanks for the answer though :) 17:27 -!- parrotbsd [60089630@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 17:54 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 17:54 -!- S_a_i_n_t [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:54 -!- S_a_i_n_t is now known as [Saint] 18:06 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 18:08 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:24 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 18:26 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-3-117.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:37 -!- MonolithNZ [794a7ab4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:30 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 20:55 -!- m3vdj [51995a2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:56 < m3vdj> hi, the USB on my ipod classic doesn't work (brand new, arrived in the post today!). I figure I need to boot through DFU. 2 problems: 1, what's DFU? and 2, how do I do it? 20:57 < m3vdj> btw, i'm using emCore to load rockbox, as walked through in the installation instructions, but I can't find anywhere that mentions the DFU bit... 20:59 < [7]> DFU is that "black screen" mode that you entered during the installation 21:00 < [7]> please try the following: 21:01 < [7]> - follow the installation instructions once again, up to the point where you're supposed to drop a file into the UMSboot drive 21:01 < [7]> - use this file instead: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/installer-ipodclassic-usbfixcandidate.ubi 21:01 < [7]> - proceed with the installation instructions until the point where you should extract the rockbox zip file 21:02 < [7]> - use this file instead: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/rockbox-ipodclassic-usbfixcandidate.zip 21:02 < [7]> this should hopefully do the truck 21:02 < [7]> trick* 21:04 < m3vdj> thanks. i'll get back to you ASAP 21:07 -!- m3vdj [51995a2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:32 -!- m3vdj [51995a2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:33 < m3vdj> hi, i'm the same guy from before! thanks for the links to the usbfixcandidate files - they seem to be working a treat! 21:54 -!- m3vdj [51995a2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] --- Log closed Sun Jun 19 01:14:43 2011