--- Log opened Fri Jul 08 02:07:15 2011 02:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:14 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:36 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:20 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:27 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 18:42 -!- czar [5d28573b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:42 < czar> hello guys 18:43 < czar> i have some problem with my ipod nano 2g 18:43 < czar> after patching with iloader installer 18:44 < czar> now it is unknown and i see only battery charge icon 18:44 < [7]> ouch 18:44 < [7]> what did you do before that happened? 18:45 < czar> i have wiped data with itunes 18:45 < czar> factory reset 18:47 < czar> anyone hs ideas?? 18:48 < [7]> that's very interesting... 18:49 < [7]> did you do that with the apple firmware, disk mode or rockbox running on the ipod? 18:54 < czar> i used rockbox 18:55 < czar> i wanted to install emcore so I followed the instructions 18:57 < czar> can i save it in some way?? 18:57 < czar> say me yes.. 18:59 < [7]> hm? you could have just updated it through umsboot... 18:59 < [7]> it's very likely that whatever has happened is recoverable, but I haven't fully understood what exactly is going on yet 19:01 < czar> eheh ok...I will try to explain better, in my bad English 19:03 < [7]> so you basically did an itunes restore while rockbox was running, in order to upgrade to emcore? 19:10 < czar> I used the ipod with Rockbox (but this did not preclude the use of the apple system). Today I tried to install iloader through the steps outlined on the site.. when I start the iPod, iloader had started, but it has not been done successful, there is an error in partition so i have format drive and restored with itunes. so I tried again the experience with emcore (with the same procedure) and this time it went much worse 19:11 < czar> now the ipod is not recognized even as the mass storage, neither on windows or linux 19:12 < czar> yes 19:17 < [7]> czar: so how exactly is the ipod currently behaving? 19:17 < [7]> if you power it on, it goes straight to a white screen with a battery symbol and then powers off? 19:18 < czar> exactly 19:19 < [7]> damn 19:19 < [7]> that's about the worst that can happen 19:19 < czar> is there any way to force detection? 19:20 < czar> well.... 19:20 < [7]> this means that our bootloader isn't yet installed, and something is corrupted in a way that makes apple's bootloader freak out 19:20 < [7]> and apple sadly doesn't have a sane recovery mode on this device 19:21 < [7]> (they added that on the 3g) 19:22 < [7]> if our bootloader would be installed, we could supply everything neccessary for booting via USB, but apple's bootloader doesn't allow that 19:22 < [7]> so when you tried to install emcore, how far did you get before it failed? (and how did it fail?) 19:24 < czar> error in partitioning 19:24 < czar> (the first time) 19:24 < czar> but second time nothing 19:25 < czar> nothing has been started 19:25 < czar> only this problem 19:27 < [7]> so you first had rockbox installed on the device (via the rockbox utility?) 19:28 < czar> yes 19:28 < [7]> then you set up an iloader installer using ipodpatcher? 19:28 < czar> yes 19:28 < czar> ipodpatcher -a installer*.ipodx 19:29 < czar> as the guide 19:29 < [7]> and after you did that, what happened? 19:29 < [7]> did the installer start up correctly? 19:29 < czar> no 19:29 < czar> did not start anything 19:30 < czar> and when i safety unplug my ipod, i had this problem 19:31 < [7]> i'm talking about the iloader installation attempt, not the emcore one 19:31 < czar> ah ok...in that case the installation has started, but returned an error in partitioning 19:32 < czar> but I managed to format it and restore it 19:33 < [7]> ok, so you restored it, and then ran ipodpatcher again, with emcore this time? 19:34 < czar> exactly 19:34 < [7]> and after unplugging, it went to that battery screen? 19:34 < czar> with emcore installer instead of iloader 19:35 < czar> yes 19:35 < czar> yes 19:35 < [7]> in that case the emcore installer was never even run 19:36 < czar> and I am doomed to limbo? 19:37 < [7]> apparently something in the past (no idea what) corrupted the FTL a bit, and the process of writing the emcore installer to the flash hit that and corrupted it even more 19:37 < [7]> not it's in a state where apple's code can neither mount nor restore it 19:38 < [7]> now* 19:39 < czar> fantastic 19:40 < czar> the only solution is apple's assistance ?!? 19:41 < [7]> well, I know of a way... but I'm not sure if you want to attempt that 19:43 < czar> :) can get worse? 19:43 < czar> i could try 19:44 < [7]> well, it involves disassembling the ipod and soldering a tiny wire to the mainboard 19:45 < czar> which wire? a bridge? 19:45 < czar> also because otherwise I should sell it in pieces 19:49 < [7]> I'm wondering if there is a software way left... 19:49 < user890104> [7]: what about nor dfu? 19:49 < [7]> no matter what you do (disk/diag mode key combination, multiple reboots, whatever), it doesn't get past that battery screen? 19:50 < [7]> user890104: IIRC this bootloader is broken enough to check for that *after* attempting (and failing) to initialize the FTL 19:50 < [7]> but it might be worth a try 19:51 < user890104> i used it once to recover my nano2g from a weird condition after an unsuccessful install and it worked fine with emcoreldr-*.dfu 19:51 < czar> i have tried only with SELECT+MENU 19:55 < czar> how should i act? 20:02 < czar> hey 20:09 < user890104> connect the ipod to a computer, press and hold menu+select until it restarts. immediately after it restarts, release the buttons and press and hold menu+play until you enter Disk mode 20:09 < user890104> if this is not successful, repeat the same procedure, but hold back+play instead of menu+play after restarting 20:10 < czar> To access DFU mode, reset the iPod with MENU+SELECT, then press and hold BACK+PLAY. A picture of the dock connector should appear with the Apple support URL; according to lsusb, this is DFU mode.To access DFU mode, reset the iPod with MENU+SELECT, then press and hold BACK+PLAY. A picture of the dock connector should appear with the Apple support URL; according to lsusb, this is DFU mode. 20:11 < czar> i'm here 20:11 < user890104> so you see this picture on the screen: http://km.support.apple.com/library/APPLE/APPLECARE_ALLGEOS/TS1376/TS1376_1.jpg 20:12 < czar> yes 20:13 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:13 < czar> i tend to follow this guide: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Uploading_an_emCORE_binary 20:14 < czar> but i don't find " emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu" 20:14 < czar> where is it? 20:16 < user890104> i'll give you a link to one 20:18 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-fdde9bcc.html 20:18 < czar> thank you 20:19 < czar> i try 20:20 < czar> ehm.. 20:20 < czar> Traceback (most recent call last): File "ipoddfu.py", line 26, in import libipoddfu File "/home/cesare/libipoddfu.py", line 27, in import usb.core ImportError: No module named usb.core 20:20 < czar> usb.core...i'm on ubuntu 20:23 < czar> mm maybe python-usb 20:24 < user890104> yes, you need 1.x 20:24 < czar> the same error 20:26 < user890104> installing python-usb with apt-get will most likely install 0.x version 20:26 < czar> oh yes 20:26 < czar> i've solved 20:26 < czar> now ipod is up! 20:26 < czar> mm 20:26 < czar> loading emcore... 20:27 < user890104> did you follow the instructions? 20:28 < czar> yes 20:29 < czar> could i load a .bin? 20:29 < czar> seems more updated 20:29 < user890104> if you see "loading emcore" that means you didn't enter recovery mode 20:31 < user890104> see here: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#DFU_Mode 20:31 < czar> ah right.. 20:32 < user890104> after completing these steps, follow "uploading an installer" 20:32 < czar> i'm not in recovery mod 20:32 < czar> :S 20:32 < user890104> and use the most recent installer 20:32 < czar> only on windows? 20:32 < user890104> http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20110424/installer-ipodnano2g-r708-20110424.ubi 20:33 < czar> but how do I get into recovery mode? 20:33 < user890104> you just said that you are in recovery mode? 20:33 < user890104> ah, my mistake 20:34 < user890104> here is the order: 20:34 < user890104> 1. enter DFU mode with select+menu, them back+play 20:34 < czar> yes 20:34 < user890104> 2. follow the steps for DFU mode 20:34 < user890104> 3. follow the steps for Uploading an installer using the .ubi file above 20:35 < czar> this is the output: sudo python ipoddfu.py emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu Connected to iPod Nano 2G NOR DFU mode, USB version 1 Upload: ..... done 20:35 < user890104> did you turn on the hold switch before executing this command? 20:36 < czar> unlock, to be clear? 20:36 < user890104> lock it 20:36 < czar> ops 20:36 < czar> try again 20:36 < user890104> hold ON = locked 20:42 < czar> Connected to iPod Nano 2G NOR DFU mode, USB version 1 Upload: .Traceback (most recent call last): File "ipoddfu.py", line 33, in dev.uploadfile(sys.argv[1]) File "/home/cesare/libipoddfu.py", line 160, in uploadfile self.upload(data, exploit) File "/home/cesare/libipoddfu.py", line 131, in upload self.dev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, 1, index, 0, data[2048 * index : 2048 * (index + 1)], 100) File "/usr/li 20:42 < czar> wonderful 20:42 < czar> pipe error 20:43 < czar> okok 20:43 < czar> i'm in recovery mode 20:43 < czar> perfect 20:47 < user890104> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Uploading_an_emCORE_installer 20:47 < user890104> follow this steps then 20:47 < user890104> these* 20:48 < czar> i have a lot of errors 20:48 < czar> http://pastebin.com/g3A2zHSS 20:49 < czar> i have hold switch still turn on 20:51 < user890104> let me see 21:00 < czar> anything? 21:00 < user890104> yeah, same for me 21:01 < user890104> can you try with this file instead? http://builds.freemyipod.org/emcore/target/ipodnano2g/emcore-ipodnano2g-r725.bin 21:01 < user890104> instead of installer-xxxxx.ubi 21:01 < user890104> i mean reboot it with menu+select and start over 21:02 < czar> ah ok 21:03 < czar> i try 21:03 < czar> the same error 21:03 < czar> also with bin 21:04 < czar> maybe is a problem of pyusb ?? 21:04 < czar> i'm using this https://launchpad.net/~gekkio/+archive/pyusb 21:08 < czar> nothing.... 21:09 < user890104> Farthen: can you have a look at the python error above? 21:09 < Farthen> user890104: sure, which one? 21:09 < Farthen> http://pastebin.com/g3A2zHSS ? 21:09 < user890104> http://pastebin.com/g3A2zHSS 21:09 < Farthen> ok 21:09 < user890104> yep 21:10 < Farthen> this is a weird one 21:11 < user890104> yeah, that's why i asked you :) 21:12 < czar> :O 21:12 < Farthen> czar: did you try replugging the device? 21:12 < czar> yes 21:12 < czar> i try now 21:12 < czar> ops 21:13 < czar> hold switch always turn on? 21:14 < czar> if i replugging it, it doesn't in lusb list 21:14 < czar> isn't* 21:14 < czar> ops 21:14 < user890104> the hold switch doesn't matter once you enter recovery mode 21:16 * [7] is back 21:16 < user890104> emcoreldr.py upload 0x09000000 installer-ipodnano2g-*.ubi && emcoreldr.py execute 0x09000000 21:16 < user890104> this is the correct command 21:16 < user890104> according to the irc logs 21:17 < user890104> czar: enter recovery mode, then use the command above 21:17 < czar> ok 21:19 < [7]> user890104: you have a customized installer for 0x09000000? 21:19 < user890104> no, i found some logs where you told me to launch it like this 21:20 < czar> this is a weird one... 21:20 < czar> I no longer get into dfu mode 21:22 < [7]> user890104: I think that was for a custom build... they usually aren't position-independent 21:23 < [7]> I think our best bet is to chainload another loader 21:23 < [7]> take a decrypted version of the loader and upload it to 0x22000000, and then launch an installer from there 21:26 < czar> so, the same command but at 0x22000000 pointer? 21:27 < czar> i think to try these adives tomorrow (also because I no longer get into dfu mode) 21:27 < czar> advices* 21:28 < czar> however thank you for the great help :) 21:29 < czar> maybe pass here tomorrow again 21:29 < czar> good evening! 21:30 < [7]> czar: so the ipod still reboots when pressing menu+select, but doesn't get into dfu mode when pressing left+play? 21:30 < czar> exactly... 21:30 < [7]> damn 21:31 < [7]> no idea why it would suddenly start doing that 21:31 < [7]> it's not like we would have written anything to persistent storage.. 21:31 < [7]> except maybe the bootloader itself 21:31 < user890104> it happened for me, too 21:31 < user890104> and i restored with itunes 21:34 < czar> nothing.. 21:34 < czar> i go to bed...is better 21:35 < czar> bye! 21:35 -!- czar [5d28573b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:43 < user890104> [7]: if i launch the installer on nano 2g like this: nor dfu->emcoreldr->emcoreldr @ 0x22000000->installer.ubi, appleos.bin doesn't seem to be created in /.boot 21:44 < [7]> that's the last thing i'd care about in this situation 21:44 < [7]> as long as you have a working emcoreldr after that, you can just fire up a regular installer to clean things out 22:19 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 22:26 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] 22:36 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Sat Jul 09 00:01:43 2011