--- Log opened Sat Jul 23 00:38:04 2011 00:38 -!- benji___ [6332c0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:38 < benji___> anyone here? 00:39 < benji___> So if anyone reads this, I am on the step where I extract the rocketbox software to my iPod Classic 80GB and windows says I have to format it. 00:39 < benji___> I cannot access it.. so i cant move files off or onto it. Any ideas on how to fix this? 00:40 < benji___> This is the step I have a problem with : Download the "rockbox-ipodclassic.zip" file from the emCORE Releases page Extract its contents to the root directory of your iPod's hard disk drive 00:40 < benji___> Thanks fot your time. My email is benjilwalker@yahoo.com 00:41 < benji___> i will stick around as long as possible 00:42 < TheSeven> benji___: so the ipod is being detected, but windows asks you to format it? 00:42 < benji___> yeah 00:42 < benji___> exactly 00:42 < TheSeven> that's a bit weird, shouldn't happen 00:43 < benji___> iTunes also cannot restore it 00:43 < benji___> honeI think it has hardware failure... But was trying to load this anyway 00:43 < benji___> honestly I* 00:43 < TheSeven> ok, so you suspect that the HDD is broken? 00:44 < benji___> Not sure to be honest, It loads the basic software btu won't update or restore 00:44 < TheSeven> try unplugging it, shutting it down, choosing the last icon in the menu (tools), and then "reformat data partition" 00:45 < benji___> in iTunes? 00:45 < TheSeven> no, on the ipod itself 00:45 < TheSeven> it should be busy for a couple of seconds, and then either complain about something or go back to the main menu 00:45 < benji___> i see haha ok one second 00:45 < benji___> it reformatted fine at the beggining 00:45 < benji___> Well its working. I'l let you know 00:46 < TheSeven> this should take less than a minute 00:46 < TheSeven> if it takes longer, this points towards hardware trouble 00:46 < TheSeven> or, more specifically, problems accessing the hard drive 00:46 < benji___> ahh, well the first time around it took probably around 5? it also has no data on it so I dont really know what it is formatting 00:47 < benji___> Well it is for sure longer than ~1min 00:47 < benji___> Lets just say its probably around 15% done xD 00:47 < TheSeven> hm, probably bad sectors then, and especially these 80gb hdd models are known for silently ignoring them, or reporting them for the wrong sector numbers, which effectively means they're ignored because the retry (for the wrong sector) succeeds 00:48 < TheSeven> does the hdd produce a clicking noise during this process? 00:48 < benji___> so you are saying that the entire disk isnt corrupted, just parts and that it is still useless :P? 00:48 < benji___> No! but I have heard it before 00:49 < TheSeven> so, if you hold it to your ear, you can hear the motor running, but absolutely no sign of clicking? 00:49 < benji___> like when putting in DFU, I hear a click. I have an iPhone now so I dontremeber if it did it before, but i doubt it did xD 00:49 < benji___> yup. that is right 00:49 < TheSeven> the click when rebooting it the hard way is a lot louder than the clicking i'm referring to currently 00:49 < benji___> i see 00:49 < TheSeven> and that reboot click is normal, if the hdd was spinning while you rebooted it 00:50 < benji___> it finfished "reformatting" 00:50 < benji___> so I will do it again and listen 00:50 < TheSeven> did it take a long time at a certain percentage, and then proceed much more quickly? 00:50 < benji___> ok so I hear a hum and then litttle other things 00:50 < TheSeven> that would be another sign of bad sectors 00:50 < benji___> but it doesnt soudn like clicks 00:51 < TheSeven> well, now just try connecting it again, and check if it gets recognized this time 00:51 < neferty> TheSeven, so i came to pick up my ipod, i tried to load rockbox again, but it's missing from the HDD, what are the chances that it did the bad sector fixing? 00:51 < neferty> any way to check without rescanning again to 700k? 00:51 < TheSeven> if it still doesn't, let windows reformat it 00:52 < benji___> Ok will do TheSeven, ill keep you updated its currently doing another reformat so i am waiting 00:52 < benji___> Thank you for the help. 00:52 < TheSeven> neferty: if the hdd is empty, but formatted, this is a good sign. are there any files (logs) on it? 00:53 < neferty> TheSeven, it doesn't seem to be formatted :S 00:53 < neferty> TheSeven, let me check 00:53 < TheSeven> hm. do you know how/why it terminated the check? 00:53 < neferty> roommate unplugged it from wall socket... 00:53 < TheSeven> hm, that sounds like bad luck 00:54 < TheSeven> i really need to implement a way to keep track of the state on the HDD itself 00:54 < neferty> oh wait 00:54 < neferty> umm, i'm in the emcore boot menu 00:54 < neferty> how can i make the HDD accessible to the PC? 00:54 < TheSeven> i basically wrote this tool for my own use, in a controlled environment, and with the emcore tools at hand, so i could regularly do a backup of the current state if neccessary 00:54 < TheSeven> neferty: just boot rockbox 00:55 < TheSeven> it wasn't ever intended for end-user use, and that's why it has a lot of rough edges 00:55 < neferty> "No partition found insert usb cable and fix it etc..." 00:55 < TheSeven> once it had done its job for me, i didn't care much about completing it 00:55 < benji___> TheSeven, I try to reformat using windows while rocketbox is running and it says it is unable to complete. 00:55 < TheSeven> neferty: hm, sounds like an interrupted scan 00:55 < TheSeven> benji___: bad hdd :/ 00:56 < TheSeven> you can try the same remapping tool that I'm just talking about with neferty, but as I said, that's not really polished 00:56 < TheSeven> it's funny that two of the people with broken hdds actually meet each other 00:56 < neferty> TheSeven, it's not even showing up under windows... D: 00:56 < TheSeven> there has been a total of like 5 people with that kind of trouble so far, so it's fairly unlikely for this to happen 00:57 < benji___> Hmm is that something that is replaceable at a moderate price? I used this thing for like 13months and then it crapped out on me with no water dmg. I imagine the HDD is fried and that is it 00:57 < benji___> Haha 00:57 < TheSeven> neferty: this might just be a rockbox bug... I'm not sure if this error case has ever been tested on the classic 00:57 < neferty> TheSeven, nevertheless the mass storage is not showing up under windows 00:58 < TheSeven> benji___: the HDD doesn't seem to be completely fried, it just has bad sectors in a critical area 00:58 < TheSeven> neferty: yeah, might be the USB driver not being started up correctly in this case 00:58 < neferty> usb connected, that's for sure, just saying that error message standing there, tried rebooting once, same stuff 00:58 < benji___> Hmm. So what do you suggest then :P? 00:58 < neferty> oh wait 00:58 < neferty> i'm still having the apple stuff running 00:59 < TheSeven> benji___: replacing the HDD isn't really easy, and the HDDs cost about the same as a used ipod 00:59 < benji___> Well shit haha. I was hoping to use this for college but I guess not 00:59 < neferty> TheSeven, what can i do? should i try the hddscan again? 00:59 < benji___> Thanks for the help! 01:00 < TheSeven> neferty: you could do so, but it would probably be advisable to install the emcore tools in order to be able to regularly do a state snapshot this time 01:00 < TheSeven> benji___: well, before you give up on it you can of course try my bad sector remapping tool 01:00 < TheSeven> it's kind of a mess to work with, but better than nothing 01:01 < benji___> Yes sorry I was reading what you wrote again and missed that 01:01 < neferty> TheSeven, umm, go on please :p 01:01 < benji___> Where can i find that, and instructions xP 01:01 < TheSeven> neferty: windows or linux? 01:01 < neferty> TheSeven, i'm on a windows machine right now but my notebook has linux, i can boot it if it's required 01:02 < TheSeven> benji___: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/hddscan2.ubi 01:02 < benji___> I am also on Win(7) but could probably find someone running linux somewhere aswell 01:02 < TheSeven> in theory you just copy that to the umsboot ramdisk and eject the ipod 01:03 < TheSeven> it will be scanning the hdd for several days, and hopefully eventually come up with a working sector mapping 01:03 < benji___> Hmm, how do i put my device back in DFU to start over and get to the USM boot? 01:03 < TheSeven> benji___: it works on both... the driver installation is a bit easier on linux, but certainly doable on windows as well 01:04 < TheSeven> benji___: connect it to USB and press and hold menu+select for about 12 seconds 01:04 < TheSeven> but you can also choose umsboot from the tools menu 01:04 < benji___> Oh geez that was easy. Sorry 01:04 < neferty> TheSeven, so how do i go about creating a state snapshot? 01:05 < TheSeven> Farthen: I know you're awake... care to do a libusb-win32 walkthrough? 01:06 < neferty> i can do linux too, if that's easier/quicker 01:06 < TheSeven> Farthen: I'm a bit out of the loop, which version of libusb would you currently recommend? 01:07 < TheSeven> on linux, you'll usually have to install a python module, and do a checkout of our SVN, but that's it 01:07 < benji___> Ok TheSeven. It is scanning now. Should I just leave it charging for a couple Days and come back here with my Data. or is there somethign I should do after? Or is it remapping itself right now? 01:07 < TheSeven> on windows, you'll have to install python, pyusb, and a libusb driver (the tricky part) 01:07 < TheSeven> benji___: it should be working on its own, but seriously, this can take a week or even more, depending on the degree and distribution of damage 01:07 < Farthen> TheSeven: libusb-1.0 and pyusb 1 alpha 2 01:08 < TheSeven> i also can't guarantee that it would work at all 01:08 < benji___> Holy.... haha ok 01:08 < TheSeven> Farthen: global filter or per device? 01:08 < neferty> fuck windows, i'm not messing with it, linux here i come 01:08 < benji___> Ill just check it in the mornign when I wake up. But if this is successful, it should be good to go after? 01:08 < TheSeven> i'm currently using the automated device filter installer, and that seems to be working fine, but I don't even know which version that is 01:08 < benji___> lol @ neferty 01:09 < TheSeven> benji___: in theory, yes 01:09 < TheSeven> but I've seen this tool fail more often than not, for various reasons 01:09 < neferty> benji___, no seriously, python's a real hassle on windows 01:09 < TheSeven> ranging from running out of power to just not saving the remap table once it's done for no apparent reason 01:09 < Farthen> TheSeven: don't expect me to know what's working and what's not. this driver stuff is sometimes... unpredictable :-P 01:09 < benji___> OK then, thank you for the help. I want to learn linux eventuallu, but for now know nothign about it 01:10 < TheSeven> benji___: in that case you should choose the windows route if you want to be able to access the ipod's scanning state during the operation 01:10 < benji___> Good luck. Any place I could donate to you guys for your awesome work. It will probably be small... But it is better than Nothing. 01:11 < TheSeven> neferty: on linux, you'll hopefully just have to check out http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools and install the pyusb 1.0.0a2 module 01:11 < benji___> Wait so I can plug it into a USB during this scan and shouldnt just leave it charging? 01:11 < benji___> (via a wall socket) 01:12 < TheSeven> benji___: if you have the emcore tools installed, you can use them to communicate with the ipod during the process, to e.g. do a snapshot of the current state, to be able to resume from that point if something should go wrong at a later point 01:12 < neferty> okay, TheSeven can you please say the repo address again ? 01:12 < TheSeven> however, in theory, it just needs power and should do its job 01:12 < TheSeven> http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools 01:13 < neferty> uhm, and is a1 not good enough? 01:13 < neferty> because that's in my repo :( 01:14 < benji___> I think I have emcore isntalled but when i plug it into a USb i dont see it. I will most likely just leave it. Any place I could donate to you guys for your awesome work. It will probably be small... But it is better than nothing 01:15 < neferty> TheSeven: ^my above msg 01:16 < neferty> okay so my windows box shut itself down for no apparent reason 01:16 < neferty> good. 01:16 < neferty> good job microsoft 01:17 < neferty> TheSeven: what version of gcc am i supposed to be compiling this with? cause i'm getting an error 01:17 < neferty> with 4.6.1 01:18 < benji___> Lat question. i feel like you guys would know about this. I want to learn xcode via a virtualmachine on my pc.. But I cant find a free virtual machine software I can run Lion/SL on? I tried Orcale VNC btu they cut support to it. If this is too random and you have no idea just ignore me xP 01:18 < neferty> virtualbox probably? 01:19 < neferty> last time i tried it (around 2 or 3 years ago) they didn't have PAE, making it impossible to install osx on it, might've changed since then though 01:21 < TheSeven> benji___: we currently don't have a donation fund, but you could donate to the rockbox fund, who paid an ipod classic for me :) 01:21 < benji___> They (Oracle VM VirtualBox) supported OSX and then cut support in march unless you have a mac... so now its pointless :/ 01:22 < TheSeven> neferty: what are you compiling? 01:22 < TheSeven> the neccessary stuff from our repo is all python 01:22 < neferty> TheSeven: well, your svn had a makefile so i immediatley tried to do a make :P 01:22 < neferty> ah ok 01:22 < TheSeven> nah, that's for the ipod side code, and it requires an ARM compiler 01:22 < neferty> svn checked out, pyusb installed 01:22 < neferty> next step? 01:23 < benji___> Ahh ok. Will do, thanks again TheSeven. How do I know if my classic is charging ._. Its pludgged into USB but no batter meter or anything and the screen is lit up so if its not It will die eventually... 01:23 < TheSeven> neferty: connect your ipod, run sudo python emcore.py console 01:23 < neferty> also, when emcore boots, it detects the ipod as a new usb device, then when i try to run rockbox it disappears 01:23 < TheSeven> it should print some ipod-side debugging info 01:23 < TheSeven> benji___: if it's plugged into USB it should be fine 01:24 < neferty> eh no module named usb.core 01:24 < TheSeven> if the battery runs low due to a weak usb power supply, it will stop scanning for a while to let it rechage (it will tell you on the display) 01:24 < TheSeven> neferty: => pyusb version too old 01:24 < TheSeven> you need >=1.0.0a0 01:24 < neferty> i have 1.0.0_a1-1 01:25 < TheSeven> then it's not installed correctly, or into the wrong python version 01:25 < neferty> it works in python3... 01:25 < neferty> should i just cp the files to the python2 lib directory or? 01:25 < neferty> is the script python 3 compatible 01:26 < neferty> it's installed in /usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages 01:27 < neferty> should i try symlinking it to python2, or is there compatibility with python3 ? 01:29 < benji___> Wow. Nice program you have written. thank you for the great info and awesome help. Goodluck! 01:29 < neferty> yay connected it says 01:30 < neferty> nothing more though... 01:30 -!- benji___ [6332c0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:30 < neferty> should i enter the emcore console? 01:31 < neferty> ??? :( 01:35 < TheSeven> neferty: then there's nothing in the debug buffer 01:35 < TheSeven> that's a bit weird, as there should at least be some startup messages, both from the kernel and hddscn2 01:35 < TheSeven> hddscan2* 01:36 < TheSeven> and btw, it should work with python3 as well 01:36 < neferty> i'm in the main emcore menu, i launch it, and all i get is the connected to the emcore debugger etc... 01:36 < TheSeven> ah, so you didn't run hddscan2 yet? 01:36 < neferty> then after a short while if i don't crap around with the wheel on the ipod it shuts of itself, making the pythonscript generate an error and quit 01:36 < TheSeven> ok, that makes sense 01:36 < neferty> well, this means that it wasn't finished? 01:37 < TheSeven> the fact that it isn't formatted means that it didn't finish 01:37 < neferty> :\ 01:37 < neferty> i can't even access the hdd as it is right now 01:37 < TheSeven> you'll probably have to do it again, but this time you can do state snapshots 01:38 < TheSeven> boot umsboot, launch the ubi file, and then run emcore console again 01:38 < TheSeven> it will spit out a message saying where the state buffer is 01:38 < neferty> uhm, hddscan2.ubi? 01:38 < TheSeven> yes 01:38 < neferty> can you give me the link again please? 01:38 < TheSeven> it will also log the individual problems that it finds on its way to this USB console 01:38 < neferty> i don't have it here 01:38 < TheSeven> http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/hddscan2.ubi 01:39 < neferty> uh, okay, gotta dig up the linux tut 01:39 < neferty> oh wait right i can put it into dfu from emcore boot menu 01:39 < neferty> i mean, umsboot 01:39 < TheSeven> yeah 01:40 < neferty> hmm, sudo mount is not returning... 01:41 < neferty> ^C doesn't interrupt it either 01:41 < neferty> :S 01:42 < neferty> crap... it's doing some kernel stuff, not even kill -9 is killing it 01:42 < TheSeven> damn, the ehci bug 01:43 < neferty> rebooting the ipod, gonna try again 01:43 < TheSeven> this might require some patience 01:43 < TheSeven> might take a few minutes to mount 01:43 < neferty> ah, ok, gonna get out my charger then 01:43 < TheSeven> if you have another machine running windows, just copy the file there, and then move it to the linux box 01:45 < neferty> just shut off my windows machine... 01:45 < neferty> i have the ubi now here so it's ok 01:47 < neferty> why does it take so long though? 01:48 < neferty> reset high speed USB device number 12 using ehci_hcd.... 01:48 < neferty> lots of that 01:52 < neferty> yay it mounted it seems 01:52 < neferty> copied on the ubi, i can unmount now right? 01:55 < neferty> state information at.... 01:55 < TheSeven> ok, what's that address? 01:56 < neferty> 0x08019c38 01:56 < neferty> i got that from the python script acutally 01:57 < TheSeven> yeah 01:57 < TheSeven> now ctrl+c that and run sudo python emcore.py getvolumeinfo 01:58 < TheSeven> what' the total number of sectors of the HDD? 01:58 < neferty> wrong argument count 01:58 < TheSeven> er, sudo python emcore.py getvolumeinfo 0 01:58 < TheSeven> (it only has one volume) 01:58 < neferty> there's a problem with the usb connection? 01:59 < neferty> now trying again, prints the stack trace, operation timed out? 02:01 < TheSeven> hm, no idea how that command can fail 02:01 < TheSeven> try unplugging and re-plugging the ipod, and then issuing that command again 02:02 < neferty> problem with usb connection message again 02:02 < neferty> mind you i'm using python2, if i try python3 the python interpreter gives me errors about inconsistent use of tabs and spaces 02:03 * TheSeven should hunt down those tabs, no idea how they slipped in 02:04 < neferty> anyway, shouldn't be related to the error 02:04 < TheSeven> can you reboot the ipod again and try running that command while the normal boot menu is running? 02:04 < neferty> ok 02:04 < TheSeven> might be possible that hddscan2 is blocking some mutex for too long, making the USB command time out 02:04 < neferty> no avail, same error msg 02:05 < TheSeven> that's really strange 02:05 < neferty> how about the "reformat data partition" in the tools menu? 02:07 < neferty> oh wait a second 02:08 < neferty> not even the "console" command work now 02:10 < TheSeven> hm, unplug, reboot, plug, and try again 02:10 < neferty> i think we might have to continue this tomorrow, it's 4am here now 02:10 < TheSeven> here as well :) 02:10 < neferty> oh wait, you're in gmt+1? 02:10 < TheSeven> yeah 02:10 < TheSeven> germany, to be exact 02:11 < neferty> ah ok 02:11 < TheSeven> actually gmt+2 because of DST 02:11 < neferty> you're right 02:11 < neferty> still doesn't work 02:12 < neferty> would that reformat data partition not work at this point? 02:14 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:14 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:14 < neferty> would that reformat data partition not work at this point? 02:18 < neferty> hmm, issuing find will print "//", and that's all 02:18 < neferty> getprocinfo works 02:21 < [7]> hm, that's a bit weird that this usb command is broken 02:21 < neferty> the getvolumeinfo breaks everything, everything else works fine, but after issuing that command, nothing works until i reconnect the ipod 02:22 < neferty> after that, everything throws a usb.core.USBError: Operation timed out 02:24 < [7]> hm, you could also boot rockbox and check dmesg for the sector count 02:24 < neferty> kind of difficult without being able to access the hdd first :P, so should i try that reformat data partition from the tools menu? 02:27 < [7]> if it doesn't get detected otherwise, you can try that 02:30 < neferty> wait what the heck, reformatted and it booted straight into rockbox, without even complaining about misisng files or something 02:31 < neferty> bwah.... 02:31 < neferty> hmm, it's empty though 02:31 < [7]> ok, so how many sectors does it have? 02:32 < neferty> uh, how do i know that? 02:32 < [7]> dmesg should log that 02:33 < neferty> i'm buffer i/o errors have flooded dmesg, they're all high around 19547685 02:33 < neferty> truth be told, i couldn't even mount it under linux at all 02:34 < [7]> yeah, that doesn't surprise me 02:34 < neferty> wait a sec, nailed it 02:34 < neferty> [ 4781.039258] sd 9:0:0:0: [sdd] 19537686 4096-byte logical blocks: (80.0 GB/74.5 GiB) 02:35 < neferty> okay, copied rockbox too on it 02:38 < neferty> http://ompldr.org/vOWxhdA here's some of it, if it's any useful 02:39 < [7]> now re-run hddscan2 and check the base address on the usb console again 02:43 < neferty> it takes so long for this thing to mount.. 02:43 < [7]> yeah, that's us triggering a linux ehci driver bug, and nobody seems to really know what's going on with it 02:47 < neferty> [7]: same address 02:47 < [7]> ok, that's good 02:47 < [7]> you can use the usb console to monitor what's going on with it currently, or use this command to obtain a state dump (which can be used to resume if something bad happens): sudo python emcore.py downloadfile 0x08019c38 0x012a1f16 scannerstate.bin 02:48 < neferty> so basically, it's re-run again? 02:48 < [7]> yeah, but this time with some more monitoring and saving checkpoints just in case 02:49 < neferty> how can i check the state? with the console command? 02:50 < neferty> and what are the chances that getvolumeinfo throws the same error? 02:50 < [7]> you won't need to run getvolumeinfo 02:50 < [7]> the console command will basically print the ipod side debug log 02:51 < [7]> which is listing all important events that occurred during the scan 02:51 < neferty> › sudo python2 emcore.py console 02:51 < neferty> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.1 r692 running on iPod classic 02:51 < neferty> State information at 0x08019C38 02:51 < neferty> that's all it prints 02:51 < [7]> this means that nothing extraordinary has been found so far 02:51 < [7]> once it finds something, it will report it there 02:51 < neferty> also, sometimes it says r692, sometimes 700 something 02:51 < neferty> 704 i think 02:52 < [7]> 692 is tha build that hddscan2.ubi contains, 704 is probably the build that you have flashed 02:53 < [7]> i'd recommend to ctrl+c the console command from time to time (maybe once a day) and run the downloadfile command to obtain a copy of the current state, to allow to resume if something bad happens 02:53 < [7]> then you can re-run the console command to monitor events again 02:54 < neferty> eh, this will be tough... i won't be home for a while 02:54 < neferty> i might as well do this again next weekend i come home then 02:54 < [7]> well yeah, you can do that 02:55 < [7]> let's hope that nobody will unplug it until then 02:55 < neferty> well, besides getting plugged off, what other dangers are there? 02:55 < [7]> the tool might go nuts when trying to write the final remapping 02:55 < neferty> D: 02:56 < [7]> i've seen that a couple of times, and I have no idea why it happened, neither can I reproduce it 02:56 < [7]> however, in that case, you can just do another state dump after it thinks its finished to save whatever information you have 02:56 < [7]> if it turns out that it didn't write the mapping, you can use that to recover it 02:57 < neferty> hmm, with a full charge, how long does the ipod last while doing the scan? 02:57 < neferty> also wait i just realized this... so basically i can stop the scan at any point, then resume it later on anytime? 02:58 < neferty> 'cause if so, that's not a problem then 03:02 < [7]> neferty: maybe 2 hours 03:03 < [7]> the HDD consumes a lot of power 03:03 < [7]> yes, you can do that 03:03 < [7]> to resume it, just launch hddscan2.ubi again and issue the following command: sudo python emcore.py uploadfile 0x08019c38 scannerstate.bin 03:04 < neferty> oh, that's pretty neat, then i'll just save the state before going out on sunday, and resume it when i arrive at my place at monday morning 03:09 < neferty> anyway, i'll be sleeping now, thanks an awful lot, again... :P 08:28 -!- MSaki [~william@pool-71-173-56-39.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:28 < MSaki> my 2ndgen nano is bricked 08:29 < MSaki> any help i can get with python would be great 08:33 < [Saint]> define "bricked", including steps you took to get the player in this state, and anything you have done since then to further compound the matter. 08:34 < MSaki> cannot parse backgnd "panic" 08:34 < MSaki> but still can get recove mode from usb via hold 08:35 < MSaki> tried python script but i just get bunchs of errors 08:36 < [Saint]> Which script? throwing random scripts at it definitely, defintely will not help matters. 08:36 < MSaki> no no 08:36 < [Saint]> And could potentially *actually* brick your player if you tried hard enough. 08:37 < MSaki> python emcoreldr.py run installer.ubi 08:37 < MSaki> downloaded everything and im using a 64bit fedora pc just if you needed to know 08:41 < MSaki> cut to the chase my ipod is at the emcore recov screen and pluged in my pc has a terminal open with python running but "python emcoreldr.py run installer.ubi" wont work 08:48 < MSaki> i get usb.core missing 08:53 < MSaki> .... 08:58 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 09:00 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:02 < MSaki> well ill just keep trying to recover it usin the small amout of info on the wiki site 09:04 < [7]> MSaki: install pyusb >=1.0.0a0 09:18 < MSaki> starts running then says directory usb doesnt exsist when it doe... 09:18 < MSaki> does 09:19 < user890104> MSaki: what command are you running? 09:20 < MSaki> open terminal type: python setup.py install 09:20 < MSaki> python does run it through....... 09:21 < MSaki> wait.... 09:22 < MSaki> actualy it seems to not wana run directly i have to put its location.... 09:22 < MSaki> or python gives syntax error 09:24 < user890104> which version of python are you using? 09:25 < MSaki> 2.7.1 09:30 < user890104> if you have easy_install, you can just do: sudo easy_install pyusb 09:31 < user890104> on ubuntu it finds 1.0.0-a1 which is enough to run our scripts 09:33 < user890104> if you want to check if pyusb is installed successfully: type "python" to open a python shell, then type "import usb.core", if it doesn't show any error message, you can continue, if you get "No module named core", you didn't install pyusb successfully 09:35 < MSaki> yah its not installed successfully 09:42 < user890104> did you try with easy_install? 09:42 < MSaki> .... reinstalled it still gives me no module 09:42 < MSaki> no 09:44 < MSaki> install_dir /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ 09:44 < MSaki> Searching for pyusb 09:44 < MSaki> Best match: pyusb 0.4.1 09:44 < MSaki> Adding pyusb 0.4.1 to easy-install.pth file 09:44 < MSaki> Using /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages 09:44 < MSaki> Processing dependencies for pyusb 09:44 < MSaki> Finished processing dependencies for pyusb 09:44 < MSaki> (thats what it says 09:48 < user890104> so easy_install won't help then 09:48 < MSaki> nope 09:49 < user890104> i don't have much experience with python so i'm unable to help you at this point 09:50 < MSaki> heh 09:50 < MSaki> python 3.2? 09:52 < user890104> 2.7 works for sure (at least on my virtual machine with ubuntu) 09:53 < user890104> that's what i have: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyusb-1.0.0_a1-py2.7.egg 09:58 < MSaki> huh strange 09:58 < MSaki> yours is dist packages mine is state packages 10:01 < MSaki> well thanks user890104 ill get it soon 10:08 -!- MSaki [~william@pool-71-173-56-39.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has left #freemyipod-support 14:11 -!- Dgby714 [~Dgby714@128-105.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:55 -!- Dgby714 [~Dgby714@128-105.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:45 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:46 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:30 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [] 22:34 -!- Benji___ [6332c0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:35 < Benji___> Anyone here? TheSeven gave me Hdd bad sector scanner and it seems to make foreward progress in the secttors 22:35 < Benji___> But then it sometimes goes back? is that normal? 22:36 < [7]> yes, it is 22:36 < [7]> it will repeatedly scan areas of IIRC 16K sectors 22:36 < [7]> so little jumps backward are normal, bigger ones aren't 22:37 < Benji___> Are you TheSeven :D? 22:37 < [7]> yes 22:37 < Benji___> Hmm well I went to bed last night and my ipod was at 22:37 < Benji___> 617944/19,537,686 22:38 < Benji___> sweet :P, now it is at 617153....... 22:38 < Benji___> But it has been like 16houras probably? 22:38 < [7]> this is normal in highly damaged areas 22:38 < Benji___> Ahh okay just making sure 22:38 < Benji___> Thanks again :P 22:38 < [7]> so everything up to that point was probably in relatively good shape, so it only took it a few scans to fix the problems 22:39 < Benji___> Let me give you the full stats I kinda doubt it tbh xD 22:39 < [7]> and now it's scanning an area where almost every access fails (times out, thereby scanning way slower), and where lots of scans (possibly hundreds) of the same area are needed before all damage is found 22:39 < Benji___> Write Ok 14,769 22:39 < Benji___> Hard resets needed 910 22:39 < [7]> the stats don't tell anything about the location of the damage 22:39 < [7]> ouch 22:40 < [7]> that number explains the extreme slowness 22:40 < Benji___> yeah 22:40 < Benji___> haha 22:40 < Benji___> now it just sounds like crackling 22:40 < [7]> and each of thoses resets hurts the HDD's mechanics :/ 22:40 < Benji___> ahh shit 22:41 < [7]> those repeated, relatively silent clicks every half a second are not an issue 22:41 < [7]> but the really lound ones every couple of minutes are 22:41 < Benji___> Well I will see, hoepfully it will work a little. Better than before xD 22:41 < [7]> (that's the hard resets needed number) 22:41 < Benji___> Could you explain to me how this works? 22:41 < Benji___> Liek after will it just not see the data areas that are bad as usable? 22:41 < [7]> the problem with this drive is that its firmware is extremely buggy 22:42 < [7]> so there's a lot of guesswork needed to figure out the locations of the actual defects, as the locations that the HDD reports are often massively off 22:42 < Benji___> I see 22:43 < Benji___> So end result is an 80gb drive that say says it has 42.65gb of usable space? 22:43 < [7]> that's why the scan takes so long (it needs to build a hypothesis based on damage patterns that it recognizes, and then verify/falsify it experimentally) 22:43 < Benji___> Jeez, and you wrote this all yourself? 22:43 < [7]> Benji___: basically yes, but usually that number is much higher 22:43 < [7]> yes :/ 22:43 < Benji___> Oh sweet xP 22:43 < Benji___> hmmm. where are you employed 22:44 < [7]> i have one of these beasts myself, and i lost like a couple hundred MB of space, but now have a perfectly working mapping 22:44 < [7]> Benji___: I'm still studying 22:44 < Benji___> you seem like you could be making someone/yourself a lot of money xP 22:44 < Benji___> Xool, in America? 22:44 < Benji___> Cool* 22:44 < [7]> no, germany 22:44 < [7]> trying to hire me? :) 22:44 < Benji___> From America? Good English 22:44 < Benji___> Sorry. Im just turning 18 in like 2 days ._. 22:45 < [7]> that discussion sounded a bit like you were a headhunter :) 22:45 < Benji___> I just think that some company would scoop you up if they saw the stuff you do. 22:45 < Benji___> I know haha sorry to get your hopes up. 22:46 < [7]> well, i there were multiple people offering me jobs at their US companies already, in the various ipod-related IRC channels 22:47 < [7]> but i'm a bit reluctant to accept that, especially outside of germany... 22:47 < Benji___> You are smart to finish studying :P, but after man..... 22:48 < [7]> tbh i'm not too convinced to do that any more, it's more that I can't easily leave the area where I live 22:48 < [7]> i just have way too many unfinished tasks over here :) 22:49 < Benji___> I see :P, it would also suck to leave home to place where you would know nobody 22:51 < Benji___> Well i must be off. Thanks again for the awesome program and wonderful help/work. I'll probably be back iin a couple days to tell you my progress xP 22:51 < Benji___> Bye now! Goodluck in the future! 22:51 -!- Benji___ [6332c0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:53 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Sun Jul 24 00:30:33 2011