--- Log opened Wed Aug 03 00:14:04 2011 02:44 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:44 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:46 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 03:48 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:05 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:10 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 09:31 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:33 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:14 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 10:17 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:17 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Quit...] 11:31 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:23 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:24 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:13 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:14 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:38 -!- jazzwhiz [~jazzwhiz@adsl-74-179-198-25.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:48 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] 14:15 -!- survery [~thomas@dslb-188-110-048-141.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:15 -!- survery [~thomas@dslb-188-110-048-141.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #freemyipod-support 14:32 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:24 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:42 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:44 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:49 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 15:50 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@124-197-58-10.callplus.net.nz] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:49 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:58 -!- ipodnoob [~testor@p54AF3A5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:59 < ipodnoob> Hi. I was today given a supposed-broken 2G nano with iLoader 1.1 on it. I can neither find the upgrade-option in the menu nor a working theme for this version, nor does the normal installer change the bootloader. 17:00 < ipodnoob> iLoader constantly says "no config file!" 17:08 < benedikt93> ipodnoob, the old themes are here: http://theseven.freemyipod.org/iloader/ 17:10 < ipodnoob> benedikt93: Can you show me which subpage? In the theme archive, I can only find 0.2.2-themes... 17:12 < benedikt93> hmm, then I don't know either (I never dealt with the Nano 2G). At least [7] will know 17:12 -!- user890104_ [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:14 < user890104_> ipodnoob: 0.1.x themes here: http://theseven.lima-city.de/ipod/iloader/themes.php 17:14 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Disconnected by services] 17:14 -!- user890104_ is now known as user890104 17:15 < ipodnoob> user890104: Thanks a lot. The zip-files sadly are down, however... 17:18 < user890104> http://the-seven.tk/ipod/download/iloader/themes/iloader-theme-default-0.1.2.zip 17:18 < user890104> what about this one? 17:18 < ipodnoob> That looks much better, thanks :) 17:19 < user890104> (i actually found the url by replacing 2 with 1 in the 0.2.2 urls :)) 17:19 < user890104> since iloader is *very* old, i recommend upgrading to emcore 17:20 < ipodnoob> user890104: Thanks, I actually have a menu now :) The problem was, without menu, I could not even update ^^ 17:20 < user890104> it has easier updating and a nice boot menu 17:21 < user890104> and the theme is not on the flash memory so you can't delete it by mistake 17:21 < ipodnoob> That sounds much better :) 17:22 < user890104> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/iloader/updating.php 17:22 < user890104> but instead of installer-....bin 17:22 < user890104> use this file: 17:23 < user890104> http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20110424/installer-ipodnano2g-r708-20110424.ubi 17:23 < ipodnoob> and then simply rename it to installer.bin? 17:23 < user890104> and save it as installer.bin 17:23 < user890104> yep 17:23 < user890104> make backup of appleos.bin from iLoader first 17:24 < user890104> if the installer didn't put one in /.boot, you'll need to do it manually 17:24 < ipodnoob> It seems it didn't... how can I do it manually? 17:25 < user890104> did you ran the installer? 17:26 < ipodnoob> I got the device in half-installed state with broken filesystem ^^ 17:26 < ipodnoob> Can I just run the installer again, although the loader is already on the device? 17:26 < user890104> what version is currently on the device? 0.1.x? 17:26 < ipodnoob> 0.1.1 it seems. 17:27 < user890104> try updating with the installer i gave you 17:27 < [7]> all of our installers are capable of updating all of the old versions 17:27 < ipodnoob> okay ^^ 17:28 < ipodnoob> Is it normal that it is just showing "emCORE v0.2.2 r700" for some time without continuing? 17:28 < user890104> more than 10 seconds is not normal 17:28 < ipodnoob> 30 seconds already... 17:28 < user890104> so you seem to be affected by the lcd bug 17:28 < [7]> no dots below that? :/ 17:29 < ipodnoob> No dots sadly... :( 17:29 < ipodnoob> LCD bug? 17:29 < user890104> if there are no dots, i think it's something else 17:30 < [7]> a couple of nano2g devices seems to be affected by a bug where only the very first LCD update comes through 17:30 < ipodnoob> should I try to do a 0.1.1 => 0.2.2 => emcore? 17:30 < user890104> ipodnoob: try 0.2.2, it should work for you 17:32 < ipodnoob> user890104: Installed fine :) 17:33 * [7] really wants a fix for that bug :) 17:33 < [7]> can you do me a favor and go into diagmode and check the LCD_DETECT values? 17:33 < [7]> (on the second page of others => status) 17:34 < ipodnoob> It looks a bit... funny... 17:34 < ipodnoob> HP_DETECT: 0 17:34 < ipodnoob> Regn:0xe74b 0xebff 17:35 < ipodnoob> And then nice random-looking symbols, closing with the use action to change page-message 17:35 < [7]> yeah, that's to be expected 17:35 < [7]> our modifications trigger a diagmode bug :) 17:35 < ipodnoob> Okay. LCD Detect0:0 and LCD Detect1:1 are the values you want? 17:35 < [7]> wtf 17:36 < [7]> that's type 2 => ilitek 17:36 < [7]> those seem to be like 70% of the nano2gs 17:36 < [7]> so why do some of these cock up? 17:36 < [7]> user890104, [Saint]: which LCD types do you have? 17:36 < ipodnoob> And all those are hit by the bug? Oh... only some? 17:37 < [7]> when did we introduce the high speed LCD driver? was that before iloader 0.2.2? 17:37 < [7]> the next question is whether this is a range update or dma issue 17:37 < user890104> [7]: 0:0 17:38 < [7]> ah, right, you had the rare one 17:38 < [7]> [Saint]: i bet at least one of yours is ilitek :) 17:51 < ipodnoob> Everything appears to be working perfectly again, thanks all :) 17:51 < ipodnoob> One further question: If the apple-os partition is still there, can I load it with iLoader? 17:55 < [7]> no, iloader can only load the apple firmware from the "appleos.bin" or "appleos.ucl" file 17:55 < ipodnoob> And if this was not created by the installer or was lost after that? Can I manually read it out? 17:57 < [7]> either uninstall/reinstall, or ask someone to send you one 17:58 * [7] has to run now 17:58 < ipodnoob> [7] Thanks for all! 17:58 * ipodnoob will do the uninstall / reinstall just for the fun of it ^^ 18:01 < ipodnoob> But some other time, have to leave now... 18:01 < ipodnoob> Thanks again to all! :) 18:01 -!- ipodnoob [~testor@p54AF3A5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:07 -!- jazzwhiz [~jazzwhiz@adsl-74-179-198-25.bna.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:20 -!- jazzwhiz [~jazzwhiz@adsl-74-179-198-25.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:46 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 23:17 -!- XenoEvil [42500282@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:17 < XenoEvil> hello 23:29 -!- XenoEvil [42500282@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] --- Log closed Thu Aug 04 00:22:22 2011