--- Log opened Thu Aug 18 00:03:16 2011 00:17 -!- Poodlemastah_ [~Poodlemas@h-241-205.a218.priv.bahnhof.se] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:19 -!- Poodlemastah_ is now known as Poodlemastah 04:10 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:52 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:14 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:14 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:49 -!- Scaramush [59a2b65a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:51 < Scaramush> Hi 10:51 < Scaramush> I have a nano 2g iPod. Now it's in DFU mode and I can't do something with them. I tried to install emcore on it (http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting) but I just saw a white screen, without any text. Is it possible to restore this device? 10:53 < user890104> hello Scaramush, can you reset it with menu+select while connected to a pc, and then tell me which USB IDs do you see on the PC side? 10:57 < Scaramush> New USB device found, idVendor=05ac, idProduct=1220 10:58 < user890104> ok, that's bootrom dfu, which operating system are you using? 10:59 < Scaramush> debian linux 11:00 < user890104> great, did you check out our svn? (you'll need /tools and /emcore/trunk/tools) 11:00 < user890104> also python + pyusb 1.0.0+ 11:01 < Scaramush> no, i didn't 11:01 < Scaramush> python and pyusb are installed 11:01 < user890104> well, how did you use the troubleshooting steps then? :) 11:02 < user890104> you'll need both folders, they contain all scripts you're going to use 11:03 < Scaramush> i just downloaded neede files) 11:04 < Scaramush> *needed 11:04 < Scaramush> well, I allredy checked out svn 11:08 < user890104> ok, so you followed the guide, right? at which point you are unable to continue with the instructions? 11:10 < Scaramush> In first step in DFU (python ipoddfu.py emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu) mode I didn't saw any text? just white screen 11:11 < Scaramush> but I tried to continue, and all steps from DFU mode are done 11:12 < user890104> did the USB ID change after the first command? 11:12 < Scaramush> when I try to Upload an emCORE installer I had an error 11:12 < Scaramush> I didn't checked 11:12 < user890104> can you repeat and check? 11:13 < user890104> enter only the first one and check what changed 11:13 < user890104> and can you provide additional information on how you got the ipod in this state? 11:14 < Scaramush> [18369.102346] usb 1-6: usbfs: process 10202 (python) did not claim interface 0 before use 11:14 < Scaramush> and white screen on iPod 11:16 < user890104> are there any errors from the python script? and which python version are you using? 11:16 < user890104> and what does lsusb say? is there any ipod? 11:17 < Scaramush> I tried to update it in iTunes and power failure happend 11:17 < Scaramush> python 2.6.7 11:18 < Scaramush> no errors from script 11:18 < user890104> so if you reboot it with menu+select, did you see an apple logo? 11:19 < Scaramush> no, blank screen 11:19 < Scaramush> lsusb - Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05ac:1220 Apple, Inc. 11:19 < user890104> this is after running the python command? 11:20 < Scaramush> yes 11:20 < user890104> can you unplug it now and replug it 11:20 < user890104> and check if the usb device is still showing in lsusb 11:20 < user890104> if it isn't, your ipod have locked up 11:21 < Scaramush> ther is no iPod in lsusb 11:21 < user890104> ok, i'll send you another emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu then 11:21 < user890104> just a moment 11:24 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-efde7c09.html 11:26 < Scaramush> sudo python ipoddfu.py emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu Connected to S5L8701 Bootrom DFU mode, USB version 1 Upload: ..... done 11:26 < user890104> what do you see on the screen of the ipod? 11:26 < Scaramush> nothing changed 11:27 < Scaramush> white screen 11:27 < user890104> can you reset it again, turn the hold switch ON and repeat that? 11:28 < user890104> you should see: Bus 001 Device 005: ID ffff:e112 11:28 < user890104> something like that in lsusb 11:28 < Scaramush> white screen again 11:28 < Scaramush> Bus 001 Device 013: ID ffff:e112 11:28 < Scaramush> it's in lsusb 11:29 < user890104> ok, so it worked 11:30 < user890104> let me test the next commands on my ipod first 11:30 < Scaramush> ok 11:31 < user890104> can you confirm that after unplugging/replugging the ipod while it's in this state, it still shows in lsusb? 11:33 < Scaramush> yes, it is 11:33 < user890104> ok 11:49 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-37a89918.html 11:49 < user890104> download this file 11:49 < user890104> make sure your ipod's HOLD switch is still ON 11:49 -!- nebuchadnezzar_ [50a04ddb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:49 < user890104> and run the following commands: 11:50 < user890104> python emcoreldr.py upload 0x22000000 emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.bin 11:50 < user890104> python emcoreldr.py execute 0x22000000 0x00000000 11:50 < user890104> then check again if the USB device is still there after replugging 11:53 < Scaramush> no, it didn't 11:53 < Scaramush> usb 1-6: device descriptor read/64, error -110 11:55 < nebuchadnezzar_> Hi! I have just installed emCore, but run into trouble when loading the rockbox .zip file to the device. Windows shows the USB device, I can open it to view the root folder, but I cannot do anything on the device, not copy files and not create folders. I get a strange windows message "This is no longer located in <%3 NULL:OpText>....". Any ideas? 11:55 < nebuchadnezzar_> Correction: the ".rockbox" folder, not the zip file... 11:56 < user890104> nebuchadnezzar_: please ask at #rockbox as this seems to be a rockbox-related issue and not emcore-related one 11:57 < nebuchadnezzar_> OK, but is it not emCore that provides the USB device? 11:58 < user890104> nebuchadnezzar_: after you install emcore, you need to use the Rockbox fallback image in order to transfer the Rockbox installation on your hard disk 11:58 < nebuchadnezzar_> Ah - OK. I'll try at #rockbox. Thanx! 11:59 < user890104> Scaramush: i would suggest waiting for someone else who might have other suggestions, because your ipod is acting really weird 11:59 < user890104> since it gets to DFU, there's a chance to recover it 12:00 < Scaramush> ( Ok, thanks anyway 12:00 < user890104> it basicly means that the data on the NOR flash is corrupted and the bootloader is unable to load 12:00 < user890104> that's why you're getting blank screen 12:00 < user890104> reflashing the NOR memory would fix it, but i'm not sure how 12:01 < Scaramush> but how to reflash it? 12:01 < Scaramush> iTunes now didn't want to work with it 12:05 -!- nebuchadnezzar_ [50a04ddb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:05 < user890104> yes, itunes does not support DFU on nano 2g 12:06 < user890104> that's why we made ipoddfu.py 12:06 < Scaramush> well, I try again all that commands 12:06 < Scaramush> and now have Bus 001 Device 024: ID 05ac:1220 Apple, Inc. in lsusb 12:06 < user890104> there is a way, but since i'm not completely sure that it would work, i suggest waiting for someone else 12:07 < user890104> 1220 is DFU, so this means that the first command didn't run successfully 12:07 < user890104> you need to turn on the hold switch before running it 12:07 < Scaramush> after first command was ffff:e112 12:08 < Scaramush> hold is on 12:09 < user890104> ok, that's to be expected 12:09 < Scaramush> ID has chanched to 1220 after python emcoreldr.py execute 0x22000000 0x00000000 12:09 < user890104> did you leave the hold switch turned on? 12:09 < Scaramush> yes 12:09 < user890104> then something weird is happening 12:10 < user890104> it should not change after this command 12:10 < user890104> it is meant to just relocate our code in the memory 12:10 < user890104> it is expected to stay at ffff:e112 12:10 < user890104> what is the command before this? 12:11 < Scaramush> sudo python emcoreldr.py upload 0x22000000 emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.bin 12:13 < user890104> yeah, that's correct but your ipod does not respond as expected 12:13 < Scaramush> http://goo.gl/CMjUu 12:13 < Scaramush> it's dmesg 12:15 < user890104> ah, the packet size 12:15 < user890104> can you edit emcoreldr.py 12:16 < user890104> actually libemcoreldr.py 12:16 < Scaramush> yes, what i have to change? 12:16 < user890104> at line 45 & 46 12:17 < user890104> self.maxin = 528; 12:17 < user890104> self.maxout = 528 12:17 < user890104> change these to 64 for example 12:17 < user890104> restart the ipod and re-run 12:21 < Scaramush> http://goo.gl/1v07D 12:22 < user890104> what commands did you enter? 12:22 < Scaramush> sudo python ipoddfu.py emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu 12:22 < Scaramush> sudo python emcoreldr.py upload 0x22000000 emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.bin 12:23 < user890104> and you had the hold switch turned on all the time? 12:23 < Scaramush> sudo python emcoreldr.py execute 0x22000000 0x00000000 12:23 < Scaramush> yes 12:24 < user890104> so after the last command it is in DFU again? 12:24 < Scaramush> yes 12:24 < user890104> weird, the same binary works for me 12:25 < user890104> you should wait for Michael Sparmann (TheSeven or [7]) to join, he is the main developer of emCORE and knows a lot about these devices 12:26 < Scaramush> ok, thanks 12:26 < user890104> i haven't reached such stage so far, the method that's described on the page always helped me 12:26 < user890104> if something fails at flashing 12:27 < user890104> you can write on the mailing list that you tried running emcore loader from dfu, and what happens 12:27 < user890104> so if anyone else has an idea, they could point you in the right direction 12:28 < Scaramush> I did it before write to irc 12:28 < Scaramush> Michael Sparmann answered "First we will have to diagnose what's really going on with it, and then think of a way to fix it. As this requires a lot of interaction with you, it will probably be easiest to discuss this matter on IRC." 12:30 < Scaramush> if I run this iPod for dead and than try again, may something changed? 12:32 < user890104> well, the instructions i gave you are basicly what he would try first 12:33 < user890104> so you can inform him that this way doesn't work as expected 12:33 < user890104> about the battery, i really don't know if it would help 12:34 < Scaramush> ok 12:34 < Scaramush> thanks 12:40 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has quit [] 12:41 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:00 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:58 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 16:11 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:31 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:33 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:17 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:41 -!- sonvuong [7b189c72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:42 -!- sonvuong [7b189c72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:55 -!- MyKE_ [42ceee49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:13 -!- sonvuong [7b18802f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:13 -!- sonvuong [7b18802f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 19:28 < MyKE_> Is this where I type questions? 19:31 < MyKE_> I am having trouble with my ipod classic 80 gig and EmCORE I keep getting an errror unidentified instruction at 08000010 for the newest em core build. 19:32 < MyKE_> I may have messaged a few people because I am unsire how to use irc so if that is not how you use irc sorry for messageing you 19:41 < user890104> MyKE_: writing here in the channel is enough, if anyone can answer you, they would 19:41 < user890104> about the error: which rockbox version and which emcore version are you using 19:41 < user890104> and when do you get this error? 19:43 < MyKE_> I tried the newest version of of the installer-ipodclassic.ubi file and once I load the usm boot and copy the file to it I get the error that I posed above 19:43 < MyKE_> I havent even gotten to rockbox yet 19:47 < user890104> ok, what's the version of the installer, and where did you downloaded it from? 19:48 < MyKE_> the instaler is installer-ipodclassic-r708-20110424 and I got it from the EmCORE releases page on free my ipod .org 19:51 < user890104> can you redownload it and try again? 19:55 < MyKE_> I re downloaded the file and now it wont get past booting... 19:56 < MyKE_> and no error yet 20:01 < MyKE_> its still hasnt passed the booting... 20:06 < user890104> what does it show on the screen? 20:06 < user890104> you could try a previous release 20:10 < MyKE_> the screen says loading ubi file... rearrainging files... booting... 20:13 < user890104> and stays like that? 20:13 < MyKE_> yes it dosnt change 20:14 < user890104> ok so the ubi file is somehow corrupted when downloading 20:14 < user890104> open this page: http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20110424/ 20:14 < user890104> then right-click installer-ipodclassic-r708-20110424.ubi 20:14 < user890104> and select Save link as/Save target as 20:14 < user890104> then retry with the newly downloaded file 20:16 < MyKE_> I tried with the installer file from the link you sent and I got undefined instruction error 080000032 20:18 < user890104> http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20110406/installer-ipodclassic-r692-20110406.ubi 20:18 < user890104> try this one 20:20 < MyKE_> so far the file from that last link you sent is just sitting on the screen that says loading ubi rearrainging files and booting 20:21 < user890104> reset it with menu+select and start over with the last file i gave you 20:23 < MyKE_> I recieved the undefined instruction error 20:25 < user890104> well, something's wrong then 20:25 < user890104> i'll send you the file zipped 20:26 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-2e706f51.html 20:27 < user890104> download this, extract the file and use it for the installation 20:27 < user890104> if this doesn't work, i don't have any other ideas about what's happening 20:30 < MyKE_> Thank you very much for your help I appreciate it I am going to try it on my other computer and beyond that it is a fun itunes alternative 20:53 -!- MyKE_ [42ceee49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:02 -!- Scaramush [59a2b65a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:26 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] --- Log closed Fri Aug 19 00:59:21 2011