--- Log opened Sat Sep 24 00:03:26 2011 02:32 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:36 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:46 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:47 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:31 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:33 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:44 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 08:25 -!- [Saint_AndChat] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:38 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:49 -!- [Saint_AndChat] [~Saint]@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:50 -!- [Saint_AndChat] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:00 -!- [Saint_AndChat] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:14 -!- [Saint_AndChat] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:21 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:42 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:43 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:41 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:41 -!- [Saint_AndChat] [~Saint]@] has quit [Quit: AndChat - Android IRC Client - http://www.andchat.net/] 18:09 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:13 -!- Marafk [marach@static-78-10-48-155.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:43 -!- josephd_ [b8232e54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:45 < josephd_> just went through your emcore custom device driver installation on a 6th gen 80gb classic, and everything went fine until right after I pressed start and menu, never got the emcore boot menu 20:46 < josephd_> screen went white and now completely black, wanted to see if you guys had any tips or tricks other the standard menu+select or menu+play 20:47 < josephd_> can't get it to respond to any commands or charge via laptop or a wall outlet 20:50 < [Saint]> what stage did you get to in the installation? 20:53 < josephd_> saved installer classic to the 64mb volume, ejected, disconnected, and pressed menu+play 20:53 < josephd_> the ipod formatted then froze 20:55 < [Saint]> why did you rebot the device? 20:55 < [Saint]> *reboot 20:56 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 20:56 < [Saint]> the installer should start automatically after ejecting the volume. 20:56 < josephd_> that was just what the on-screen instructed that I press after scrolling though the warning screen 20:57 < josephd_> I was in the installer 20:57 < [Saint]> Hmmmm, ok. I didn't think it required that. My mistake. 20:59 < user890104> josephd_: which operating system are you using on your pc? 20:59 < josephd_> win7 x86 20:59 < [Saint]> There should be no harm in resetting the device (you said its unresponsive, right?) and seeing where (if anywhere) it got to ...should there user890104? 21:00 < user890104> well, reboot *after* the installation should be fine, if the installer itself couldn't reboot the ipod 21:01 < user890104> josephd_: reboot the ipod with menu+select for about 5-6 seconds, then connect it to usb 21:01 < user890104> and open device manager, then look for the device 21:01 < [Saint]> well, if the installer flopped halfway...there's really no other option, is there? 21:02 < user890104> [Saint]: yeah, if it locked up for some reason, you really don't have other options 21:02 < user890104> maybe connecting to the kernel with the python scripts 21:02 < josephd_> I can't get the ipod to reboot at all, tired menu+select before i thought to bother you guys. 21:03 < [Saint]> Hmmmm.....that's *really* not right. How much battery did it have, prior to the install? 21:03 < user890104> josephd_: what happens when you first connect to usb, then hold menu+select (like at the beggining of the installation)? 21:03 < user890104> do you hear the "device connected" sound from windows? 21:06 -!- josephd_ [b8232e54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:19 -!- josephd_ [b8232e54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:20 < josephd_> battery was around 50 percent I'm pretty sure 21:21 < josephd_> and no, no recognition sound like usual from windows 21:21 < user890104> select View->devices by connection 21:22 < user890104> then click oh the top level icon with you computer name, and press * on the numpad of your keyboard (this expands all devices) 21:22 < user890104> then look for the usb hubs/controllers, and any child device under them 21:25 < josephd_> alright, 5 intel universal usb host controllers 21:26 < josephd_> 1 usb root hub underneath each one 21:27 < josephd_> ahh nevermind, found that ipod classic bootrom dfu 21:28 < user890104> ok, then you should start the bootstrapper exe and repeat the installation 21:28 < user890104> if something unusual happens, let us know 21:29 < josephd_> will do 21:29 < josephd_> wow, thanks that was weird, just came back, maybe battery related like you were saying? 21:31 < user890104> it could just failed to read some sector of the hard disk or so 21:39 < josephd_> thanks again for taking the time to hear me out there, rockbox up and running, have a good one 21:45 < [7]> having a sane DFU mode to recover things is always nice... 21:45 < [7]> battery shouldn't have been the culprit 21:46 < [7]> but apparently it crashed in the middle of the flashing process 21:59 -!- josephd_ [b8232e54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:59 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 21:59 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:48 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] --- Log closed Sun Sep 25 00:06:39 2011