--- Log opened Tue Oct 11 00:27:42 2011 00:49 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 01:56 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:01 -!- nieuwbie [~user@ip5452ef7d.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:10 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has left #freemyipod-support 02:14 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:17 -!- nieuwbie [~user@ip5452ef7d.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:18 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 02:37 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:37 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:51 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has quit [Quit: AndChat - Android IRC Client - http://www.andchat.net/] 02:52 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:31 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:33 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:34 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:37 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:39 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 05:37 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:50 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@atoll-ama.com] has left #freemyipod-support 05:50 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@atoll-ama.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:59 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:50 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:25 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:22 < esalazioneHg> hi all. i'm having some trouble with iLoader and emCORE (better with rockbox bootloader, but on #rockbox they suggested me to use alternatives to try fixing another problem) 12:23 < esalazioneHg> emCORE sometimes hangs, and both can't manage disk mode correctly 12:26 < esalazioneHg> [user890104] bootnote didn't work.. 12:27 < user890104> esalazioneHg: if you don't have anything valuable on the ipod, i would suggest wiping the flash 12:27 < user890104> but first we need to ensure that you have a proper bootloader 12:27 < esalazioneHg> how can i wipe it? 12:28 < esalazioneHg> i'm here also to help you fixing every problem (if it's a bootloader/rockbox problem), so feel free to use me as a test ;) 12:29 < user890104> ok, let's start from the beginning 12:29 < user890104> what do you see right after you reset (menu+select) your ipod? 12:29 < user890104> i mean, on the ipod's screen 12:30 < user890104> apple logo, white background with text or something else? 12:30 < esalazioneHg> right now i'm using iLoader 12:30 < user890104> which version? 12:31 < user890104> a way to check is to open the menu and press >> 12:31 < user890104> so it would open the console 12:31 < esalazioneHg> 2010/11/03 r250 12:31 < esalazioneHg> 0.2.2 12:32 < user890104> ok 12:32 < user890104> reset it again with menu+select 12:32 < user890104> then open the menu/more options item 12:32 < user890104> with MENU 12:32 < user890104> and select umsboot 12:32 < user890104> but connect it to a pc before that 12:33 < user890104> if everything goes well, you should have a new usb flash memory connected to your pc 12:33 < esalazioneHg> there is no "umsboot" 12:34 < esalazioneHg> there's power off/diagnostic mode/fallback menu/update iLoader/back 12:34 < user890104> ah sorry, fallback menu-> umsboot 12:35 < user890104> i haven't used iloader for a while 12:36 < esalazioneHg> appears "please copy a UBI file to the mass storage, then safely reject..." 12:36 < user890104> do you see the disk drive on the PC? 12:36 < esalazioneHg> no 12:36 < user890104> which operating system are you using? 12:37 < esalazioneHg> dmesg sees only a sdd, no sdd1 or sdd2 as usual 12:37 < user890104> ah that's fine 12:37 < esalazioneHg> Debian GNU/Linux 12:37 < esalazioneHg> wheezy, kernel 3 12:37 < user890104> just mount /dev/sdd 12:37 < user890104> the umsboot drive does not have a partition table, it's a raw partition 12:38 < user890104> it is a RAM drive actually 12:38 < user890104> you can specify -t vfat if it doesn't recognize it 12:40 < esalazioneHg> 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdd /media/jajaja' hangs o.0 12:40 < user890104> that's not good 12:40 < esalazioneHg> dmesg gives an empty line o.0 12:40 < esalazioneHg> uh...done! 12:41 < user890104> ok, enter the directory and run 12:41 < user890104> wget http://builds.freemyipod.org/emcore-installer/target/ipodnano2g/emcore-installer-ipodnano2g-r773.ubi 12:41 < esalazioneHg> it is really slow...the dir is empty, is it right? 12:41 < user890104> yeah 12:42 < Farthen> it's a ramdisk. you are basically downloading the file into the ram of you ipod 12:42 < user890104> when it's done, "cd .." and then "eject /dev/sdd" 12:42 < esalazioneHg> done 12:42 < user890104> did the installer start? 12:43 < esalazioneHg> the screen vanished slowly to white display...i'll reset 12:44 < user890104> ok, repeat the procedure and if it doesn't work, i'll think of another solution 12:44 < esalazioneHg> umsboot still don't find the UBI..i'll redownload it 12:45 < user890104> yeah, exactly 12:45 < user890104> it is a RAM drive, the contents are not preserved after a reset :) 12:45 < esalazioneHg> dmesg is angry 12:45 < esalazioneHg> [12652.238217] end_request: I/O error, dev sdd, sector 65520 12:45 < esalazioneHg> [12652.238222] quiet_error: 488 callbacks suppressed 12:45 < esalazioneHg> [12652.238224] Buffer I/O error on device sdd, logical block 8190 12:46 < user890104> ok, i have another suggestion then 12:46 < esalazioneHg> replugged, now dmesg is ok 12:47 < user890104> try the rest of the steps, if it doesn't work we'll go "the hard way" 12:49 < esalazioneHg> "*PANIC* could not parse actions image!" 12:50 < esalazioneHg> it seems my iPod wants the hard way 12:51 < user890104> my best suggestion at the moment is to wait for TheSeven 12:51 < user890104> because your ipod is acting weird 12:51 < user890104> and it could get worse if we try random things on it 12:51 < Farthen> sorry to say but this may very well be some kind of hardware damage 12:52 < Farthen> not sure of course. could also be a rare software bug 12:54 < esalazioneHg> if it's an hardware problem it explain the error in rockbox with the rockbox bootloader...but... 12:55 < esalazioneHg> i read some other guys having this exactly same problem with rockbox after 3.7.1 12:55 < Farthen> -> could also be a software bug 12:55 < Farthen> really not sure 12:56 < esalazioneHg> so..it's strange....same problem, same seconds before hangs, same version....with rockbox bootldr and rb 3.7.1 all works perfectly 12:59 < esalazioneHg> if it could help: 2 days ago, while testing, i did an fsck on the vfat partition 12:59 < Farthen> did it find anything? 12:59 < esalazioneHg> (someone suggeted it could be a "fragmentation" problem..or something similar) 13:00 < esalazioneHg> some little fix was made 13:00 < user890104> which partition? the flash memory of your ipod, or the umsboot partition? 13:00 < esalazioneHg> probably because i added/removed a lot of things...it seemed normal to me.. 13:01 < esalazioneHg> the /dev/sdd2 partition, while i was using rockbox bootldr... the flash one, with apple's dir, .rockbox, my dirs... 13:02 < Farthen> have you tried going into disk mode at some point? 13:03 < Farthen> disk mode is able to detect nearly all ftl errors and will wipe it then. you may have luck and it's just something like that 13:03 < esalazioneHg> yes, sometimes it worked well, with iLoader and emCORE it didn't work 13:03 < Farthen> "didn't work"? 13:03 < Farthen> what did it do instead? 13:04 < esalazioneHg> going to disk mode passing through emCORE/iLoader, it showes the "don't disconnect" for a sec, then go back to the main manu of emCORE 13:05 < esalazioneHg> both if plugged or unplugged 13:07 < user890104> this could be an usb issue 13:07 < user890104> going to disk mode on nano2g while not connected to a computer, will restart the ipod automaticly after 2-3 seconds 13:08 < user890104> so it's the expected behaviour when there is no usb connection 13:08 < user890104> did you managed to install emcore actually? 13:13 < esalazioneHg> yes, i tryed emCORE before iLoader, but the r692 version instead of the t708 because the bootnet didn't seem to work (and there's no .ipodx version for the r708) 13:14 < esalazioneHg> ... uh, i'm still using ipodpatcher v4.0 instead of the v5.0 because the v5 says "it can't be used with the nano 2G" 13:59 < user890104> well, if you can install any emcore version, the rest will be easy 14:22 < esalazioneHg> ok, i'll reinstall emcore. i'll be back. 14:25 < user890104> which installation method are you using? 14:30 < esalazioneHg> ipodpatcher v4.0 with the .ipodx 14:31 < user890104> i'll send you an .ipodx file 14:31 < esalazioneHg> ok, thanks 14:32 < esalazioneHg> ps: in iLoader, if i click "dick mode" while plugged, dmesg says " end_request: critical target error, dev sdd, sector 0". i have to force a disk mode 14:34 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-fdb1d0ae.html 14:34 < user890104> try this 14:37 < esalazioneHg> have i to uninstall iLoader first of i cansimply use ipodpatcher with this new file? 14:38 < user890104> you have to uninstall first 14:44 < esalazioneHg> on the site, uninstall instruction says i have to restore my ipod with itunes first..i haven't itunes, can i simply remove the iLoader folder? 14:47 < user890104> well, it doesn't say like that 14:47 < user890104> it says that if you removed the firmware partition, you need to restore with itunes 14:47 < user890104> if you didn't, you don't need because apple's firmware is still there 14:47 < user890104> ah, you're referring to the iloader site 14:47 < user890104> let me see 14:48 < user890104> ok, just move the iloader foleder away 14:57 < esalazioneHg> ok :D 15:00 < user890104> emcore doesn't need itunes restore, unless you selected Yes to the Remove firmware partition dialog during the installation 15:00 < user890104> iloader isn't supposed to require restore, too 15:01 < esalazioneHg> ok, after some hold on-off and reset emCORE installation started 15:01 < esalazioneHg> installed 15:04 < user890104> can you launch emcore's umsboot? 15:04 < user890104> it's in the tools menu 15:05 < user890104> and check dmesg for anything unusual 15:08 < esalazioneHg> the UMSboot device is mounted, the LCD says "please copy a UBI...." 15:09 < esalazioneHg> dmesg is ok 15:09 < user890104> ok, so it's fixed now 15:09 < esalazioneHg> it is recognised as ramdisk 15:09 < user890104> reset with menu+select 15:09 < user890104> and let's return to your initial issue 15:10 < user890104> i'll send you a rockbox build which is 3.9.1 15:10 < esalazioneHg> should i test the dick mode too? 15:10 < user890104> try it 15:11 < esalazioneHg> dmesg found only the /dev/sdd 15:11 < esalazioneHg> still "end_request: critical target error, dev sdd, sector 0" 15:12 < esalazioneHg> should i copy last messages in a pastebin? 15:12 < user890104> yes 15:14 < esalazioneHg> fist lines are repeated sooooo many times 15:14 < esalazioneHg> http://pastebin.com/wkLkJnic 15:15 * TheSeven smells EHCI mess 15:17 < user890104> esalazioneHg: this is the output when you run disk mode, right? 15:17 < esalazioneHg> yes 15:18 < TheSeven> hm, that points towards the FTL 15:18 < esalazioneHg> disk mode through emCORE, not the apple's one 15:18 < user890104> does the ipod restart itself when you run disk mode like before? 15:18 < esalazioneHg> no 15:18 < TheSeven> esalazioneHg: it's basically the same, just booted a different way 15:19 < esalazioneHg> when booted without using emCORE it works well 15:19 < TheSeven> that's odd 15:20 < TheSeven> anyway, i'd go for completely wiping the ipod's flashes and reinstalling from scratch 15:27 < TheSeven> if umsboot is acting up, just launch the binaries using the emcore monitor 15:41 < esalazioneHg> so...i go to tools, run UMSboot while plugged? 15:52 < TheSeven> hm, I'd go for the monitor interface instead 15:52 < TheSeven> you'll need to download some tools, and install pyusb >=1.0.0a0 15:52 < TheSeven> you might have already done so to run the bootstrapper, if you did that on linux 17:17 < esalazioneHg> i'm back. you mean this? http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#DFU_Mode 17:17 < esalazioneHg> otherwise, where can i find instruction? 17:18 < TheSeven> first of all you'll need to install python, libusb (these are usually already present on linux systems) and pyusb 1.0.0 17:18 < TheSeven> then you'll need to svn co http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools 17:19 < TheSeven> and then we'll send you some commands you'll need to run 17:30 < esalazioneHg> in Debian there's python-usb that's pyusb 0.4.2, is it ok? 17:31 < esalazioneHg> oh, ops 17:31 < esalazioneHg> i've just read i need 1.0.0, sorry :D 17:33 < esalazioneHg> ok, done 17:36 < user890104> can you run 17:36 < user890104> python emcore.py getversion 17:36 < user890104> oops 17:37 < user890104> python emcore.py getinfo version 17:39 < esalazioneHg> i have to plug the ipod in umsboot mode first, right? 17:42 < esalazioneHg> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.2 r773 running on iPod nano 2g 17:45 < user890104> forget the umsboot mode :) 17:45 < user890104> it's not needed now 17:46 < user890104> since you have the python tools 17:46 < user890104> you aren't going to use 17:46 < user890104> now TheSeven should have some suggestion that you can try 17:50 < TheSeven> so what's currently installed on that ipod? 18:27 < esalazioneHg> there's emCORE r773 (given by user890104), installed with ipodpatcher 4.0 18:27 < esalazioneHg> and rockbox 7.9.1 18:28 < esalazioneHg> (not working...last version working is 3.7.1) 18:28 < esalazioneHg> installed 3.9.1, sorry 18:30 < esalazioneHg> (i read a log from 29th sep. where someone is talking to you, TheSeven, about a problem exactly like mine: rockbox > 3.7.1 hangs) 19:18 -!- nieuwbie [~user@ip5452ef7d.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:20 < user890104> esalazioneHg: we need to find what is causing this problem 19:20 < user890104> i can give you test builds if you want to try them 19:20 < esalazioneHg> ok 19:35 < user890104> esalazioneHg: start with this one: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-2300aa7e.html 19:36 < esalazioneHg> ok 19:36 < TheSeven> so you said that diskmode is misbehaving as well? 19:37 < TheSeven> in that case i'd strongly encourage completely wiping the flash, as there's apparently something wrong 19:37 < esalazioneHg> [TheSeven] yes, for example: through amcore shows that strange dmesg (see pastebin) 19:37 < esalazioneHg> now i'll try forcing it 19:40 < esalazioneHg> if i boot apple's firmware, then plug the ipod, same dmesg 19:46 < esalazioneHg> uhm...this time i can't uninstall emcore 19:46 < esalazioneHg> let's wipe it all 19:47 < user890104> you should use the usb monitor protocol 19:47 < user890104> and issue a wipenand command 19:48 < user890104> then format it from the boot menu 19:49 < esalazioneHg> how can i do it? 19:51 < user890104> let me see 19:51 < user890104> you have emcore isntalled at the moment, right? 19:52 < TheSeven> sudo python emcore.py ipodnano2g_wipenand /tmp/wipelog.bin 19:53 < TheSeven> that should run for a couple of seconds 19:53 < TheSeven> then run sudo python emcore.py reset and unplug your ipod 19:53 < TheSeven> choose disk mode, and wait until it reboots back to the main menu 19:53 < esalazioneHg> ok, i'll try 19:54 < esalazioneHg> [user890104] yes, the build you give me 19:54 < TheSeven> plug in your ipod again, and run sudo python emcore.py runfirmware 0x08000000 installer-ipodnano2g-*.ubi 19:54 < TheSeven> follow the on-screen instructions, and allow it to reformat the data partition 19:56 < TheSeven> after that, boot the built-in rockbox image, and if it works, use that to extract your own rockbox installation 19:56 < TheSeven> then check if that does work now 19:57 < esalazioneHg> the ipod timedout while wipening..i'll redo 19:57 < TheSeven> that's weird 19:57 < TheSeven> how long did it take for it to time out? 19:58 < esalazioneHg> now it worked 19:58 < esalazioneHg> now timed out before hitting enter before reset -.- 19:59 < esalazioneHg> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.2 r773 running on iPod nano 2g 19:59 < esalazioneHg> Resetting... 19:59 < esalazioneHg> ERROR: There is a problem with the USB connection. 19:59 < TheSeven> hm, probably a remnant from the first timeout 19:59 < TheSeven> just reboot it manually and continue with the instructions 20:00 < esalazioneHg> while i do 'python emcore.py reset' it reboots...... 20:00 < esalazioneHg> i'm re-wipening 20:01 < TheSeven> ah, so your pc just didn't manage to receive a response before it actually rebooted 20:01 < TheSeven> can't hurt, but i'd assume that it has been sufficiently wiped by now 20:01 < esalazioneHg> i still can't do the reset... 20:07 < TheSeven> as long as it reboots it's fine if that command fails 20:07 < TheSeven> that's just a matter of bad timing (the pc not receiving the response before the ipod actually reboots) 20:07 < esalazioneHg> what .ubi should i use? 20:07 < TheSeven> any emcore installer .ubi file 20:10 < esalazioneHg> the installation of the .ubi seems to hang 20:10 < TheSeven> at which step? 20:10 < esalazioneHg> dots 20:11 < esalazioneHg> i'll try another version 20:13 < esalazioneHg> the r708 hangs, the r692 says "*PANIC* data flash I/O error!" 20:13 < TheSeven> that was after running disk mode at least once after the wiping? 20:13 < esalazioneHg> yes, but the disk mode was still with that strange dmesg 20:14 < esalazioneHg> i can try again from the beginning 20:18 < esalazioneHg> same 20:18 < esalazioneHg> both 20:19 * TheSeven wonders what's up with that device 20:19 < TheSeven> maybe a bad block on the flash in a place where the ftl can't handle it? 20:20 < esalazioneHg> i did a fsck on the flash partition 2 days ago 20:20 < TheSeven> that doesn't mean anything 20:22 < esalazioneHg> ...uhm... 20:23 < user890104> the damage is at lower level 20:23 < user890104> fsck checks just the filesystem 20:23 < esalazioneHg> yep...it was only an additional info ;) 20:25 < user890104> so you can't re-run the installer at the moment? 20:25 < esalazioneHg> the ipodpatcher one? 20:25 < user890104> runfirmware or umsboot 20:26 < user890104> when you have emcore flashed on the device, the ipodpatcher method won't make anything run 20:26 < user890104> because the firmware partition is not reached 20:27 < esalazioneHg> with runfirmware the r709 hangs, the r692 panic 20:27 < user890104> try the one i sent you 20:27 < user890104> or it was ipodx? 20:28 < user890104> anyway, this should work: http://builds.freemyipod.org/emcore-installer/target/ipodnano2g/emcore-installer-ipodnano2g-r773.ubi 20:28 < esalazioneHg> uh, it was .ubi! 20:28 < esalazioneHg> i thought it was ipodx! 20:28 < esalazioneHg> i'll try 20:29 < esalazioneHg> (better: you sent me both ;) 20:31 < esalazioneHg> python emcore.py runfirmware 0x08000000 emcore-installer-ipodnano2g-r773.ubi 20:31 < user890104> the point is to use binaries which i built, so if there are any PANIC messages with addresses (like 08xxxxxx) in there, i can check that's at that address 20:31 < user890104> yeah, that should work 20:32 < esalazioneHg> done...but the ipod don't auto-reboot starting the installation 20:32 < user890104> what does it show? 20:32 < esalazioneHg> the boot menu hanged 20:32 < user890104> ah 20:33 < user890104> can you retry, but entering emcore console first 20:33 < user890104> so the bootmenu would close 20:33 < user890104> i mean selecting the console item from the boot menu 20:34 < esalazioneHg> ps: i still have your version installed from the previous installation) 20:34 < esalazioneHg> using the console...still don't reboot 20:35 < user890104> does it show anything on the console 20:35 < user890104> and did the command complete successfully? 20:35 < user890104> i mean on the PC side 20:35 < esalazioneHg> dropped into emcore console...nothing more 20:35 < esalazioneHg> on the pc side usual message 20:35 < esalazioneHg> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.2 r773 running on iPod nano 2g 20:35 < esalazioneHg> Writing file 'emcore-installer-ipodnano2g-r773.ubi' to an allocated memory region... 20:35 < esalazioneHg> Done uploading 655432 bytes to 0x8000C68 20:35 < esalazioneHg> Running firmware at 0x8000000. Bye. 20:35 < esalazioneHg> Exception usb.core.USBError: USBError('No such device (it may have been disconnected)',) in > ignored 20:36 < esalazioneHg> if i redo without manual reboot "no amcore device found"... 20:36 < esalazioneHg> so, it's like it tries to reboot but hangs 20:36 < user890104> ok so it hanged 20:36 < user890104> reboot it, enter the console and redo the command just in case 20:37 < user890104> if it doesn't work again, wait for TheSeven 20:37 < user890104> he is the man with the the better ideas than me :) 20:38 < TheSeven> if it just freezes without showing any changes on the display when you execute the runfirmware command, this probably means that the binary you're trying to run is bad 20:39 < esalazioneHg> [user890104] redone..same... 20:39 < esalazioneHg> lol 20:39 < esalazioneHg> if it's bad...user890104 didn't his homework :D 20:40 < user890104> well, it might have been corrupted when downloading 20:40 < esalazioneHg> i'll redownload 20:40 < user890104> can you check the md5 sum 20:40 < user890104> 2e3eb41b50c07cc25999bc3771219771 installer-ipodnano2g.ubi 20:41 < esalazioneHg> completely wrong ..... 20:42 < user890104> well 20:42 < user890104> i'll reupload it 20:42 < TheSeven> possibly cache issues? 20:43 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-b9ced133.html 20:43 < user890104> i've zipped it just in case 20:43 < user890104> and just tested it on my ipod 20:44 < TheSeven> 2E3EB41B50C07CC25999BC3771219771 20:44 < TheSeven> (extracted ubi file) 20:44 < user890104> this is unmodified emcore r773 + unmodified rockbox 3.9.1 as a fallback image 20:45 < esalazioneHg> correct 20:45 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:47 < esalazioneHg> it reboots, but hangs at the same position the r709 do 20:47 < esalazioneHg> while booting, half a line of dots 20:47 < user890104> can you cont them 20:47 < user890104> count* 20:48 < esalazioneHg> 12 20:48 < esalazioneHg> lol 20:49 < user890104> png->png_destroy(handle); 20:49 < user890104> something's wrong here or a line above then 20:49 < user890104> TheSeven: ? 20:52 < TheSeven> 12 dots? that's either a problem while decoding the actions image, or just bad timing 20:52 < TheSeven> might be that it has produced 12 dots by the time that the LCD driver goes nuts 20:53 < TheSeven> i just flashed that installer myself and it works perfectly... 20:56 < user890104> TheSeven: i'm glad you tested my build :) 20:57 < TheSeven> some windows update broke my libusb though :/ 20:57 < TheSeven> needed to do it via umsboot 20:57 < user890104> i use vmware player + ubuntu all the time 20:58 < esalazioneHg> that happen when you don't use libre O.S. XP 20:58 < esalazioneHg> [joking ;)] 20:59 < TheSeven> well yeah, win7 64bit and homebrew drivers is a mess 20:59 < TheSeven> it requires testsigning to be enabled, and some recent update seems to have disabled it by itself :/ 20:59 < TheSeven> need to fix that once i find time 21:00 < user890104> i'm using some driver that doesn't complain about testsigning 21:16 < user890104> esalazioneHg: do you want to try another commands? 21:16 < esalazioneHg> i'm here ;) 21:17 < user890104> python emcore.py uploadfile installer-ipodnano2g.ubi 0x09000000 21:18 < user890104> python emcore.py execfirmware 0x08000000 0x09000000 652800 21:18 < user890104> be careful with 0x08... and 0x09... 21:18 < user890104> not to mix them up or it won't work 21:19 < esalazioneHg> should i boot the console or simply the menu? 21:20 < user890104> go select the console just in case 21:22 < esalazioneHg> same 21:23 < esalazioneHg> hangs at 12 dots 21:32 < user890104> python emcore.py console 21:32 < user890104> does it show anything or just an usb error? 21:33 < esalazioneHg> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.2 r773 running on iPod nano 2g 21:33 < esalazioneHg> Dropped into emCORE console. 21:33 < esalazioneHg> no usb error 21:34 < user890104> and the dots are on the screen 21:34 < user890104> ? 21:34 < user890104> they should be printed to the usb console, too 21:34 < esalazioneHg> no, i started the console on ipod, then run python emcore.py console 21:35 < esalazioneHg> the ipod's console is ok, the xter's one is waiting instruction 21:35 < user890104> start the python console command right after you see the dots on the screen 21:35 < user890104> after you upload the installer 21:36 < user890104> if emcore didn't crash, the messages from the screen should be printed to the pc console, too 21:36 < user890104> if there's a usb error, this means that it crashed while running the installer 21:38 < user890104> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.2 r773 running on iPod nano 2g 21:38 < user890104> ^C............................... 21:38 < user890104> this is what are you expected to see after pressing ctrl+c 21:40 < esalazioneHg> you mean: start console on ipod, run python blablabla ipodnano2g-installer.ubi; then run python emcore.py console on xterm? 21:41 < esalazioneHg> if it's right: 21:41 < esalazioneHg> Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.2 r773 running on iPod nano 2g 21:41 < esalazioneHg> ERROR: There is a problem with the USB connection. 21:41 < esalazioneHg> ............debian:/home/nay/hack/emcore/tools# 21:45 < user890104> yeah, exactly 21:45 < user890104> the question is why it didn't complete 21:46 < user890104> i'll send you the application so you can manually run it 21:47 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-07156c98.html 21:48 < esalazioneHg> starting from a problem on rockbox we discovered a massive problem with almost everything :S 21:48 < user890104> while your ipod is in this state, enter the following command: 21:48 < user890104> python emcore.py run installer-ipodnano2g.emcoreapp 21:48 < user890104> well, this is the root of the problem actually 21:48 < user890104> rockbox itself should work if the hardware is working correctly 21:49 < esalazioneHg> this state= dots ? 21:51 < user890104> yeah 21:52 < user890104> wait i have a better idea 21:52 < user890104> run: python emcore.py getprocinfo 21:52 < user890104> and post it to pastebin 21:52 < esalazioneHg> while it shows dots? 21:52 < user890104> yes 21:52 < user890104> so i can see what's going on 21:53 < user890104> and why there are only 12 dots 21:56 < esalazioneHg> while loading dots: http://pastebin.com/6Uf2ZZCK 22:10 < esalazioneHg> is it usefull? 22:11 < user890104> Storage init thread: 22:11 < user890104> Current CPU load: 46.7% 22:11 < user890104> yes :) 22:11 < esalazioneHg> :D 22:11 < user890104> TheSeven might want to have a look at this 22:11 < user890104> basicly i think something is a lot wrong with your flash 22:15 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] 22:16 < user890104> please download this one 22:16 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-d05d6a18.html 22:16 < user890104> then run it (python emcore.py run dumpmalloc.emcoreapp) 22:16 < user890104> then run the usb console (python emcore.py console) 22:16 < user890104> and pastebin the output 22:22 < esalazioneHg> simply on the menu? or while/before dots? 22:24 < user890104> after the dots show 22:24 < user890104> when did you run the previous command? 22:24 < esalazioneHg> while dots stops? 22:24 < user890104> yeah 22:24 < esalazioneHg> while the dots are appering... 22:25 < user890104> you need to run these when they stop appearing 22:25 < user890104> so i can see what's preventing the application to continue 22:25 < esalazioneHg> after the dots the prev command simply give an error that's common while not recognised 22:25 < user890104> ah i see 22:25 < user890104> so it locked up completely 22:26 < esalazioneHg> yep 22:26 < user890104> the point was to obtain a dump of the processes/memory allocations after the installer hangs 22:26 < user890104> bit it seems that the whole kernel crashes 22:27 < esalazioneHg> uhm....after the dots the command simply crash 22:27 < user890104> so i think i can't help further 22:27 < esalazioneHg> uhm.... 22:28 < esalazioneHg> is there a way to force a disk mode? i accidentally deleted the apple.bin file :S 22:28 < esalazioneHg> appleos.bin 22:28 < user890104> can you run any of the items in the bootmenu successfully? 22:29 < user890104> the disk mode is contained in a separate flash, not in appleos.bin 22:29 < esalazioneHg> hem..i formatted the data partition :S 22:29 < Farthen> i think the microwave thing would be the best use case for this ipod right now 22:29 < esalazioneHg> lol! 22:30 < user890104> i mean another flash, which is not related to the formatting/repartitioning 22:30 < Farthen> take your ipod and put it in your microwave. at least it gives you some fun out of it 22:30 < user890104> referred as NOR flash vs. the NAND flash where the partitions, music and other stuff lies 22:30 < esalazioneHg> i know, but at least i could boot the apple's firmware if i want to listen to something ;) 22:31 < user890104> so disk mode should run anyway 22:31 < user890104> ok i think i have an appleos.bin file somewhere 22:31 < esalazioneHg> [Farthen] that's not funny! (LOOOL!!!!) 23:47 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has left #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Wed Oct 12 01:03:38 2011