--- Log opened Wed Oct 12 01:03:39 2011 01:03 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:34 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 02:36 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 02:36 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:36 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:10 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:18 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:08 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:10 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 06:13 < [7]> user890104: can you make some sense of the register values in the getprocinfo dump? 06:13 < [7]> this looks like a while (...) yield(); loop it's stuck in 06:17 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@atoll-ama.com] has left #freemyipod-support 06:20 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:27 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@atoll-ama.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:50 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:50 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:20 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:10 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:01 -!- linuxstb [~linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:22 < user890104> esalazioneHg: are you there? 11:23 < user890104> try this build: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-2448190e.html 11:24 < user890104> with python emcore.py execfirmware 0x08000000 11:24 < user890104> then run: python emcore.py console 11:24 < user890104> and pastebin the result 11:50 < esalazioneHg> i'm back 11:56 < esalazioneHg> do you mean runfirmware? 12:06 < esalazioneHg> the script crash 12:06 < esalazioneHg> and the firmware hangs 12:06 < user890104> yes, runfirmware 12:06 < user890104> my mistake 12:07 < user890104> ok i have another build then 12:08 < user890104> btw can you retry with this one, but entering the console as soon as possible (while the dots are appearing) 12:08 < user890104> so you can connect before it crashes 12:08 < esalazioneHg> ok 12:09 < esalazioneHg> interesting output 12:09 < esalazioneHg> i'l pastebin 12:10 < user890104> there should be a lot of info in the output 12:10 < esalazioneHg> http://pastebin.com/Tda7cGsi 12:12 < user890104> did you manage to run disk mode after wiping? 12:15 < esalazioneHg> i unplugged the ipod, selected disk mode, it autoreboot after some seconds (because it's not plugged) 12:15 < esalazioneHg> i can redo it 12:16 < user890104> can you redo it with the ipod plugged in? 12:18 < esalazioneHg> wipe, then reboot on disk mode without unplug, then python reset, right? 12:19 < esalazioneHg> (while booting disk mode dmesg says "[16082.075206] end_request: critical target error, dev sdd, sector 0") 12:19 < user890104> wipe, then python reset, then disk mode from the menu 12:20 < user890104> all of these while plugged in 12:20 < user890104> don't look at dmesg for now 12:20 < esalazioneHg> ok, i'll redo the correct sequence 12:20 < user890104> launching disk mode at the end of these steps should initialize the FTL 12:20 < user890104> that's important 12:20 < user890104> it isn't likely to show up as a partition, because it's not formatted yet 12:21 < user890104> you'll format it from emcore 12:22 < esalazioneHg> done 12:22 < user890104> try to upload this build with runfirmware: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-ff49f371.html 12:23 < user890104> and try not to touch the clickwheel after sending runfirmware 12:23 < user890104> because it would fill the display with clickwheel log messages 12:23 * [Saint] is out of the loop here. What happened? 12:23 < user890104> and you won't be able to see the previous 12:24 < user890104> [Saint]: some weird FTL fuckup, which should be fixed by now 12:24 < esalazioneHg> should i reset manually now that's i'mode or there's a better way? 12:24 < user890104> what did you do so fat? 12:24 < user890104> far* 12:24 < [Saint]> Hum...this is the same iPod that bards at anything past 3.7.1 yes? 12:25 < [Saint]> *barfs 12:25 < user890104> [Saint]: this is the second one 12:25 < [Saint]> Oh...weird. 12:25 < user890104> but the issue is a more complex one 12:25 < esalazioneHg> third, there's also a post in the forum 12:25 < [Saint]> Two nanos, same user? 12:25 < user890104> no, different 12:26 < [Saint]> Ah. 12:26 < esalazioneHg> [Sainst] different users 12:26 < esalazioneHg> [user890104] i always did manual reset :D 12:27 < user890104> uhm, after you enter the wipenand command, it shouldn't matter 12:27 < user890104> so, did you upload the last build i sent you? 12:28 < esalazioneHg> uhm.... a lot of words on the ipod's display, nothing in xterm console...i'll retry 12:28 < esalazioneHg> last sentences i can read on the ipod are: 12:29 < esalazioneHg> dir.c:115:directory not found 12:29 < esalazioneHg> file.c:111:Failed opening dir 12:29 < esalazioneHg> *panic* 12:29 < esalazioneHg> following words are unreadable 12:30 < user890104> ok, go to Tools -> reformat data partition 12:31 < user890104> then plug the ipod in and try disk mode 12:31 < esalazioneHg> *PANIC* error reformatting data partition: FFFFFFFC 12:33 < esalazioneHg> i'm retrying with the last firmware...still no xterm console message, but i can read som words more: 12:34 < esalazioneHg> couldn't read sector 0 (error code -1) 12:34 < esalazioneHg> couldn't read dir (error code -12) 12:36 < esalazioneHg> and before fat.c:710: cache_fat_sector() 12:36 < esalazioneHg> fat.c:950: Read_fat_entry() 12:36 < esalazioneHg> fat.c:2145: trasfer (s=0, c=i, read) 12:40 * user890104 pings [7] for help 14:41 < [7]> still looks like a failed FTL 14:42 < [7]> target/ipodnano2g/ftl.c:2602: FTL: No DEVICEINFO found! 14:42 < [7]> this means that it wasn't reinitialized after wiping, for whatever reason 14:57 < esalazioneHg> uhm...do you think it's an hardware problem? 15:24 < [7]> might be... might not 15:24 < [7]> might be just a bad page (which is nothing special on flash memory) somewhere where disk mode can't deal with it correctly 15:36 < esalazioneHg> ....so....what can i try? 17:50 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@p5B0C7C50.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 17:50 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@p5B0C7C50.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Changing host] 17:50 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:19 * esalazioneHg ping [7] 18:21 * [7] is busy assembling a cabinet, after that's finished he can hack up libemcore to produce a bit more output during the wiping process which will hopefully guide us towads the root cause 20:09 < [7]> esalazioneHg: so you say that the wipenand command times out on your device? 20:10 < [7]> does the device crash (e.g. boot menu doesn't respond any more), or is it just the wipenand operation that freezes? 20:10 < esalazioneHg> the wipenand works 20:11 < [7]> oh? i thought it did time out? or was that only on the first try? 20:11 < esalazioneHg> it hangs when i run python emcore.py runfirmware 0x08000000 ipod2g.ubi 20:11 < esalazioneHg> it timed out one or two times, usually it works 20:12 < [7]> er, so the wiping and then running disk mode part worked? 20:12 < esalazioneHg> when i run disk mode it shows the signal on the LCD, then i manually reboot 20:12 < [7]> oh, wait a second 20:13 < esalazioneHg> when i try to runfirmware it hangs at the 12th dot 20:13 < [7]> you manually rebooted while running disk mode after wiping? 20:13 < esalazioneHg> i dit it: 20:14 < esalazioneHg> wipenand -> python reset -> disk mode (while plugged in) -> manually reset (as user890104 said) ->runfirmware HANGS 20:14 < esalazioneHg> if i run diskmode dmesg shows /dev/sdd with an error... 20:15 < esalazioneHg> [44640.074567] end_request: critical target error, dev sdd, sector 0 20:15 < [7]> hm, let's start over... too much confusion 20:15 < [7]> first of all, do a wipenand again, and then zip and upload the wipelog.bin file 20:18 < esalazioneHg> ok 20:29 < esalazioneHg> (i've never created a zip on Debian in 6 year :P i'm reading the man) 20:29 < [7]> gzip < wipelog.bin > wipelog.gz 20:29 < [7]> or gzip -9 if you want better compression 20:30 < esalazioneHg> thanks :D 20:31 < esalazioneHg> i thought you wanted a .zip, not a .gz ;) 20:32 < esalazioneHg> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-6a2456da.html 20:33 < [7]> wow, 1:804 compression 20:34 < esalazioneHg> :D 20:43 < esalazioneHg> something interesting? 20:54 < user890104> seems to be all-zero 21:02 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 21:17 < esalazioneHg> ping 21:19 < user890104> esalazioneHg: he'll answer when he's available 21:19 < user890104> if you can't wait, you can check the logs later 21:20 < esalazioneHg> sorry, i thought he would have some other info/log/etc for help :) 21:21 < user890104> well the file you uploaded is full of zero bytes, which either mean all errors or all success (i don't know) 21:52 < [7]> all-zero should mean that the flash chip didn't detect any bad blocks by itself 21:52 < [7]> if you have a lot of scratch space, you could try to read out and dump the whole flash 21:53 < [7]> esalazioneHg: assuming you didn't do anything after wiping, you could try running sudo python emcore.py ipodnano2g_dumpnand /path/to/image 21:54 < [7]> this will generate a bunch of files that's about 6% larger than your ipod's storage capacity 21:55 < [7]> these files should be compressible very well though, like the previous one 21:55 < esalazioneHg> i have a lot of free space 21:55 < [7]> actually the _data and _spare files should be all-0xff 21:55 < esalazioneHg> i only did a manual reset after the last wipe 21:55 < [7]> ok 21:57 < esalazioneHg> i'm dumping 21:58 < esalazioneHg> if it can helps: i tried python mkdir, but it gave an error, something related to the vfat (said user890104) 21:58 < [7]> can't work before reinitializing the FTL 21:59 < esalazioneHg> right, so i tried reformatting the data partition, but it panics 22:01 < [7]> but you didn't boot disk mode in between? 22:04 < esalazioneHg> i booted disk mode after rewipening.... 22:04 < esalazioneHg> user890104 guided me 22:05 < esalazioneHg> i think i did a correct sequenze of operation.. 22:05 * [7] gives up 22:07 < esalazioneHg> if i can add the appleos.bin file, or if i can uninstall emCORE, i can use the ipod, at least.... 22:08 < [7]> it's completely impossible to tell what's going on if you do random stuff in between and don't give precise information about the ipod's state 22:09 < [7]> currently your data flash contents seem to be completely fucked up, and we have no way to fix that unless we figure out why disk mode is failing to reinitialize it 22:10 < [7]> you can uninstall emcore if you want to, but this will most likely irrecoverably brick your ipod 22:11 < [7]> apple's bootloader is not really known for handling that kind of situations well 22:12 < esalazioneHg> i tried to uninstall emCORE, but it fails 22:14 < [7]> well, if you want us to try to help you, do the following sequence, without doing ANYTHING else in between: 22:14 < [7]> - wipenand 22:14 < esalazioneHg> i i always did ;) 22:14 < [7]> - dumpnand 22:14 < esalazioneHg> now i'm dumping the nand 22:14 < [7]> - boot diskmode once without the ipod being plugged 22:14 < [7]> - another dumpnand 22:14 < [7]> compress the dumpnand results and send them over 22:15 < [7]> i can possibly tell something from the results, but i can't promise anything 22:15 < esalazioneHg> ok..i'll stop this dump and redo 22:17 < [7]> and I don't think anybody told you to run diskmode between the wiping and the dump ;) 22:17 < [7]> anyway, I'm falling asleep 22:17 < [7]> I'll analyze your dump files tomorrow in the morning 22:18 < esalazioneHg> ok, thanks 22:45 -!- mbaran12 [mbaran12@cpe-76-90-38-126.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:45 < mbaran12> Hello! 22:46 < mbaran12> I've got a 6G 80GB, Windows 7 Clean (No iTunes) and using the WTF driver. iPod is in DFU (Device ID 1241) yet bootstrap_ipodclassic.exe reports "No iPod Classic in DFU mode found!" --- Log closed Thu Oct 13 00:13:53 2011