--- Log opened Thu Oct 13 00:13:53 2011 00:13 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:13 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:16 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 00:24 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:34 < esalazioneHg> [7] that's the first dump http://www.datafilehost.com/download-0e596ef6.html 00:35 < esalazioneHg> [7] i had to reset manualli and boot into emCORE console mode, the ipod timed uot sometimes wile running the scripts 00:37 < esalazioneHg> [7] this second dump should be still valid 00:42 < esalazioneHg> [7] http://www.datafilehost.com/download-84484637.html 00:42 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has left #freemyipod-support 04:07 -!- mbaran12 [mbaran12@cpe-76-90-38-126.socal.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 04:11 -!- mbaran12 [mbaran12@cpe-76-90-38-126.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:12 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:12 -!- mbaran12 [mbaran12@cpe-76-90-38-126.socal.res.rr.com] has left #freemyipod-support 04:14 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 06:18 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@] has quit [Quit: AndChat - Android IRC Client - http://www.andchat.net/] 06:19 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 08:51 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:52 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:13 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@atoll-ama.com] has left #freemyipod-support 10:23 < [7]> esalazioneHg: just to make sure: the dump.tar.bz2 file was dumped after wiping, without any attempts to run disk mode in between, then diskmode was run until it rebooted by itself, and then the after.tar.bz2 file was dumped? 10:24 < esalazioneHg> i wipened, then dumped the dump tarball, then entered disk mode while unplugged 10:25 < esalazioneHg> whei it rebooted itself i tryed dumping but it timed out, so i manually reset and entered emcore console, then dumped the "after" tarball 10:26 < esalazioneHg> if the after tar is not correct i can redo...but it timed out some times before i can dump the after-disk mode dump 10:26 < [7]> well, the before and after dumps are completely identical, so that would mean that either you messed something up, or disk mode didn't do anything at all 10:27 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@atoll-ama.com] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:27 < [7]> also the before dump is a mostly blank image, but with some blocks containing rather odd patterns 10:28 < [7]> bank 0 block 3264 10:28 < [7]> bank 0 block 3310 10:28 < [7]> bank 0 block 5426 10:28 < [7]> bank 3 block 5918 10:28 < [7]> bank 3 block 7758 10:29 < [7]> all pages of these contain 12 bytes of 0xff and then zeros in their spare bytes and all zeros in their data bytes 10:29 < [7]> but the erase operation apparently reported no errors at all 10:32 < esalazioneHg> uhm...is it a good thing? o.0 10:33 < [7]> well, if you did everything correctly this means that the flash chip itself didn't notice that some erase operations weren't performed at all, which is rather odd 10:34 < [7]> i mean, it's not one flipped bit, but rather 16800 out of 16896 bits of each page not being erased correctly... the chip should really have noticed that 10:36 < [7]> but on the other hand, I don't think that disk mode would even notice this... judging from the speed it must be relying on the data that the chip reports, and probably won't touch these blocks at all during initialization 11:20 < esalazioneHg> uhm... 11:21 < [7]> so yeah, I don't really understand why disk mode is not doing reinitialization 11:21 < esalazioneHg> if it's right...why rockbox < 3.7.1 worked well with rockbox bootloader and > 3.7.1 hangs in some seconds? 11:21 < esalazioneHg> what's the big difference between those version? 11:21 < [7]> the rockbox issues (and also weird disk mode behavior) were probably caused by an inconsistend FTL state 11:22 < [7]> now we wiped the flash in order to let disk mode recreate all the structures, but it refuses to do that for some reason 11:22 < esalazioneHg> i read somewhere that it uses a different method (AMD? i don't remember) that was not used in 3.7.1 and earlyer...is it right? 11:25 < [7]> well, there's a whole lot of differences between these versions, including some FTL fixes 11:26 < esalazioneHg> maybe those fixes don't work on some ipod while the previous situation still works.... 11:26 < esalazioneHg> can we manipulate FTL directly? 11:26 < esalazioneHg> so we can initialize it manually and/or discover what's happening 11:27 < esalazioneHg> ? 11:27 < user890104> [7]: or maybe write an ftl dump from another ipod? 11:27 < [7]> the problem is that we have no code to initialize it, we didn't bother to look deeper once normal read/write access worked 11:28 < [7]> user890104: might work, but will probably incorrectly flag some blocks as bad... could help diagnosing at least 11:28 < [7]> however we don't yet have a way to write an image to the flash - we should probably implement that 11:30 < user890104> i thought that if there is a dump command, there should also be a write one 11:31 < [7]> well, nobody bothered :) 11:32 < [7]> user890104: so you have a non-testsigning libusb? 11:32 * [7] still hasn't fixed his driver mess 11:33 < user890104> i think i'm using the signed version (which has some bug iirc) 11:33 < user890104> so windows doesn't complain 11:34 < user890104> and it hadn't crashed the windows kernel so far, so i'm happy with it :) 11:35 < esalazioneHg> what about doing something like that? is it possible or the flashing did it unpossible? http://ipl.derpapst.eu/wiki/Restore_without_iTunes#Restore_the_Disk_Layout 11:35 < esalazioneHg> if i can restore the vfat partition i can, at least, add the appleos.bin file and maybe also a .rockbox dir 11:36 < [7]> the problem you're dealing with is at a lower level 11:37 < esalazioneHg> my most priority in that, doing those test, i can still use some firmware to use my ipod....after that i can do every test that can helps :) 11:38 < esalazioneHg> if i can still return using my ipod at some time, i'll be happy :D 11:57 < [7]> hm, the libusb changelog claims that everything from onwards would be signed, but clearly isn't 11:57 < [7]> user890104: which version are you using? 12:11 < user890104> [7]: 12:11 < user890104> and it says "not digitally signed" .. wtf?! 12:12 < user890104> http://i.imgur.com/W4UBq.png 12:12 < user890104> i'm using the same driver with my AVR Dragon :) 12:14 < user890104> but windows installs it and doesn't complain 12:14 < user890104> well, it complains a bit during the installation 12:14 < user890104> but it works then 12:15 < [7]> so you have testsigning enabled? 12:15 < [7]> or is that 32bit windows? 12:15 < user890104> no, i boot windows the normal way 12:16 < user890104> it's x64 12:16 < [7]> that's weird... it refuses to start the driver here 12:16 < [7]> er, why on earth does the nand access code in emcore.py use hardwired addresses instead of malloc? 12:17 < user890104> it did the same with the winavr driver, but i replaced the binaries with the ones i'm using with the freemyipod driver and it worked 12:17 < [7]> can you send me that .sys binary? 12:17 < user890104> yeah 12:18 < user890104> this is my bcdedit configuration: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=EiHj5g15 12:18 < user890104> so it's the default + GRUB 12:21 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-421df8c3.html 12:22 < user890104> well, it looks like the files are signed 12:22 < user890104> but device manager lists them as unsigned 12:25 < [7]> indeed, that one is signed 12:26 < user890104> tbh i don't remember where did i get these from 12:28 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:58 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:18 < [7]> esalazioneHg: update your emcore.py, and download this file: http://files.freemyipod.org/misc/clean_ftl_2555D5EC.tar.bz2 14:19 < esalazioneHg> ok 14:19 < [7]> extract it, and run sudo python emcore.py ipodnano2g_restorenand clean_ftl_2555D5EC/clean_ftl_2555D5EC 14:20 < [7]> and hope for the best :) 14:21 < esalazioneHg> lol 14:21 < esalazioneHg> it doesen't sound good :D 14:21 < esalazioneHg> i'm going to emCORE console first, it's ok? 14:21 < [7]> well, it did work on mine, but as we learnt yesterday that doesn't mean anything 14:21 < [7]> yeah 14:22 < [7]> otherwise it would power down after a while 14:24 < esalazioneHg> to update the emcore.py i have to run "svn co"? 14:25 < user890104> svn up 14:28 < esalazioneHg> uhm...the command you posted is 14:28 < esalazioneHg> sudo python emcore.py ipodnano2g_restorenand clean_ftl_2555D5EC/clean_ftl_2555D5EC 14:28 < esalazioneHg> should it be 14:28 < esalazioneHg> sudo python emcore.py ipodnano2g_restorenand clean_ftl_2555D5EC/clean_ftl_2555D5EC* 14:28 < esalazioneHg> ? 14:30 < user890104> no, you just need to give the prefix 14:31 < user890104> it will figure out the remaining of the filenames 14:31 < esalazioneHg> ipodnano2g_restorenand [force = False] 14:31 < esalazioneHg> Target-specific function: ipodnano2g 14:31 < esalazioneHg> Restores the whole NAND chip from _data.bin and _spare.bin 14:31 < esalazioneHg> [force]: use this flag to suppress the 10 seconds delay 14:31 < esalazioneHg> ERROR: 'Data file size does not match flash size!' 14:32 < user890104> uhm, what's your ipod's capacity? 14:32 < esalazioneHg> 8GB 14:33 < user890104> i guess [7]'s is not 8GB then 14:33 < user890104> mine is 4GB 14:35 < user890104> [Saint]: do you happen to have an 8GB nano2g? 14:36 < [Saint]> Not handy... 14:37 < esalazioneHg> can't we fill with 4GB of empty files? :P 14:38 < user890104> it's not 4GB of files, but 4GB of low-level flash data 14:38 < [Saint]> Uhhhhhmmmm, no :) 14:39 < esalazioneHg> uh, wait 14:39 < esalazioneHg> i've seen a prob 14:39 < esalazioneHg> the file i extracted was partial...no space left on this dev 14:39 < esalazioneHg> i'll reextract on the other hd 14:39 < esalazioneHg> :P 14:40 < user890104> ah.. 14:42 < esalazioneHg> i tought it was smaller.. 14:48 < user890104> i think that [7] figured out what is your flash size and made a file that will fit in it 14:48 < user890104> so this is going to be larger than 8GB 15:08 < [7]> user890104: I have the exact same chip, and it was successfully written to mine 15:08 < [7]> so I'd suspect something went wrong while unpacking it 15:09 < [7]> there are dozens of possible flash layouts for the nano2gs, but we apparently happened to have the exact same one, making things a lot easier 15:12 < esalazioneHg> it's programming the blocks 15:14 * [7] wonders if there will be any errors 15:15 < esalazioneHg> now eresing...till now no errors 15:16 < [7]> which block number is it processing right now? 15:21 < esalazioneHg> done 15:21 < [7]> now reboot your ipod and boot rockbox 15:22 < esalazioneHg> i'll reset manually? 15:25 -!- ScaV [~ScaV@] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:26 -!- ScaV [~ScaV@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:27 < esalazioneHg> it launched the fallback image 15:38 < [7]> can you access the flash? 15:38 < [7]> if yes, extract a rockbox 3.9.1 or whatever image to it 15:46 < esalazioneHg> via disk image? 15:47 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 15:52 < esalazioneHg> *disk mode 15:54 < esalazioneHg> [26403.078112] end_request: critical target error, dev sdd, sector 0 15:58 < [7]> i meant using rockbox 16:01 < esalazioneHg> ? 16:13 < user890104> boot the rockbox fallback image, and use it as disk mode 16:13 < user890104> to copy the full set of rockbox files 16:13 < esalazioneHg> it works 16:13 < esalazioneHg> cool 16:14 < esalazioneHg> can i put also the .boot dir with the appleos.bin file? 16:14 < user890104> ъеах 16:14 < user890104> yeah * 16:14 < esalazioneHg> i'll put the 3.7.1 version for test...and two songs 16:15 < user890104> can you try mine 16:15 < user890104> to see if it's still having issues 16:15 < user890104> if it doesn't work, replace it with 3.7.1 16:15 < esalazioneHg> your...uhm....i'll search it 16:16 < esalazioneHg> i download a lot of things in those 2 days XD 16:16 < user890104> well ... 16:17 < user890104> i can upload it again 16:18 < user890104> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-69f842d4.html 16:19 < esalazioneHg> i've just found it :D 16:19 < esalazioneHg> thanks 16:20 < user890104> if it works, i'd recomment using this one 16:21 < user890104> untill there is a more recent stable rockbox build 16:21 < user890104> because thay made a lot of changes in the last month or two, and the current builds don't seem to be stable to me 16:23 < esalazioneHg> i'd like to help with giving infos to my problem with newer version.. 16:25 < user890104> if it doesn't work, we can try to find the problem 16:25 < user890104> did you uploaded it to the ipod? 16:25 < esalazioneHg> yes, and 1 .ogg, 1.mp3 16:25 < esalazioneHg> i'm rebooting 16:25 < user890104> give it a try for like 30 minutes 16:26 < user890104> if it works fine, then the issue was in the flash memory, not it rockbox 16:26 < user890104> but if it doesn't... 16:27 < esalazioneHg> the .ogg hangs after 3 secs 16:28 < user890104> everything hangs and the display doesn't update anymore 16:28 < user890104> or it stutters on the last sound? 16:28 < esalazioneHg> it's silent 16:28 < esalazioneHg> i rebooted, it shows "FTL cleaning" or similar...i'll retry with mp3 16:28 < user890104> ok, try the older rockbox 16:29 < user890104> this is normal, since it was not shut down properly 16:29 < user890104> another thing you can try is to upload the same file a couple of times 16:29 < esalazioneHg> mp3 hangs after 3 secs too 16:29 < user890104> and try the different copies 16:29 < user890104> it could be because of flash memory damage 16:30 < user890104> but it's unlikely 16:31 < esalazioneHg> i entered rockbox, plugged in the ipod and.... 16:31 < esalazioneHg> *PANIC* 16:31 < esalazioneHg> FTL: Scheduling bank 0 block 5426 for remap 16:33 < user890104> this is from rockbox, and not from emcore? 16:33 < user890104> reset it with menu+select, emcore should do the rest 16:35 < esalazioneHg> i rebooted, emcore corrected the FTL, then i booted rockbox and plugged in....panic 16:35 < [7]> 5426 is one of the bad ones which obviously aren't flagged in my image 16:36 < [7]> this is now yet another case where I'd go for disk mode, but you said that this still doesn't work for you? 16:37 < [7]> are you sure that this is an ipod-side problem and not just some linux-related screwup? (i've seen enough of the latter, but usually not with apple code but rather with ours= 16:37 < esalazioneHg> i think it's an ipod problem because the panic message is shown on the ipod, not in the linux terminal 16:38 < [7]> i meant the disk mode issue 16:38 < esalazioneHg> first time i entered disk mode through rockbox fallback image it worked...from the .rockbox user890104's build it panic 16:38 * [7] is puzzled? 16:39 < user890104> it is the same binary 16:39 < user890104> the rockbox build and the fallback build 16:39 < [7]> how do you enter disk mode through rockbox? 16:39 < esalazioneHg> boot rockbox, plug the usb 16:40 < [7]> huh? 16:41 < esalazioneHg> i boot emCORE, i click on rockbox icon, theni insert the ipod cable 16:41 < [7]> well, that's not disk mode 16:42 < esalazioneHg> uhm 16:44 < esalazioneHg> so...what "boot the rockbox fallback image, and use it as disk mode" does mean? 16:46 < [7]> "use it to copy the files" would have been the better explanation 16:46 < esalazioneHg> i still can't understand...how can i do that? 16:47 < [7]> he just meant to tell you that you can copy rockbox that way as well (as I instructed you before) if disk mode is acting up 16:47 < [7]> but you'll need the real apple disk mode to flag the bad block 16:48 < esalazioneHg> if i can boot disk mode once again, or if i can acces the flash in some ways, i can add .boot/appleos.bin 16:49 < esalazioneHg> if i format the data partition the fallback image permit me to acces the partition as i did before? 16:51 < [7]> most likely not 16:51 < esalazioneHg> and if i do the restorenand again? 16:52 < [7]> anyway, you should really try to fix the root cause and not just poke around randomly to get it to work briefly and fail again a minute later 16:52 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:15 < esalazioneHg> launching the apple's firmware and letting its disk mode correct the sector? 17:28 < user890104> exactly 17:28 < user890104> apple firmware or apple's disk mode 18:03 < esalazioneHg> tu launcl apple's one i need to have the .boot/appleos.bin 18:04 < esalazioneHg> tu add this file i need to acces the partition...how could i do? 18:09 < user890104> esalazioneHg: python emcore.py runfirmware 0x08000000 AppleOS.bin 18:11 < user890104> you have the file, right? 18:12 < user890104> disk mode can be launched in a similar way 18:13 < esalazioneHg> yes, i have it 18:18 < esalazioneHg> diskmode throug runfirmware worked! 18:19 < [7]> which diskmode image? 18:20 < [7]> where did you obtain it from? 18:20 < [7]> so the disk mode image in your ipod's NOR flash is broken, or what's going on here? 18:20 < user890104> i gave him one 18:21 < [7]> that's really really odd because launching it from the menu should do basically the same 18:22 < user890104> well i think that all things happening to his ipod are odd 18:22 < user890104> so this is not an exception :) 18:22 < user890104> esalazioneHg: did apple firmware work too? 18:23 < esalazioneHg> i'm creating the .boot dir 18:23 < esalazioneHg> [you have to admit i'ts a challenging search XD] 18:25 < esalazioneHg> i'm adding rockbox 3.7.1 too for test 18:25 < esalazioneHg> should i put something other in it for some test? 18:29 < esalazioneHg> from emCORE i can boot apple's firm 18:31 < esalazioneHg> now, while i'm on the apple's firmware, i'll plug the cable to enter apple's disk mode 18:31 < [7]> this is NOT disk mode! 18:31 < esalazioneHg> ok, this mode :P i don't know how to name it 18:31 < esalazioneHg> but, it worked 18:32 < esalazioneHg> i'll reboot and try rockbox 3.7.1 18:33 < esalazioneHg> rockbox don't boot.... 18:34 < esalazioneHg> hangs at the splash logo 18:34 < [7]> but 3.9.1 works? 18:34 < esalazioneHg> if i clik play button a "blue/black" square appears in the top-lest corner 18:35 < [7]> hm, lcd setup trouble 18:35 < esalazioneHg> i'll try disk mode from emCORE 18:36 < esalazioneHg> 3.9.1 user890104's build hanged [tried before booting the apple's disk script] 18:39 < esalazioneHg> disk mode from emCORE still not work 18:41 < esalazioneHg> diskflsh still work 18:42 < user890104> can you upload/download files using diskflsh? 18:43 < user890104> i mean, are there any errors/unusual messages in dmesg 18:43 < esalazioneHg> yes, i can 18:43 < esalazioneHg> n-no 18:44 < user890104> can you run the installer .ubi with runfirmware? 18:44 < esalazioneHg> dmesg sees an sdd, but it read an FAT-fs 18:44 < esalazioneHg> last line in dmesg is empty 18:45 < esalazioneHg> now i'm trying rockbox 3.9.1 from site 18:46 < esalazioneHg> no dmesg error 18:46 < esalazioneHg> 3.9.1 boots 18:46 < esalazioneHg> i'll try playback 18:48 < esalazioneHg> at 4-5 secs bad playback, some noise...hangs at 8 secs 18:48 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:49 < user890104> you basicly need to reinstall emcore 18:49 < esalazioneHg> [user890104] which .ubi should i try? 18:49 < user890104> installer-ipodnano2g.ubi 18:49 < esalazioneHg> the last one you sent me? 18:49 < user890104> yes 18:49 < esalazioneHg> i've got...3 of that XD 18:49 < user890104> uhm ... well 18:49 < user890104> it doesn't matter 18:49 < user890104> the last one preferably 18:49 < esalazioneHg> i'm watching the date ;) 18:50 < user890104> it has most debug info printed on the screen when you run it 18:50 < user890104> so if we assume that you flash is fixed, this should install fine 18:54 < esalazioneHg> done! 18:54 < esalazioneHg> it worked 18:54 < user890104> everything works? 18:55 < esalazioneHg> the flashing worked 18:55 < esalazioneHg> so the .ubi in run 18:55 < user890104> ok, now you probably need a build with debug logging disabled 18:56 < user890104> because this one prints a lot of stuff to both consoles :) 18:56 < user890104> can you flash the first one i sent you? it should be like 2 days ago 18:58 < esalazioneHg> let's try booting apple's and rockbox first 18:58 < esalazioneHg> my xterm console is closed :D 18:58 < user890104> there's no reason why apple's firmware won't work 18:58 < user890104> i mean the console on ipod's screen 18:58 < esalazioneHg> but there's reason for rockbox 18:59 < esalazioneHg> not a problem..i like terminal-style screen :D 18:59 < user890104> well ... 19:00 < user890104> it would draw on the top of the boot menu when you scroll the clickwheel or press buttons 19:00 < esalazioneHg> i've seen :D 19:00 < esalazioneHg> 3.9.1 still hangs 19:00 < user890104> ok, use 3.7.1 then 19:01 < esalazioneHg> i'll try disk mode 19:01 < user890104> if it works fine for some time, we can try to find the problem in the latter versions of rockbox 19:02 < esalazioneHg> disk mode still not work 19:03 < user890104> disk mode from the menu? 19:03 < esalazioneHg> yep 19:04 < user890104> well ... my suggestion would be to restore with itunes, then uninstall emcore 19:05 < user890104> then reinstall either emcore or the rockbox bootloader 19:05 < user890104> using their utility 19:06 < esalazioneHg> you mean ipodpatcher? 19:06 < user890104> no 19:06 < user890104> http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RockboxUtility 19:06 < user890104> well you can use ipodpatcher of course 19:06 < user890104> and manually extract the files 19:06 < esalazioneHg> is there a way to "restore with itunes" on Debian? 19:07 < user890104> well ... not actually 19:07 < esalazioneHg> uff 19:07 < user890104> unless you make a VM with windows 19:08 < esalazioneHg> i'll try wine 19:08 < user890104> it won't be successful 19:08 < user890104> i don't know if itunes would install 19:08 < esalazioneHg> ok..i'll use a win XP i have on a pc 19:09 < user890104> i think you can write apple's firmware to the firmware partition manually 19:09 < user890104> but i don't know any more details 19:09 < user890104> i have a windows xp VM with itunes for such cases :) 19:09 < esalazioneHg> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1347 19:12 < esalazioneHg> it seems rockbox bootloader is less invasive... 19:12 < esalazioneHg> (rockbox 3.7.1 still not working) 19:15 < esalazioneHg> playonlinux , a wine "facility", have itunes10 and itunes7 19:15 < user890104> you are free to try to restore it somehow 19:16 < user890104> in order to get it recognized by itunes, you need to be either in disk mode, or in apple's OS 19:40 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has left #freemyipod-support 20:10 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:48 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: hallowed are the ori!] 20:51 < user890104> esalazioneHg: what's running on your ipod so far? 20:52 < esalazioneHg> i restored it and uninstalled emCORE 20:52 < esalazioneHg> i'm chosing bethween emCORE and rb bootloader 20:53 < esalazioneHg> i think i'll chose the second one...worked well...or do you think emcore is better for some reason? i.e. tests 20:57 < user890104> emcore is more functional for developers 20:57 < user890104> my personal preference would be emcore, with apple's firmware partition left undeleted 20:57 < esalazioneHg> now that's restored, i can uninstall emcore when i want without problem? 20:57 < user890104> so you can install/uninstall it without ever requiring itunes 20:57 < esalazioneHg> perfect 20:58 < user890104> only if you leave the firmware partition 20:58 < user890104> otherwise you need to restore again 20:59 < esalazioneHg> what amcore version should i run to help you? 20:59 < esalazioneHg> r773? 21:01 < [7]> seriously, i think you help us most by avoiding any trouble in the future, i.e. sticking with apple as much as possible => using the rockbox bootloader 21:01 < [7]> emcore is highly experimental software 21:05 < esalazioneHg> lol! 21:05 < esalazioneHg> it can't helps you to find out bugs, etc? 21:05 < esalazioneHg> i came here only to try to find out why version >3.7.1 don't work for someone... 21:06 < esalazioneHg> otherwise i'd continued with 3.7.1 :P 21:06 < user890104> if >3.7.1 doesn't also work with rockbox's bootloader, you should complain to them 21:07 < user890104> the nano2g build is marked as stable, so it's supported by the rockbox community 21:10 < esalazioneHg> i said it in the #rockbox and they suggested me to use amcore... 21:10 < esalazioneHg> then i found problem with emcore 21:10 < user890104> the problem was in your ipod's flash, which should be fixed now 21:11 < esalazioneHg> ok, i'll try with rb bootloader 22:55 -!- esalazioneHg [~nay@net-93-71-74-130.cust.dsl.vodafone.it] has left #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Fri Oct 14 00:14:26 2011