--- Log opened Sun Oct 23 02:21:58 2011 02:24 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:25 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:36 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:39 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:53 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:54 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:57 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:00 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:20 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:20 -!- doug__ [770cf128@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:21 -!- doug__ is now known as Guest90037 05:21 < Guest90037> i here i was wondering if anyone could explain what the UMSboot is 05:23 < Guest90037> hi there i was wondering if anyone could explain what the UMSboot is 05:37 -!- Guest90037 [770cf128@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 05:47 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:41 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:29 -!- velpeau [52d82dd5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:34 < velpeau> hi all 12:34 < velpeau> is there anuway to factory restore my nano 2g ? 12:35 < user890104> yes 12:36 < velpeau> oh good, everytime i reboot, the loader says "no config file", and ther's no option to uninstall 12:36 < user890104> so you are using very old iloader 12:37 < user890104> you should update it first, then uninstall it 12:37 < user890104> or update straight to emcore 12:37 < user890104> can you go to the fallback menu, then load umsboot? 12:37 < velpeau> i just follow the instruction and links to the iloader page 12:38 < velpeau> no 12:38 < user890104> what options do you have in the menu 12:39 < velpeau> poweroff, diskmode, diagmode, nandfsck, ibugger, ildrcfg, bmwelcom, bmnothem 12:40 < user890104> ah, you have *very* old iloader 12:40 < user890104> let me find the instructions 12:40 < velpeau> ok thanks 12:40 < user890104> first you need a theme 12:41 < user890104> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/iloader/themes/iloader-theme-default-0.1.2.zip 12:41 < velpeau> yes, the default theme is at the root 12:41 < user890104> launch disk mode, then extract this to the ipod 12:41 < user890104> why would it show "no config file" then? 12:42 < velpeau> i think the loader can't access to the user partition 12:43 < user890104> what happens when you connect the ipod to a computer and select disk mode? 12:44 < velpeau> the user partition appears in the explorer (win) or the finder (osx), then itunes auto-launches 12:46 < user890104> can you see the files in the partition in explorer? 12:48 < velpeau> the only item present is the iLoader folder, contains the theme 12:49 < velpeau> (and iloader.cfg) 12:56 < user890104> can you delete that folder and extract the theme i sent you there? 12:56 < user890104> you may have a wrong version 12:57 < velpeau> ok, i try this 12:59 < velpeau> yes ! i have the menu 13:00 < velpeau> but no uninstall option 13:04 < velpeau> rockbox fails to boot, apple firmare too 13:05 < velpeau> i'll try to update 14:09 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:30 < velpeau> definitely not run on my 2g, so would factory reset it... :( 14:33 < user890104> velpeau: what is the problem now? 14:33 < user890104> which versiion are you using 14:33 < user890104> iloader or emcore 14:33 < user890104> and how did you update? 14:34 < velpeau> iloader, emcore fails to install 14:35 < velpeau> i updated iloader from the "update" section in the iloader page 14:35 < user890104> ok, which iloader version do you have 14:35 < user890104> and how does emcore fail 14:35 < user890104> and which emcore version did you try? 14:35 < velpeau> 0.2.2 14:36 < velpeau> and emcore v692 14:37 < velpeau> i have not the uninstall function in the menu 14:41 < [7]> in the menu of which version? 14:44 < velpeau> here, in iloader 0.2.2 14:48 < [7]> did you remove the theme files? 14:50 < velpeau> okay, i have to remove the theme folder, or the iloader folder ? 14:51 < [7]> just remove the whole iloader folder, as stated in the iloader uninstallation instructions 14:55 < velpeau> as i said at the beginning of the conversation, no "uninstall" option 14:57 < velpeau> do you think my device is bricked ? 15:33 < [7]> so you are now getting the "no theme present" fallback menu and it doesn't have an uninstall option? 15:33 < [7]> that's definitely not the latest iloader version then 15:46 < velpeau> ok i will try to check another server tomorrow. my brain's boiling... thanks very much ! 15:46 -!- velpeau [52d82dd5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:53 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:09 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 18:26 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:13 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:30 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] --- Log closed Mon Oct 24 00:53:43 2011