--- Log opened Sat Nov 12 00:00:25 2011 03:56 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 03:56 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 07:36 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:01 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:16 -!- NiketoNabu [d9c5faa5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:16 < NiketoNabu> Hithere! People? need help! 13:20 < NiketoNabu> after installation fastboot on ipod classic it cannot be load into the win/ it doesnt work at all! sistem message after reboot is: *PANIC* Incompatible API version! Got 4, need2. Systen cant see yhe device. so i cant even recover ipod by iTunes 13:22 < NiketoNabu> how can i do that the system see the device as a hard or recover it with iTunes for example 13:24 < NiketoNabu> how can i delete the folder .boot from the root menu rokcbox-pod 13:28 < NiketoNabu> the disklamer was right(((( 13:31 < NiketoNabu> PS I cant switch off the device menu+select tabs call only rebboot the device, no switching off. so - rebooting is cycling without shouting down 13:33 < user890104> NiketoNabu: redo the installation 13:33 < user890104> it will delete the wrong version fastboot file 13:33 < NiketoNabu> WARNING: Always use the same version of emCORE and fastboot! Mixing up versions may lead to a condition where your iPod won't boot, and would require recovering with an additional set of tools! - that is disklamer/ And what is yhe @additional tools@ - seems i need it 13:34 < NiketoNabu> i cant redo 13:34 < user890104> you can 13:34 < user890104> hold menu+select for 12 seconds 13:34 < NiketoNabu> cause the device not found in ANY system 13:34 < user890104> it will enter DFU mode 13:34 < user890104> and then start over 13:34 < user890104> like you did to install emcore 13:35 < user890104> connect the ipod to usb, and not matter what it shows on the screen hold menu+select until the screen goes black 13:35 < user890104> like you did to install emcore 13:35 < NiketoNabu> after meny+select device boot emCORE and after second - give me a @PANIC@ - and thets all 13:35 < user890104> don't look at this, just keep holding :) 13:36 < NiketoNabu> oke - lets try 13:36 < user890104> when it shows the black screen, release the buttons 13:37 < user890104> and continue the installation 13:37 < NiketoNabu> the same under win and lin 13:37 < NiketoNabu> it cant load in DFU mode - thats the troubble 13:38 < user890104> it can only enter DFU if it is connected to a PC 13:39 < user890104> i just did it on my ipod 13:39 < NiketoNabu> of course - it connected 13:39 < NiketoNabu> but no matter((( 13:39 < NiketoNabu> ok - i go to try some else 13:40 < user890104> exactly on the 12th second after continious holding the buttons 13:40 < user890104> it enters DFU 13:40 < user890104> no matter what is installed 13:40 < user890104> you said you have linux installed, you can use the other method then 13:40 < user890104> because it's easier on linux than on windows 13:41 < NiketoNabu> what method& 13:41 < user890104> connect it to the linux pc, and enter: lsusb 13:41 < user890104> is there a line with "ffff:e000" ? 13:43 < NiketoNabu> ok - it is there 13:44 < user890104> svn co http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools/ freemyipod-tools 13:45 < NiketoNabu> what shoud i do with this? help please 13:46 < NiketoNabu> with this tools 13:46 < user890104> did you enter the svn command 13:47 < user890104> to download them? 13:47 < user890104> there should be a folder called freemyipod-tools 13:47 < NiketoNabu> now i under win(((( 13:48 < NiketoNabu> and in lin - i am is full nub 13:48 < NiketoNabu> sorry 13:49 < user890104> using linux will be very easy 13:49 < user890104> on windows you need to install python, pyusb and drivers 13:49 < user890104> on linux it's only 1 line 13:50 < NiketoNabu> aga? but what shoud i do wiht @svn@& 13:51 < user890104> this is a linux command to download the whole folder 13:51 < user890104> you can download tortoisesvn for windows, but then it would be more difficult 13:52 < user890104> if you want to use windows, i'll give you a archived conversation where someone else did the same mistake 13:52 < user890104> and i explained him how to recover the ipod 13:53 < NiketoNabu> no - i installed svn under ubuntu 13:53 < NiketoNabu> how can i use it? 13:54 < user890104> enter the command above 13:54 < user890104> and you should have a "freemyipod-tools" folder 13:54 < user890104> containing some python scripts 13:55 < NiketoNabu> svn co http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools/ freemyipod-tools - is it clear syntax for the command& 13:55 < user890104> yes, this is the exact syntax 13:55 < NiketoNabu> oke - lets try 13:57 < user890104> what distribution are you using? ubuntu? 13:57 < NiketoNabu> i hade a list of files in my console 13:57 < NiketoNabu> get* 13:57 < NiketoNabu> lubuntu yes 13:59 < user890104> enter "python -V" 13:59 < user890104> with capital V, not lowercase 14:02 < NiketoNabu> Python 2.7.2+ 14:02 < user890104> ok great 14:02 < NiketoNabu> pythonusb lsusb - in the system too 14:03 < user890104> now enter: 14:03 < NiketoNabu> whatever this mean 14:03 < user890104> python freemyipod-tools/emcore.py getinfo version 14:04 < NiketoNabu> import error 14:04 < NiketoNabu> no module named core 14:05 < NiketoNabu> am i fool? 14:09 < TheSeven> NiketoNabu: that's pyusb 0.4.2, you need 0.1.0 14:09 < TheSeven> er, 1.0.0 14:10 < TheSeven> the python-usb package from debian/ubuntu is the old version, at least up to natty, don't know for oneiric 14:10 < NiketoNabu> give me archived conversation where someone else did the same mistake - i think that i cant do this in lin(((please 14:13 < user890104> NiketoNabu: http://logs.freemyipod.org/%23freemyipod-support/2011-10/2011-10-16-%23freemyipod-support.log 14:13 < user890104> but you can have issues with the drivers, like that guy did 14:13 < NiketoNabu> is the decision of my problem at this page? http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting 14:13 < NiketoNabu> oke - very thanks 14:14 < user890104> i already explained to you how to enter DFU 14:14 < user890104> this is the easiest way to recover 14:14 < NiketoNabu> i have to go to decide my problem wiyh you help 14:14 < NiketoNabu> i cant enter DFU 14:14 < NiketoNabu> cant 14:15 < NiketoNabu> it reboot - PANIC - reboot - PANIC 14:15 < user890104> so you are sure that you aren't releasing the buttons even for a split second while it reboots? 14:16 < NiketoNabu> yes 14:16 < NiketoNabu> sure 14:18 < NiketoNabu> oke - i press menu+select than hold it - device reboot - emCORE rise up on the screen - one second waiting - message PANIC - than freeze. then i press menu+select - and again 14:19 < TheSeven> make sure USB is connected, and then press and hold menu+select for 12 seconds, ignoring what the ipod does 14:19 < NiketoNabu> shoud i count seconds? seriosly 14:20 < NiketoNabu> wtf - IT SWITCHING OFF!!! 14:21 < NiketoNabu> hm//// 14:23 < NiketoNabu> oke - thx! and what now? 14:23 < user890104> now redo the installation 14:24 < user890104> like you did the first time 14:24 < NiketoNabu> using bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes? 14:25 < NiketoNabu> oke - lets try 14:27 < NiketoNabu> aaaa//// iTunes found iPod. TNX 890104! The beer from me! 14:27 < TheSeven> yeah, that "switching off" ist DFU mode 14:27 < NiketoNabu> oh my crank hands 14:28 < NiketoNabu> TNX, The SEVEN too)))) 14:28 < TheSeven> if itunes found it, this probably means that you will need to re-enter DFU before the bootstrapper will work (itunes will have already tinkered with it) 14:30 < NiketoNabu> ugu< yes 14:30 < NiketoNabu> one else< guys 14:30 < NiketoNabu> on problem 14:30 < NiketoNabu> anoser 14:32 < NiketoNabu> win7 can found the device with roxbox on it< but cant enter the root directory. xp and lin - can, win764x - cant 14:32 < NiketoNabu> is this a problem of 64x platform? 14:37 < NiketoNabu> and one else: how can i find the right version of fastboot to installer-ipodclassic-r708-20110424? thx 14:47 < user890104> NiketoNabu: it is on the same page 14:47 < user890104> in the same section as the installer 14:48 < user890104> and it has 708 in the filename 14:49 < NiketoNabu> hmmm.... i use this..... than freeze 14:52 < user890104> i can give you a more recent version and the fastboot file for it 14:52 < NiketoNabu> more recent? 14:53 < user890104> TheSeven: i have /.boot/init.emcoreapp on my classic but it is not being executed. what could be wrong? 14:53 < user890104> NiketoNabu: yes, the most recent development version 14:53 < user890104> r779 14:53 < NiketoNabu> oke lets try it! 14:55 < NiketoNabu> and can i update installed version of rb? without reinstall 14:55 < user890104> i'm going to try it on my ipod first, then i'll give you a link 14:55 < user890104> yes, updating rockbox is just extracting the new ZIP file into the ipod 14:56 < NiketoNabu> oke - tnx if it possible - on e-mail - i have to go one wwek without i-net. e_l_f@bk.ru very tnx 14:57 < NiketoNabu> thats good upgrade method)))) 14:58 < NiketoNabu> all - tnx a lot - disconnect 14:59 -!- NiketoNabu [d9c5faa5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:10 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 19:25 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 22:17 -!- NiketoNabu [d9c5faa5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:18 < NiketoNabu> user890104, i v got you message with new vertion of emcore 22:19 < NiketoNabu> strange, but situation is the same 22:20 < NiketoNabu> but now the error message is *PANIC* Incompatible API version! GOT 4, NEED 5 22:21 < user890104> uhm 22:21 < user890104> let me try it on my ipod 22:21 < user890104> i could have sent you the wrong file 22:22 < user890104> in which order did you install the files? 22:25 < user890104> it works for me 22:25 < user890104> you need to use the emcore version i sent you 22:26 < user890104> otherwise it won't work 22:27 < NiketoNabu> create .boot folder put the file into the folder rename to init.emcoreapp than put the folder to the root onto pod 22:28 < NiketoNabu> you need to use the emcore version i sent you - this is mean that i shoud to clean reinstall the system on my ipod with the files that you send to me& 22:29 < NiketoNabu> is this? 22:29 < user890104> there's no "clean install", just follow the instructions using the files i sent you 22:29 < user890104> it will update the installed file 22:29 < user890104> you don't need to remove anything 22:29 < user890104> if it shows r779 when booting, then you are fine 22:29 < user890104> you just need to add the init.emcoreapp file then 22:30 < user890104> i tried it out 2 or 3 times and it works on my ipod 22:31 < NiketoNabu> oke - i get the error message i wrote above 22:31 < NiketoNabu> strange 22:31 < user890104> what version number do you see when the ipod turns on? 22:31 < user890104> for a second or two 22:31 < user890104> while the hard disk spins up? 22:31 < NiketoNabu> oke - i will try again 22:32 < user890104> the message you're showing me means that you didn't update your emcore installation on the ipod 22:32 < user890104> so you have older version of emcore than fastboot 22:33 < NiketoNabu> old version.... so i have to install new version 22:33 < NiketoNabu> oke yes 22:33 < user890104> yes 22:34 < user890104> which method are you using 22:34 < user890104> with itunes or without itunes? 22:34 < NiketoNabu> so - clean reinstall - not only copy-past the folder .rockbox and /boot if i want to use fastboot 22:35 < NiketoNabu> ok - ill do this 22:35 < user890104> "clean reinstall" means uninstalling first (restoring with itunes) 22:35 < user890104> yo don't need to do that 22:35 < user890104> you* 22:35 < user890104> just redo the install as usual 22:36 < NiketoNabu> as usual? 22:36 < user890104> yes, like it is explained on the wiki 22:37 < user890104> but using my files of course 22:39 < NiketoNabu> night is long and my reed is take all night i think))))) so lets read) 22:42 < NiketoNabu> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Classic_1G_.2F_Classic_2G_.2F_Classic_3G - pages suppose no recovery mode for pod classic - only @clean reinstal@ wiht iTunes 22:43 -!- user890104 [~Venci@static.] has quit [*.net *.split] 22:43 -!- user890104 [~Venci@static.] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:52 < TheSeven> NiketoNabu: just proceed as if you would do an initial installation of emcore 22:52 < TheSeven> and ignore the fact that it's already there 22:53 < NiketoNabu> great! all work! 22:54 < NiketoNabu> tnx all! 22:56 < NiketoNabu> and what about my trouble with mount root directory under win 7 64x? i steel cant do this(((( 22:56 < NiketoNabu> is it only my trouble? 22:57 < TheSeven> what exactly is going wrong with that? 22:57 < TheSeven> it's normal that mounting the ipod on windows might take a couple of seconds as windows will usually read the whole FAT to RAM before showing the drive in explorer 22:57 < TheSeven> but that shouldn't take more than maybe a minute 22:58 < NiketoNabu> the devise with rockbox onboard is detected by system but i cant get into directory from any filemanager 22:59 < user890104> this happens on my ipod sometimes, so try unplugging and replugging it 22:59 < NiketoNabu> minute..... it is waiting about 2-5 min than freez 23:00 < user890104> or unplugging, shutting down rockbox (by holding PLAY until it says Shutting down...), then starting the ipod again and after rockbox loads and displays the menu, plug it to the computer again 23:00 < NiketoNabu> replug dont help - the same trouble. under xp or linux i have no problem with it 23:01 < TheSeven> is the hdd spinning during that time? 23:01 < TheSeven> if yes, can you hear any clicking activity? 23:03 < NiketoNabu> TC give me box with message @connecting@ - then nothing 23:03 < NiketoNabu> yes 0 hard is spinning 23:04 < NiketoNabu> i hear 23:04 < NiketoNabu> about 0.5 minutes - yhen - silence and freeze 23:04 < TheSeven> freeze in terms of what? on the ipod or windows side? 23:05 < TheSeven> if you unplug it, does the ipod come back to life or is it stuck in USB mode? 23:05 < TheSeven> this *might* be related to FS#12310 23:06 < NiketoNabu> and icon of safe remove in tray is freeze too 23:06 < NiketoNabu> on the win size - nothing happend at all 23:08 < NiketoNabu> ipod show me the picture of usb-connecter and not freeze 23:08 < NiketoNabu> safe remove in tray unfreeze only i unplugged ipod unsafely 23:09 < NiketoNabu> over few minutes 23:10 < NiketoNabu> or at once O_O 23:10 < NiketoNabu> differently 23:13 < NiketoNabu> user890104 - u method - steel inaccessible 23:14 < user890104> NiketoNabu: it happens to me sometimes, too 23:14 < user890104> then i use the python scripts to upload music/files :) 23:14 < NiketoNabu> emcore-tools? 23:14 < user890104> which is a bit difficult on windows, but on linux works fine 23:14 < user890104> yes, exactly 23:15 < user890104> there is a command "puttree" which uploads folders and all their contents 23:15 < NiketoNabu> on lin i have no problem. xp32bit - too 23:15 < NiketoNabu> only on my sevenx64 23:15 < user890104> if you can run the python scripts, you can use the command too 23:15 < NiketoNabu> but all my music is here(((( 23:16 < user890104> it's something like: python.exe emcore.py puttree d:\music /Music 23:16 < NiketoNabu> any ideas - what the problem? 23:16 < user890104> the problem is that the usb drivers for the classics are still unstable 23:17 < user890104> and they don't always work 23:17 < user890104> i mean the drivers on the ipod side, not on the PC side 23:17 < NiketoNabu> my wife is cilling me if i offer to use omg - python scripts)))) 23:17 < user890104> restore it to the original firmware then, and use iTunes :) 23:18 < NiketoNabu> no thx! 23:18 < NiketoNabu> ))) 23:19 < NiketoNabu> so.... i have to open up the emcore-tools huh..... 23:19 < user890104> i think that TheSeven wrote an application for windows that uses emcore's protocol (not rockbox but like the python scripts) to emulate a virtual drive on windows, that can be used to transfer music/files/whatever to the hard disk of the ipod 23:20 < user890104> i wrote one too (for linux) but it's still read-only, so you can't use it to uplaod files on the ipod 23:20 < TheSeven> user890104: that's even more unstable than your fuse port is :) 23:21 < user890104> TheSeven: i don't remember if i ever made it run :) 23:21 < user890104> it was showing an empty drive at some point and i gave up iirc 23:21 < TheSeven> do you have any idea what's going on there? i don't really understand why anything on the pc side could lock up while the hdd on the ipod side spins down because it's idle... that just doesn't make any sense 23:21 < NiketoNabu> third programm? this like iTunes..... pretty rockbox - is direct access to pod drive from file manager 23:22 < TheSeven> i've never observed that kind of behavior on my devices 23:22 < user890104> TheSeven: i have seen problems only when using rockbox's usb mode, if i use emcore+python it's fine for both uploading and downloading 23:23 < TheSeven> never had that here (also win7 sp1 amd64) 23:23 < user890104> that's why i'll complete my fuse app to include rw support, and not use rockbox's disk mode at all 23:23 < TheSeven> well, at least as long as the hdd works 23:24 < TheSeven> but even with my bad hdd + remapping layer, it seems to work fine all the time 23:24 < NiketoNabu> rockbox+python tools all-in-one?)))) 23:24 < TheSeven> might be worth to do a trace of what it's trying to access when it locks up 23:24 < user890104> sometimes it feels like the usb driver is not responding in rockbox (the clock changes, but unplugging/replugging has no effect) 23:24 < TheSeven> user890104: how often does this happen to you? often enough to reproduce it to capture a trace? 23:25 < TheSeven> user890104: that's probably FS#12310 23:25 < user890104> i think i can reproduce it, it happens frequently 23:25 < TheSeven> (which has been fixed a couple of days ago) 23:26 < TheSeven> rockbox trunk head has the usb fix and the fs#12310 fix applied, so that should work fine atm 23:26 < TheSeven> the apps layer should be somewhat stable again, as they're about to release 3.10 23:26 < TheSeven> => it might make sense to do further testing with head instead of 3.9.1 23:27 < user890104> i'm using r30963 compiled on 11-11-11 23:27 < user890104> which is the 3_10 branch 23:27 < TheSeven> that's after i fixed my build breakage? 23:27 < TheSeven> then it should include the fs#12310 fix 23:27 < user890104> i think so 23:28 < user890104> so it's some other issue then 23:28 < user890104> the classics are still a bit strange 23:28 < TheSeven> any ipod-side lockups with that build? 23:29 < user890104> i haven't listened to more music in order to test that, but the usb either work or it doesn't at all 23:29 < user890104> it seems to be random so far 23:29 < user890104> but i haven't waited long enough to check if only usb is locked up, or the rockbox itself 23:29 -!- NiketoNabu [d9c5faa5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:30 < user890104> sometimes the clickwheel behaves strange (doesn't note the fact that i'm holding a button on boot) 23:32 < TheSeven> user890104: i meant usb-related ipod-side lockups 23:32 < TheSeven> [00:31:14] sometimes the clickwheel behaves strange (doesn't note the fact that i'm holding a button on boot) << regression? 23:33 < TheSeven> or did the classic wheel driver never support that? 23:33 < user890104> it works sometimes, and sometimes doesn't 23:33 < TheSeven> it might work if you move your finger around slightly during boot 23:34 < TheSeven> (which will cause the wheel to send updates without us explicitly asking it for its state) 23:34 < user890104> i'm holding the center button so i'm not touching anything else 23:34 < user890104> ok, i connected it while running rockbox, and after like a minute of searching, windows opened an empty drive 23:35 < TheSeven> and regarding usb lockups: did you observe any cases where it didn't return from USB mode after unplugging with that build? 23:35 < TheSeven> yeah, that's expected if it needs to scan the fat, especially on slightly broken (and thus slow) drives 23:35 < user890104> the button issue is when trying to prevent it entering disk mode in rockbox right after booting with the cable connected 23:36 < user890104> sometimes it doesn't return when unplugging the usb, yes 23:36 < user890104> it's like it stopped receiving any information from the usb driver 23:37 < user890104> but moving the scrollwheel turns the backlight on 23:37 < user890104> so it's not completely locked up 23:37 < user890104> it's the same at the moment 23:37 < user890104> i just unplugged it and it remains in usb mode 23:38 < user890104> the backlight fades as usual when not touching the clickwheel, and turns on again when i touch it 23:38 < user890104> but the usb image doesn't go away 23:38 < user890104> and the clock updates 23:39 < user890104> what should i do now? pack up the ipod and send it to you while it's in this condition? :) 23:42 < TheSeven> heh 23:42 < user890104> connecting usb made it exit the usb screen (wtf?!), then the hard disk spinned up, the hdd icon is shown all the time 23:42 < user890104> the menu is shown too, but i can't scroll it 23:42 < TheSeven> try pressing a button 23:43 < TheSeven> sometimes the wheel locks up in such a way 23:43 < TheSeven> or rather rockbox's button handling 23:43 < user890104> touching the clockwheel/switching the hold switch makes the backlight go on/off 23:43 < TheSeven> so you get a main menu that you can't navigate? 23:43 < user890104> yup 23:43 < user890104> while usb is connected 23:43 < user890104> isn't this strange? 23:43 < user890104> pressing buttons doesn't help 23:43 < TheSeven> hm, this is smelling more and more like apps layer breakage, or possibly yet another memory corruption bug 23:43 < TheSeven> can you reproduce any of that on nano2g? 23:44 < user890104> i don't think so 23:44 < user890104> only rolo is broken there 23:44 < user890104> i'll try on the n2g with the same revision of rockbox 23:44 * TheSeven wonders why, he has fixed it like a dozen times now 23:44 < TheSeven> how do they manage to break it all the time? 23:45 < user890104> well, someone seems to be breaking it every time you fix it :P 23:47 < user890104> btw the main menu screen is not updating at all 23:47 < user890104> seems like the display driver got broken 23:47 < user890104> i can tell that by looking at the clock 23:47 < user890104> that's why the disk access icon stays still 23:48 < user890104> the strange thing is that rockbox doesn't want to shut down 23:50 < TheSeven> this is probably just a UI thread lockup 23:53 < user890104> the 2g nano is recognised just fine as a mass storage device 23:53 < user890104> no delays or lockups 23:54 < user890104> even after frequently unplugging/replugging, it doesn't crash/lockup 23:55 < user890104> i'll try it with the classic, but i don't expect it to make it 23:56 * user890104 wishes that some of apple's datasheets for these devices magically appear online 23:59 < TheSeven> we might want to nicely ask samsung... 23:59 < user890104> i got the classic to a state where it doesn't respond to usb insertions anymore, the hold switch and the clickwheel can manage the backlight and the hard disk is turned off and it doesn't turn on when inserting/removing usb 23:59 < TheSeven> given what apple is doing to them right now, they might even do that :) --- Log closed Sun Nov 13 00:00:17 2011