--- Log opened Thu Nov 24 00:02:21 2011 00:12 < underscor> Hey guys 00:12 < underscor> Having a little issue with ipoddfu.py 00:12 < underscor> 0 7:12PM:alex@alex-desktop:~/emcore 68 π python ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-r708-20110424.dfu 00:12 < underscor> Connected to S5L8702 Bootrom DFU mode, USB version 1 00:12 < underscor> [snip] 00:12 < underscor> crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ data[i]) & 0xff]; 00:12 < underscor> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'int' and 'str' 00:19 < underscor> http://pastie.org/2911797 00:19 < underscor> There's the full traceback 00:22 < underscor> Commenting out the crc= bit and adding print data[i] shows that it's some numbers along with non-numeric characters 00:22 < underscor> 7 00:22 < underscor> 0 00:22 < underscor> 2 00:22 < underscor> 1 00:22 < underscor> . 00:22 < underscor> 0 00:22 < underscor>  00:24 < user890104> underscor: try "svn merge -r 789:788 ." 00:24 < user890104> there are some python3 changes that are not compatible with 2.x 00:25 < underscor> Oh okay 00:25 < underscor> Let me co it then 00:25 < user890104> checking out r788 should be also fine 00:26 < underscor> Hey hey hey! 00:26 < underscor> Thanks! 00:27 < underscor> Might want to update http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFULinux 00:27 < underscor> (or I can if it just requires registration) 00:31 < underscor> Is the rockbox-classic on fmi.org special, or can I use the latest build from rockbox.org? 00:34 < user890104> underscor: the one on fmi has bad block remapping enabled, which is useful if you have a bad hdd and have run [7]'s hddscan2 utility 00:34 < user890104> otherwise, they should be the same 00:34 < user890104> you can edit (almost) any page after registering 00:34 < underscor> okay, so if I'm not doing bbr, then I should be able to use the latest upstream build? 00:39 < user890104> yes, but they are built from trunk 00:39 < user890104> you should use the 3_10 branch instead 00:41 < underscor> Oh okay 00:41 < underscor> Thanks! 03:33 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 03:33 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:33 < underscor> Hey guys, are there known bugs where USB support will just die about 3 minutes into a large transfer? 04:33 < underscor> Like, I'll boot rockbox, copy about 2GB of files, then the disk makes a "power down" noise, and the ipod and transfer freezes 04:33 < underscor> Then subsequently, it hangs at the emcore boot screen 04:34 < underscor> and I have to dfu and reflash it to do anything 04:50 < underscor> Just found these; sounds similar (?) to my problem. http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=28562.0 04:50 < underscor> Will give them a spin 06:46 -!- ShapeShifter499 [~ShapeShif@c-98-244-33-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:47 < ShapeShifter499> hi 06:48 < ShapeShifter499> omg a lot has changed since I found this project and stuck rockbox on my device 06:49 < ShapeShifter499> so whats this EmCore and how should I install it over iLoader? 06:50 < ShapeShifter499> do I need it? 06:51 < ShapeShifter499> AND what about fm radio support? 06:52 < ShapeShifter499> is there any for the ipod nano 2g when using rockbox? 07:41 < TheSeven> no, there's no accessory support yet 07:43 < TheSeven> underscor: if you would be affected by that bug, you wouldn't get any USB connectivity at all after the first powerdown after installation 07:45 < TheSeven> what you're observing sounds more like an HDD problem... might be related to the cache coherency bug I fixed just a couple of days ago, which isn't fixed in rockbox yet 07:49 < ShapeShifter499> TheSeven, any plans for such support? 07:50 < TheSeven> well, someone needs to clean up the ipod accessory support code in rockbox, which is currently heavily tied to the PortalPlayer platform that way used by apple up to the ipod video 07:50 < TheSeven> once that's sorted out, adding support for the nano2g/classic's UART will be comparatively easy 07:51 < TheSeven> I think bertrik attempted to do such a kind of cleanup a couple of months ago, but it doesn't look like he actually finished it 07:51 < ShapeShifter499> aww 07:51 < TheSeven> oh, and to get FM radio support you might need to add recording support to rockbox as well, which we currently don't have a driver for 07:51 < ShapeShifter499> It sucks to have to boot to stock firmware to use the radio 07:52 < TheSeven> that one is probably a bit harder than the uart, but at least I don't know of any roadblocks right now 07:52 < ShapeShifter499> TheSeven, fm radio I have doesn't support recording? 07:53 < ShapeShifter499> hmm 07:53 < ShapeShifter499> TheSeven, is there a option to let me use the ipod while it charges via my computer's usb port? 07:54 < TheSeven> yes, just press and hold a button while plugging it in to enable charging mode 07:55 < TheSeven> and it's a question whether the ipod does support recording of the radio signal, not whether the radio supports it 07:56 < TheSeven> actually what the ipod is doing when enabling the radio is technically recording the line in signal and playing it back on the output simultaneously 07:58 < ShapeShifter499> oh 07:58 < ShapeShifter499> TheSeven, I have the griffin ifm 07:58 < ShapeShifter499> it has a separate headphone jack 07:59 < ShapeShifter499> idk how it works 07:59 < TheSeven> huh, you mean an FM *transmitter*, not a radio? 08:01 < ShapeShifter499> no its a radio 08:01 < ShapeShifter499> wait I'll snag a link of it 08:01 < TheSeven> hm, looks like there are at least 3 different products called "griffin ifm" 08:02 < ShapeShifter499> http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=ifm&hl=en&cp=2&gs_id=i&xhr=t&q=griffin+ifm&tok=WQA8FzabwH8HOV0zSJeEeQ&client=firefox-a&hs=uc&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=796&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=504924895671075645&sa=X&ei=7fnNTsDtLpTZiAKxpo3RCw&sqi=2&ved=0CGMQ8wIwAg 08:02 < ShapeShifter499> thats the one 08:02 < TheSeven> hm, that one explicitly supports recording btw 08:03 < TheSeven> so i wonder why they have a dedicated headphone jack and don't plug into the dock connector as a dongle 08:03 < TheSeven> possibly because they need the headphones as an antenna 08:04 < TheSeven> so yeah, that one would probably work without a recording driver as well 08:04 < TheSeven> but someone will have to deal with the ipod accessory protocol code 08:07 < ShapeShifter499> :/ 09:56 -!- ShapeShifter499 [~ShapeShif@c-98-244-33-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:55 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:42 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:00 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:02 < underscor> what you're observing sounds more like an HDD problem... might be related to the cache coherency bug I fixed just a couple of days ago, which isn't fixed in rockbox yet 19:02 < underscor> How long 'til it's in RB? 19:02 < underscor> (or is there a beta I can try? =D) 19:07 < TheSeven> haven't committed it yet, but I might do so next week 19:08 < TheSeven> i'm on vacation during the weekend so I won't have much time to do freemyipod work 19:28 -!- qweewqrtyu [5573e0d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 19:28 < qweewqrtyu> anybody alive here? 19:29 < qweewqrtyu> i cant install win_usb driver for ipod classic 1s gen 19:30 < qweewqrtyu> windows message that "parameter is incorrect" during install 19:43 < user890104> qweewqrtyu: windows 7 x64 i guess 19:43 < user890104> in this case, use http://www.datafilehost.com/download-9350f608.html 19:44 < qweewqrtyu> nope win7 x86 19:44 < user890104> try these drivers anyway 19:44 < qweewqrtyu> k 19:47 < qweewqrtyu> same shit 19:48 < qweewqrtyu> nwm i installed itunes 19:56 -!- qweewqrtyu [5573e0d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:36 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 23:13 -!- Elfish [amba@2a01:4f8:100:90a1:abc:abc:abc:abc] has quit [*.net *.split] 23:13 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has quit [*.net *.split] 23:13 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [*.net *.split] 23:13 -!- underscor [~asdf@pool-71-126-138-142.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit [*.net *.split] 23:13 -!- Poodlemastah [~Poodlemas@h-241-205.a218.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [*.net *.split] 23:13 -!- bbong [tderylo@ool-1892d67c.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [*.net *.split] 23:14 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:14 -!- underscor [~asdf@pool-71-126-138-142.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:14 -!- user890104 [~Venci@] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:14 -!- Poodlemastah [~Poodlemas@h-241-205.a218.priv.bahnhof.se] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:14 -!- Elfish [amba@2a01:4f8:100:90a1:abc:abc:abc:abc] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:14 -!- bbong [tderylo@ool-1892d67c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:30 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:39 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support --- Log closed Fri Nov 25 00:02:20 2011