--- Log opened Wed Dec 14 00:02:52 2011 00:16 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 00:37 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:17 -!- fyodor [4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 01:17 -!- fyodor [4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 01:41 -!- underscor [~asdf@vm-home1.us.archive.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:29 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 03:29 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:03 -!- moto [~moto@g230228229.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:05 -!- moto [~moto@g231050225.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #freemyipod-support 04:08 -!- ShapeShifter499 [~ShapeShif@c-98-244-33-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 05:41 -!- ShapeShifter499 [~ShapeShif@c-98-244-33-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:58 -!- ShapeShifter499 [~ShapeShif@c-98-244-33-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 07:09 -!- ShapeShifter499 [~ShapeShif@c-98-244-33-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:04 -!- Farthen [~Farthen@2a01:4f8:101:2a4:0:bc28:b2e1:9] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 09:04 -!- Farthen [~Farthen@2a01:4f8:101:2a4:0:bc28:b2e1:9] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:36 -!- hitom1 [~arjk@adsl-69-105-225-203.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:36 -!- hitom1 [~arjk@adsl-69-105-225-203.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit [Excess Flood] 10:37 -!- hitom1 [~arjk@adsl-69-105-225-203.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #freemyipod-support 10:37 -!- hitom1 [~arjk@adsl-69-105-225-203.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit [Excess Flood] 18:59 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:07 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:08 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 22:30 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:38 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:23 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] --- Log closed Thu Dec 15 00:02:53 2011