--- Log opened Fri Jan 20 00:03:52 2012 01:22 -!- Poodlemastah [~Poodlemas@h-241-205.a218.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 253 seconds] 01:23 -!- Poodlemastah [~Poodlemas@h-241-205.a218.priv.bahnhof.se] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:04 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 03:04 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:06 -!- Paul__ [4b470253@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 06:19 < Paul__> i installed emCORE and i can see the emCORE boot menu. but when i press the "Rockbox" option it tries to open it and i conect it to my computer, with can open the hardware... 06:21 < Paul__> hello??? 06:42 < [Saint]> I think you need to more clearly descrbe your issue. 06:42 < [Saint]> Your statement makes little/no sense, and is very hard to parse. 06:43 < [Saint]> specifically "it tries to open it and i conect it to my computer, with can open the hardware..." 06:46 < Paul__> I already instaled emCORE , When i turn on my iPod (generation 6, 120 gb) the emCORE boot menu come up. I then press the "Rockbox" option, but cant open it because its missing the files 06:47 < Paul__> the problem is that i do not know how to put the "rockbox-ipodclassic.zip" files in the iPod 06:48 < [Saint]> Simply extract it to the root of the device. 06:49 < Paul__> I connect my iPod and it does not become accessible 06:49 < Paul__> when i try that winRAR just crashes 06:49 < [Saint]> You can use the "Disk Mode" option in emCORE to transfer files. 06:49 < Paul__> how do i get to "Disk Mode" ?? 06:49 < Paul__> thanks btw for everything so far :) 06:50 < [Saint]> You can select disk mode from the emCORE boot menu. 06:55 < Paul__> cant find the disk mode 06:55 < Paul__> i get 4 option in the boot menu..Power off, Rockbox, emCORE console, and Tools 06:56 < [Saint]> What release did you install? 06:57 < Paul__> im not sure 06:57 < Paul__> im looking 06:57 < Paul__> emCORE r859 (2012-01-02) 06:58 < Paul__> do you recomend another one? 06:59 < [Saint]> No...that is current. I don't understand why there isn't a "Disk Mode" option, though. Perhaps this is something specific to the Classic which I'm unaware of. 07:00 < Paul__> should I try with a difrent release maybe? 07:00 < [Saint]> USB should be functional in the rockbox fallback image, though. You can try: "Tools - Run rockbox fallback image" 07:00 < [Saint]> No. 07:00 < [Saint]> You can try: "Tools - Run rockbox fallback image" 07:01 < [Saint]> Then see if the player mounts via USB, and extract the rockbox-ipodclassic.zip to the root of the player. 07:03 < Paul__> im triing that out.. 07:03 < Paul__> the USB apears in my ipod screen..... not much is hppening in the computer 07:04 < [Saint]> Give it some time. 07:11 < Paul__> the hardware appear but still i can not open it 07:12 < Paul__> and cant extract anything to it... 07:12 < [Saint]> Odd. Very odd. 07:13 < [Saint]> This has risen above the level of my understanding. 07:13 < [Saint]> user890104: You around to take a look at this? ^ 07:14 < Paul__> It askes me to format the disk... 07:14 < Paul__> do you think a difrent usb port might make a difrence? 07:17 < [Saint]> I doubt it...formatting the disk also shouldn't be necessary. If required, the installation should format the disk if it needs to (you should have been notified by the installer if this was needed). 07:18 < [Saint]> I think at this point one of the maintainers should look at your situation, it definitely doesn't sound right to me. 07:20 < Paul__> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 07:20 < Paul__> do you think the thing in red has anything to to with this 07:21 < Paul__> i dont really know if i got a thin or a thck iPod.... 07:23 < [Saint]> Perhaps I misunderstood you...*what* is asking you to format the disk? 07:23 < [Saint]> Rockbox/emCORE, or your computer's OS? 07:24 < Paul__> computers OS 07:24 < [Saint]> Yeah...that shouldn't be happening. 07:24 < [Saint]> The installer will format during installation if it needs to. 07:25 < [Saint]> If it needed to, it would have warned you about it. 07:25 < Paul__> should i al least try with a difrent release ?? 07:25 < [Saint]> I wouldn't, no. 07:25 < Paul__> ok 07:28 < Paul__> but you know what i mean right, i poen my computer and in the hard drives it shows e:// but no soze or nothing just that its there, i cant open it... 07:28 < Paul__> *open 07:28 < Paul__> *size 07:32 < [Saint]> Yes, I know what you mean...it just simply shouldn't be happening. 07:32 < [Saint]> And I have no idea why it is happening. 07:32 < Paul__> damn, thank you so much anyway... 07:35 < Paul__> this might help you... when the PC is triing to read the iPod it is looking for the "emcore debugger" and couldnt find any controler for it 07:36 < Paul__> i have my PC in spanish so my translations sometime dont work very good, im not sure if controlers is the exact work.... 07:36 < [Saint]> If you stick around in the channel, eventually TheSeven or user890104 will pop in and probably be able to help you further. 07:37 < Paul__> ok thanks so much :) 07:37 < [Saint]> The driver error you're describing is fine, this driver isn't needed for the normal functioning of Rockbox. 07:43 -!- freestone [6b05776d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 07:45 < freestone> Good day all. I am here because of a problem with my ipod not mounting or being recognized by linux. Using Ubuntu 10.10. I ran fdisk -l and it should show up as /dev/sdc but it is not being recongnized. Has anyone had this problem and found a solution to it? 07:50 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@] has left #freemyipod-support 08:09 < user890104> freestone: which revision are you using? the latest one? (r859) 08:09 < user890104> Paul__: can you open Device manager (start -> run -> devmgmt.msc) and see if the ipod is recognised, and how is the device named? 08:10 < Paul__> let me try 08:11 < freestone> freestone: what do you see in "lsusb"? 08:16 < user890104> you can use pastebin.com if it's too long 08:17 < freestone> : This didn't show up before... Bus 001 Device 028: ID 05ac:1261 Apple, Inc. iPod Classic 08:17 < user890104> ah, exactly this is the ipod 08:17 < user890104> try "dmesg" 08:17 < user890104> and look for any strange lines/errors 08:17 < freestone> usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 28 08:18 < freestone> Unable to enumerate..... hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3 08:18 < user890104> can you paste the last 40-50 lines of dmesg to pastebin.com, and provide a link to your post? 08:19 < Paul__> i open the devmgmt.msc and in "other devices" something called "emCORE debugger" shows up 08:19 < user890104> Paul__: if you started rockbox and have the rockbox logo on the screen, this one shouldn't be showing 08:20 < Paul__> ok i now started rockbox 08:20 < user890104> Paul__: unplug the ipod, reset it with menu+select, then select the Rockbox icon and when it stops loading and shows a menu, plug it in again 08:20 < user890104> then look at device manager, it should be showing something else 08:20 < Paul__> will do 08:21 < freestone> Only about the last 10 lines in dmesg are relevant...the majority before that is all networking. 08:21 < Paul__> i got to the menu now i will plug 08:21 < user890104> freestone: ok, paste them then 08:21 < Paul__> usb show up in screen 08:21 < Paul__> nothing shows up yet... ill wait for the comp to recognise it... 08:22 < user890104> Paul__: is there any of windows' sounds (connect/disconnect)? 08:22 < user890104> or nothing at all 08:23 < Paul__> none this time but previous time i have done it there have been 08:25 < Paul__> in portable hard drives it shows E:\ and a exlamation mark in the icon 08:25 < user890104> Paul__: double-click it, and look at the error message 08:26 < Paul__> it says "Este dispositivo no puede iniciar. (Código 10)" in spanish... "which means This device can no start (code 10)" 08:27 < freestone> http://pastebin.com/pGCsmr3k I don't think this is from 'dmesg'. I think it's from lsusb but it is interesting. 08:27 < user890104> Paul__: unfortunately, i can't help you with that, TheSeven might have an idea 08:28 < Paul__> darn... thanks anyhow... 08:28 < Paul__> know if TheSeven might be online?? because otherwise ill just go to sleep i have to work tomorow 08:29 < Paul__> ahaha, ill leave the PC on just in case he dicides to answer :) 08:29 < Paul__> thanks in advance 08:29 < Paul__> :) 08:29 < user890104> Paul__: yeah, he should answer at some point 08:29 < Paul__> thanks :) 08:30 < user890104> freestone: looks like you have a similar problem, but on linux 08:30 < [Saint]> curiouser and curiouser... 08:31 < freestone> My temperature issue may be caused by aircrack running. I'm experimenting with trying to hack my network. It's been running for about 60 hours and this baby's getting warm! 08:31 < user890104> there's a workaround for both of you: to use the python tools (svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools/) to transfer files/folders from/to the ipods 08:31 < user890104> and another workaround, only for linux/mac, is to use emCOREFS for transfering files 08:32 < [Saint]> freestone: If its been running for 60 hours without success...its reasonably to asusme that no normal human would bother ;) 08:32 < [Saint]> There are easier targets :P 08:32 < freestone> Good point Saint. :) 08:33 < freestone> I can try that but it seems that the OS isn't even recognizing it being connected to a usb port. 08:34 < user890104> freestone: it is, but it fails at enumerating it 08:34 < freestone> Duh. 08:34 < freestone> :-) 08:34 < user890104> which means that either the USB descriptors aren't transferred at all/correctly 08:34 < [Saint]> WPA2-PSK/TKIP-AES with a hidden SSID is about as secure as it gets...its /basically/ impossible to crack. Where impossible == "extremely fucking unlikely it will ever happen even with many many hours of machine time working at it" :) 08:34 < user890104> or there's some general problem with the usb connection 08:35 < freestone> I'll try the emCOREFS.... 08:36 < user890104> [Saint]: WPA(2)+TKIP in theory is possible to crack, WPA(2)+CCMP isn't AFAIK 08:37 < [Saint]> "in theory", yes. But, that's many, many, many hours of machine time. 08:37 < user890104> (i cracked my home wifi's pass (wpa2+tkip) using a hash pre-compiled table) 08:38 < [Saint]> really shit PSK? 08:39 < [Saint]> "THIS_IS_MY_PSK" :) 08:39 < [Saint]> believe it or not, I've seen that in use :)\ 08:39 < user890104> my phone number was the password, and the hashtable contained every possible phone number in our country 08:40 < user890104> people usually use that, so they can't forget it :) 08:40 < [Saint]> Ohhhhh jesus...well, that's basically like "no security" 08:40 < [Saint]> So, yeah...I'm not worried at all. That's idiotic ;) 08:41 < user890104> freestone: if you need any help with emCOREFS, please type my nickname so i can see your message 08:51 < freestone> : I'm trying to install it right now but after running 'make' I get the error that libusb.h can't be found. I checked /usr/lib and things look good.... 08:52 < freestone> : There may be an issue with 'fuse'. I'm checking it right now. 08:53 < user890104> freestone: you need libfuse-dev and libusb-1.0-dev 08:57 < user890104> apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libfuse-dev 08:58 < user890104> then use gcc 4.4 and compile it like that: 08:58 < user890104> GCC=gcc-4.4 make 08:58 < user890104> 4.5+ doesn't work well for some reason 09:00 < freestone> I ran make without any errors.... 09:01 < user890104> which version of gcc? 09:01 < freestone> I just ran 'make'.... 09:01 < freestone> 4.4 09:01 < user890104> that's why it worked :) 09:02 < user890104> ok, run make debug 09:02 < user890104> then connect your ipod, select emCORE Console 09:02 < freestone> Now....according to mtab, I have fusectl. Would that be the mount point? 09:02 < freestone> Oh...ok. 09:02 < user890104> then run make testdebug 09:03 < user890104> it should mount your ipod under the "mountpoint" folder, which is in emcorefs's folder 09:04 < user890104> or if you want to mount it manually: ./build/emcorefs -d -s /any-folder-you-like 09:04 < freestone> I got an error.... 09:04 < user890104> -d means debug messages, -s means single-threading which is required for read/write operations 09:04 < user890104> what error? 09:04 < user890104> is the ipod showing in lsusb? 09:04 < user890104> it should be ffff:e000 09:06 < freestone> Yep...it says 'Apple iPod Classic' but it is 05ac:1261 09:07 < user890104> then you entered rockbox 09:07 < user890104> you need emcore console, not rockbox 09:07 < freestone> Here is the output of make testdebug: http://pastebin.com/JCYDATei 09:07 < freestone> I entered rockbox? Hmmm.... 09:08 < user890104> so restart it, and don't select rockbox, select emCORE console instead 09:08 < user890104> or just touch the clickwheel so it doesn't power off after 30 seconds 09:10 < freestone> I made a mistake somewhere.... 09:15 < user890104> so basicly you need to see ffff:e000 in lsusb 09:15 < user890104> then running the above command should mount it 09:16 < freestone> The closest I see to that is ffff:5562 09:16 < user890104> that's UMSboot 09:17 < user890104> just disconnect your ipod, reset it with menu+select, then connect it and power it on 09:17 < user890104> it should present itself as ffff:e000 in lsusb 09:17 < freestone> I did that and now it shows....: Bus 001 Device 037: ID 05ac:1261 Apple, Inc. iPod Classic 09:18 < user890104> so it didn't show the menu and went straight to rockbox? 09:19 < freestone> I still had it connected to the computer.... 09:22 < freestone> I followed the instructions on EmCORES site---not sure what I'm missing. 09:22 < user890104> freestone: did you actually install emcore+rockbox, or you're in the middle of the installation? 09:23 < freestone> I haven't downloaded anything concerning rockbox yet. I was in the middle of the instructions where it told me I should be able to see it after running fdisk -l. It didn't show so thats how I ended up here. 09:24 < user890104> ah, i see 09:24 < user890104> ok then, repeat the procedure up to the point where you are supposed to see the storage drive 09:24 < user890104> then look at lsusb - it should be showing ffff:5562 09:25 < user890104> enter the mount command "mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /mountpoint-of-your-choice" 09:25 < user890104> wait for it to complete, might take a while 09:25 < user890104> and if there are any problems with that, let me know 09:26 < freestone> I ran the commands again. I now see ffff:5562! 09:27 < freestone> It says special device /dev/sdc doesn't exist. Ugggh. 09:30 < user890104> there aren't any new storage device lines in dmesg? 09:31 < freestone> Nope. I checked 'mountpoint' and nothing is in there. 09:34 < user890104> you should see something like that: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=g1sNNbAx 09:38 < freestone> Nothing like that. I tried mounting it: ./build/emcorefs -d -s /media/disk I got the same errors again: http://pastebin.com/gGxKQtXa 09:38 < user890104> you can't use emcorefs before you install emcore, i gave you wrong instructions. but if rockbox still doesn't work after installing, you need to use emcorefs 09:38 < user890104> just mount /dev/sdc or whatever it is with the regular mount command: mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /media/disk 09:39 < user890104> it might take a while, so leave it like that until it finishes 09:54 < freestone> I'll let it sit. I must say thank you for your time and input. 10:02 < user890104> ok, let me know if there's any progress 10:12 -!- cac2s [~cac2s@] has joined #freemyipod-support 11:39 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:06 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:11 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 14:09 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 14:42 < Paul__> hello 14:48 < user890104> hello 15:00 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Quit: transitioning to bed] 15:03 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 15:36 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:07 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 16:10 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:39 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:43 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:28 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:39 -!- freestone [6b05776d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 19:59 < Paul__> the SEVEN are you here now?? 20:23 < user890104> [20:59:23] btw, I won't be available for support traffic until the end of january, I need to get some other stuff going before the deadline hits me 20:54 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:15 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:17 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:20 -!- [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] 22:49 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 23:05 -!- Tom__ [4e2b7304@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #freemyipod-support 23:05 < Tom__> Hello TheSeven 23:06 < Tom__> My ipod is actually bricked 23:07 < Tom__> Tried to solve the issue using iTunes but it couldn't fix the HDD as well 23:07 < TheSeven> bricked in terms of you can't restore using itunes because the HDD is physically broken? not much else is really bricked 23:08 < Tom__> Ypu spoke about either controller, cable or HDD 23:08 < Tom__> I know of a company replacing the HDD but I don't know wether they can resolve it otherwise 23:12 < Tom__> Is there something I could do w/o taking it apart to see wether it's the harddrive or something else? 23:18 < Tom__> Thanks for your support and of course for providing Rockbox for iPod 23:18 < Tom__> Bye 23:22 -!- Tom__ [4e2b7304@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 23:38 < Paul__> hello? the seven could u help me out?? 23:43 < TheSeven> probably not --- Log closed Sat Jan 21 00:03:56 2012