--- Log opened Thu Mar 01 00:05:01 2012 02:59 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:36 -!- user890104 [venci@Addicted.to.Minecraft.ipv6.6bez10.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 03:36 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:40 -!- user890104 [venci@Addicted.to.Minecraft.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:53 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:53 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@] has quit [Changing host] 03:53 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 03:59 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 03:59 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod-support 12:11 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:29 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod-support 13:34 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 16:52 -!- STeeF [~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:17 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:25 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 20:38 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 20:45 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:46 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:04 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 21:06 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:10 -!- [Saint] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has joined #freemyipod-support 22:13 -!- [Saint_] [~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940] has quit [Quit: Quit] --- Log closed Fri Mar 02 00:05:03 2012