[00:01:18] I think I accidentally wrote a version of ipodscsi for linux. [01:18:40] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [02:39:47] any idea of what the "DFU-Firmware" DFU image may be? there are two WTF for Classic, plus one DFU-Firmware. I guess this joins both steps in one? [02:53:53] *** Quits: njsg (~njsg@unaffiliated/njsg) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [02:55:50] *** Joins: njsg (~njsg@unaffiliated/njsg) [03:17:11] TheSeven: this is probably badly written, could be made better, and I probably messed up half of the coding conventions [03:17:15] TheSeven: http://njsg.no.sapo.pt/main.c [03:17:30] TheSeven: but at least this adaptation of your code works under linux :-) [03:18:33] it should be more or less 1:1, as the only differences are really how the commands are prepared and the I/O functions [05:07:39] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Read error: Operation timed out) [09:38:14] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:24:43] TheSeven: did you see what I wrote here last night? [10:24:53] yes, good job :) [10:25:18] and you really should put that under your own copyright, with a "based on" notice if you want [10:28:42] I will, and I will also try to make the coding style consistent [10:29:02] I'm just afraid I may have missed some detail, as I've not hacked C code for a long time, but, well, it at least works [10:29:32] it was fun, this just started as a test with the scsi howto example [11:14:34] TheSeven: here you have, should be better than the previous one ;-) http://njsg.no.sapo.pt/main-v2.c [11:15:25] if you think this is good/useful enough to go somewhere, feel free to upload it, same license as yours (after all, it's only fair, it's mostly a copy...) [12:54:52] njsg: how do you build it? gcc -o ipodscsi main.c, or you use some makefile? [12:57:18] user890104: no, just plain gcc, that's exactly the command I've been using :-) [12:57:21] and like in the windows version, it includes build/version.h for the version number, forgot to mention that [12:58:16] just copying the version.h from svn will do [13:00:31] I don't know if it requires any additional library, but I don't think so, the scsi interface seems to be in glibc [13:01:19] (and it doesn't require additional libraries while linking) [13:01:23] but, well, my lack of knowledge of the scsi subsystem may fire back here [13:14:44] the scsi interface is ioctl-based [13:15:03] so that directly uses kernel syscalls [13:15:17] oh, right, there's just the header file for the structures [13:16:24] , other than this it's just ioctl. [20:16:00] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [23:12:15] *** Quits: [Saint] (~sinner@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) (Read error: Operation timed out) [23:13:26] *** Joins: [Saint] (~sinner@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940)