[00:22:31] *** Joins: ardvarticus (~Michael@host-78-146-188-43.as13285.net) [00:24:16] *** Quits: slowdow (~slowdow@26.Red-81-37-128.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) () [01:02:50] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [02:11:07] *** Joins: derdonkderd (3f8d11ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:11:37] Howdy... having some problems with an installation on ipod classic 1g... [02:13:05] derdonkderd: what kind of problems? [02:13:47] I can get to the boot menu, but when I try to go to the rockbox, it says incomplete installation, I can't get to the drive for the ipod [02:15:50] did you install rockbox after installing the bootloader? [02:16:02] IIRC, you have to unpack a tarball with the rockbox files [02:16:34] if there are no rockbox files on the disk, that's expected. [02:16:59] rhow do I unpack this tarball? [02:17:20] actually it's a zip, sorry for that [02:17:39] you've been following the instructions at http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation right? [02:17:45] I tried, the only disk I can get to open on there is where you put the ubi file at the beginning' [02:17:50] Right [02:18:48] you mean when you connect the iPod you can't access its disk? [02:19:00] correct [02:19:08] even after, say, 5 minutes? [02:19:20] (are you on linux?) [02:19:30] windows 7 [02:20:16] hmm, I though the delay issues were linux-only, but the wiki mentions that for windows, too [02:20:37] well on windows it is way quicker [02:20:48] just maybe 20 seconds or so while it reads the fat [02:20:57] hmmm... ok... [02:20:57] and on linux, well, udev seems to have some issues [02:21:04] while on linux even umsboot might take half an hour on buggy kernels, which is almost instantly on windows [02:21:55] so how does it behave? not seen at all? zero-byte drive? or what? [02:22:23] it seit has the full open drive, I have the boot menu and it seems to work, that is about all the further I have gotten [02:25:39] if I select run UMS boot, I can get into the disk of that, but nothing else [02:26:10] derdonkderd: and if you boot rockbox? [02:26:35] derdonkderd: even if it complains, it doesn't appear as a partition? [02:26:44] it says loading rockbox ipod failed, no directory, installation incomplete [02:27:00] derdonkderd: yes, but does it appear as a partition in the computer? [02:27:18] no [02:28:46] there I have it up now as removable disk F [02:29:02] now unpack the zip there [02:29:22] derdonkderd: http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20120102/rockbox-ipodclassic-r31516-20120102.zip [02:29:55] you want to extract that to F:, and this will effectively install rockbox [02:30:24] next time you boot rockbox after that, it won't complain [02:32:41] it says the folder cannot be created, the volume dows not contain a recognised file system [02:35:03] my guess would be that it's the right partition and just needs to be formatted, but I'll back off, as the devs will certainly be able to tell if there's some other issue that may cause that [02:35:24] when I installed rockbox on mine, it involved a formatting step [02:35:33] it dows say that the drive needs to be formatted. should I do that? [02:38:14] derdonkderd: you could try that [02:38:22] ok [02:38:32] or, if it doesn't work, use the reformat data partition feature in the tools menu of the boot menu [02:40:00] both should do the same in the end, I guess [02:40:58] derdonkderd: try it, and then unpack the files [02:41:04] Now I have "no partition found" insert usb cable and fix it [02:41:04] s/the files/the file/ [02:41:51] I think that's the expected message if it's not formatted [02:41:59] but it's still visible in windows? [02:42:23] I just plugged the USB back in, it isn't yet... [02:42:50] give it some time, if it appears, try formatting it (or did you already try that?) [02:43:14] * TheSeven smells hdd trouble [02:43:33] I did. The background changed from a winter scene to some blue squiggles, and when I clicked the rockbox, I got the partition message [02:45:38] I'd say it's time to get some SMART data? [02:46:02] don't suppose I know anything about that [02:46:03] derdonkderd: in the winter scene, go to the tools and run the format one [02:46:15] let's just try formatting it from the iPod itself [02:47:16] ok. I did that, now it is in windows, and has a little usb picture on it [02:47:48] And it just dissappeared from windows... [02:47:48] and is writable? [02:47:57] did you reboot the ipod? [02:49:46] yes. now I am back at the boot menu with the blue background [02:52:45] ok, in that menu, the drive won't appear on windows [02:53:09] the only thing that iPod "exposes" to the computer by then is, I think, the emcode debugger [02:53:19] you will only have a mass storage device when you load rockbox [02:53:26] right, now I just got a device not installed message [02:56:04] device driver software not properly installed [02:56:52] are you still in the bootloader? [02:57:04] if so, I'd guess that's the emcore debugger [02:57:04] yes [02:57:19] which you should not need to worry about [02:57:25] just boot rockbox [02:57:30] *** Parts: ardvarticus (~Michael@host-78-146-188-43.as13285.net) () [02:57:58] said trying backup image, and went to the usb image [02:58:39] and now is in windows with an ipod icon, labeled removable disc f [02:58:49] yes, now go unpack the zip there [02:58:57] or did you already do that? [02:59:16] it just came up with a "you need to format F" [03:00:00] I didn't [03:00:11] that's weird, I'd try formatting it again [03:00:21] but I'm with TheSeven, it sounds like you may have disk issues [03:01:07] that would be unsatisfactory... [03:01:49] I suggest reverting to the apple firmware (it generally handles I/O errors a bit more graceful) and then using its diagnostics mode to check the HDD SMART data [03:02:04] it would not be the first time I saw apple selling iPods with damaged disks... [03:02:36] not neccessarily selling them with damaged disks, but these toshiba disks just break damn easily [03:02:44] I've heard lots of reports of them dying after like 2 years [03:02:58] 2 years? here the minimum warranty is 2 years [03:02:59] how fit [03:03:27] probably more like 3 years [03:03:32] so yes, that fits perfectly [03:03:41] I have probably had it about that long... [03:03:46] but my iPod was a prize, this is the second one, because the first had to be sent back [03:03:46] although I believe that most of these ipods have been dropped once or twice [03:04:06] seemed to be a damaged iPod, which was just refurbished and sold again [03:04:21] and this was back when the Classic had just got out. [03:05:07] anyway, I need some sleep, so I shall be going [03:05:27] thanks for your help [03:05:35] derdonkderd: good luck and don't forget it may really be a damaged disk [03:05:57] the smart info should shed some light on that [03:06:02] derdonkderd: check the SMART data before spending days trying to fix issues which are unrecoverable hardware issues [03:07:01] TheSeven: trivia: the disk is, of course, good enough to replenish some bad sectors, as far as it's *power-cycled* [03:07:24] I've already mentioned that the other day [03:07:35] huh, what exactly do you mean? [03:07:54] TheSeven: I don't know if it were bad sectors or just some other kind of issue [03:08:20] well as long as it has internal spare sectors left it shouldn't show the kind of behavior that we're seeing right now [03:08:20] TheSeven: but it even showed up in SMART as a number of sectors in uncertain state, not sure, I'd have to check the screen again [03:08:26] so it must have >4k bad sectors [03:08:52] the problem is that the disk would only handle these sectors when it got shut down and started anew [03:09:17] it should remap them on the next write - and at least the 80gb model seems to have been doing that [03:09:35] the firmware is all the way buggy though [03:09:47] oh, then I don't know what happened, but in my case I've had *twice* disk issues [03:10:08] which would make it impossible to write to the ipod once it hit some of those sectors [03:10:22] and the issues only got solved after the battery had died [03:10:23] well the drive retries pretty hard internally [03:10:31] thereby locking up from the software point of view [03:10:36] thereby causing transfer timeouts [03:10:54] and rockbox doesn't really handle those well, usually ending up with a complete I/O deadlock until a power cycle [03:11:03] so this is actually a combination of firmware and software bugs [03:11:20] this was with Apple's firmware [03:11:44] hm, well, the drive may lock up for several minutes with that as well [03:12:01] but a reboot should usually help [03:12:05] you guys are megagenius [03:12:22] (the drive ignores soft resets in some cases, but rebooting the ipod physically power cycles the drive) [03:12:38] actually every spindown is a physical power cycle from the drive's perspective [03:12:50] yeah, that was my issue [03:13:02] I tried *really* hard to have the drive spindown [03:13:08] but the spindown count would not change [03:13:23] not even with hard resets [03:13:42] that's odd... and probably a buggy smart implementation that doesn't log these properly [03:14:13] TheSeven: hmm... then if this ever happens again, I'll try to collect some more data [03:14:18] in fact the drive will only be powered up briefly during the smart readout without even a chance to spin up [03:15:43] TheSeven: but thanks a lot for the details :-) [03:15:58] and *now* I'll sleep! [03:21:44] *** Quits: derdonkderd (3f8d11ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [05:18:38] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [05:18:45] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:48:12] *** Quits: ShapeShifter499 (Lance@ (Excess Flood) [10:07:24] *** Joins: ShapeShifter499 (Lance@ [10:49:52] *** Quits: njsg (~njsg@unaffiliated/njsg) (Quit: gone) [11:49:20] *** Quits: ShapeShifter499 (Lance@ (Excess Flood) [12:06:54] *** Joins: ShapeShifter499 (Lance@ [13:21:40] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [15:21:27] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [15:36:00] *** Joins: ardvarticus (~Michael@host-78-146-188-43.as13285.net) [16:31:56] *** Quits: ardvarticus (~Michael@host-78-146-188-43.as13285.net) (Quit: ardvarticus) [18:00:54] *** Joins: JiveFlutes (45d05341@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:30:25] *** Quits: JiveFlutes (45d05341@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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