[06:06:19] *** Joins: najki (b45e580a@gateway/web/freenode/session) [06:07:16] hello, I have question about installation to iPod classic 160gb [06:10:12] I must do the bootstrap procedure from linux, my win7 somehow does not work. when I finish and boot the installer on the device, It says press MENU+SELECT for continue (or something like this) or NEXT for exit the setup [06:12:50] when I PRESS it nothing happens, when i HOLD it the device reboot itself. then its shows the apple logo and boot up the original apple firmware. when I try to power off the device, It only reboots, and I must repeat the whole procedure again... [06:29:56] I am going to try it again. if anybody have some ideas please respond to nikel.jiri@gmail.com, thank you ;) [06:36:15] *** Quits: najki (b45e580a@gateway/web/freenode/session) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:46:04] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:46:11] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:15:13] *** Joins: najki (b45e580a@gateway/web/freenode/session) [07:17:01] ok, i am complete idiot, did not read the screen instructions, and pressed the SELECT+MENU ... thats why the reboot... now it is good and Iam enjoying new FW, anyway thank you for excellent guide step by step ;) [07:21:15] *** Quits: najki (b45e580a@gateway/web/freenode/session) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:44:46] <[Saint]> Thanks for going back and reading it again instead of yelling at us! [07:45:32] <[Saint]> A usual response us "*You* broke my iPod...now FIT IT!!!!1one!1" [07:45:53] <[Saint]> *fix, even. [07:46:34] <[Saint]> whoops...had parts turned off. lame. [09:45:35] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [09:45:54] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:11:27] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [17:08:01] *** Joins: Mix0r (~Mix0r@s83-180-255-158.cust.tele2.se) [17:11:34] hi! TheSeven, you might remember me from a few months ago during summer. I have an ipod classic 120gb that have many bad sectors, and you wanted me to use hddscan2. It's taking FOREVER. I started back at 1st july and now, almost 2 months after, it reached sector 15m~ out of 25+. But, like a few times before the cable got pulled out, forcing me to recover it through itunes. [17:11:48] so.. what now? do i run the scan again and wait for 3+ months? [17:14:01] if it's taking that long I doubt it will be successful in the end [17:14:23] in other words: a lost cause? :p [17:14:28] what did the stats look like? how many bad blocks of which kind did it find so far? [17:14:53] if it's marking half of the drive as bad I doubt it will be worth it [17:15:24] i really have no idea but i'm pretty sure it did NOT go near 1 million bad sectors [17:16:18] do you remember roughly how many power cycles it did take so far? [17:16:35] uhm.. what's that? [17:17:03] I think it shows that value somewhere, how many times it needed to power cycle the drive because that was totally locked up [17:17:08] it did say something about 1500+ hard resets required, or is it something else? [17:17:13] yes [17:17:52] hm, that number doesn't look too bad though [17:17:59] hrm hrm [17:18:05] well, it's way worse than on mine, but still shouldn't cause it to take months [17:18:21] it could be something with me giving it power through an xbox [17:18:29] shouldn't matter [17:18:40] oh, well then i really have no idea [17:18:46] my guess would be that we're not dealing with platter damage here, but rather head damage [17:19:09] which causes read error rate to go through the roof, thereby making reading *any* sector slow as hell [17:19:38] sigh.. what do you recommend? i'm thinking of just replacing the drive and maybe getting a bigger one if it's possible [17:19:52] well, that is possible, but neither easy nor cheap [17:20:04] while you're at it you might as well replace it with an SSD or CF card of some kind [17:20:18] at least if it isn't the old 160gb model [17:20:33] it's the first generation i believe [17:20:37] 120gb, white/silver [17:20:42] that's second generation [17:20:57] urgh [17:21:19] [Saint] might have some hints for you where to get a fitting SSD :) [17:22:04] i'm more thinking if any of this is worth going through, but of course, many many thanks for all of your help as always [17:38:37] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [17:44:40] <[Saint]> I fucking love my CF'd iPod Color [17:45:23] <[Saint]> battery use is awesome, not having to spin up a platter really makes a big difference. [17:46:20] <[Saint]> If you can get a CF card at a decent price, go for it. [17:47:29] <[Saint]> The Classics aren't the mosst forgiving devices to open. But, its not brain surgery either. [17:47:36] <[Saint]> *most [18:38:04] thank you very much, i'll look into it in a few mins, see if i can find some for a reasonable price ^^^ [18:38:09] ^^* [19:48:51] *** Quits: Mix0r (~Mix0r@s83-180-255-158.cust.tele2.se) () [20:11:15] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [20:22:18] *** Joins: Elegance (~Mix0r@s83-180-255-158.cust.tele2.se)