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[18:03:00] I've tried it on my server, my W7 desktop, and my macbook [18:03:21] when in rockbox it goes into USB mode with the USB icon [18:09:09] It doesn't even appear to show up on the device manager on windows boxes 0.o [18:12:00] does it show up while in other modes (dfu, console) ? [18:12:28] not UMS [18:12:32] haven't tried console [18:13:47] Bah [18:13:49] typical [18:14:04] after trying all those different ways [18:14:20] it's picked it up after plugging it directly into the motherboard [18:14:26] but still not appearing on my computer... [18:14:38] The plot thickens [18:15:27] Now it has shown up, and it's got 0 bytes storage and is just "removable storage" [18:16:05] I really ought to update the version of Rb I'm running on >.> [18:16:31] yeah, this bug on windows is known, i wanted to see if it's a cable/usb port trouble [18:16:53] if you are running the version from our installation instructions, you really want to update it [18:16:55] strange, as I've had this version of it for about a year and it's only just started [18:18:36] i'm using an alternative way to transfer music and other files, because my 120 gb classic also has similar issues on windows [18:18:42] OK user890104 which mode do I update it from? [18:18:46] console or UMSboot? [18:18:59] go to tools->fallback rockbox image [18:19:13] then see if it shows up in my computer [18:19:38] rgr [18:20:04] you may need to wait a while (30-60 seconds) until it appears [18:20:32] Ah OK - so far the menu's froze and it thinks it's charging [18:22:22] Still nothing user890104 =/ [18:25:37] try disconnecting the ipod, then resetting it using menu + select, then going again to tools -> fallback rockbox image, then waiting for the disk activity indicator to go out (it's somewhere in upper right), then connecting usb again [18:26:32] I reckon I'll be waiting a while then xD I'll get back to you, thanks :) [18:27:06] no, it should disappear in about a minute [18:27:14] ah ok [18:27:22] the screen mau go dark, scroll the wheel to light it up [18:27:35] sounded like it was still going when I disconnected it in the first place was all [18:27:43] and connect/disconnect only the pc side of the cable [18:27:52] leave the ipod one connected [18:28:32] the point is to connect usb when rockbox is no longer accessing the hdd itself [18:29:31] I've got a bing bong, well something's on my computer at least [18:30:00] Explorer didn't like me double clicking on it however [18:32:04] if everything else failes, i would use a linux virtual pc to update the rockbox files [18:32:14] fails* [18:32:16] my macbook no use? [18:32:40] well... mac os x doesn't like hard drives in the way our installer partitiones them [18:32:57] ah...bummer [18:33:30] at least snow leopard, it could be fixed in the more recent versions, we haven't checked [18:33:33] ah, UMSboot is working [18:33:38] should that help? [18:33:56] uhm, if that works, the fallback image should work, too [18:34:11] well it works but USB doesn't, not properly [18:34:17] can I update it from UMSboot? [18:34:38] you can only update emcore from umsboot, not rockbox [18:34:44] ah [18:34:46] d'oh [18:35:31] if you are comfortable with working in a terminal, you can install pyusb on your mac, and use our python scripts to update rockbox [18:35:41] and hope that the issue would be solved [18:36:03] Well I have a compsci degree so I should be able to manage that I'd hope ^^ [18:36:16] not that I'm much of a command line whizz xD [18:36:45] or you can use a piece of software, called emcorefs which mounts your ipod's hard disk in a folder of your mac, like a network drive, then you can access it [18:37:00] that sounds easier [18:38:03] ok then: http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCOREFS [18:38:14] Hmm it says I need Xcode, which it appears I don't have [18:38:17] the other one please :P [18:38:55] you should have it on your mac os x install cd, or in an "extras cd" [18:39:05] but anyway.. let me find the instructions [18:40:26] ok first check your python version using "python -V" [18:41:16] 2.7.1 [18:42:49] http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/files/PyUSB%201.0/ [18:43:01] download and install the most recent version of pyusb [18:43:11] got it [18:43:23] wait [18:43:29] also these two: [18:43:32] http://svn.freemyipod.org/tools/ipoddfu/ipoddfu.py [18:43:35] OSX seems to like the USB mode in the backup image of rockbox [18:43:38] http://svn.freemyipod.org/!svn/bc/788/tools/ipoddfu/libipoddfu.py [18:43:50] Unlike a certain other OS *cough* Windows 7 *cough* [18:43:55] it does? go ahead updating it then [18:44:02] how does one do that? xD [18:44:08] I haven't updated this version before xD [18:44:45] http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [18:45:02] download this and extract it to the root directory of the hard disk [18:45:24] it should overwrite the old rockbox files, leaving your database and files untouched [18:45:35] oh so it's run automagically? [18:45:49] then eject the ipod, it should ask you to run the new firmware if done right [18:46:00] ah right [18:46:05] despite all this [18:46:06] well, it's just a matter of extracting the files [18:46:08] still way better than iTunes [18:46:10] :P [18:46:35] thanks for the help :) [18:46:50] everytime my sister reinstalls windows she says she has to re-organise her iTunes library for some reason [18:46:53] sounds grim! [18:46:57] takes her a few hours I think [18:47:49] i don't use itunes personally, only to restore i-devices to factory state [18:48:09] but our project has a tool that can do it without even installing itunes [18:52:45] nice [18:52:57] hopefully this will get rid of the case of the random rockbox freeze too [18:53:12] where every so often it'll freeze and just keep playing the same second of music over and over again [18:57:24] i think that has been fixed in the latest releases [19:12:02] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@0.vps.6bez10.info) [19:13:00] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [19:13:07] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [20:51:12] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@0.vps.6bez10.info) [20:53:20] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [21:01:51] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [21:34:52] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [21:37:01] *** Quits: Boopop (~chatzilla@host81-147-38-71.range81-147.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)