[00:01:10] ceipha: well that was done to prevent some stability problems [00:01:26] but things have been massively improved since then, including a proper fix for that bug [00:02:19] TheSeven, does it mean that reducing the CPU voltage can be enabled again? [00:02:48] I think it has been enabled again in current development builds, but I haven't watched closely during the last months [00:02:52] user890104 might know better [00:05:28] TheSeven, user890104, are there any chances that a new stable version with the enabled reducing of the CPU voltage will be released soon? [00:05:50] there never has been a stable release for the classic so far [00:06:23] the current development builds are known to have issues with USB [00:07:22] TheSeven, may be I incorrectly attribute http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 as stable. [00:07:56] well that is a somewhat known-working snapshot [00:10:16] Works fine for me, except the battery issue. I wonder if there is another one on its way. [00:10:25] *** Quits: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:10:30] USB bugs are currently blocking that [00:15:53] TheSeven, I would like to contribute to the solution. Is there any particular thing I could do? [00:17:09] well if you are a USB expert... [00:18:45] Not quite. [00:20:18] Well, then I'll just read the code and hope for the best. [00:20:47] Is http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/usb/ the right place to start? [00:21:06] that code seems to be mostly working [00:21:16] but some changes in rockbox recently broke it [00:22:14] Is it possible to use a previous version of Rockbox with the new emCore? [00:22:15] various stuff in here: http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=tree;f=firmware;h=23035aa2d6dde3d790dcddf0c0b3c3edbdc6c9fd;hb=refs/heads/master [00:22:29] well there isn't really a newer emcore version [00:23:05] Ok, the 866 then. [00:23:24] Sorry, 868. [00:24:43] ceipha: you can see the emcore changelog here: http://websvn.freemyipod.org/log.php?repname=freemyipod&path=%2F&isdir=1& [00:24:52] there aren't any major changes recently [00:25:23] I'm perfectly happy with the Rockbox r31516 as supplied with emCore 859, will it also work with 868? [00:25:31] it will [00:25:40] but weren't you complaining about the battery drain of that build? [00:27:34] TheSeven, I thought the battery issues are related to the r859, and are fixed in r868. The USB issues, you say, is because the more resent Rockbox. I wonder if I can use an old Rockbox with emCore r868. [00:28:02] no, both are related to rockbox, not emcore [00:28:44] updating emcore won't help with the battery issues [00:29:03] I thought the release notes at http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 are related to EmCORE only. [00:29:58] well that also applies to the rockbox build we have packaged with our release [00:30:12] Now I see. [00:31:22] So the ongoing work now is mostly related to Rockbox, and not to the code hosted on http://svn.freemyipod.org/ , is that correct? [00:31:42] the stuff on freemyipod.org is basically just the installer, bootloader and boot menu [00:31:55] once you've started that doesn't have much influence anymore [00:32:00] started rockbox* [00:34:01] I see. [00:36:11] Thank you. Now I have to digest the new knowledge. [00:38:13] But, then again, is it generally safe to install a newer Rockbox on the current EmCORE, or do I have to wait until the next release? [00:46:18] *** Quits: ceipha (~ceipha@cm- (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:02:18] *** Joins: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:03:09] i have a 160gb 6th generation ipod classic and am having problems with your program [01:03:24] i followed the instructions on "http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes" [01:03:49] next i followed the instructions on "http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot" [01:04:48] i got to steep 9 "Wait for the iPod's hard disk drive to connect and become accessible (this might take longer than a minute)" - but nothin happens. i have been waiting for it to load for more then a half hour. [01:08:46] hello... [01:27:19] joe_____: what's on the ipod's screen? [01:31:40] *** Quits: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:41:45] *** Joins: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:42:07] i have a 160gb 6th generation ipod classic and am having problems with your program i followed the instructions on "http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes"next i followed the instructions on http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot i got to steep 9 "Wait for the iPod's hard disk drive to connect and become accessible (this might take longer than a minute)" - [01:42:47] sorry i have to keep relogging - buissy at my house [01:43:40] i'm glued to my screen this time! [01:55:31] hello [01:59:20] i'm still here. i can wait [02:05:44] still here [02:15:09] well that isn't normal [02:17:15] joe_____: but as others have already asked: what exactly did you do, and what exactly happens? what's on the ipod's screen? anything in the device manager? any error messages? [02:17:48] no error messages [02:17:59] nothing on screen, its blank [02:18:43] did you run the bootstrapper? did it report succeas? [02:18:49] success* [02:19:03] yes; and yes [02:19:31] really odd, because the ipod should display something after that [02:19:51] does the ipod still list as the dfu device? [02:20:11] what happens if you run the bootstrapper again? [02:20:33] it doesn't display as anything - no display no connect [02:21:15] so it disconnected after running the bootstrapper and now the bootstrapper doesn't find it anymore? [02:21:25] i haven't run the bootstraper twice [02:21:59] i didn't want to start over - in case that's a bad step to take, me not knowing [02:22:38] there is nothing in device manager [02:23:36] my typing is slow, sorry if i'm out of secuance [02:23:58] * sequance [02:25:02] is starting over bad? will it hurt the device? [02:31:01] hello [02:34:57] hello... [02:35:19] should i run the prossess over from the begining? [02:36:15] just try running the bootstrapper again to check if that can still see the ipod [02:36:49] because if that can still see it, the ipod can't have accepted its payload, which is odd [02:37:12] no worries, you can't break it that easily [02:38:25] okay i'll star the prossess over; should i sign off? are you available 24/7? [02:39:01] no don't start over yet [02:39:17] first try just running the bootstrapper again [02:39:35] that might give me more information about why it didn't work [02:40:11] I'm online 24/7 but of coutse not always watching closely [02:40:12] okay [02:40:31] okay, rodger that [02:40:42] joe_____: mention my nickname like i did in this message to get my attention if i'm awake [02:41:33] mention "TheSeven"? [02:41:54] yes [02:42:11] i ran bootstraper "Could not open DFU devise" [02:43:38] ok [02:43:54] then just start over [02:44:29] should i sighn off? [02:44:46] why? [02:45:39] i don't know how long i'll take; and i don't want to not have some one to ask a question of, should i mess up again. [02:46:37] well I don't care if you stay or just come back later [02:46:49] okay [02:47:00] *** Quits: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:26:54] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:27:01] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:29:33] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Quit: Quit) [07:32:27] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [12:57:34] *** Quits: xh (~xh@ll- (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [15:02:47] *** Joins: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:03:16] i cannot get rock box to shutdown [15:04:44] never mind - my mistake [15:04:50] *** Quits: joe_____ (47c227ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [16:39:00] *** Quits: ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShift@ (Excess Flood) [16:44:19] *** Joins: ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShift@ [18:45:31] *** Joins: ceipha (~ceipha@cm- [18:49:42] Hey! Pardon me, I felt out yesterday before I got answer to this question, so I ask it again: is it safe to install an up-to-date Rockbox on EmCORE r859, or do I have to wait until the next joint release? [18:49:58] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [18:50:04] <[7]> should be safe [18:50:25] <[7]> but as I said USB will likely be broken on current rockbox builds [18:52:57] I will give it a try, and compare how badly the broken USB will annoy me contra the short battery life. [18:55:09] I will still be able mount the player via EmCORE, or will I not? [18:57:25] <[7]> you should be able to mount it by booting the rockbox fallback image [19:05:11] Done, and so long there has not been any USB troubles. [19:06:23] I will test it more extensively later tonight. What kind of USB bugs should I be aware of? [19:06:52] <[7]> well it just doesn't mount at all and sometimes freezes the whole ipod [19:07:17] <[7]> so you'll definitely notice that if it happens :) [19:11:32] So long I've been able to mount the disk, read files from it and write to it. [19:11:51] Do you want me to gather any test data? [19:28:39] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [19:38:18] <[7]> well feel lucky that it works for you then [19:38:28] <[7]> which exact build version is that? [19:45:34] *** Quits: ceipha (~ceipha@cm- (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [22:33:21] *** Joins: ceipha (~ceipha@cm- [22:36:09] [7], Rockbox version 4f99dd4-120905.