[00:50:14] *** Joins: Link8 (~link@5ED3D276.cm-7-4d.dynamic.ziggo.nl) [00:50:24] hi [00:50:26] anyone here? [01:02:51] *** Quits: Link8 (~link@5ED3D276.cm-7-4d.dynamic.ziggo.nl) () [04:35:43] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@c-67-172-198-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net) [05:57:55] sweet [05:58:30] extra question: is it ok to update rockbox to the last version once emcore is installed? or should I stick with the emcore pre-installed version? [06:22:26] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:22:33] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:57:46] tweek__: it's not only ok, it's also recommended [16:46:38] *** Joins: Trace (516101da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:47:26] I'm unsure of which ipod model I have (want to make sure it's compatible before installing rockbox) can anyone help me out? [16:51:26] There is a ipod6g. Let me get you the link. [16:52:27] http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodClassicPort [16:52:49] THis is what I have running on my classic and it works fine. [16:53:05] yeah that's what I'm looking to install, I'm just not 100% sure of which model I have [16:53:11] it's an 80gb classic [16:53:46] Silver? [16:54:01] <[7]> 80gb ipod *video* or 80gb ipod *classic*? [16:54:09] <[7]> http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1353 [16:54:13] black, classic, not video [16:54:43] Ya, It is hard to figure out. [16:55:02] <[7]> well then it's a classic, so it's supported [16:55:17] sweet thanks [16:55:50] Last thing can you turn off the feautre where music pauses after the headphones have been pulled out in rockbox? [16:56:01] <[7]> I think so [16:56:07] My classic is faulty in that it pauses all the time even with the headphones in [16:57:24] cheers, I'm going look into getting everything installed [16:57:28] Yes, you can it is the playback setting. [16:57:56] You can use this site to look up the Model No. http://www.everymac.com/ultimate-mac-lookup/ [16:58:49] I have a A1238 which is a Classic/6th gen. [16:59:35] Do use the Rockbox utillity it installs fonts that are not included in the download. [17:00:09] ok thanks [17:00:22] If you want to use a theme use one from the video section. Here is a link: http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=ipodvideo [17:00:47] Np, not having the fonts caused my themes to get messed up. [17:00:59] * [Saint] points out that "Classic" is essentially meaningless. [17:01:28] Ya, I do not understand the branding. [17:01:32] <[Saint]> All non-Nano, non-Touch iPods are "Classics"s. [17:01:54] how do I make sure the fonts are installed [17:02:05] I'm currently in the process of installing itunes [17:02:07] <[Saint]> install the fonts. :) [17:02:20] <[Saint]> rocknox.org, look to the left. [17:02:38] Why are you installing iTunes? You don't need it any more. [17:02:56] <[Saint]> its easier. [17:03:10] <[Saint]> and its still the only option for recovery. [17:03:14] emcore wiki said I needed itunes [17:03:59] <[Saint]> well...it didn't really. it should have said its an option, the preferred one even, but it isn't NECESSARY. [17:04:24] yeah it did say there was another option but it's cool I'll just uninstall it when I'm done [17:04:42] <[Saint]> keep going, though, its a fuck-tonne easier than doing it without on Windows. [17:05:15] will do [17:05:16] The rockbox utility will install the fonts for you. Just make sure you check "Show disabled target" [17:05:38] I used Linux. [17:06:46] <[Saint]> alternatively, you can tell it its a Video. [17:07:02] <[Saint]> that's the "old trick". [17:07:33] <[Saint]> alternate-alternativr, download the fontpack by hand. [17:08:01] <[7]> <[Saint]> All non-Nano, non-Touch iPods are "Classics"s. << not in apple's terminology [17:08:12] <[7]> apple says classic == 6g [17:08:17] <[7]> everything before that is just "ipod" [17:09:18] <[Saint]> wow...they changed it again? [17:09:29] <[7]> it has always been like that [17:09:58] <[Saint]> last I knew they were calling all non-nano/touch ipods "classic". [17:10:13] <[7]> I don't think they ever did that [17:10:31] <[7]> the 5g was always called ipod 5g or ipod video, never ipod classic [17:10:46] <[Saint]> they were all lumped under the heading "Classic ipods" on their site. [17:10:55] <[7]> and the 6g and newer are just called "ipod classic", apple never mentions 6g anywhere [17:11:11] <[7]> "classic ipods" != "ipod classic" [17:11:11] <[Saint]> though, I guess Classic ipods ! = iPod Classic...hmmm [17:11:20] <[Saint]> lol, snap. [17:12:14] Thanks guys, installed fine [17:16:10] I'll finally be able to walk without having to hit play every 30 seconds, saved me from buying a new mp3 player, thanks!! [17:17:16] <[Saint]> just hope you can mount the thing now :) [17:18:06] yeah it mounted fine, just need to get my collection back on it [17:23:00] <[Saint]> I wish I knew the determining factors in the emCORE/Classic USB issues. [17:27:20] thanks again, much appriciated [17:27:22] *** Quits: Trace (516101da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [20:49:08] I had it happen once. I wonder if it is some thing to do with startup? [20:49:16] It would be nice to know though. [22:25:05] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [23:29:06] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;))