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[11:38:24] *** hitchcock.freenode.net sets mode: +o ChanServ [14:30:50] *** Joins: toweliechaos (5ad6a79c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:32:20] Hi, I have just tried to follow the installation wizard and when I try to install the driver I get "error encountered installing the driver: The parameter is incorrect." and now my ipod appears to be bricked. Any clues? [14:32:58] it certainly isn't bricked [14:33:20] which OS, which architecture, and which driver? [14:34:38] OS = Win 7, Intel and whatever is in the zip folder from your site [14:34:59] 32 or 64bit? [14:35:08] sorry, 32 [14:35:11] you took the non-itunes route? [14:35:17] yes [14:35:45] hm... I'd really like to know why this driver is acting up sometimes [14:40:00] Erm, is there anything a bit more proactive coming? Thanks! [14:43:43] well this driver seems to sometimes have problems [14:44:07] is it worth uninstalling and trying the itunes route? [14:44:09] and we don't really know why, because it only happens on some systems, and works fine on the systems of the developers [14:45:11] there are two possibilities now: either help us diagnose what's going on, or just go ahead with the itunes route (which is also a bit flaky sometimes) [14:45:24] what would you prefer? [14:46:26] figuring out what is actually going on, so that we can fix this once and for all, but I can't promise it will work [14:46:41] ok, let's give it a go [14:46:57] can you check if you have a winusb.sys file somewhere in system32, system32\drivers, or a similar place? [14:49:06] i have a few winusb.sys files in a winsxs folder [14:50:35] oh and a few have just appeared in system32\driverstore [15:05:08] aha... seems like KMDF 1.9 doesn't work properly with win7 anymore [15:05:48] win7 should in theory have KMDF 1.11 preinstalled, but apparently something with that is screwed up on some systems [15:06:37] hello? [15:06:51] oops sorry - ignore! [15:15:47] toweliechaos: I've repackaged it with a KMDF 1.11 coinstaller now, can you try this? [15:15:48] https://portal.bitcasa.com/download-send/536e98c6d62dc461864b8c5e174bf87bc9482c1dab9a9f6a76e03b95016412b4/664381dfa73dec12ffc4934e075454059d9318e164d41d101ce6b8c20e29658b/winusb_driver.zip [15:24:24] trying it now... [15:26:10] "found driver software but encountered an error: cannot find the file specified" [15:32:55] hm, wondering which one... [15:35:36] ok, I think I found it [15:35:36] https://portal.bitcasa.com/download-send/0c431b08a99b07816c5b5af8259fc597be92bd2bd3b78fdc40443d9210a772c5/6cace46dd5f12ec720ec9926789a6a004a0824bdd1e4011b588f9e3e3e10aac6/winusb_driver.zip [15:38:42] getting closer! "encountered a problem...the required section was not found in the INF" [15:47:26] hm, can't see what would be missing there [15:49:15] can you send me your C:\Windows\Setupapi.log? [15:52:31] i haven't got that one - i've got setupapi.app.log and setupapi.dev.log - do you want one of these and where do i send it? [15:52:56] hm, I'd guess it's setupapi.dev.log [15:53:14] either upload it at some file hoster or copy the contents into a pastebin [15:53:43] you've lost me now! [15:54:33] well open setupapi.dev.log, and copy the the last few hundred lines of it into e.g. pastie.org [15:59:07] http://pastie.org/5127568 [16:00:32] is this what you want? [16:05:42] yes [16:05:53] and it's the KMDF coinstaller that's failing now, with error code 0xe0000101 [16:07:18] toweliechaos: what does the other log file contain? [16:07:50] the dev log doesn't mention *which* section is missing [16:08:12] why do things always have to be so complicated on windows... [16:10:13] i've also got a setupapi.offline.log if that complicates things further... the .app.log appears to be full of similar stuff but i'm no expert on these matters [16:11:04] well, just paste them all [16:14:38] http://pastie.org/5127618 [16:15:22] http://pastie.org/5127622 this is the offline.log [16:15:44] they are both a few hundred Kb and pastie only lets me put up 64k [16:18:10] so you pasted the *end* of each of them? [16:18:33] yes [16:18:41] ok [16:18:48] but neither of them contains useful information [16:19:47] the old setupapi.log contained information like this, which is helpful: [16:19:49] #E067 Could not locate section [ClassInstall32]. [16:19:49] #E142 Class: {4D36E971-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Install failed. Error 0xe0000101: The required section was not found in the INF. [16:20:08] any where for me to send the full .log files? [16:20:09] your setupapi.dev.log just says this: [16:20:09] dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 13:49:49.212 [16:20:09] inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\oem29.inf' ([]) [16:20:09] !!! dvi: CoInstaller 1: failed(0xe0000101)! [16:20:09] !!! dvi: Error 0xe0000101: The required section was not found in the INF. [16:20:22] which doesn't really say anything useful [16:23:11] do you want me to put them up in bits or is there some other way i can get you the whole log? [16:33:17] no, the remainder is just some old stuff from before you even tried to install it [16:36:41] can you please search your registry for the key or value/data 1d20a2d6-bba1-4dee-a166-24bb1cfe79fe [16:43:47] searching... [16:44:34] found it [16:45:08] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{1D20A2D6-BBA1-4DEE-A166-24BB1CFE79FE} [16:47:23] ok, what's in there? [16:47:46] can you delete that whole key? there might be some residue from the old broken driver [16:48:28] whole key deleted [16:48:29] also can you check if HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\LogLevel exists? if yes, note the old value and change it to 0x0000ffff [16:49:15] if it doesn't exist, create LogLevel as a DWORD value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup with a value of 0x0000ffff [16:51:07] current value is 0x00000000 (0) - do you want me to change it to ffff? [16:51:23] yes [16:51:33] that will hopefully make that setupapi log a lot more verbose [16:52:25] remind me how I amend the value? [16:52:34] just double click it and change it [16:52:54] once you've done that, delete any remnants of the device in the device manager, delete c:\windows\inf\oem29.inf, reconnect the ipod, and try this driver: https://portal.bitcasa.com/download-send/c8a309fc1a7a9e7f6332aac6b7b820facdd40cb2cd0384c31cffa5b8dca5eb3f/1c343bf3f2c01c21484a48fba7c1e1fe3429d2a455cfcd67723ffaf9d8388dbd/winusb_driver.zip [16:54:11] double clicking gives me choice of hexadecimal or decimal but neither will let me put in 0x0000ffff [16:54:36] choose hexadecimal and put in 0000ffff [16:54:46] the "0x" prefix is just supposed to say that it's hexadecimal [16:56:58] ok, done - just reconnecting ipod... [16:58:23] blast! same message: "the required section was not found in the INF" [16:58:56] grrr [16:59:10] now send me the last few hundred lines of setupapi.dev.log again [16:59:16] that might contain some more information now [17:00:47] http://pastie.org/5127775 [17:27:07] hm, no further hints [17:27:13] damn [17:35:03] do you still want to try and resolve this or do you want me to give the itunes option a go? [17:40:42] I'm running out of ideas [17:40:49] so you might be better off trying the itunes method [17:44:19] ok, i'll give it a go - thanks so much for your efforts [17:46:44] *** Quits: toweliechaos (5ad6a79c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [18:13:16] *** Joins: toweliechaos (5ad6a79c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:14:05] @TheSeven - just letting you know I've tried the iTunes route and that has worked perfectly, so go figure! Thanks again for all your amazing help. I'm really impressed. [18:21:33] *** Quits: toweliechaos (5ad6a79c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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