[01:04:05] *** Joins: santos (57c45491@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:05:55] Hi there! I'm trying to install EmCore on my iPod Classic 160 GB's, but when I enter DFU mode and execute "bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe" the UMSboot drive does not appear on My Computer. [01:06:09] It is listed on hardware manager, but i can't copy anything to it. [01:07:19] The DFU drivers are correctly installed because my iPod shows me the message saying to copy the .ubi file to the 64MB drive. [01:12:38] <[7]> santos: which host operating system? [01:13:29] Windows 7 [01:14:52] <[7]> so you're seeing the umsboot device inside the device manage? [01:14:54] <[7]> manager* [01:15:03] <[7]> does it have an exclamation mark or anything? [01:15:25] <[7]> if you list devices by their connection path, does the umsboot device "contain" a volume? [01:15:33] <[7]> what does windows drive management say, does it see the umsboot device? [01:18:22] there is no exclamation mark. how can I list devices by connection path? [01:23:08] Strange, now, the hardware manager does not show me the UMSBoot disk drive, but after executing bootstrap apears this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2991340/Bootstrap.jpg [01:36:33] <[7]> that error message is to be expected [01:36:44] <[7]> it's actually a sign of the ipod accepting the bootstrap payload [01:36:55] <[7]> (and thus disappearing from USB briefly) [01:42:38] yes. when i execute bootstrap i also hear the windows saound alerting that a usb device was disconnected. [01:43:56] <[7]> and now the umsboot drive isn't appearing at all anymore? [01:44:23] but umsboot drive is still not showing on My Computer. I already tried to access every drive letters that have no disk drive associated (like d:, e:, f:, g:, h:, etc...) [01:44:46] and umsboot is not recognized [01:45:41] <[7]> any error messages or warnings? does anything ipod-related show up in the device manager? [01:50:41] my device manager looks like this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2991340/Device%20manager.jpg [01:51:57] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@c-67-172-198-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:52:43] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@c-67-172-198-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net) [02:04:12] <[7]> santos: well, that's looking good... what does drive management say? [02:05:08] <[7]> also I see traces of USB3... people have reported trouble with that, can you try a USB2 port in case you were using a USB3 one? [02:14:09] yeah, that's the problem. I connected the iPod on a USB2.0 port and now the UMSBoot drive appears on My Computer. Now I will continue the tutorial [02:14:14] thaks for the help :) [02:16:18] <[7]> thanks for confirming that USB3 does indeed make a difference - although that doesn't seem to make any sense... [02:18:30] yeah. it's strange, but in fact it makes difference. Probably something to do about the apple dfu drivers? [02:19:16] <[7]> no, these aren't touching the ipod anymore at this stage [02:19:39] <[7]> the ipod behaves like a 64MB thumbdrive - and you'd assume those are supposed to work with USB3 [02:27:14] I've successfully completed tutorial and i'm now running rockbox. thanks again for all help. [02:27:22] *** Quits: santos (57c45491@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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[16:41:41] Hi, I am trying to uninstall emCore and Rockbox from my ipod Classic but all I get is an "ipod detected but not identified error 1601". I have tried different USB ports, am running the latest itunes on windows 7 32bit and am a bit stuck - any clues? [16:45:19] what does the device manager say? [16:45:30] maybe some remnant from the custom driver is interfering here [16:45:46] It comes up as ipod recovery and itunes gets nowhere with it [16:46:14] is there something on the ipod's screen already? [16:47:03] can you check the last tab of the device properties in the device manager for the device instance id or whatever it's called, should look like USB\VID_05ac&PID_xxxx... [16:47:09] what is the "xxxx" part? [16:47:22] i've tried what the uninstallation wizard suggests and i get the screen to go black but that's as far as it goes [16:47:31] and what's listed as the driver manufacturer of that device? [16:47:56] ok, so itunes didn't get past WTF apparently [16:48:01] apple mobile device usb driver [16:48:52] ok, I assume the PID is 1241 or 1245, which means WTF mode [16:49:21] and when i open itunes, it has a think and then gives the error code and in device manager it changes to 'ipod recovery' [16:50:00] yeah, check the properties of that one [16:50:56] manufacturer unknown - device type freemyipod.org devices [16:51:11] no drivers are instsalled for this device [16:52:36] aha, so it didn't pick up apple's driver [16:53:17] try manually installing/updating the driver for that device [16:53:27] apple's should be hiding somewhere in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers [16:54:47] done that, now re-try itunes? [16:57:42] yes [16:58:20] ok stuff appears to be happening... [16:59:20] yup, it now appears to be happy with the restore process - thanks [17:00:25] spoke to soon - the Ipod could not be restored as the firmware file was corrupt [17:00:55] that looks like a host side / download problem [17:01:04] I assume the ipod is in disk mode now? [17:03:20] i've just repeated the process and it seems a bit happier this time... [17:03:39] if it doesn't work I still have a backup plan :) [17:05:13] yup, that seems fine now - ready for 'original' use [17:05:56] just to document that here: if itunes fails at this stage, use this tool: https://portal.bitcasa.com/download-send/00c0fc149ab2ce7aba1beef6f91d2e213ca3f6a0480b8caf925586808b81a240/c2443040c4d6708eb006322e16d411d38e7cff029f30c71fb1fa4b47b873c4ad/ipodscsi.exe [17:06:43] extract the firmware IPSW (which you can get from phobos), and tell ipodscsi to repartition and write the firmware.MSE file from the IPSW [17:09:03] FYI - I'm reverting to normal ipod as the rockbox port seems a bit too unstable on my setup. It kept crashing with a load buzz during playback for no apparent reason. It was also a contrary pain trying to get it to connect to any docks e.g. small hi-fi, in-car audio etc [17:09:20] Thanks for the info and help again! [17:16:20] *** Quits: toweliechaos (5ad6a79c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:03:52] *** Joins: liar (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) [22:13:39] *** Quits: liar (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:38:43] *** Joins: FrenchVerbs (~chatzilla@c-71-193-88-22.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) [22:39:48] I keep getting "emcore ata error 8000000B" frozen while booting, how do I fix this? [22:49:47] TheSeven might have an idea [23:01:59] FrenchVerbs: 120gb model? [23:02:15] TheSeven: No, the 160GB [23:02:59] ok, so a normal ata drive... let me have a look what that error code means [23:03:36] what is the exact error message? is it a read or write error? [23:03:46] reading BBT [23:07:51] ok, if I tracked this return code correctly it means that the drive asserted the ERR bit while the driver was waiting for it to start transferring sector data [23:08:59] i.e. sector 0 of the drive is probably not readable for some reason [23:09:03] possibly physical damage to the drive [23:09:40] if you listen closely, does it make any weird sound, e.g. some clicking? [23:15:41] Sorry I took so long to respond, no there is no clicking, scratching, no signs of a broken drive. [23:19:28] hm, try reformatting the data partition [23:20:40] It shows up as "emCORE Debugger" in device manager, is that what I reformat? [23:20:48] It doesn't show up as a typical drive. [23:21:12] you should be able to reformat it from the boot menu [23:21:32] I can't get to the boot menu, I'm frozen at the error screen. [23:21:59] hm, that's odd, this kind of error shouldn't prevent it from continuing to boot [23:22:12] try pressing and holding left+right while powering it on [23:22:19] Sure [23:22:35] Same error [23:22:45] if that doesn't help either, you have two options: reinstall through DFU, or set up the development tools to access the emcore debugger device [23:23:11] How do I go into DFU mode again, it's been a while. [23:23:38] press and hold menu+select for between 10 and 15 seconds while it's connected to usb [23:25:03] It seems to just restart the device, not enter DFU. [23:25:35] hang on, it's showing up in DFU now, my mistake