[00:15:27] the reformat just finished [00:17:38] i got the removable disk again :( [00:20:44] well, it should be accessible, but it looks like you're not lucky enough [00:21:05] I know ;'( [00:22:09] Is there is any altrnatives [00:23:02] yes, but it's not so straightforward [00:23:24] but first, do you have access to a linux machine? [00:24:39] would a virtual machine do, because im running windows 7 but I have linux as a virtual machine [00:24:54] yes, i'm using the same setup [00:25:03] lol, ok ;) [00:25:47] you need python, pyusb 1.x and libusb [00:26:02] and a folder of our svn repository [00:26:20] svn co http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools/ fmi-tools [00:26:53] reboot your ipod so you can see emcore's menu [00:26:58] then select Console [00:27:06] and connect the ipod to your VM [00:28:22] ok [00:29:09] then check lsusb to see if there's a ffff:e000 device [00:33:29] how to get python, pyusb 1.x and libusb [00:47:40] allright I got python and I installed it on windows, then I got libusb and pyusb and they are in the VM but I haven't done anything to them yet. [00:54:32] I started emCORE console and it didn't connect to the VM. I went to device manager and it says emCORE debugger drivers are not installed. What am I supposed to do [00:58:02] fluffybeean: you don't need python on windows, we are moving to the VM [00:58:24] tell your VM application to connect the emcore usb device to the virtual machine, not to the physical one [00:58:42] there should be an usb icon somewhere in the status bar of the VM [00:59:03] it's on the bottom right on VMware [00:59:19] once you do that, it will install some drivers [00:59:33] and hopefully the ipod will show up in lsusb in the VM [00:59:58] how because I can't see any usb icon on my status bar. I'm using vmware [01:00:24] look in the menus, virtual machine->removable devices [01:05:43] The usb connected but I can't seem to find the 1susb [01:14:57] I got a message on the emCORE console saying" ATA: Error 80000000 while reading BBT (sector 0, count 1)" [01:18:23] ah, that's bad [01:18:46] seems like the first sector of the hdd can't be accessed [01:19:15] so what am I supposed to do :( [01:19:32] well, i can't help you further with this [01:19:57] so my ipod is broken ;'( [01:20:03] your best option is to wait for [7] to come at his PC and read the channel logs [01:20:30] when? [01:20:30] and suggest you some instructions on how to fix it [01:20:49] (he's the main developer) [01:21:21] so if I came tomorrow would I be able to find him [01:22:02] and talk with him about it [01:22:06] i can't tell you for sure, the best way would be to leave your irc client open [01:22:19] so you can see his reply [01:22:40] we used to have channel logging service, but it's not working at the moment [01:23:14] or you can write the last error message to our mailing list, together with brief explanation of your problem [01:23:26] and within a day or two, you should get a reply [01:24:01] oh ok then, i'll try and leave it open for as long as I could,thanks a lot for helping me all the way through ;) [01:24:58] I'll stay for a while , then if no one replied I will use the mailing list :) [02:45:56] *** Quits: fluffybeean (56104dbd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:27:51] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:27:57] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:43:10] *** Joins: Roadsigns (48c9fb53@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:43:55] Hey guys! So, I'm having a bit of trouble with my 3rd gen ipod classic. I get it to the point where I need to copy the UBI file over, but there is no place to copy it to. [07:44:32] I've attempted it with both the iTunes and not-so-iTunes methods to no avail. [07:44:42] Everything else up until this point has gone swimmingly. [07:55:03] Also, when I run the installer for iTunes I get "DeviceIoControl: Error 31: A Device Attached to the system is not functioning". Not sure if that's normal or not. [08:17:44] I plan to try it on my girlfriend's computer with a different cord, and see how that all works out. If you have any suggestions, please email me at GageOlesen@gmail.com! Thank you very much! [11:48:23] *** Quits: Roadsigns (48c9fb53@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:37:36] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [14:46:57] *** Joins: Guest52024 (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) [15:14:32] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [22:57:19] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [23:28:22] *** Joins: krnc (47de98ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:32:59] Hello, I'm having trouble installing EmCORE for my iPod 6G on Windows 8 with iTunes installed. I follow the instructions, but when I get to the point where a USB device called "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" should be connected I instead get a device called Apple Mobile Device USB Driver. Is there something obvious I'm missing? [23:34:16] krnc: probably some itunes process/service still running [23:36:50] ok. the only thing I notice, when i reboot the ipod, applemobiledeviceservice starts back up [23:40:00] yeah, kill that one and re-enter DFU mode [23:43:16] strange, AppleMobileDeviceService just keeps reloading every time i re-enter DFU mode [23:45:33] hm, you need to prevent that somehow... [23:45:47] kill it and rename applemobiledeviceservice.exe to something else [23:45:50] or something like that [23:46:14] Ok, I'll give that a try, thanks [23:46:21] you're probably the first to try this on win8 :) [23:48:23] I just noticed something. When I go into services, the 'Startup type' is set to automatic... [23:48:59] setting that to disabled might help [23:50:11] k [23:57:52] no luck at all, setting to disabled or renaming. I don't see anything else relevant in services hm [23:59:52] guess that's what I get for upgrading :) Thank you for your help anyway