[04:56:24] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@c-67-172-198-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net) [06:17:39] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:17:47] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:14:15] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [15:00:49] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@c-67-172-198-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:02:11] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@c-67-172-198-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net) [16:38:21] *** Joins: shikhar_ (75ef5e13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:40:13] Rockbox (rockbox-ipodclassic-r31516-20120102), through emCore, was working fine until today morning on ipod 6g. Now it gets stuck on the "scannning disk" screen and goes no further. I have tried "resetting the rockbox configuration" and "clearing the database" through the settings menu on the boot screen, but it is still getting stuck. The only way my computer (Ubuntu, 12.04) recognizes the ipod is in the UMSboot mode. [16:42:19] 1. How do I update to the rockbox-ipod-classic-port through the UMSboot mode? 2. How do I save my data through the UMSboot mode? 3. How do I check for filesystem corruption if the ipod doesn't load rockbox or shows up as a an external-hard-drive on the computer? [16:45:31] <[7]> you can boot another rockbox version from ram through umsboot [16:45:48] <[7]> grab the rockbox.ipod file, remove the first 8 bytes, rename it to rockbox.ubi and drop it into umsboot [16:46:10] How do i remove the first 8 bytes? [16:46:12] <[7]> you can't access the drive through umsboot mode, but you can through emCOREfs [16:46:39] How do I access through emCOREfs then? [16:47:16] <[7]> assuming you're on windows you'll need to install our custom drivers, python, pyusb and the emcore tools [16:47:27] <[7]> then you can access the files on the ipod through the command line [16:47:59] 1Am on ubuntu, installed pyusb etc when i installed emcore [16:48:08] <[7]> oh, that makes things a damn lot easier [16:48:55] <[7]> http://svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools/ [16:49:19] <[7]> you'll need emcore.py, libemcore.py, libemcoredata.py and misc.py [16:49:59] <[7]> then boot the ipod into emcore (hit emcore console in the boot menu to prevent it from shutting down after the idle timeout) [16:50:27] <[7]> then run python emcore.py ls / [16:52:27] Thats throught python 3.x or 2.7? [16:53:30] <[7]> 2.7 is more tested I think [16:53:39] <[7]> but we tried to make it work with both [16:53:53] I am getting the following Traceback: [16:54:59] I am trying it using sudo now. [16:55:23] Okay, it has shown the listing [16:55:47] now i cam commandline copy and paste directories, riht? [16:59:01] But, how? [17:14:30] shikhar@shikhar-HP-dv2000:/media/Jeeves$ sudo python emcore.py mv /EBooks/. /media/Jeeves Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.3 r859 running on iPod classic Renaming /EBooks/. to /media/Jeeves...ERROR: There is a problem with the USB connection. [17:15:12] [7] help? [17:15:52] <[7]> heh, seems like it didn't like that [17:16:43] <[7]> what you probably want to do is python emcore.py get / backupdir [17:16:49] Inside the oython command, will I still refer to my computer's home as /home or something else? [17:17:07] <[7]> er, gettree, not get [17:17:22] <[7]> gettree's first arg is an ipod path and the second arg is a local path [17:17:32] <[7]> it will download the tree recursively [17:17:41] <[7]> (but it might be a bit slower than rockbox's usb) [17:18:01] <[7]> you can possibly help it by increasing its buffer size: [17:18:11] <[7]> python emcore.py gettree / backupdir 0x100000 [17:18:21] <[7]> not sure if that makes much of a difference [17:18:57] in this case, where is it backing up to? what's the second argument? [17:19:27] my currentdirectory/backupdir? [17:19:50] because I will need to create space ... [17:21:55] <[7]> yes, the way I specified it it would be backupdir in the current directory [17:22:00] <[7]> but you can also just provide an absolute path [17:22:03] <[7]> just like with cp [17:22:23] <[7]> basically think of that gettree command like an scp -r [18:01:37] shikhar@shikhar-HP-dv2000:/media/Jeeves$ sudo python emcore.py gettree /EBooks/. /media/Jeeves/ Connected to emCORE Debugger v0.2.3 r859 running on iPod classic ERROR: 'Device busy' [18:01:47] <[7]> reboot it [18:02:28] done .. thx [18:02:44] so this way i backup my data. How do i update rockbox? [18:24:13] *** Quits: shikhar_ (75ef5e13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:26:29] *** Joins: shikhar1 (75ef5e13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:30:53] *** Quits: shikhar1 (75ef5e13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)