[00:28:50] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [02:26:46] *** Joins: ash__ (3ce4fae8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:30:53] *** Quits: ash__ (3ce4fae8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:37:52] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:37:58] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:25:54] *** Joins: alfe (46befd4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:26:19] hello [08:27:13] i need help, i'm trying to put linux on my ipod following the instructions on this website http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFULinux [08:27:20] is anyone familiar with it? [08:30:12] you can't put linux on your ipod classic, you can only install emcore [08:30:23] i guess that's what you're trying to do [08:30:51] this page contains instructions for installing emcore, using a linux pc [08:31:48] what good does emcore do? [08:32:49] launches rockbox [08:33:07] oh yea, well i was on a site that said it was going to do both [08:33:25] anyways, so on the link i posted [08:33:42] i'm on the part after the UMSboot screen shows on the ipod [08:34:26] it says create a mount point e.g. 'mkdir -p /media/disk' and mount the disk without specifying a file type, e.g. 'sudo mount /dev/sdX /media/disk' where X is the drive letter from the previous step [08:35:34] i type "sudo mount /dev/sdb/media/disk [08:36:07] and the terminal says "mount: can't find /dev/sdb/media/disk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" [08:36:28] you need a space between /dev/sdb and /media/disk [08:36:30] :) [08:36:43] haha cool [08:37:42] thanks [09:06:19] ok i'm stuck on the next step [09:06:37] it says "Download the "installer-ipodclassic.ubi" file from the emCORE Releases page " [09:06:52] and then "Save it to the 64MB-sized "UMSboot" volume" [09:07:10] but it won't just let me drag and drop the file into the drive [09:07:25] and i've tried doing it through the terminal and no luck there either [09:08:23] this is what i did: alfe-desktop pod # mv installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi /media/disk mv: failed to preserve ownership for `/media/disk/installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi': Operation not permitted [09:16:09] nevermind, i figured it out [09:23:25] *** Quits: alfe (46befd4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [12:07:27] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection)