[03:42:11] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:44:19] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [06:48:01] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:48:07] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [16:37:29] *** Joins: edward_ (6abb27f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:39:24] hi, everyone. Can I install EmCORE on a HFS+ Formatted iPod Classic? Or I need to restore the firmware on a Window Machine get FAT32? [16:39:55] <[Saint]> The formatting is irrelevant. [16:40:08] it will be reformatted as FAT32 during the process [16:40:12] <[Saint]> Installation formats the disk anyway, losing all data. [16:40:18] <[Saint]> ...so, yeah, doesn't matter. [16:40:21] I see. [16:40:26] Thanks [16:41:03] <[Saint]> TheSeven: did you see what I got today in the logs? [16:41:18] * [Saint] got a Classic 160GB for $0.79 [16:41:27] wtf? [16:41:28] oh [16:41:31] <[Saint]> (was supposed to be $79.00) [16:41:47] and they did indeed accept the order? [16:42:19] <[Saint]> I bought it from a pawn shop, paid with my debit card. [16:42:27] <[Saint]> I didn't even notice until I got home. :) [16:44:24] *** Quits: edward_ (6abb27f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [19:50:31] *** Joins: momiller (47b0e968@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:52:05] i have a 6g iPod Classic, loaded with emCORE and Rockbox. I've decided to sell the iPod so want to restore Apple firmware but the emCORE uninstall doesn't work. [19:53:19] <[Saint]> define "doesn't work". [19:54:43] instructions for my version are to boot into DFU mode and let itunes restore. i've tried various versions but itunes either doesn't recognize the ipod at all (later versions) or gives an error (earlier versions, starting @ 7.4) [19:55:10] same results if it's in regular mode too [19:55:42] <[Saint]> the latter is totally understandable. iTunes has no iDea what to do with a Rockbox'ed Classic. [19:55:52] <[Saint]> DFU mode, however, should always work. [19:56:12] <[Saint]> lol, iDea... [19:56:16] * [Saint] slaps his self [19:57:42] <[Saint]> Does the device actually show up in the device manager when in DFU mode? [19:58:28] yes, trying to get it into that mode now. it's set to autoboot to rockbox though and i forgot how to get back to emcore menu [19:58:58] <[Saint]> Uuuuuuughhhh....I see what you're doing. I think. [19:59:06] <[Saint]> UMS Boot != DFU mode. [19:59:15] yes [19:59:22] not right? [19:59:35] <[Saint]> No, UMS boot is *not* DFU mode. [19:59:41] <[Saint]> http://youtu.be/Y_bIDtBohnE [19:59:45] momiller: DFU = hold menu+select for about 12 seconds [19:59:56] connect your ipod to usb before that [20:00:04] it should have a black screen and itunes should recognize it [20:01:00] * [Saint] is a silly boy for not thinking of that earlier. [20:01:32] i'm with you now. holding together gets me the boot menu but not the black screen [20:02:01] <[Saint]> you need to hold it down for ~12+ seconds [20:02:11] <[Saint]> it literally can't not work if you do it right. [20:02:32] <[Saint]> between 12 and 15 seconds, if I recall. [20:02:59] <[Saint]> the usb cable must be plugged also. [20:04:19] <[Saint]> iTunes should then inform you that there is an iPod in need of restoration, and prompt you to do so. [20:04:51] ahh, didn't have the usb cable. [20:05:06] itunes is saying it needs to download recovery software [20:05:31] let it? [20:05:37] <[Saint]> yes. [20:06:48] i'll be darned, it seems to be working. [20:07:02] i swear i tried this but must have not done things in the right order. [20:07:23] <[Saint]> It's listed pretty clearly on http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Uninstallation [20:07:48] <[Saint]> If there's a way it can be improved, feel free to make a suggestion. [20:08:41] <[Saint]> I know what to do, so the instructions make sense to me. But if it can be made any easier for first time users, that's nothing but a good thing. [20:09:11] read that page probably 100 times and you're right, it is exactly what i did. [20:09:22] it just never worked for me before until you walked me through it [20:10:07] maybe the ipod gods just took pity on me today :-). [20:10:13] thanks tons!!! [20:10:25] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [20:10:55] *** Quits: momiller (47b0e968@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:22:47] * user890104 edited the wiki page to make it even more clear [23:26:02] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection)