[02:08:30] *** Joins: Stasis (63e66da2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:11:26] Hi there, I'm afriad I can't get my ipod into DFU mode, when I hold the menu and select buttons down the ipod goes to the apple logo then shuts off completely. If I keep holding them down then it'll restart, yet it'll restart normally with no new driver being installed onto my computer. Anything to do with the new iTunes? I have made sure all the steps have been followed correctly. [02:13:23] <[Saint]> As stated, you need to hold menu+select for no less than 12 seconds, and no more than 15. [02:13:34] <[Saint]> the device will always go into DFU mode if you do it correctly. [02:13:39] <[Saint]> ...which means, you aren't. [02:14:15] thanks for the reply...i have done it before, ill keep trying though... [02:14:22] <[Saint]> It's not an iTunes thing, it's not a driver thing. It's a "not quite doing it right" thing I'm afraid. [02:14:37] <[Saint]> You have the device plugged via USB, one assumes? [02:14:43] yes of course [02:14:47] <[Saint]> it definitely won't work if you don't. [02:15:21] does ipod service need to be ended as well? or just ipodhelper and apple device? [02:16:25] <[Saint]> Any Apple/iPod service, kill it. [02:18:02] <[Saint]> Some find it easier to completely remove iTunes, as you /probably/ won't be using it after the fact. [02:18:32] yea i hate it, ill try that too [02:20:09] is it worth noting that i installed rockbox on my classic 160GB before, it started being all buggy, then i restored it completely and i decided i hated itunes and no .flac and now im here? [02:20:32] <[Saint]> It may be worth noting, but it isn't relevant. [02:26:18] okay so i tried it twice, after 12 seconds it just turns off [02:26:47] <[Saint]> Are you *sure* it is "off"? [02:26:50] kind of puzzled since the first time it was rlly easy to do [02:26:56] <[Saint]> The screen will appear black, but, powered. [02:27:01] its still sitting here, nothings happened [02:27:04] <[Saint]> In a darkened room it is clearly visible. [02:27:13] it made a little noise just before it turned off, like from inside [02:27:46] <[Saint]> It literally can't not enter DFU mode, assuming the envirnment is correct. [02:27:55] <[Saint]> which just == "has USB plugged". [02:28:24] ill try again [02:28:48] <[Saint]> http://youtu.be/Y_bIDtBohnE <-- video instruction [02:28:59] <[Saint]> (so you can see there's no trickery involved) [02:30:16] yep i see [02:30:41] i feel like theres no margin off error, its just aple logo then off, no sort of inbetween [02:30:46] trying again [02:31:03] <[Saint]> there's 3 seconds margin for error, which is actually quite a wide berth [02:31:26] <[Saint]> You may be confused by expecting the device to actually *do* something. [02:31:29] <[Saint]> ...it won't. [02:31:45] <[Saint]> It will appear to be off, but, it isn't. [02:32:19] im doing it along with the video this time, no processes runnning [02:32:55] <[Saint]> When the screen goes off, assume it has worked, and run the bootstrap process. [02:33:06] <[Saint]> It will complain if you're not actually in DFU mode. [02:33:13] okay [02:33:51] there we go, i see what i was doing wrong [02:34:02] <[Saint]> Oh? [02:34:03] thank you very much ill continue with the instructions [02:34:18] <[Saint]> Out of curiosity, what was the issue? [02:34:35] <[Saint]> If I can append the instructions to avoid this for others, it would help. [02:35:58] Um, yuo were right i expected it to do something but it didnt and i didnt bother running the bootstrap [02:36:22] iunno why, because it really looked like it was off, maybe better to do it in a dark room [02:37:00] <[Saint]> In a darkened room you can see the the screen is still very dimly lit, but in daylight I imagine this would be next to impossible to see. [02:37:32] maybe make that slight appendage to the wiki? [02:37:46] <[Saint]> It couldn't hurt. [02:39:45] Um really quick while I have you, before wehen I had rockbox on here eventually what happened was that it bricked on me, it kept turning off and on at the emCore startup, any way to avoid that this time around? [02:40:19] <[Saint]> Not knowing what caused it, I could only speculate. [02:42:23] I see, i suppose ill try and be more careful with it with regards to unplugging it and whatnot [02:42:52] <[Saint]> The only thing I can suggest that is different to the installation instructions is using a up-to-date Rockbox image: http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [02:43:13] <[Saint]> You can either substitute that with the linked image in the instructions, or, update after the fact. [02:43:39] <[Saint]> The image given in the instructions is months and months old. [02:44:46] <[Saint]> And, yes, one should *always* safely eject a removable storage device. Most users don't see the point in doing so, until their data gets wiped out. [02:44:53] <[Saint]> But, this shouldn't effect emCORE. [02:45:13] so ill put that image into my ipod? [02:46:10] and thank you for all your help, and the quick response [02:47:01] <[Saint]> Yes, you can either substitute that image with the one linked in the instructions, or extract it to the device at any point after the fact. [02:47:23] alrght tyvm [02:47:23] <[Saint]> After the initial installation, you can also use RockboxUtility to update at any point. [02:47:55] <[Saint]> RockboxUtility cannot install the bootloader, but it is perfectly capable of updating the Rockbox image. [02:48:06] <[Saint]> also, not a problem. [03:35:46] *** Quits: liar (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:33:16] *** Quits: Stasis (63e66da2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:48:14] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:48:23] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [11:01:26] <[7]> [Saint]: you can't tell apart DFU from off even in a completely dark room. LCD backlight will be off as well. [11:02:21] <[Saint]> Wow...ummmm...ok. I was sure the backlight stayed on slightly. [11:03:06] <[7]> nope, the clickwheel controller sends a powercycle request to the PMU, then when the CPU initializes and runs the bootrom it checks a pin from the CWC and goes to DFU mode [11:03:17] <[7]> that happens before initializing any components outside of the CPU/SoC [11:03:55] <[7]> because it has to be completely board independent (as requiring adaptations to that code would require new silicon masks) [11:04:26] <[7]> so the bootrom and thus DFU mode is 100% the same between classic and nano3g, they can't be told apart by any means [11:04:52] <[Saint]> Ahhhhhhh....I see what made me think that now. The nearest iPod to me is a Nano5G, and that has the screen completely black, not off. [11:04:59] <[7]> when restoring the first stage that gets uploaded (WTF) will do some hardware probing and come up with a different USB id based on which board it actually is, so itunes knows what to do next [11:05:39] <[7]> hm, interesting... from a technical side of things I see no reason why one would implement this in a way that powers the backlight up during DFU [11:09:12] <[Saint]> I _think_ I remember the N2G doing something similar? [11:09:24] <[Saint]> But, DFU mode isn't exactly a natural thing there is it. [11:12:23] <[7]> true bootrom DFU behaves exactly the same on all generations that I've seen so far [11:12:32] <[7]> which is nano2g-4g and classic [11:12:49] <[7]> NOR DFU is a different story of course [11:13:05] <[Saint]> aha. [11:13:42] <[7]> (NOR DFU shows a dock connector icon on the screen) [12:49:15] *** Joins: liar (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) [18:05:44] *** Joins: LHetman (d45aa2c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:06:46] Hi! Can't find an answer in stored logs & forum [18:07:18] I have iPod Classic 6G or 7G 160Gb, Windows 7 x64 [18:09:14] iTunes installed [18:09:42] After bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe I see a white message on my iPod [18:10:00] USMboot v.0.1.0 r674 [18:10:27] but I see no 64MB drive called "UMSboot" [18:11:23] I found it as common problem but can't find solution... [19:12:08] *** Quits: LHetman (d45aa2c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:41:51] *** Quits: liar (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:00:25] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@0.0.vps.6bez10.info)