[03:02:59] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [05:10:05] *** Joins: Anonymous (449668ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:13:25] Hey I'm working my way thru the emcore installation on my classic (7g slim) and when I get to the part where I have to run the bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe the command prompt window says the device is not connected... the pop up window says umsboot has been launched [05:13:46] is that normal? [05:14:24] im not getting the drive called umsboot, so im assuming its not [05:14:41] *** Quits: Anonymous (449668ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [05:15:06] *** Joins: anonymous (449668ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:19:55] accidentally closed the window, I got to running the bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe but the command prompt window is saying the device is not connected but the pop up window says umsboot has been launched. The screen on the ipod says please copy a ubi...etc but the drive isnt showing up in "my computer" [05:28:57] actually now im getting a drive showing up as "removable disk" but its taking for ever to refresh my comp ie green bar moving stupidly slowly [05:52:00] *** Quits: anonymous (449668ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:41:48] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:41:57] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:36:32] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:38:41] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [09:52:48] *** Joins: cfl (5870c93a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:54:48] hello, I was trying to install EmCORE on my 80GB iPod Classic but I'm stuck at installing the Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver [09:55:16] I followed the "no itunes" guide, http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [09:56:23] when I try to install the driver, Windows says "The parameter is incorrect." [09:58:55] <[Saint]> You're not trying to feed it the winusb_driver.zip file, are you? [09:59:12] <[Saint]> But, rather, the winusb.inf therein? [09:59:36] yes, I extracted it and I've chosen the inf file [09:59:46] <[Saint]> No idea, then. [10:00:35] <[Saint]> It may or may not be bitching about the driver being unsigned, but I would expect a more verbose error in that case. [10:00:56] * [Saint] avoids Windows like the plague [10:06:02] <[Saint]> Depending on the Windows version, installation of unsigned drivers needs to be explicitly allowed, ...but, yeah, it usually gives a very specific warning about what you're attempting to do and why it can't be done. [10:10:04] well, atleast the iPod still works, just resetted it [10:10:12] I'll try with itunes installed [10:21:11] No iPod Classic in DFU mode found! [10:22:45] disregard that, I'm stupid and didn't notice that this itunes method had different bootstrap.exe [10:24:58] ok, emCORE installer is now formatting the ipod's drive :) [10:34:03] thank you for the help, Rockbox seems to work perfectly [10:36:41] *** Quits: cfl (5870c93a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [19:07:33] *** Joins: nxs (3ec3c482@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:10:24] hello [19:10:59] i have a question about the stability of my ipod software [19:12:36] i have an ipod classic 6g 160gb with the latest emcore and rockbox on it. sometimes during playing a song it freezes and the sound freezes also... the only thing i can do at that point is resetting the ipod [19:12:55] is this a rockbox issue? or emcore? [19:14:01] <[Saint]> any error that isn't related to "booting Rockbox" is a Rockbox error. [19:14:22] <[Saint]> emCORE is just a big 'ol fancy bootloader, really. [19:15:12] so this is totally a rockbox thing.. [19:15:49] <[Saint]> Yes, jump into #rockbox [19:16:58] what's the thing about classic 6g and emcore support? How much more has to be done before it's ready? [19:17:43] <[Saint]> It needs to not rely on emCORE, for a start. [19:19:04] <[Saint]> A Rockbox bootloader, a manual, and RbUtil support should promote it to stable. A bootloader and a manual should get it to unstable. [19:21:14] <[Saint]> I don't _think_ recording is required for stable. It may be. [19:21:45] <[Saint]> Oh, dual-boot...it needs dual-boot for stable. [19:22:47] <[Saint]> nxs: what revision of Rockbox are you running? [19:23:30] 130118 [19:24:01] <[Saint]> Ah, good, so you know where the dev builds are then ;) [19:24:11] <[Saint]> (or you're compiling your own) [19:24:39] i don't compile it myself... just a user [19:25:03] what's with the dual boot? [19:25:20] <[Saint]> No idea. [19:25:25] \ok [19:25:32] <[Saint]> The code is in place, it is just non-functional. [19:25:47] nice.... :-P [19:26:22] <[Saint]> I would suggest trying an official build and seeing if that still shows the issue [19:26:35] <[Saint]> this url will always point to the current development build: http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [19:26:49] <[Saint]> generated after each commit) [19:27:12] i allready have this one. [19:27:27] installed it a few hours ago [19:27:42] i guess it is the current build [19:27:55] it still has issues [19:29:26] <[Saint]> Ok...just, you said you got your build from "some user", which didn't sound terribly official to me. [19:29:47] <[Saint]> Just, be forewarned that you can't make a bug report with a user contributed build. [19:30:07] no... from the forum on the rockbox website... it is the same link [19:30:25] <[Saint]> Ah. [19:30:31] :-) [19:31:50] <[Saint]> What is the media being played here? [19:31:50] <[Saint]> fwiw, I have the same model Classic with no problem. [19:32:54] just mp3 [19:33:24] some are 300mb or more [19:33:48] but even with the small files it happens [19:34:50] <[Saint]> I definitely can't reproduce that behavior with smaller files. All my media is mp3 @ 320 CBR, but the largest file I have is around 100MB [19:35:41] <[Saint]> If you can find a file that repeatably reproduces the behavior, report it in #rockbox or on the forum. [19:35:44] you should try my 24 hour mix... it's 2gb:-) [19:36:30] <[Saint]> I have ~140GB of mp3@320 inserted into my playlist, I think I'll be ok :) [19:37:15] my mix is 1 single 2gb file.... [19:37:22] big enough? [19:49:47] <[Saint]> Are the ~2Gb files *exactly* 2GB? Or 2GB+ [19:50:30] <[Saint]> some poking in #rockbox yielded me the result that these large files (2GB+) are not expected to be supported. [20:28:21] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Quit: Quit) [20:29:19] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint)