[05:26:50] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-71-163-243-218.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [05:50:09] *** Joins: Kaii (6e4d951a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:53:18] Could anyone please help me? I would like to uninstall Emcore and Rockbox from my iPod classic, I tried to put on DFU mode and connect to PC but iTune don't recognize (ipod detected but ut coud not identify properly .... ). I tried swiching to all the USB ports on my PC but still does not work. How to restore to original firmware? [06:06:47] <[Saint]> Well, that's the way to do it... [06:07:02] <[Saint]> Did you ever restore the original iTunes driver after installing emCORE? [06:07:15] <[Saint]> uninstall -> reinstall iTunes; try again. [06:08:46] <[Saint]> Kaii: ^ [06:09:33] I did, still no luck [06:09:48] <[Saint]> Kaii: Out of curiosity, for what reason do you want/need to uninstall Rockbox? [06:12:53] Firstly, I want to play FLAC on ipod that's why I tired Rockbox, it works perfectly. But the downside is battery life is pretty much shorter than usual.. I used last night only for 5 hours approximately and it consumed more than 80% [06:13:32] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Read error: Operation timed out) [06:13:46] <[Saint]> FLAC is battery intensive because the disk needs to spin up far more frequently, due to much larger file size. [06:13:49] I knew that battery consumption will be greater than usual is common for rockbox users, but I didn't expect this much :) [06:14:19] so, no complaint at all... totally understood. (^^. ) [06:14:31] <[Saint]> battery usage for ALAC would be comparable. [06:14:57] <[Saint]> You could try a later build: http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [06:15:15] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:15:21] <[Saint]> many improvements have been made since the release on the emCORE site. [06:15:48] oh, thank you :) [06:16:27] <[Saint]> FOr battery life, you want to do things like: set spindown to a much lower value (3 seconds), make sure the LCD sleeps when the backlight is off (or soon after), set the backlight lower, and for less time, etc. [06:17:24] <[Saint]> ...limit unnecessary DSP effects (bass and treble and "free", but the EQ is not), etc. [06:17:52] Oh, yes.... how to put LCD sleep while playing? backlight is already off while playing but the LCD still working (I can see now playing screen without backlight) [06:17:56] <[Saint]> As for why your iTunes won't detect the device properly, I don't know, I'm sorry. [06:19:00] <[Saint]> It should be in Settings - General Settings - Display - LCD Settings [06:19:19] * [Saint] doesn't have his Classic in front of him presently [06:19:36] Thank you for your help very much anyway, I guess I will just have to charge it more frequently then.... rockbox is great anyway.. Will try to do all the settings you advise then :) [06:21:09] One last question, will you guys develop the Rockbox Utility that support iPod Classic soon? [06:21:12] <[Saint]> I'm not sure what model Classic you have, but, if you can tolerate a lossy codec battery life will be much greater. [06:21:25] <[Saint]> The Rockbox Utility does support the Classic [06:21:29] Which can use without Emcore* [06:21:52] <[Saint]> No one is currently working on a Rockbox bootloader, no. [06:22:08] I see... well, thank you very much. :) [06:22:33] <[Saint]> with my Classic "fat" 160GB, I get 39 hours runtime with mp3@320 [06:22:50] <[Saint]> that has a much larger battery than the other models, though. [06:23:02] <[Saint]> 850mAh vs 550mAh [06:23:47] <[Saint]> a lossy codec is certainly a lot better for battery life with HDD based players. [06:24:14] <[Saint]> perhaps something like vorbis_500? [06:24:27] Hmm... I see [06:26:38] Oh... another suggestion, if I may. I would love to have a function that show database updating progress.. since normally you guys put it on background update, right? [06:27:08] But sometimes the database is not really up to date even it turn the auto update on. [06:27:30] So I go to 'update now' function [06:28:08] but it run in background...It would be nice if I can see the progress [06:28:49] <[Saint]> iirc, System - Debug - Rockbox Info shows the database progress during update [06:29:58] <[Saint]> Oh, sorry System - Debug - View Database Info [06:30:24] <[Saint]> you can create a shortcut to this by holding select and pressing "Add to Shortcuts" [06:30:26] Ar..... great. never been there because Debug(keep out!) [06:30:30] haha [06:30:33] Thank you [06:30:58] <[Saint]> No problem, it isn't ideal. Perhpas we should have an (optional) splash screen for database updates. [06:31:59] <[Saint]> Anyway, you can add most menu items to the shortcuts menu via long pressing and selecting 'add to shortcuts', that may make it slightly easier to view. [06:35:34] Alright, gotta go for now. Thank you for your help very much. [06:36:03] Really glad to meet support like you. [06:37:04] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [06:37:07] <[Saint]> And, thanks. [06:37:08] <[Saint]> o/ [06:37:22] *** Quits: Kaii (6e4d951a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [07:37:19] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-71-163-243-218.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Perfect for getting the last word! :-)) [11:08:46] *** Joins: Kaii (6e4d951a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [11:12:10] Hi [Saint], me again, the guy from 5 hours ago :P ...... just come to drop another problem I found. As I'm Thai, my songs library contain many Thai, Japanese, Korean song.... The problem I found is once I browse by using Database>>Genre>> Thai (I tag all my Thai songs as 'Thai' Genre) ... So, it will come up about 2-3 thousand songs. Once I select any song, the player will play another song instead.... to be precise, it w [11:12:58] This problem suffice for all Asian songs, Thai, Korean , Japanese but not English song [11:13:06] <[Saint]> report this in #rockbox this doesn't have anything to do with freemyipod [11:13:11] Maybe something to do with the file name perhaps [11:13:31] oh.... sorry.. (^^" ) [11:13:40] *** Parts: Kaii (6e4d951a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [11:13:45] <[Saint]> It's an easy mistake to make, jump into #rockbox [11:32:58] *** Joins: foolsh (~foolsh@nc-76-0-175-2.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) [11:41:22] *** Quits: foolsh (~foolsh@nc-76-0-175-2.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)