[03:50:46] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-71-163-243-218.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [05:01:07] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [05:03:33] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [06:08:02] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:08:07] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:27:28] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:29:51] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [06:53:12] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [06:54:18] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:51:16] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-71-163-243-218.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:15:10] *** Joins: maxx__ (b809b6ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:15:39] anyone awake? [09:24:09] When some is available I just want to know if there's anything I can do to get my Ipod Classic back to stock firmware. With newest version of itunes when in DFU mode itunes says "an Ipod was detected but was unable to be recognized" I'll keep computer on for awhile to awake an answer. THANKS! [09:24:51] *await an answer [11:55:58] *** Quits: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:58:08] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [12:30:38] maxx__: maybe the driver that itunes needs is not active, because you previously installed our custom DFU driver? [12:30:54] itunes needs its own one, in order to connect to the ipod in DFU mode [16:28:39] <[7]> maxx__, user890104: more specifically this seems like our DFU driver was incorrectly installed as a WTF driver during an emcore installation attempt [16:29:14] <[7]> this will make restore fail in really odd ways [18:07:28] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@ [18:53:36] *** Joins: MightyFlix (b18d69d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:59:59] hello everyone, I've been having usb connectivity problems with my 6g classic using emcore; maybe someone could help me? [19:00:54] <[7]> usb connectivity problems while running emcore or rockbox? [19:00:59] <[7]> if rockbox, which rockbox version? [19:02:53] rockbox, Windows recognizes it using one of aroldan's builds from head-fi [19:03:23] rockbox-ipod6g-48c248dM-120408+10bandeq; but I can't get it to work in my car or any stereos [19:03:32] not working with the latest release though [19:09:02] <[7]> what do you consider "the latest release"? [19:09:52] I suspected disk fail; tried chkdsk and got 666174766f6c2e63 d6 error, which you discussed with someone; it's in an old log somewhere at the rockbox website [19:10:24] <[7]> well there are known USB problems with basically any build past what I released on the emcore page [19:10:48] using emcore r866 [19:11:13] <[7]> any signs of hard disk access problems while running rockbox? [19:11:28] latest release is from the rockbox classic page, it's coded by you, right? [19:11:45] <[7]> of you mean latest build? [19:11:51] <[7]> that's a (known broken) development build [19:12:06] <[7]> there are no official ipod classic releases by rockbox at all [19:12:19] <[7]> with "latest release" I usually refer to the zip file on the emcore installation page [19:12:31] <[7]> which is like 13 months old [19:12:43] <[7]> shortly before the usb problems started to show up [19:12:52] <[7]> (that old release has other bugs though) [19:13:18] <[7]> and I'm currently not actively participating in rockbox development - just not enough spare time for that [19:14:04] no signs of access problem on rockbox besides slowness [19:15:02] <[7]> slowness when doing what? [19:15:09] could you point me to that build? [19:15:36] acessing files, going from one track to the next [19:15:56] <[7]> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 [19:15:58] <[7]> http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20120102/rockbox-ipodclassic-r31516-20120102.zip [19:16:18] <[7]> it's to be expected that there will be like 1-2 seconds of delay when skipping tracks if the hard drive needs to spin up [19:17:32] it used to be a little faster some months ago; anyway, i'll try those build; I just actually want it working when conecting to a stereo [19:17:44] builds* [19:18:10] *** Quits: MightyFlix (b18d69d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [19:18:11] <[7]> I wonder how that 3rd party build managed to break that [19:19:33] *** Joins: MightyFlix (b18d69d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:20:14] sorry, I accidentaly disconnected [19:20:27] <[7]> <[7]> I wonder how that 3rd party build managed to break that [19:22:02] Hey, back. I've tried restoring on a computer that wasn't the one i cracked the ipod with. Device shows up as Apple DFU device [19:22:12] I tried the Rockbox builds page also, not all of them, but many from the older to the newest; those woudn't even work with Windows [19:22:42] <[7]> MightyFlix: "work with windows"? in terms of what? [19:23:01] <[7]> the builds on the rockbox page have known usb problems [19:23:16] wouldn't recognize at all [19:23:20] <[7]> but I wonder why that 3rd party build that you were referring to would have problems with line out / dock [19:23:37] <[7]> maxx__: and still says cannot be identified? [19:24:04] says detected but cannot be identified. [19:24:11] <[7]> when did you originally install emcore? [19:24:20] <[7]> and when did you last update emcore (if ever) [19:24:38] i have newest build on the page [19:24:53] <[7]> hm... damn [19:24:54] I didn't test line out, but connecting the usb cable to the car stereo for example wouldn't work; after trying to detect for some seconds no device was detected [19:25:15] <[7]> If this would be a really old build I would have had an explanation for this problem, but with the newest one that shouldn't be possible [19:25:17] r859? [19:25:43] <[7]> MightyFlix: oh, you have a stereo that uses it as an external hard disk, and not as a player? [19:25:57] yes! [19:26:05] several stereos actually [19:26:26] <[7]> hm, so that is the same kind of USB mess then... [19:27:13] lol, it sounds like it's bad news for you [19:27:28] <[7]> yes, because I have no idea why USB is misbehaving [19:27:56] <[7]> and it isn't really easy to nail that down [19:29:13] <[7]> maxx__: after attempting the restore, is it still listed as the DFU device, or as something else? [19:29:13] i'll try with the build you just pointed [19:29:13] <[7]> (just some apple mobile device recovery whatever, but not containing DFU in its name) [19:29:13] one moment [19:29:13] <[7]> MightyFlix: that build has known good USB, but other problems (higher power consumption, thus shorter battery runtime, and it crashes/freezes once in a while) [19:31:15] hmm... I wouldn't have problem switching builds everytime I need to use the stereo; but I would like to know why I can't use the latest builds from the thirdy part or Rockbox page; they have nice features like you said; battery time, etc.. [19:31:56] Yeah, the crashing and freezing is what let to me wanting to return to stock [19:32:02] <[7]> well, if I knew the exact details of "why", I would have fixed it already [19:32:20] <[7]> something doesn't quite work as it should, and nobody has managed to really track down the cause yet [19:32:32] <[7]> mostly because nobody who knows that area well had time to do so recently [19:32:54] I understand [19:32:58] <[7]> maxx__: in that case you might be better off using a more recent build with broken usb [19:33:19] <[7]> and rely on the "rockbox fallback image" in the flash for transferring files [19:33:32] <[7]> (tools => run rockbox fallback image in the boot menu) [19:34:55] ok, device under dfu is listed as "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" [19:35:24] "location: location 0 (USB DFU Device) [19:38:09] <[7]> hm, weird [19:38:28] Itunes then tries to search the update library online then returns an error that states "An iPod has been detected, but it could not be identified properly. Please disconnect and reconnect and try again. The required file cannot be found." [19:38:55] I understand, thanks very much [7] [19:39:14] <[7]> could there be anything that prevents itunes from properly downloading the recovery image? [19:40:13] That's a good question. But i wonder what it could be. I've tried it on 3 computers a Macbook pro, windows xp, and 7 [19:40:26] all exact same error [19:40:49] <[7]> can you download the recovery image manually? [19:41:08] It worked using the build you pointed! [19:41:36] <[7]> MightyFlix: that's why we use that build as a fallback image [19:41:39] Oh, bless you =D [19:41:47] <[7]> you could try what I suggested to maxx__ above [19:42:11] <[7]> using something more recent for audio playback and resorting to the fallback image for car stereo use and file transfers [19:42:47] how could I have a custom fallback image? or is that the already built in image? [19:43:10] <[7]> that version of rockbox that you confirmed did work for file transfers is built into that emcore release [19:43:58] <[7]> you won't be able to use plugins or play audio from within the fallback image if you have installed a newer build (and thus newer plugins and codecs) on the hard drive [19:44:03] <[7]> but it should work for file transfers [19:44:14] <[7]> this means you'll have to reboot back and forth between the two [19:45:20] That's easy enough. Though I'm hoping to get my ipod back to stock to be able to sell it. (unless these sell for a higher value lol) [19:45:33] that's a very small issue compared to not being able to play files at all [19:46:01] do you know of a way to download the recovery image manually? [19:48:33] if and when there are any news regarding this usb issues; where would I be most likely to find them 7? [19:48:52] <[7]> maxx__: it's somewhere on phobos [19:49:33] ..where? [19:49:49] <[7]> damn, trejan's phobos browser site is gone :/ [19:50:04] <[7]> what's the usb product ID of your ipod? [19:50:29] <[7]> ("VEN_05AC&DEV_XXXX" in the device identification string) [19:50:51] <[7]> 1223? [19:51:14] yes [19:51:25] then \more numbers [19:52:36] "VID_05AC&PID_1223\87020000000001 [19:53:02] <[7]> http://appldnld.apple.com/iPod/SBML/osx/bundles/041-8552.20121203.Bile3/x12230000_Recovery.ipsw [19:53:09] <[7]> rename that to .zip and extract it [19:53:21] <[7]> that's the file that itunes is supposed to download [19:54:10] ok. now where does this need to be placed [19:54:12] <[7]> WTF.x1223.RELEASE.dfu is what would get uploaded to the ipod [19:54:35] <[7]> you could upload that using our ipoddfu.py tool, but for that you need the custom driver [19:54:44] <[7]> (or any working libusb driver, technically) [19:58:47] could you point me to where to get the tool? [20:03:48] <[7]> http://svn.freemyipod.org/tools/ipoddfu/ [20:10:22] and ofcourse you run the tool using python [20:10:39] any specific version? [20:12:49] <[7]> 2.7 probably works best [20:13:01] *** Joins: Sewedob (6d213e0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:13:01] <[7]> not sure if it has been adapted for 3.x yet [20:14:32] *** Parts: Sewedob (6d213e0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [20:14:39] Thanks for telling me. Learning as i go.. lol [20:21:33] When i run either the tool or lib file nothing happens and the command prompt just opens and closes. [20:34:13] *** Quits: maxx__ (b809b6ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:44:27] *** Quits: MightyFlix (b18d69d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [20:58:57] *** Joins: maxx__ (b809b6ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:59:40] hey, back [21:07:57] <[7]> you need to run them from a console/shell [21:08:05] <[7]> command prompt on windows [21:14:14] error no module named usb.core [21:16:16] is there another file i need? [21:18:51] <[7]> pyusb >=1.0.0a1 [21:19:34] <[7]> just download that from sourceforge, extract it and place the usb folder where ipoddfu.py is [21:46:25] sourceforge version goes from a0 to a2, no alpha 1 [21:46:57] with a0 i get a syntax error when trying to run ipoddfu.py [22:09:32] <[7]> er, i meant a0 [22:09:57] <[7]> hm, can you pastebin the exact error message? [22:12:43] http://pastebin.com/4zGmxKLt [22:17:05] error appears when the usb folder is there [23:44:24] any ideas?