[03:34:11] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [03:35:01] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [04:33:55] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [06:33:13] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:33:20] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:34:50] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:56:30] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:58:33] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [14:48:00] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [14:56:06] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [15:06:47] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [15:57:13] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:29:26] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [18:08:39] *** Joins: ryepoh (71178ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:08:58] hello i need some help with the installation of Rockbox for my ipod classic 160gb [18:09:24] i followed the guide to put the UBI file from Emcore into my classic but it showed me the following message [18:09:32] Loading UBI file.... [18:09:45] rearranging file.... [18:09:54] Boot [18:09:57] *panic [18:10:08] Undefined instruction at 07A9 [18:10:11] 0000! [18:39:38] *** Quits: ryepoh (71178ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:53:00] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [20:55:01] tried it about 10 times... still can't get it to work :\ [20:55:23] <[Saint]> Try another USB port - NOT a front port. [20:55:33] <[Saint]> If that fails, try another cable. [20:55:46] <[Saint]> Failing that, find a new machine and/or try a VM. [20:55:51] Ok, I'll give that a go, thanks [20:58:03] you, dear sir, are awesome :) [20:58:14] it worked, thank you! [20:58:28] <[Saint]> Front USB ports are known to be shit. [20:58:55] <[Saint]> No idea why, I guess manufacturers just don't care and/or use shitty cables. [20:59:14] <[Saint]> Anyway, that's a usual "debug" trick I try. And it seems to work in ~7/10 cases. [20:59:41] <[Saint]> Also, no problem. :) [21:01:49] makes no sense why they even put usb 3.0 in the front then :\ [21:02:18] <[Saint]> Ohhhhh, aha. I should've asked that. USB3.0 is out altogether. [21:03:34] <[Saint]> Now times are changing and 3.0 is more common, I guess we should state explicitely to avoid it. [21:05:56] might me handy, yes :) anyway, I have Rockbox up and running now! I thank you very much. I'm off, enjoying some sweet FLAC files [21:10:03] *** Quits: monkeyslut (52ad4e10@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:12:46] *** Joins: liar (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) [21:20:59] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [22:07:36] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [23:32:25] *** Joins: javi_ (02881c7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:34:12] hi you all ! [23:34:25] <[Saint]> errr...hi. [23:34:59] well, thank you in advance [23:35:17] i have an ipod nano 2g, i'm stuck at boot [23:35:54] <[Saint]> can you further define the situation? [23:35:59] i can only see "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" in a white screen [23:36:23] I tried to update binaries , but the problem remains [23:36:36] * [Saint] prods [7] [23:38:57] <[7]> javi_: what did you do before that happened? [23:39:34] i followed the instructions on the wiki [23:39:58] <[7]> did you ever get to the boot menu, or are you still before that stage? [23:40:27] i have never seen the boot menu [23:40:54] but i can get into Rockbox if i press 2 times the >> button and then the select button [23:41:04] i'ts weird [23:41:19] <[7]> oh, that's a very important piece of information :) [23:41:29] yes, i do a little investigation [23:41:32] <[7]> [Saint]: got an idea now? :) [23:41:34] <[Saint]> aha, so, it *is* getting to emCORE. [23:41:41] <[7]> this is an LCD driver problem [23:41:45] * [Saint] nods [23:42:08] <[Saint]> I thought that was figured out was back in r7xx? [23:42:21] <[7]> I don't think this was ever fixed [23:42:28] <[Saint]> (aren't there only three known variants for the LCD, two of which are essentially identical?) [23:42:30] * [7] checks r859 release notes [23:43:04] <[Saint]> fastboot could be a workaround, but, it's a little ugly. [23:43:05] anyway, now i want to delete emcore, so i need the steps to do it without seeing anything on screen, it's possible to do? [23:43:13] <[7]> "The display doesn't work on some iPod Nano 2G devices. If this happens to you, we suggest to stick with iLoader for now." [23:43:17] <[7]> yeah, so this was never fixed [23:43:20] <[Saint]> aha. [23:43:31] <[7]> we're just not getting complaints because basically nobody uses nano2g devices anymore [23:44:01] <[7]> javi_: if you don't need emcore's extra features, I'd recommend to just use the rockbox bootloader [23:44:17] * [Saint] has nfi how to do this over the serial interface [23:44:20] <[Saint]> re: uninstall [23:44:32] <[Saint]> and bluffing your way through the menu will be very difficult. [23:44:35] <[7]> nano2g uninstallation is a bit messy [23:44:47] <[7]> first step: restore using itunes [23:45:13] itunes does not recognise my ipod :( [23:45:13] <[7]> then either navitage through the menus without visual feedback, or fire up an uninstaller through emcore's debug interface [23:45:15] <[Saint]> isn't the first step "uninstall emCORE"; and restore the second? [23:45:28] what if i do a low-level format? [23:45:35] <[7]> you can't uninstall without a restore image on the flash [23:45:45] <[7]> because itunes can't recover nano2g devices through DFU [23:46:01] <[7]> the uninstaller will ask you to restore using itunes if it doesn't find an AUPD partition [23:46:15] <[Saint]> aha. [23:46:29] <[Saint]> navigating the menus without visual feedback is going to be hell. [23:46:37] <[7]> so boot the original firmware, restore using itunes, then fire up the uninstaller somehow [23:46:46] <[Saint]> There's not even a helpful piezo click to tell you you've moved up/down or not. :-S [23:46:58] <[7]> you can resort to pressing buttons instead of using the wheel [23:47:05] <[Saint]> true. [23:47:15] <[7]> should be doable [23:47:32] <[7]> javi_: but I'm really curious how you even managed to install this in the first place [23:47:46] <[7]> because you basically have to click through the on device part of the installation wizard [23:48:17] <[7]> which requires pressing an odd key combo (menu+play) during the process, to make sure that people actually read the instructions [23:48:34] * [7] charges his nano2g to check out how the menus look like [23:48:49] <[7]> I guess booting the apple firmware should be one click to the right, then center [23:49:33] <[Saint]> "right X3; select; down X&" should land you on the "uninstall emCORE" option from memory. [23:49:44] <[Saint]> *down X7 [23:50:27] <[Saint]> then press any key, restore with itunes, and do the same thing again. [23:50:51] ok, i will try [23:51:04] it would be nice to put all this instructions on the wiki [23:51:11] * [Saint] double checks as he found a nano2g [23:51:43] <[Saint]> Yep, from the emCORE menu it's "right X3; select; down X7; any key; restore with itunes; reboot; repeat." [23:52:05] <[7]> and OF is right x1, select? [23:52:25] ok, when you say "down" it's the "play/pause" button? [23:52:31] <[Saint]> yes. [23:52:32] <[7]> you forgot a "select" after the "down x7" [23:52:49] <[Saint]> [7]: it's actually "any key" [23:52:57] <[7]> no, you have to select that entry first [23:53:02] <[Saint]> Oh, hahah...I see, yes, yes I did. [23:53:19] <[Saint]> and the OF == Left X1 from the emcore menu. [23:53:28] <[7]> javi_: you seem to be the first one to even manage to install emcore without visual feedback :P [23:53:38] oh my goooooooooood [23:53:41] * [Saint] is unsure how this was even possible [23:53:50] i'm seeing an apple on my screen [23:53:54] <[7]> by randomly pressing buttons until he hit the right ones :) [23:53:57] <[Saint]> how did you know to do the *fucking weird* key combo? [23:54:04] you dit it guys!!!!!!!!!!! [23:54:13] <[7]> javi_: ok, good. now restore, and press that key sequence again to permanently uninstall [23:54:29] <[7]> emcore is still installed at this point [23:55:04] <[Saint]> [7]: doesn't the installer do some "if you really want to do this, do "? [23:55:11] <[7]> [Saint]: do you now get why I used that weird clickwheel-bending key combo? :) [23:55:12] <[Saint]> wrt: installation [23:55:22] <[Saint]> I do, yes. [23:55:37] <[Saint]> What I do not get, is how javi_ figured it out ;) [23:55:40] <[7]> apparently it still wasn't weird enough to prevent hitting it by accident :) [23:55:55] <[Saint]> It isn't mentioned anywhere except the sources, and the installer text. [23:56:00] <[Saint]> I have NFI how you managed this. [23:56:02] <[Saint]> Well done. [23:56:56] do you accept paypal donations?? :D [23:57:11] i want yo pay yo a few beers [23:58:34] * [Saint] is unaware if freemyipod has such a thing [23:58:52] * [7] accepts bitcoin donations, but basically nobody has bitcoins :) [23:58:55] <[Saint]> I can't speak for others, but personal gratification is fine for me. [23:59:00] * [7] hates paypal like nothing else [23:59:23] <[Saint]> bitcoins are up near 35USD now o_0 [23:59:29] <[7]> javi_: if you want to do a paypal donation, you can donate to the rockbox fund [23:59:50] <[7]> which has paid for some of development hardware that I have