[00:00:04] says there is a problem with usb connection [00:00:12] should i try a different port? [00:00:55] "turned off"? [00:01:03] was it still in the boot menu, and the idle timer hit you? [00:01:12] hmm [00:01:16] let me check [00:01:16] try selecting "emcore console" in the bootmenu to prevent it from doing that [00:02:13] alright did that. downloading... [00:02:20] fingers crossed [00:05:05] while that happens - i downloaded the daily rockbox build from rockbox website instead of the one from freemyipod. can that be the reason why this happened? [00:07:12] unlikely [00:07:38] the more recent builds are known to have flaky USB, but it really shouldn't trash the file system [00:19:10] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [00:21:52] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [00:28:43] Thanks a lot and you guys saved my music collection. This time i will make sure to do a backup. [01:03:35] how can i delete a folder inside the ipod? [01:13:07] defendor: python emcore.py [01:13:12] to see the available commands [01:13:19] there are lots of them [01:14:05] but its giving me an error with rmdir https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5095247 [01:14:44] hmmm [01:15:06] * user890104 needs to have a look at the source code to identify the error [01:15:19] i need to remove that folder because its causing the copy to fail [01:19:26] dir_remove seems to work only on empty directories [01:19:49] so how can i remove that folder? [01:20:05] rmtree? [01:20:27] yes, exactly [01:20:52] so can do rmtree /MUSIC?Bastille is that going to remove just Bastille or the entire tree [01:21:21] MUSIC/Bastille [01:22:28] only the last folder in the path, not the entire tree [01:22:47] error again https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5095323 [01:23:09] reboot the ipod, then enter emcore console again [01:23:19] and rerun the rmtree command [01:43:17] still getting error https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5095447 [01:44:50] this one if the source of the problem /MUSIC/Bastille/Bastille - Bad Blood (The Extended Cut) [01:47:15] looks like the files inside that folder are deleted, but the folder isnt deleting [01:49:53] extremely long filenames could cause issues, there is a limit on the length our tools support [01:51:52] can you do: python emcore.py ls /MUSIC/Bastille [01:52:41] i'm going to sleep, i hope there's someone else online, who can help you [01:52:56] ya here https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5095504 [01:54:05] if you already have a backup of all your data on the ipod, why don't you just format it? [01:54:32] menu - Tools - Format data partition [01:54:53] does that delete all the music files [01:55:09] it deletes all files on the visible hard disk partition [01:55:17] ok thanks [01:55:53] then just extract a rockbox installation, and copy your music back on the ipod [01:56:02] and make sure you have a backup of the music this time :) [01:56:14] yeah :P [03:31:37] alright so because of the Bastille folder my gettree would stop halwAy so i copied the folders one by one. all good now. got most of my music back. [03:32:10] *** Parts: defendor (~defendor@ ("Leaving") [03:32:30] <[Saint]> unfortunately there's no way of knowing whether or not the files are actually intact ;) [03:32:49] <[Saint]> Oh. ...meh. I'm sure he'll figure it out the hard way. [04:35:48] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@ [04:49:38] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:50:14] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [05:39:44] *** Joins: Zaakth (189776fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:40:40] Alright, so I got as far as putting my iPod into DFU mode. It shuts off and all is well. But the recovery driver thing doesn't connect like it should. [05:41:12] <[Saint]> DFU mode != Off, but, to you, I guess it appears that way. [05:41:44] I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to this stuff. I've never tried something like this before. [05:42:02] <[Saint]> Try: New USB port; New cable; New OS, in that order. [05:42:15] <[Saint]> Do not use any front USB ports, or USB 3.0 [05:43:20] Well, I've only got two and I've tried both. Think a fancy USB extender thingy might help? [05:43:40] <[Saint]> I doubt it. [05:43:55] <[Saint]> I'd have a go with a unix liveCD. [05:45:15] And that does what now? [05:48:52] I went into the driver properties for the cable itself. Apple Recovery DFU USB Driver is on the list. [05:48:57] In fact, it's the only thing on the list. [05:49:10] <[Saint]> Installation is a lot more straightforward with a unix-like system. [05:49:18] <[Saint]> No fucking around with Itunes. [05:49:28] Under details as the description. [05:50:27] Any particular one you'd recommend? [06:00:53] *** Quits: Zaakth (189776fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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