[02:11:18] *** [Saint] is now known as [Saint_] [02:11:21] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [04:41:00] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:09:07] *** Joins: angrysquare (~angrysqua@ [06:10:30] Anyone here? I'm having trouble restoring the firmware on an 80GB Ipod Classic. I can't restore it through DFU mode like the uninstall guide on the wiki suggests. [06:12:07] <[Saint]> I assume you used the "with itunes" method to install emCORE/Rockbox, yes? [06:12:48] <[Saint]> In which case, I'm guessing you never restored the drivers to their original form afterward, in which case, re-installing iTunes should suffice. [06:13:29] * [Saint] does note that this makes a few assumptions [06:13:46] <[Saint]> ...however, the amount of times I deal with this leaves me covering my bases from the get-go. [06:15:43] Yeah, it look like I used the itunes method. Sorry, I did emCore a while ago, so I had to check what files I had. The fact that I used "bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe" is indicative of the itunes method, right? [06:16:02] <[Saint]> it is, yes. [06:16:09] <[Saint]> re-install iTunes, and all will be golden. [06:16:17] <[Saint]> well - kinda. [06:16:34] <[Saint]> You'll need to source a ~9.2.1 version of iTunes [06:16:38] Okay, the thing is that when I DFU into itunes, it says it "can't connect to the update server" [06:16:46] I am using 9.2.1 as recommended on the wiki [06:16:57] Should I go lower, maybe? [06:17:25] <[Saint]> Hmmmm...I'm not sure what is happening there. [06:17:45] <[Saint]> I would hope Apple hasn't locked out older iTunes versions, that would suck. [06:17:56] * [Saint] prods TheSeven [06:18:00] Yeah it says "The iPod software update server could not be contacted." [06:18:46] <[Saint]> This was known to work ~1 month ago or so, perhaps they are just having issues. [06:19:29] It might be my internet connection for some bizarre reason - massive googling gave me some people with the same issue who resolved it simply by attempting the restoration on a different network. [06:19:34] <[Saint]> We noticed that the recent iTunes versions were refusing to restore an emCORE'ed iPod, and I don't know why, nor do I have the ability to reverse it. [06:20:30] But yeah basically, I want to revert back to the Ipod OS because I just got a new car, and the stereo head unit doesn't recognize Rockbox :( [06:20:56] <[Saint]> Aha, yes. A common flaw. [06:21:17] <[Saint]> For some reason car stereos seem to assume that anything that connects over USB is going to be an iPod :-S [06:21:31] I suppose I could just get over it and use an Aux cable, but I want to have actual interface with it :P [06:21:36] <[Saint]> removable storage doesn't exist, apparently :) [06:21:45] Especially since I have those fancy controls on my steering wheel [06:22:57] I guess I'll try loading up iTunes 8, and see if that works. [06:24:45] <[Saint]> does itunes detect the iPod? [06:25:10] <[Saint]> If so, you could dounload the .ipsw and simply hold shift while attempting the restore. [06:25:18] <[Saint]> this will prompt to restore from a local file. [06:25:38] Presumably - It detects it to the point where when I plug it in, it immediately gives me the "Ipod software update server could not be contacted" error. [06:25:57] So it knows I plugged it in, just immediately goes into error mode [06:26:03] <[Saint]> Hum :-S [06:26:23] <[Saint]> Damn, I thought I found a side-step, nevermind. [06:26:28] Haha [06:28:20] Well it throws the same error in iTunes 8 [06:28:24] Weird [06:29:41] <[Saint]> ...possibly this? http://rmp135.posterous.com/solve-itunes-update-server-cannot-be-reached [06:30:15] <[Saint]> there's a metric crap-tonne of similar posts on teh infowebs. [06:31:58] Yeah I did the HOSTS file edit to no avail [06:32:20] <[Saint]> Its highly possible their server fell over. [06:32:24] <[Saint]> Unlikely, but possible. [06:32:33] I was about to say that, I can't tracert to gs.apple.com [06:32:40] times out on the 11th hop [06:33:42] Can you reach that domain? Or am I just crazy? [06:34:27] <[Saint]> Hum, nope. I can't. [06:35:11] Well. [06:35:19] Interesting, to say the least [06:35:40] I wonder what update servers Apple is using, then. [06:38:06] <[Saint]> Hum - that one got there in the end: http://pastebin.com/3sVGhpL6 [06:38:18] <[Saint]> ping times are disgusting, though. [06:38:28] What the hell. [06:39:47] At any rate, the latency is bad enough that iTunes doesn't even try. [06:40:46] * [Saint] really loves that gs.apple.com goes to a generic server placeholder page. [06:41:05] Well it probably wasn't designed to be a webserver. [06:41:08] <[Saint]> Cupertine, plz, stahhhp. [06:41:34] http://www.saurik.com/id/12#howto [06:41:35] OH SHIT [06:41:37] SAVIOR [06:41:50] Bro over here made his own mirror apparently [06:43:27] My excitement was short lived [06:43:30] Damn [06:43:40] <[Saint]> and iOS stuffs I guess? [06:43:48] <[Saint]> s/and/only/ [06:43:59] yeah I didn't read into that part haha [06:44:09] I had tunnel vision of hope and despair [06:46:23] I guess it's really just a connection-state issue; I'll have to update it from a network that can actually reach their update server. for starters. [06:47:09] <[Saint]> While they make nice hardware, their servers are apparently crafted from cans and hot glue. [06:47:53] Yeah, seriously. I'm not crying over it too much because I got this thing as a gift in 2007. But I still don't want to have to buy another one. [06:48:19] Especially over something as dumb as "Apple took their servers offline, so I am fucked" [06:50:19] <[Saint]> Well, I'm assuming it isn't a permanent thing. [06:50:23] <[Saint]> Assuming, and hoping. [06:50:44] Yeah, Google yields a bunch of recent complaints about it, from this year, even. [06:54:29] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:54:36] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:55:03] I can't even reach that domain in my browser [06:55:44] <[Saint]> Weird. Yet, you obviously have /some/ internets. [06:55:52] Yeah. [06:55:58] <[Saint]> "Have you tried resetting your modem?" :P [06:56:15] Haha. [06:56:20] No, actually. [06:59:29] Is there any way to restore iPod firmware without iTunes? [07:00:07] <[Saint]> Possibly, but [7] is the man to talk to there. [07:00:19] <[Saint]> ANd timezones may mean he isn't around presently. [07:06:30] Well on a positive note, it looks like Windows managed to install the DFU driver correctly [07:06:38] But still no luck on gs.apple [07:13:32] Okay this is legitimately bizarre. I can reach gs.apple.com in a browser, but I cannot ping or tracert it, nor can iTunes contact it. [07:14:54] <[Saint]> http://pastebin.com/CqAm8cjQ [07:15:48] BRB I'm jumping off the balcony, you can have my pseudo-bricked ipod [07:23:15] I'm probably going to just keep my iPod Rockboxed, then just put music on a separate USB drive for my car. This shit is driving me crazy. [07:23:52] <[Saint]> Oh man...I really don't wanna do this... [07:23:55] <[Saint]> *sigh* [07:24:00] <[Saint]> .. [07:24:15] Do what? [07:24:17] <[Saint]> Your head unit almost certainly won;t accept another form of removable storage either. [07:24:24] No it does. [07:24:29] <[Saint]> If it did, it would be fine with the iPod as-is. [07:24:39] <[Saint]> Wait...wha? [07:25:13] It has a USB port that can interface with a 30pin Ipod connection, or a 32GB FAT32 volume. [07:25:15] <[Saint]> A Rockbox'ed iPod presents just the same as any other removable storage device - or should - ...that's just messed up. [07:25:32] Yeah if the ipod was 32GB or less, it would probably show up. [07:25:43] <[Saint]> Curious. [07:26:07] <[Saint]> I haven't seen that odd limit before. Silly "FAT32 can only be 32GB or less" bullshittery. [07:26:21] Yeah so I'm just going to load a shitload of music on a 32GB flash drive, and just park that in my car and call it a day. [07:26:58] <[Saint]> Well, thank FSM for small graces. [07:27:06] <[Saint]> I was really worried about ruining your day further. [07:27:45] Haha, no. I know for a fact it will take plain jane USB drives up to a certain capacity. [07:31:30] *** Joins: trollin420 (~chatzilla@user-0c6s742.cable.mindspring.com) [07:32:07] To be honest, I'm kind of "over" iPods. I got it as a gift from my parents back in high school, but I would never pay $250 bucks for one of these things. [07:32:26] I'll take a Sansa that I can toss a 32GB SDHC in, any day of the week. [07:33:00] <[Saint]> The thing with them is that they: A - feel like a happy-meal toy, and B: break if you look at them wrong. [07:33:10] <[Saint]> (my opinion of course) [07:33:22] Well this one stood up pretty well, really just because I took care of it. [07:34:02] hey saint and angry [07:34:09] Hallo [07:35:06] man im with u i just got an ipod classic as a gift, and not a huge apple or itune fan [07:35:42] first ipod ive owned [07:36:12] If you're not going to Rockbox it, I'd at least recommend using WinAmp to manage your iPod instead of iTunes. [07:37:01] <[Saint]> And if you are: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFU [07:37:07] thats actually why i came to chat Im having troubles erasing the apple firmware. [07:37:37] its the latest generation ipod classic i know technically rockbox wasnt designed for them [07:37:47] <[Saint]> Can you elaborate on that? [07:38:27] <[Saint]> That's also incorrect - Rockbox is perfectly functional on the Classic. [07:38:39] <[Saint]> and hence "designed for them". [07:39:02] sure Im on windows 7 64 bit, and this is a 160 gb ipod classic, I used this guide http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic [07:39:25] thats cool i wanna use flac audio files as i got quite a few id love to get rockbox working [07:39:44] <[Saint]> WHat is the part you're having trouble with? [07:39:48] anyway i chose install driver manually [07:40:26] and its not installing the driver correctly, the dfu, its saying incorrect parameter [07:41:29] * [Saint] has little experience with the "no itunes" method. [07:41:40] oh [07:42:09] well then after that frustrated me a bit i installed itunes but im alittle confused from there [07:42:56] <[Saint]> just start from http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes [07:44:22] yea i was using that guide whenever i power down the ipod it doesnt show the Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver, i think last night it was just showing apple mobile device support or something on my drivers list from device manager [07:45:43] <[Saint]> since you previously used the no itunes method, the wrong driver is possibly being used. [07:45:50] this is my first ipod maybe i didnt hold the buttons right to put in dfu mode, so im correct its the top "menu" button and the center button you hold right? [07:45:59] oh i see [07:46:03] <[Saint]> if a device does show up when the iPod is detected, select it and uninstall/roll back the driver. [07:46:19] ok 10-4 [07:46:44] <[Saint]> and, yes, http://youtu.be/Y_bIDtBohnE <-- this video will show you (with onscreen instructions) how to enter DFU mode. [07:48:07] thanks ill plug it in after a smoke and ill come back if your still here let you know after i roll back the driver.... and thanks for the tips! [07:50:48] [Saint] thanks for your assistance. Have a good one. :) [07:51:08] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [07:51:09] <[Saint]> You too. [07:51:11] <[Saint]> o/ [07:51:23] *** Quits: angrysquare (~angrysqua@ (Quit: Leaving) [08:03:27] saint you there? [08:03:36] <[Saint]> Yeppers. [08:05:16] hey i connected ipod and held buttons and in my device manager i get a entry called "freemyipod.org" and under that "usb dfu device" with the roll back driver option greyed out [08:05:39] <[Saint]> And no option to uninstall? [08:06:09] <[Saint]> That's definitely using the wrong driver for the itunes method, as I suspected. [08:06:09] yes ill try that [08:06:22] k [08:06:42] <[Saint]> roll back probably only exists if it actually had a driver previously, which I guess it didn't. [08:06:51] <[Saint]> makes some sense :) [08:07:00] yea thanks bro [08:12:57] after uninstalling that driver and turning ipod back on, i believe its seeing the ipod normally(itunes recognizes it) should I try again to enter DFU mode using the guide and ending the processes and everything in task manager? [08:14:18] <[Saint]> Yeppers. [08:14:37] k [08:14:56] <[Saint]> close itunes, and kill anything in the task manager that relates to apple. [08:15:52] ok yea in the guide it doesnt mention ipodservice.exe [08:16:28] <[Saint]> Hum, thanks, I'll add that to my 'shit to do at some point in the near future" list. [08:17:01] lol k [08:17:48] the applemobiledevice keeps popping up in task manager after ending the process [08:18:46] trying "end process tree" [08:19:12] <[Saint]> Odd, as far as I'm aware it should stay dead. [08:20:41] it gives me like a 2 minute window before it pops up again, perhaps i can get it to work before it relaunches itself [08:22:07] would stopping it from running in the 'services' tab work you think? [08:22:46] <[Saint]> possibly, yes. [08:23:16] k [08:24:33] now my ipod should still be visible as normal in windows device manager at this point? [08:25:04] <[Saint]> yes. [08:25:36] cool thanks, i think i should be all set, give it a try here [08:29:20] under 'other devices' heading in device manager i have 'usb dfu device', under device status it says this 'The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) [08:29:21] There is no driver selected for the device information set or element. [08:29:23] To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.' [08:31:32] * [Saint] has another go at poking [7] and/or user890104 [08:35:29] have you encountered anyone with this issue before? [08:36:46] <[Saint]> Not personally, no. Perhaps the ipodservice.exe is necessary - but at this point, I'm bascially pulling suggestions out of my arse. [08:38:33] well thanks man, appreciate your time. At least i know a little more now. [08:44:30] hey saint, i noticed when i open itunes it says "the registry settings used by itunes drivers for importing and burning cds and dvds are missing. This can happen as a result of installing other cd burning software. Please reinstall itunes." lol forgot to mention that but last night i did reinstall itunes and after reinstalling i got the same message. im just be patient.... lol do some more... [08:44:32] ...research. you hear of anybody getting that message from itunes? [08:45:36] <[Saint]> No, sorry, no idea what is going on there. The only thing I've evr used iTunes for is restoring iDevices. [08:51:44] could i pose my question to the mailing list perhaps? [08:55:39] <[Saint]> Certainly, it couldn't hurt. [08:56:14] <[Saint]> If you can, I would advise sitting around in here overnight or so - even if you're not actually present, and you'll likely get a response from [7] [08:57:30] cool bro ill probably be up a few more hours should i pm him or he just read our convo? [08:58:29] <[Saint]> He's been highlighted, so, he should see it when he comes online. [08:58:36] <[Saint]> or wakes up, whatever. [08:59:51] aight, yea u know it could be my registry but im able to transfer songs from my pc to the ipod using itunes, so bit if a quandry [12:14:22] trollin420: can you go to Update driver, then search for the apple's one from the list on one of the next pages? [13:05:30] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:05:38] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [18:09:41] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht_ (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [18:10:36] *** Joins: trollin420_ (~chatzilla@user-0c6s742.cable.mindspring.com) [18:13:44] *** Quits: trollin420 (~chatzilla@user-0c6s742.cable.mindspring.com) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:13:50] *** trollin420_ is now known as trollin420 [21:17:00] *** Joins: andrei0635 (0252b74b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:17:19] hello everyone, anyone minds helping me? [21:18:05] i just put my ipod with the bootloader but when i'm on rockbox (without .rockbox folder) my ipod simply isnt recognized by windows [21:19:42] so i can't put the folder and my music [21:19:57] i can connect to windws in dfu mode but other than that nothing [21:22:11] <[7]> it doesn't even show up in the device manager? [21:22:44] it shows there, i tried to uninstall and install [21:22:49] and i even restarted [21:26:50] any tips? [21:29:38] under portable devices the E:\ has an exclamation point [21:42:25] should i go back for original firmware? [21:45:43] <[7]> we do know about some problems with USB3 ports - are you by any chance using one? [21:46:01] no, i am not using usb3 [21:46:28] i tried connecting the ipod on windows 7 and linux mint [21:46:32] 2 pc's [21:46:43] i couldn't connect in neither [21:52:36] it connects top-notch when restoring ;) [22:02:40] i just restored it and it's working fine, should i bother to try again rockboxing it? [22:06:52] andrei0635: if you want to use rockbox, then give it a try - you can always restore it in DFU mode if you change your mind later [22:07:36] i tried using rockbox but i have an 7th gen ipod classic so there's no way i can use it except for the freemyipod software [22:07:47] but i can't seem to connect my ipod to any pc after using the tool [22:11:56] which OS are you using? [22:12:02] <[7]> but uploading the installer through umsboot worked? [22:12:11] <[7]> that's interesting, because both essentially use the same usb driver [22:15:50] to connect i used windows 7 [22:16:05] and after using the bootloader i tried windows 7 + linux mint [22:16:18] neither worked on 2 machines [22:18:30] ill try again after i have a full charge of battery [23:12:02] *** Quits: trollin420 (~chatzilla@user-0c6s742.cable.mindspring.com) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [23:28:24] *** user890104 is now known as Slackware [23:28:29] *** Slackware is now known as user890104 [23:39:35] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint]