[00:05:23] can you walk me through this installation of my ipod classic 6G? [00:14:17] Well, there's a step by step walkthrough here: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation . Aside from pointing you there, I personally can probably not help you. [00:17:39] Yes! thats were im at, but when I got the black screen on the ipod my computer never asked me for a driver. [00:19:00] ipod still plugged in but no device is shown anymore either. [00:19:54] In order for anyone to be able to help, it would be good to detail your environment :) (e.g. Win/Linux, iTunes or not) [00:20:53] sorry im on windows xp with no itunes installed. [00:23:36] downloaded win usb driver.zip and bootstrap ipod classic.exe to my desktop already. [00:26:43] Has iTunes been installed before? And, does that device show up in device manager (it's not a drive that would show up in explorer)? [00:29:59] i think itunes was on this computer before but then it was removed..it´s my friends old computer and the whole thing is in German! so please bear with me. [00:32:38] i dont see it any more after i `blacked out` the ipod! unless im looking in the wrong place cause i don´t speak much german but i can´t find it. [00:33:18] device manager is "geräte-manager" found in the "systemsteuerung". That device is probably listed below USB-Controller, but that's only how it's for me on vista [00:33:57] (and I can't compare to a XP box right now) [00:36:10] im looking now too [00:43:28] ok found it! now i see USB-controller [00:45:13] then apple mobile device USB Driver [00:46:15] Is that the *exact* name? That's to my knowledge the iTunes driver. [00:48:09] or at least the ipod not being in dfu mode [00:50:36] yes when i click it i get 3 options- update driver, deinstall, and deactivate. [00:53:48] should i click update driver? [00:54:17] Hmm, I might have been wrong about the two last statements. Those options should enable you to point it to the right driver, provided that it actually is in dfu mode . [00:55:59] can you tell me what dfu mode is? im new to all this [00:57:05] i can say my ipod does not respond when i press buttons anymore [00:57:42] not even the apple comes on the screen [01:01:00] It's D(evice)F(irmware)U(pgrade) mode, which is (ab)used to execute custom code [01:03:28] That reaction seems correct to me. So either point it at the other driver or go the iTunes way. [01:05:07] (It leaves that mode by doing a reset, i.e. holding menu+select until the apple logo shows up; you might need to toggle the hold switch before) [01:09:34] I'll be away now, though. Currently, there's noone actively involved in this project (and although the topic says so, the channel currently is not logged), so for more support you might need to be patient (people whp could help are in europe AFAIK). [01:10:30] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [01:10:42] ok thanks [01:51:39] *** Quits: img (543e7ae4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [01:52:37] *** Quits: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@46-236-107-233.customer.t3.se) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [01:54:22] *** Joins: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@46-236-107-233.customer.t3.se) [02:21:37] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (*.net *.split) [02:21:37] *** Quits: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@46-236-107-233.customer.t3.se) (*.net *.split) [02:21:39] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (*.net *.split) [02:21:41] *** Quits: ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 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I had emCORE installed on my nano2g and at some point, a lot of time ago, I updated to the r859 release and the screen worked fine. [13:39:26] Then one day I let the battery fully discharge on accident (Rockbox hang and I didn't notice, because the ipod looked like it was turned off). When I connected the charger, the screen wouldn't initialize properly [13:41:06] again, this was a lot of time ago (maybe more than one year) and since then I've used emCORE in "blind mode". Of course it's almost impossible to do anything but launch Rockbox (pressing select), launching the USB disk mode (a quarter of turn to the right) and turning off the iPod (turning the clickwheel to the left) [13:42:34] My question is, since r859 worked fine at first, why has it stopped initializing the display correctly after that battery discharge? [13:42:43] and would there be a way to make it initialize the display correctly again (e.g. by uninstalling emCORE and installing it back again)? [13:43:18] I already tried uninstalling emCORE (I didn't delete the firmware partition) but when uninstalling it just keeps going back to the emCORE welcome screen. [13:43:49] would restoring with iTunes get rid of emCORE and put the iPod in a clean state so I can reinstall emCORE, Rockbox et. al. again? [14:33:36] gbl08ma: does the screen show anything and just the backlight is off, or the screen is off and just the backlight is on, or both? [14:33:57] also, what happens when you launch rockbox? does the screen/backlight work there? [14:35:54] The backlight turns on. The screen and backlight work fine in Rockbox. [14:36:28] When I turn on the iPod, I see the "emCore version " blah blah message. but then this image freezes [14:36:38] then the screen progressively goes white [14:37:05] if I launch the OF, it doesn't initialize the screen either, because it expects the bootloader to have it initialized already [14:37:38] previously, when it initialized the screen fine, the screen only came white when I connected the USB [14:38:09] now it becomes white/light grey (with some vertical stripes) even without USB connected [14:41:45] these vertical stripes are barely distinguishable from the grey, they are not black [15:37:44] that looks like something shuts off the lcd controller [15:38:10] so that happened previously when connecting USB? [15:38:13] never seen that... [15:38:40] my guess would be that we're driving the LCD interface a bit too aggressively (we're probably quite a bit out of spec to achieve those 100+ FPS on this thing) [15:39:12] and it probably gets some command wrong due to interference from USB or whatever [15:39:56] it might be worth a try to compile an emcore build with a slightly less aggressive LCD timing and update to that [15:51:07] TheSeven: well I wouldn't mind helping debug it, the problem is updating to a new emcore build with the screen in this state [15:51:22] anyway, as I can enter the USB mode, one can work from there, right? [15:56:50] gbl08ma: yes, you don't need the screen for updating/uninstalling/booting custom image, as long as usb works [16:22:25] SVN revision 867 has changes to nano2g's lcd.c, with the message "emCORE: fix an annoying LCD DMA bug, thanks to TheSeven". I wonder if this offers any advantage over r859 when it comes to the display problem? [16:23:21] it just takes care of 8 garbage pixels in the top left corner [16:30:52] I have these garbage pixels. they are kept there as the screen washes away... [16:47:13] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-72-66-124-83.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [17:10:07] well, when I try to push another bootloader binary to the ipod with ipodpatcher, it just reboots into emcore again [17:10:30] should I restore with itunes first, or use a flag other than -a when running ipodpatcher? [17:11:13] should I use -d first to delete the existing bootloader? [17:11:51] emcore's uninstall instructions tell me to go to some entry in the tools menu, which for me is impossible because of the screen issue [17:12:44] you should be able to click on those by their position [17:12:57] or you can start the uninstaller through the usb interface [17:14:27] first remove the installer using ipodpatcher -d [17:14:32] then do this in the emcore menu: scroll all the way to the right/bottom, select, scroll all the way to the right/bottom, menu, select [17:14:43] possibly another select at the end [17:14:52] ok, will try that [17:15:37] so it is safe to unplug the ipod when after running ipodpatcher -d? I thought that would leave the device without bootloader [17:15:46] but maybe it just brings back Apple's bootloader? [17:16:29] no, it doesn't affect the bootloader at all [17:16:42] on installation, we just swap apple's main firmware image for our installer [17:16:46] and now I know why I just kept resintalling emcore when I wanted to remove it... it was because the installer was still there [17:16:47] and with -d we swap that back [17:17:08] yeah, I figured it must be that way because ipodpatcher says "OSBK image renamed to OSOS - bootloader uninstalled." [17:17:51] ok, apple on screen. [17:18:06] and there we have the original firmware [17:19:04] so now it's a matter of running ipodpatcher -a with the emcore installer? [17:20:21] ok. it goes to a white screen. meaning the installer doesn't initialize the LCD correctly [17:20:42] if I still remember this right, the installer is showing the license text or something like that, right? [17:21:34] yes [17:22:01] just press menu+select to quit it, then immediately select+play for disk mode, and run ipodpatcher -d to get rid of it again [17:22:08] and what keys should I press? I'd like to finish the installation so I can go into USB mode again and install iLoader instead of emCore [17:22:18] ah. [17:24:23] iLoader initializes the screen right. [17:25:10] but emcore is probably so much better... [17:38:39] I'll just install the fastboot version and forget about it [17:44:45] thanks for your help! [17:44:51] *** Quits: gbl08ma (bc8c5b96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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