[02:22:59] *** Joins: C-Strong (3f9b38ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:25:59] Hey, I have an iPod Classic 160 gig model that has rockbox on it. For some reason, the battery life on my iPod quickly drains when I listen to my music for a short time. Sometimes, the firmware glitches telling me that the battery died, but in reality, it hasn't. The firmware just shuts off. Is there any way to fix the battery problem so I can listen to music for a long period of time without having to keep plugging [02:29:47] <[Saint]> Your battery is bad, probably. [02:30:03] <[Saint]> There's no "fix" for that, save buying a new one. [02:35:49] It works fine with Apple's firmware, it's just the Rockbox firmware that it has this glitch. Are you sure it's still a bad battery. [02:36:16] <[Saint]> The way Rockbox detects the battery - I'm unsure how it could not be. [02:36:44] <[Saint]> Rockbox decides the battery is too low when the voltage drops past X, so, the battery voltage must drop below X. [02:37:11] I see. Thanks for letting me know that. [02:37:29] possibly related to voltage dips during hdd spinup? [02:37:47] IIRC rockbox doesn't even measure the voltage during those, but maybe that has changed [02:37:52] <[Saint]> It may be that Apple has a smaller buffer for safety than we (Rockbox) do? [02:38:09] <[Saint]> Or, it may be they simply don't care, since the unit will charge when completely powered down. [02:38:25] but if it shuts off the "hard" way (without a shutting down screen), then it was the hardware that just couldn't supply enough power [02:39:34] <[Saint]> AH - yes - that's important. If it "just dies", something is quite wrong. If Rockbox shuts down with the battery low splash, then you've hit the point where we decide it is unsafe to shutdown and still write out to disk. [02:41:20] It just reboots itself and when it comes back up to the boot menu, the battery logo appears empty. I then turn it off, wait a few minutes, then it's fine again. [02:41:53] <[Saint]> That /really/ sounds like a bad battery. [02:42:34] <[Saint]> sudden (catastrophic) loss of voltage. [02:42:54] <[Saint]> ...which apparently crepps back up after a while if left to its own devices. [02:42:58] <[Saint]> *creeps [02:43:05] <[Saint]> ...batteries shouldn;t do this :) [02:43:55] <[Saint]> Is there any event in particular that coincides with the sudden reboot? [02:44:08] <[Saint]> HDD spinup, excessive UI use? [02:47:33] *** Quits: C-Strong (3f9b38ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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[07:19:24] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [11:45:32] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [12:38:20] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [12:39:30] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [12:54:15] *** Quits: Artefact2 (~Artefact2@unaffiliated/artefact2) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [12:54:46] *** Joins: Artefact2 (~Artefact2@unaffiliated/artefact2) [12:57:35] *** Joins: tratliff4 (~tratliff4@173-81-245-236-pkvl.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net) [12:58:46] Hello, iPod Classic 120 GB. UMSboot v0.1.0 r674 not showing up as a storage device [13:00:41] also, Running Windows 8 Pro, Newest installation of iTunes [13:01:15] *** Parts: tratliff4 (~tratliff4@173-81-245-236-pkvl.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net) () [14:01:56] 34 seconds ... awesome! 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