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You can't touch this, you can't touch this. Break it down. Stop, reboot time.) 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My iPod classic case had a huge crack over the screen, so yesterday I decided to replace it. However, something must have gone wrong. It doesn't boot, it goes directly to DFU-mode. I tried doing the emcore installation from there, but I only get to "*PANIC* Boot flash contents are damaged! (No SYSCFG found)". Is there any chance at saving it in any way? [20:23:37] Replace the case, that is. [20:23:59] <[7]> looks like the boot flash chip is either broken or a pin is shorted out [20:25:01] A pin on the boot flash chip? I could take a look. Wich chip should I be looking for? [20:25:59] <[7]> http://www.freemyipod.org/w/images/d/df/Classic_1g_frt_a.png next to the number 5 [20:26:44] Thanks! [20:26:53] <[7]> so check for any e.g. pieces of case that could be contacting the board somewhere [20:41:28] Same error even without the case. I suppose it was worth a shot! 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