[03:44:03] *** Joins: Jesse__ (185de86c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:47:16] Hey. I'm using an iFlashed iPod Classic. Just tried installing EmCORE r859. Got all the way to the iPod screen "formatting." But then got an error: *PANIC* Error formatting hard drive: 80000004. What do I do? [03:47:46] Thanks, by the way, to anyone who is around right now! [04:11:59] Logging off for now. If someone still wants to help me, I can be reached at the following email address: jessestamm27@gmail.com. Thanks again, everyone! [04:12:13] *** Quits: Jesse__ (185de86c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:41:34] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:41:43] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:06:21] <[Saint_]> "If anyone wants to help me, waste *your* own time sending me an email chasing it up..." [08:06:30] <[Saint_]> *ahem* [08:06:39] <[Saint_]> Fuck. No. [08:06:48] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [08:13:32] *** Joins: Jesse__ (62b4ec01@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:17:52] New to rockboxing the iPod. Have an iFlashed iPod Classic with a SanDisk 128GB SDXC. Tried running EmCORE (r859) on it. Got an error about not being able to format the hard disk (error code 80000004). Any suggestions? [08:18:25] <[Saint]> WHat on earth is an "iFlashed" iPod? [08:19:27] Hey! I installed a SD card into the iPod in place of the HDD. [08:19:52] the product to mount the new drive is called iFlash. [08:20:07] <[Saint]> Ahhhh...right. It pays to be explicit, rather than inventing terms and expecting people to know what they mean. [08:21:00] No worries. Website: http://www.tarkan.info/20080115/tutorials/iflash-ipod-compact-flash-mk2 [08:22:01] So I haven't been able to find anybody else talking about this error on an iPod Classic running EmCORE. Not sure what to do. [08:23:15] <[Saint]> You likely won't, either. Small userbase, even smaller userbase for your product. [08:24:06] <[Saint]> The likely things here are: 1 - the adapter is crap, 2 - the disc is crap, 3 - you broke/shorted something in installation. [08:25:11] <[Saint]> Am I to assume it works correctly with iTunes firmware? [08:25:21] Okay. Thanks for chatting about it. Yes, I've been able to restore the SD card on iTunes. It can store files on it too. [08:25:26] <[Saint]> If there is a problem there also, there's little point in continuing. [08:25:37] <[Saint]> Hmmmm. [08:26:48] I can bring it out of the UMSboot mode, bring up the current iPod firmware, and sync to my PC (with Winamp). So the drive is working. [08:27:19] <[Saint]> Torne is looking at iPod Classic/SSD issues presently - which may be related, but as I understand it isn't having too much luck. [08:27:31] <[Saint]> If I recall, it fails in a similar way there too. [08:27:56] <[Saint]> There's not too much that can be done without a developer actually having the hardware in question. [08:28:37] Ha. Yeah, total bummer. Not sure if it is a compatibility issue with the SanDisk 128GB SDXC or something else. What do you think? [08:30:11] <[Saint]> I wouldn't expect so. [08:30:36] <[Saint]> If iTunes canb set up the disc, emCORE should be able to. [08:32:12] Well that's comforting to hear. Using Apple's GUI is okay, but was stoked to run Rockbox. Yeah, the error says "*PANIC* error formatting the hard disk 80000004" ? Should I pull the SD card and format it in windows or something? FAT32, NTFS [08:33:43] <[Saint]> I don't _think_ that would help (Rockbox only supports FAT btw), as if I recall the setup will restore the disc regardless. [08:34:18] <[Saint]> so, even if it was "pre-formatted" as far as I know, the installer will try to format it anyway. [08:34:38] * [Saint] idly prods [7] [08:35:45] When I first plugged the iPod into a PC after installing iFlash, Windows said I had to format the card. So I used exFAT. [08:36:21] <[Saint]> Well, that definitely won't work. But iTunes would take care of that. [08:38:46] Hmmm.... well, I think after the weekend I'll pop out the card and try formatting it differently (simply FAT for starters). I checked on the tarkan.info website and it said that this card was compatible. Really mystified. Should I come back to this forum to check in, or email someone with news? [08:39:27] <[Saint]> There's no need to try that really. If you're using it with iTunes, and no using a MAc, it *is* FAT formatted. [08:39:39] Oh, cool. [08:39:45] <[Saint]> there's only two options, HFS, and FAT. [08:40:29] <[Saint]> You might want to try posting on the Rockbox forums. forums.rockbox.org [08:42:48] Sure. But this error that I'm getting: is it because the rockbox.ipod file is missing, or something else? [08:43:06] Dumb question. [09:06:12] *** Quits: Jesse__ (62b4ec01@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [13:48:02] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:49:11] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [13:55:49] <[7]> that formatting error boils down to "cannot write to disk", so formatting it elsewhere won't help [13:56:08] <[7]> let me have a check what that error code actually means. i bet it's some kind of timing problem [14:22:54] <[7]> ok, it's an error while writing the superblock (first write request) [14:23:14] <[7]> with sub-errorcode 0x80000001 [14:25:00] <[7]> that in turn means ata_rw_chunk failed despite of 3 retries with sub-errorcode 0x80000000 [14:25:26] <[7]> those retries have soft resets in betewen [14:25:30] <[7]> between* [14:26:31] <[7]> ok, the root cause is "device did not raise RDY within 100ms [14:26:45] <[7]> before even accessing it [14:28:57] <[7]> I can't really tell if the device already failed to initialize before that [14:29:13] <[7]> but otherwise it should really have been ready in that state [14:54:03] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [14:54:44] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Disconnected by services) [14:54:49] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [16:27:18] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-108-45-27-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [16:30:29] *** Joins: nathan (70cc1f97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:30:52] *** nathan is now known as Guest10637 [16:32:37] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes i have tried the following procedure. the usb device Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver does not show on my pc [16:33:09] my ipod's screen is black and i think is in DFU mode [16:33:54] though it is not being detected by my pc [17:10:35] *** Joins: FlowingAway (4b88395e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:15:59] I have a ipod classic and when I try to flash back to the Apple firmware the Apple logo never appears, it only shows the grey emcore boot screen. Have I somehow erased something I wasn't supposed to? Can I fix this? [17:16:56] <[7]> Guest10637: if it isn't being detected by your PC, it isn't in DFU mode [17:17:06] <[7]> FlowingAway: did you restore with itunes through DFU mode? [17:18:52] That's what I'm trying to do. I hook it up to usb with iTunes installed, hold the select and menu button together but the only thing that happens is it reboots emcore over and over. The step where the Apple logo is displayed never happens [17:20:20] <[7]> you should connect to USB, press and hold menu + select for 12 seconds (you should have a black screen after that), and then fire up itunes, which should take care of the rest of the process [17:21:47] That's what I'm doing. But all that happens is emcore pops right back up. Almost instantly. I've tried it 100 times [17:22:11] <[7]> do exactly what I say: press and hold menu+select for 12 seconds, while the ipod is connected to usb [17:26:21] Goes straight back to emcore every time [17:38:33] <[7]> that just cannot be true [17:38:39] <[7]> seriously, count the seconds [17:38:53] <[7]> you need to press and hold the buttons for between 10 and 15 seconds for it to work [17:38:54] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [17:39:22] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [17:40:23] Haha I know it's nuts. I've held it for over a minutes before. It literally just reboots emcore over and over [17:40:56] <[7]> yes, it will do that, if you don't hit the 10-15 seconds window [17:41:10] <[7]> or if USB isn't connected [17:42:22] The screen cuts off and I can hear the hard drive doing something and I get excited it's finally gonna work, but then comes the grey emcore boot screen [17:42:45] <[7]> after exactly how many seconds of holding menu+select? [17:42:54] I never see the Apple logo [17:43:02] <[7]> you are not even supposed to see an apple logo [17:43:17] <[7]> you are supposed to see a black screen [17:43:44] On the directions it says after the black screen you should see an apple logo [17:43:59] <[7]> you'll see a boot screen of whatever is installed [17:44:05] <[7]> during initial installation that's an apple logo [17:44:11] <[7]> during uninstallation that's emcore [17:44:48] Ok that's what I'm seeing is the emcore boot screen [17:45:06] <[7]> yes. keep holding the buttons for 12 seconds. it will work. [17:45:53] With iTunes already open, right? [17:46:28] <[7]> shouldn't matter [17:54:13] *** Quits: FlowingAway (4b88395e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:19:10] *** Joins: FlowingAway (4b88395e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:20:03] Got booted. So what is supposed to happen when I hold the buttons for 12 seconds? I don't want to do it wrong [18:25:49] <[7]> you should have a black screen after that [18:26:07] <[7]> and you can't do much more wrong than you already have, you can't really break it that way [18:29:45] Haha actually it's still not working right. ITunes is recognizing it, but the ipod is still moving on to the emcore menu screen then shutting down before iTunes can download the recovery software [18:30:32] <[7]> this most likely means that you pressed the buttons for more than 15 seconds [18:32:01] <[7]> come on, you did it right during installation, you just must be capable of doing it again... [18:33:14] I know that's what's driving me nuts. I had zero issues during installation [18:38:59] Ok here's a new question. How do you get it out of DFU mode? [18:39:24] Or are you stuck going through with the recovery? [18:48:28] <[7]> by pressing and holding menu+select for between 5 and 10, or more than 15 seconds [18:51:43] *** Quits: Guest10637 (70cc1f97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:19:49] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-108-45-27-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:40:27] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-108-45-27-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [19:45:28] I think I'm stuck in DFU mode. I wanted to keep rockbox, just wanted to see how to do restore for the future. [20:12:50] <[7]> there's no way to get stuck in DFU mode [20:12:57] <[7]> you can always just reboot [20:13:03] <[7]> well, unless you flashed some garbage of course [20:16:43] I was in DFU mode and held menu + select for minutes at a time and it wouldn't respond [20:17:47] <[7]> well, the only situation that I could imagine where that would happen would be if you rebooted it in the middle of a bootloader restore [20:19:59] Maybe. I went ahead and restored through iTunes. Didn't want to but oh well. I appreciate you're helping me. I totally sounded like a newb. [20:22:14] <[7]> anyway, if you're in DFU now, you can go either way [20:22:34] <[7]> either restore using itunes, or re-run our bootstrapper and reinstall emcore [20:23:44] Well crap lol [20:51:12] Again, thanks for your help. [21:43:52] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-108-45-27-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:00:03] *** Quits: FlowingAway (4b88395e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:28:23] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-108-45-27-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net)