[00:02:50] ah, thn [00:02:51] x [02:01:37] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [03:04:30] *** Joins: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-71-163-23-42.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [04:52:37] *** Joins: sambrock (4a249d78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:54:56] Hi, I'm trying to install EmCore v0.2.3 r859. The EmCore boot menu pops up, and I accept the terms. However, a few seconds after accepting the terms, the screen shows "*PANIC* Error formatting hard drive: 8000000C". [04:55:15] I'm not quite sure what to do... [05:10:38] I'll check back in a bit, guys [06:32:28] *** Quits: cyb3rkn19ht (~cyb3rkn19@pool-71-163-23-42.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:52:52] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:53:02] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:05:46] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [11:00:20] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Quit: Leaving) [13:54:16] *** Joins: cesko (54dfefd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [13:58:13] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [14:07:38] *** Quits: cesko (54dfefd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [14:32:05] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [16:32:52] *** Joins: gelesztamas (50636f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:32:58] hi [16:34:51] *** Joins: Cosmo^ (~Freenode@ks3301831.kimsufi.com) [16:35:13] i have a problem with my ipod nano 2g [16:38:45] gelesztamas: what is the problem? [16:38:53] is it related to emCORE or iLoader? [16:39:17] first: my bad english :D [16:39:24] i have installed emcore [16:39:41] and rockbox [16:39:48] but i cant uninstall emcore [16:39:50] :( [16:40:19] when i turn on my ipod, it says "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" [16:40:29] and i cant do anything [16:41:11] sometimes, somehow, the rockbox starts, but i dont know, why [16:42:02] gelesztamas: while powering on the ipod, hold down PREV + NEXT buttons [16:42:12] ok [16:42:31] immediately after unlocking the hold switch, or if it's unlocked - just hold the buttons, that will power the ipod on [16:42:57] yeah, now the rockbox started [16:43:30] now what? [16:44:08] well, if you hold the buttons, it should send you to the boot menu [16:44:19] even if rockbox is set to auto-start [16:44:57] if you want to uninstall, go to the emCORE menu -> Tools -> Uninstall emCORE [16:45:05] wait [16:45:13] i'm still not in boot menu [16:46:50] does not work [16:47:41] i tried to reboot, and pressed the |<< and >>| buttons, but i cant enter the boot menu [16:48:49] can you try pressing just one of the buttons? [16:48:59] i don't remember what's the exact combo [16:49:01] no [16:49:09] [7]: can you help me with this? [16:49:24] sorry, no [16:50:21] i'm referring to TheSeven, who's also in the channel [16:50:59] he should get a notification since i mentioned his nickname [16:51:05] ok, i didn't noticed :) [16:51:45] are you a programmer? [16:53:12] i'm one of the emCORE developers, so yes [16:54:57] the project is based on ipod reverse engineering? [16:55:13] yes, it was called linux4nano some years ago [16:56:03] and you haven't any documentation about the HW and the SW? [17:02:28] well, in the first phase (while it was still an university project), there is some documentation [17:03:06] then, the developers started writing the code, and taking notes in the reverse engieered code (we use IDA Pro for RE) [17:03:30] and some of the hardware is documented on the wiki [17:03:47] *** Quits: sambrock (4a249d78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [17:03:56] also, there's a more detailed guide to iLoader for nano2g, which is now deprecated [17:03:57] its very cool, but the whole RE thing is very hard [17:04:05] yes, it is [17:04:44] i programming for several years in python and C [17:04:59] i have some experience in programming [17:05:18] i'm just 15, but i very interested in programming [17:06:03] anyway, the ipod still not work [17:06:23] but theres always a message after the startup, that i cant read [17:06:34] it disappears immediatly [17:06:35] can you explain what happens, after you hard-reset it (menu+select), then leaving it without touching anything? [17:06:54] that's emCORE Loader booting [17:07:12] it's a bootloader for emCORE, which allows recovering if something goes wrong [17:07:29] you can access it, by locking the HOLD switch, *immediately* after booting [17:07:55] or, if you want to do it this way, locking/unlocking the switch several times, very quickly [17:08:08] while the ipod is powered off [17:08:15] the first unlock will power on the ipod [17:08:34] then when you lock it, it will enter recovery mode, and you can access the loader via usb [17:08:49] if i hard-reset the ipod, the screen goes dark, and emcore booting screen appears [17:09:24] booting screen or boot menu? [17:09:35] is it just a blank screen, or you can see the icons? [17:09:44] i cant see any icons [17:10:06] it disappears quickly, and then "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" [17:11:49] have you skype? i can show you my ipod [17:11:59] so that will be a bit easier for you [17:13:18] hey [17:13:20] i got the message [17:13:35] emCORE Loader v0.2.0 r859 [17:13:43] Switch HOLD on for recovery [17:13:51] Entered recovery mode [17:13:55] Connect via USB [17:24:14] can you do this: http://freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Uploading_an_emCORE_installer [17:24:39] use the installer from Releases page, just reinstall the same version you have [17:29:29] ok [17:29:43] with ipodpatcher and the ipodx file? [17:35:45] no [17:35:58] you need the .ubi file [17:36:01] ok [17:36:05] then follow the instructions [17:36:24] at the poart where it says "Uploading an emCORE Installer" [17:37:07] i need emcoreldr.py? [17:45:21] yes, it's in the same folder as emcore.py [17:45:42] svn.freemyipod.org/emcore/trunk/tools [17:49:38] is it possible, that there is not module named "usb" in python? [17:57:55] *** Joins: sambrock (8be1c2aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:02:12] Hey, I was on last night. I'm getting the error "8000000C" when EmCore tries to re-format my iPod classic, 6th gen. Using emCORE r859. [18:13:28] *** Joins: ryuk (bc8d7ad4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:15:38] Hi all, just attempted to install bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes on an Ipod Classic 6g 160Gb. After ejecting device emCore installer is visible on screen, but device wheel/buttons are completely unresponsive. I cannot reconnect the device to format as I do not have emCore Degugger driver [18:17:51] Can anyone advice on a way of reconnecting the device so that I can perform a restore/reformat? [18:24:34] PLease disregard question, the standard reset (select/menu) has kicked the device back to Apple firmware. [18:30:28] *** Quits: ryuk (bc8d7ad4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [18:30:56] user 890104 are you still here? [18:42:04] *** Quits: gelesztamas (50636f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [18:51:16] *** Quits: sambrock (8be1c2aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [22:03:25] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [23:51:54] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)